iOS communication between to Child Controllers of Collection Controller - ios

I am currently developing an app for iOS written in Swift and built an interface with a UIPageViewController and two child view controllers so far.
Everything works fine, but at some points I trigger the PageViewController to set a different view controller. When this happens I want to pass data from one child to the other.
Now I know that one of the most asked iOS Dev questions is how to pass data between two UIViewControllers but my case is very specific and I could not find a similar question. I would appreciate links if I am wrong. Also I am not just looking for a solution because I found one myself. I am looking for the best one I know this is hard to judge, but at least I am looking for a better one than mine.
So I figured a way out, but I think it is not very elegant. So I am exchanging data through delegates. Basically I direct it from Child View Controller A to the PageViewController to the Child View Controller B via Delegation.
All that just works fine but I don’t know if this is the best way to go for or if there are other much better ways.
Thanks a lot for all your help.

What you did is probably the best way of doing it from all perspective but amount of code that is being used. Since your parent (page view controller) is responsible for all the work it is best to also channel all data it needs. Currently that is between 2 view controllers and later it might be between 3. You might also simply change these view controllers but preserve the protocols you use to retrieve the data.
But there is a big catch here. If a number of view controllers will grow then you might find yourself in an issue where previous view controllers are being deallocated (if this is not already going on) so at the end there is no way for view controller D to access view controller A simply because A no longer exists.
What the solution to these things is really depends but from your question I can assume you are passing some data from one view controller to another like onboarding where you are collecting user data through multiple screens. In such case it is best to have a class with all the data needed like:
class MyData {
var dataA: DataA?
var dataB: DataB?
var dataC: DataC?
Now the page controller is responsible to create such data and pass them to each of these view controllers that will use/modify the data. So in page view controller:
var myData: MyData = MyData()
func prepareViewControllerA() {
let controller: ViewControllerA...
controller.myData = myData
Now each of the view controllers will have its own property to access the same data object and modify it. You could also add a delegate to your class so page controller may listen to its events:
protocol MyDataDelegate: class {
func myData(_ sender: MyData, updatedA: DataA?)
func myData(_ sender: MyData, updatedB: DataB?)
func myData(_ sender: MyData, updatedC: DataC?)
func myDataAreFinalized(_ sender: MyData)
class MyData {
var dataA: DataA? {
didSet {
delegate?.myData(self, updatedA: dataA)
var dataB: DataB? {
didSet {
delegate?.myData(self, updatedB: dataB)
var dataC: DataC? {
didSet {
delegate?.myData(self, updatedC: dataC)
weak var delegate: MyDataDelegate?
func finalize() {
And now your page controller can use it:
var myData: MyData = {
let data = MyData()
data.delegate = self
return data
and delegates:
func myData(_ sender: MyData, updatedA: DataA?) {
func myData(_ sender: MyData, updatedB: DataB?) {
func myData(_ sender: MyData, updatedC: DataC?) {
func myDataAreFinalized(_ sender: MyData) {
dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)

There are several communication patterns and there is no best way to go for , it depends on what are you going to do, or how you implement it.
I suggest reading to this answer.


