How to make a symfony form with ajax added fields and DTO? - symfony-forms

In my view, I have a form that'll allow users to build their own car models. I have a field to choose car-parts and another field to add a color for it. For example, a user can choose "tire"=>"yellow". And there's a button to add new entries to the form.
For generating a form in the controller, I have read many articles on not to bind the entity directly to the form, instead use a DTO (data transfer object) to take care of the validation on the $request first. After a success validation may then have the DTO data pass to the entities.
On submit, my form is going to pass field names like "model_name", "part01", "color01", "part02", "color02" to the controller. From the symfony documentation it shows you how to make it works with the use of the "allow_add" option in the form builder. But here's the problem, that was based on the assumption that you're binding your form with the entities, but how about DTO? How do I put all those data into a DTO and tie it to the form and still able to do the validation?


Why are my dotnet 5.0 mvc form fields retaining their input values on post?

I have an dot net 5.0 mvc page which takes a model object (ClassFoo) which when constructed generates an instance of (classBar). ClassBar has various properties (FieldA, FieldB, FieldC) all are strings.
The Views content is all in a form and the form's input fields are all from ClassFoo.ClassBar's various properties. Initially, when the page is accessed, all form input values are empty. However when I put data into them and then submit the form, the form values are still there when the page loads. However I don't understand why this is because I'm explicitly creating a new model during the controller operation but I am not actually populating the Model.ClassBar with the content from the post before I return model to the View for generation.
What I would expect is that all of the form fields would be empty however that is not the case. I know if the form values are stored and restored automatically but I didn't think that happened in mvc.
After looking into ModelState recommended by Nick Albrech in the comments I reviewed the hint associated w/ the HtmlHelper.TextBoxFor() which states the following:
... Adds a "value" attribute to the element containing the first non-null value found in: the ActionContext.ModelState entry with full name, or the expression evaluated against ViewDataDictionary.Model. See [IHtmlHelper.NameFor] for more information about a "full name".
So effectively what's happening is similar to what I thought mvc wasn't doing in that it populates the ModelState from a get/post request with the name and values of the form being submitted. Then based on the use of these helper functions (and also asp-for attributes used in razor views views), it either provides values from the saved model state form values OR the model passed to the view. Note: this does not seem to work if you set the value of an input element = #Model.[someProperty]
The take away from this is that you do not necessarily need to update your model object with content from the previous form submit in order to have the page populate the form contents back to the screen. Allow mvc to do the manual tasks by making use of these razor helpers.
Shoutout to Nick for the assist on this one. A solid member of the stackOverflow community.

ASP.NET MVC List of Web Components in Model

I need to get dynamically a list of Web Controls from View to be used in the model(dropdownlists, inputs, checkboxes, ...). Is it possible? I generate the controls in Razor.
My application should store last values of all controls for each user into the database and use them as predefined values for the next call of the form.
Any advice would be appreciated.
I need to get dynamically a list of Web Controls from View to be used in the model
First of all, you're probably going to find MVC a lot easier to understand if you abandon terms like "web controls" and the like. Your view, which may not may not be utilizing helpers to do so, is simply building HTML. Nothing more.
But more to the point, what you're proposing is exactly the opposite of what MVC does. Your model should have no knowledge of the structure of the view. (inputs, selects, other form elements, etc.) The model contains the data and business logic necessary to render the view. The view then uses that data and logic to build its interface.
You can post the values from the resulting HTML form to a server-side action. Then from that action you can store those values in a database or do whatever you like with them. If the key/value pairs of those values can logically be structured into the form of a model then the action can accept that model as a parameter, if not then it can also just as easily accept parameters for each individual value. (Though if you find yourself using a lot of parameters it would be better to build a simple view model just to encapsulate them.)
The order of operations is something like:
A request is made to a controller action.
That controller action invokes logic on a model and provides that model to a view.
The view binds its UI elements to the model's data and renders the interface.
The user interacts with the interface and uses it to perform a request to another controller action.
That controller action receives the data from that request, performs server-side logic, etc.
and so on...

How to handle hidden fields in MVC forms?

I have a FormViewModel that handles different fields. Many of them have not to be presented to the user (such as modified_date, current_user_id) so I am using hidden fields to respect the FormViewModel structure. When submitted they are passed to the controller's action and correctly saved to the DB but I'm asking: is it the best way to do in ASPNET MVC? I would have preferred to define them in FormViewModel and using only the fields to be modified instead of showing also the non-modifiable as hidden fields.
Is there a better way to do it?
If these fields are not being touched by the user than I would do this;
Create a FormViewModel with only the fields that are relevant. Also the primary key.
The primary key still needs to be on the page me thinks.
Then in the controller you accept the FormViewModel as the argument, you then load the actual model and update, validate fields as required and save the model.
The above is simplistic and you'll have more layers but you should get the idea
I think you can do a few things to make your life a little easier:
Let the URL (and the routing mechanism) give you the id (the primary key of whatever you are trying to edit)
You can have a URL like '/Student/Edit/1' Routing will ensure that your Action method gets the id value directly.
Have 2 action methods to handle your request. One decorated with [HttpGet] to render the initial form to the user (where you just retrieve your object from the repository and pass it on to your View) and a [HttpPost] one to actually handle the post back from the user.
The second method could look something like:
public ActionResult EditPost(int id) {
...your code here...
Retrieve the actual record from the repository/store based on the id passed in.
Use the UpdateModel function to apply the changes to the database record and pass on the record back to your repository layer to store it back in the database.
However, in a real world application, you will probably want separation of concerns and decoupling between your repository and your view layer (ASP.NET MVC.)
If they are part of the model, the method you are using is perfectly fine. You even have a helper method in HtmlHelper.HiddenFor to output the hidden field for you. However, if the values are something like modified date or current user, you'd might be better suited passing those along from your controller to a DTO for your data layer. I'm making some assumptions about what you're doing for data access, though.
The risk with storing data which shouldn't be modified in hidden fields is that it can be modified using a browsers built in/extension developer tools. Upon post these changes will be saved to your database (if that's how you're handling the action).
To protect hidden fields you can use the MVC Security Extensions project
Say the field you want to protect is Id...
On you controller post method add:
Within your view add:
#Html.AntiModelInjectionFor(m => m.Id)
#Html.HiddenFor(m => m.Id)
On post your Id field will be validated.
Create a FormViewModel with only the fields that are relevant. Also the primary key.
The primary key still needs to be on the page me thinks.
Then in the controller you accept the FormViewModel as the argument, you then load the actual model and update, validate fields as required and save the model.
The above is simplistic and you'll have more layers but you should get the idea