Pass data with segue Model View Presenter

I have three view controllers: HomeVC and HomeDetailsVC. The problem is that I want to pass data from HomeVC to HomeDetailsVC and later to ThirdVC with segues.
class HomeVC: UIViewController {
var homeData: [WorkoutModelInfo]= []
override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
if segue.identifier == "WorkoutDetailsViewController" {
if let homeDetailVC = segue.destination as? HomeDetailsVC {
guard let selectedIndex = sender as? Int else { return }
let titleInSender = homeData[selectedIndex].workoutName
homeDetailVC.presenter.convertData(homeData: home[selectedIndex])
class HomeDetailsPresenter: class {
var titleValue: String = ""
var workoutDetailsData = [HomeDetailsData]()
var dateOfWorkout: String = ""
func convertData(workoutModel: WorkoutModelInfo) {
var exercises = [ExerciseCellInNewWorkout]()
for row in 0..<workoutModel.exercises.count {
exercises.append(ExerciseCellInNewWorkout(opened: false, workoutModel:
workoutDetailsData = exercises
titleValue = workoutModel.workoutName
dateOfWorkout = workoutModel.workoutDate
class HomeDetailsVC: UIViewController {
lazy var presenter = HomeDetailsPresenter(homeDetailsPresenterDelegate: self)
override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
if let destinationVC = segue.destination as? ThirdVC {
destinationVC.workoutNameText = presenter.titleValue
destinationVC.workoutDateText = presenter.dateOfWorkout = presenter.workoutDetailsData
I have two questions to this issue:
Is correct to calling vc presenter (like in first class when I call homeDetailVC.presenter.convertData(homeData: home[selectedIndex])) during segue?
Using MVP pattern is correct to take values directly from presenter when prepare segue (like in homeDetailsVC in preparing segue "destinationVC.workoutNameText = presenter.titleValue")? Or maybe better approach is create variables directly in view controller and update them from presenter with delegates?
You asked:
Is correct to calling vc presenter (like in first class when I call homeDetailVC.presenter.convertData(homeData: home[selectedIndex])) during segue?
I would generally avoid having a view controller reach in and call some method of some property (i.e., the presenter) of another view controller. You are tightly coupling/entangling each source view controller with implementation details of its destination view controller(s). E.g., you are requiring that the home view controller knows that the details view controller has a presenter, and that this presenter has a convertData method, etc.
That is not good. You want to keep all of these various classes as loosely coupled as possible. All you care about is whether the destination view controller can receive some data.
Here is one example implementation. E.g., I might suggest a protocol to indicate whether the destination can receive some particular model object(s), e.g.,
protocol WorkoutDetailsReceiver { // is some destination capable of receiving `Workout` information
func receive(_ value: Workout)
Then the presenter for the destination view controller would conform to this, updating its model with the supplied value:
extension HomeDetailsPresenter: WorkoutDetailsReceiver {
func receive(_ value: Workout) {
workout = value // e.g. save the data that was passed to this presenter
// And if you want to do some conversion/processing of the data, do that here,
// but the caller should not be involved in those sorts of details.
But rather than having the source view controller from reaching into the destination view controller and invoke some method in its presenter, I personally use the same protocol, with a simple implementation that passes it along to its presenter:
extension HomeDetailsVC: WorkoutDetailsReceiver {
func receive(_ value: Workout) {
Having set up this pattern for receiving data, now the home view controller only needs to see if the destination can receive the Workout information:
class HomeViewController: UIViewController {
lazy var presenter = HomePresenter(delegate: self)
override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
if let receiver = segue.destination as? WorkoutDetailsReceiver {
presenter.supplyWorkout(to: receiver)
Note, because we have a MVP app, the HomeViewController does not hold any model data. Its own presenter has that. So we have some method for the source view controller to pass along the necessary data to the destination.
class HomePresenter {
private weak var delegate: HomePresenterDelegate?
private var workouts: [Workout] = []
private var selectedIndex: Int?
init(delegate: HomePresenterDelegate) {
self.delegate = delegate
// just as an example
func supplyWorkout(to receiver: WorkoutDetailsReceiver) {
guard let selectedIndex = selectedIndex else {
Anyway, the end result is that the home view controller only needs to know whether the destination (the details view controller) can receive the information that you want to pass.
Using MVP pattern is correct to take values directly from presenter when prepare segue (like in homeDetailsVC in preparing segue destinationVC.workoutNameText = presenter.titleValue)? Or maybe better approach is create variables directly in view controller and update them from presenter with delegates?
I once tried this “individual properties” approach: It works, but I found it to be brittle. As the app evolves, you want to change what data the destination wants, and if you have individual variables, it is too easy to forget about some property that needs to be passed along. Also, as you start injecting lots of properties from one scene to another, you end up littering the view controller with a lot of those staging properties (whether stored or computed) that really belong in its presenter. By having a protocol, you have a simple, consistent contract between the source and destination about what data the destination expects.
Now, all of that having been said, do not get too lost in the above details. There are lots of variations on the theme. But the governing principle is that we should keep our objects loosely coupled.