ASP.NET MVC 2 AJAX dilemma: Lose Models concept or create unmanageable JavaScript

Ok, let's assume we are working with ASP.NET MVC 2 (latest and greatest preview) and we want to create AJAX user interface with jQuery. So what are our real options here?
Option 1 - Pass Json from the Controller to the view, and then the view submits Json back to the controller. This means (in the order given):
User opens some View (let's say - /Invoices/January) which has to visualize a list of data (e.g. <IEnumerable<X.Y.Z.Models.Invoice>>)
Controller retrieves the Model from the repository (assuming we are using repository pattern).
Controller creates a new instance of a class which we will serialize to Json. The reasaon we do this, is because the model may not be serializable (circular reference ftl)
Controller populates the soon-to-be-serialized class with data
Controller serializes the class to Json and passes it the view.
User does some change and submits the 'form'
The View submits back Json to the controller
The Controller now must 'manually' validate the input, because the Json passed does not bind to a Model
See, if our View is communicating to the controller via Json, we lose the Model validation, which IMHO is incredible disadvantage. In this case, forget about data annotations and stuff.
Option 2 - Ok, the alternative of the first approach is to pass the Models to the Views, which is the default behavior in the template when you start a new project.
We pass a strong typed model to the view
The view renders the appropriate html and javascript, sticking to the model property names. This is important!
The user submits the form. If we stick to the model names, when we .serialize() the form and submit it to the controller it will map to a model.
There is no Json mapping. The submitted form directly binds to a strongly typed model, hence, we can use the model validation. E.g. we keep the business logic where it should be.
Problem with this approach is, if we refactor some of the Models (change property names, types, etc), the javascript we wrote would become invalid. We will have to manually refactor the scripting and hope we don't miss something. There is no way you can test it either.
Ok, the question is - how to write an AJAX front end, which keeps the business logic validation in the model (e.g. controller passes and receives a Model type), but in the same time doesn't screw up the javascript and html when we refactor the model?
Stick with Option 2, but there are ways to test the code. You can use a web application testing tool like WatiN or Selenium to perform integration tests on your HTML pages. Also, FireUnit gives you the ability to unit test your JavaScript code (you'll need Firefox and Firebug in order to use it).
In the spirit of full disclosure, I haven't tried out MVC 2 yet. However, I've been using MVC 1 for some time now and have used these tools with some pretty good results.
Problem with this approach is, if we
refactor some of the Models (change
property names, types, etc), the
javascript we wrote would become
I dont see how changing a property of the model changes javascript-code. Usually you hijack the submit event of a form and submit it via ajax. No properies envolved, a long as you take option 2.
Changing properties might break your MVC - application, but thats not specific to ajax.

Using a dynamic list of checkboxes in a view, how to create the model

I have an asp mvc 2 app lication where I want to display a list of check boxes that a user can select, based on a list of records in a database. To display the list my model contains a List object and the view has a foreach, and outputs Html.CheckBox for each item in the list.
Is there a way to get the model populated with the selected checkboxes, given that the model can't have specific properties for each checkbox, because the list is dynamic? Or do I have to manually iterate through the forms variables myself?
Edit: Extra details as per sabanito's comment
So in a simple view/model scenario, if my model had a property called Property1, then my view outputted a Textbox for Property1, when the form is posted via a submit button, the mvc framework will automatically populate a model with Property1 containing the text that was entered into the textbox and pass that model to the Controllers action.
Because I am dealing with a dynamic list of options the user could check, I can't write explicit boolean properties in my model and explicitly create the checkboxes in my view. Given that my list is dynamic, I'm wondering if there are ways to create my model and view so that the mvc framework is able to populate the model correctly when the form is posted.
Here's what I would do:
Are you having any issues generating the checkbox's dynamically?
If not, create a property on your ViewModel that is a:
public List<string> CheckboxResults { get; set; }
When you generate your checkbox's in the view make sure they all share the name = "CheckboxResults". When MVC see's your ViewModel as a parameter on the action method it will automatically bind and put all the "CheckboxResults" results in the List (as well as your other ViewModel properties). Now you have a dynamic List based on which checkbox's your user checked that you can send to your DomainModel or wherever.
Pretty cool stuff. Let me know if you're having issues generating the checkbox's dynamically, that's kind of a seperate issue than model binding to a list.
Use a ViewModel that reflects your view exactly, and map your domain model(s) to the viewmodel.
At first it often seems appropriate to use domain models directly in the view, for no better reason than that they're simple to use. However, as the view gets more complex over time, you end up putting a TON of conditional logic in your view, and end up with spaghetti. To alleviate this, we typically create a ViewModel that correlates 1:1 with the view.