How do I constantly send data from parent ViewController to ContainerViewController

In my app, the main ViewController is getting data from a sensor 60 times a second. In order to display the data, I have two ContainerViews, one that displays the raw data and another that displays it in a graph.
How do I either constantly send data from my mainVC to the ContainerView or let the ContiainerViews access variables in my mainVC?
There are lots of ways to slice this.
I would advise against collecting that data from your sensors in a view controller. That's not really a view controller's job. It gets worse when there are multiple objects who need that sensor data.
Probably the cleanest design would be to create a separate object (I'll call it a SensorManager) that collects your sensor data and passes it to anybody who cares.
You could have the SensorManager use the NotificationCenter to broadcast notifications, and then have all interested objects add observers for the notifications that they care about. That gives you very loose coupling between the SensorManager and the objects that get notified about sensor data. The downside is that the code is harder to debug.
Alternately, could set up your SensorManager to have an array of objects that it notifies. I would define a protocol that has one or more methods that get called with sensor data, and have the SensorManager maintain an array of client objects that conform to that protocol. When the SensorManager has new sensor data, it would loop through the array of client objects and call the appropriate method on each to tell each one about the new data. This second option is sort of like the delegate design pattern, but is a one-to-many, where the delegate pattern is a one-to-one passing of info.
If you are wedded to the idea of collecting the sensor data in your main view controller and you create your child view controllers using embed segues then you could write a prepareForSegue() method in your main view controller that looks for destination view controllers that conform to a protocol. Let's call it SensorDataListener. The main view controller could save those objects in an array and notify the objects about new sensor data using the methods in the protocol. (This last approach is similar to the approach of creating a SensorManager object, but instead it would be the main view controller serving that role.)
//At the top of your class:
protocol SensorDataListener {
func newSensorData(_ SensorData)
var sensorClients = [SensorDataListener]()
func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
if let dest = segue.desination as SensorDataListener {
And then when you receive new data
sensorClients.forEach { sensorClient in
Have both of your child view controllers as variables in main view controller and hook them up from self.childViewControllers of main view controller in viewDidLoad like so.
class ViewController: UIViewController {
var firstViewController: FirstViewController!
var secondViewController: SecondViewController!
override func viewDidLoad() {
for vc in self.childViewControllers {
if let firstViewController = vc as? FirstViewController {
self.firstViewController = firstViewController
if let secondViewController = vc as? SecondViewController {
self.secondViewController = secondViewController
func sensorDataUpdated(data: Any) { = data = data
And here's an example of how one of your inner view controllers would work, the logic is the same for both of them:
class FirstViewController: UIViewController {
var data: Any? {
didSet {
func updateUI() {
guard let data = else { return }
// Perform UI updates

Good strategy for replacing parts of functionality in iOS ViewControllers

I have VCs in an iOS app which have quite a lot of UI controls. I would now need to replace or "mock" some of these controls when in a specific state. In some cases this would be just disabling button actions, but in some cases the actions that happen need to be replaced with something completely different.
I don't really like the idea of having this sort of check littered all around the codebase.
if condition {
...Special/disabled functionality
} else {
...Normal functionality
In Android, I can just subclass each Fragment/Activity and build the functionality there, and then doing the if/else when inserting Fragments or launching activities.
But on iOS with Storyboards/IBActions and Segues, UIs and VCs are really tightly coupled. You either end up duplicating UI views or adding a lot of finicky code to already large VCs.
What would be the best way to handle this in iOS?
Sample code of what I want to avoid doing:
class SomeViewController : UIViewController {
#IBAction onSomeButton() {
doANetworkRequest(() -> {
#IBAction onSomeOtherButton() {
class SomeViewController : UIViewController {
#IBAction onSomeButton() {
if specialState {
} else {
doANetworkRequest(() -> {
#IBAction onSomeOtherButton() {
if specialState {
return // Do nothing
} else {
I'd suggest using the MVVM (Model - View - ViewModel) pattern. You pass the ViewModel to your controller and delegate all actions to it. You can also use it to style your views and decide if some of them should be hidden or disabled, etc.
Let's image a shopping app in which your pro users get a 10% discount and can use a free-shipping option.
protocol PaymentScreenViewModelProtocol {
var regularPriceString: String { get }
var discountedPriceString: String? { get }
var isFreeShippingAvailable: Bool { get }
func userSelectedFreeShipping()
func buy()
class StandardUserPaymentScreenViewModel: PaymentScreenViewModelProtocol {
let regularPriceString: String = "20"
let discountedPriceString: String? = nil
let isFreeShippingAvailable: Bool = false
func userSelectedFreeShipping() {
// standard users cannot use free shipping!
func buy() {
// process buying
class ProUserPaymentScreenViewModel: PaymentScreenViewModelProtocol {
let regularPriceString: String = "20"
let discountedPriceString: String? = "18"
let isFreeShippingAvailable: Bool = true
func userSelectedFreeShipping() {
// process selection of free shipping
func buy() {
// process buying
class PaymentViewController: UIViewController {
#IBOutlet weak var priceLabel: UILabel!
#IBOutlet weak var discountedPriceLabel: UILabel!
#IBOutlet weak var freeShippingButton: UIButton!
var viewModel: PaymentScreenViewModelProtocol
override func viewDidLoad() {
priceLabel.text = viewModel.regularPriceString
discountedPriceLabel.text = viewModel.discountedPriceString
freeShippingButton.isHidden = !viewModel.isFreeShippingAvailable
#IBAction func userDidPressFreeShippingButton() {
#IBAction func userDidPressBuy() {
This approach let's you decouple your logic from your views. It's also easier to test this logic.
One thing to consider and decide is the approach as to how to inject the view model into the view controller. I can see three possibilities :
Via init - you provide a custom initializer requiring to pass the view model. This will mean you won't be able to use segue's or storyboards (you will be able to use xibs). This will let your view model be non-optional.
Via property setting with default implementation - if you provide some form of default/empty implementation of your view model you could use it as a default value for it, and set the proper implementation later (for example in prepareForSegue). This enables you to use segues, storyboards and have the view model be non-optional (it just adds the overhead of having an extra empty implementation).
Via property setting without default implementation - this basically means that your view model will need to be an optional and you will have to check for it almost everytime you access it.

In Swift, how do I access data in second ViewController from third ViewController? [duplicate]

Say I have multiple view controllers in my Swift app and I want to be able to pass data between them. If I'm several levels down in a view controller stack, how do I pass data to another view controller? Or between tabs in a tab bar view controller?
(Note, this question is a "ringer".) It gets asked so much that I decided to write a tutorial on the subject. See my answer below.
Your question is very broad. To suggest there is one simple catch-all solution to every scenario is a little naïve. So, let's go through some of these scenarios.
The most common scenario asked about on Stack Overflow in my experience is the simple passing information from one view controller to the next.
If we're using storyboard, our first view controller can override prepareForSegue, which is exactly what it's there for. A UIStoryboardSegue object is passed in when this method is called, and it contains a reference to our destination view controller. Here, we can set the values we want to pass.
override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
if segue.identifier == "MySegueID" {
if let destination = segue.destination as? SecondController {
destination.myInformation = self.myInformation
Alternatively, if we're not using storyboards, then we're loading our view controller from a nib. Our code is slightly simpler then.
func showNextController() {
let destination = SecondController(nibName: "SecondController", bundle: nil)
destination.myInformation = self.myInformation
show(destination, sender: self)
In both cases, myInformation is a property on each view controller holding whatever data needs to be passed from one view controller to the next. They obviously don't have to have the same name on each controller.
We might also want to share information between tabs in a UITabBarController.
In this case, it's actually potentially even simpler.
First, let's create a subclass of UITabBarController, and give it properties for whatever information we want to share between the various tabs:
class MyCustomTabController: UITabBarController {
var myInformation: [String: AnyObject]?
Now, if we're building our app from the storyboard, we simply change our tab bar controller's class from the default UITabBarController to MyCustomTabController. If we're not using a storyboard, we simply instantiate an instance of this custom class rather than the default UITabBarController class and add our view controller to this.
Now, all of our view controllers within the tab bar controller can access this property as such:
if let tbc = self.tabBarController as? MyCustomTabController {
// do something with tbc.myInformation
And by subclassing UINavigationController in the same way, we can take the same approach to share data across an entire navigation stack:
if let nc = self.navigationController as? MyCustomNavController {
// do something with nc.myInformation
There are several other scenarios. By no means does this answer cover all of them.
This question comes up all the time.
One suggestion is to create a data container singleton: An object that gets created once and only once in the life of your application, and persists for the life of your app.
This approach is well suited for a situation when you have global app data that needs to be available/modifiable across different classes in your app.
Other approaches like setting up one-way or 2-way links between view controllers are better suited to situations where you are passing information/messages directly between view controllers.
(See nhgrif's answer, below, for other alternatives.)
With a data container singleton, you add a property to your class that stores a reference to your singleton, and then use that property any time you need access.
You can set up your singleton so that it saves it's contents to disk so that your app state persists between launches.
I created a demo project on GitHub demonstrating how you can do this. Here is the link:
SwiftDataContainerSingleton project on GitHub
Here is the README from that project:
A demonstration of using a data container singleton to save application state and share it between objects.
The DataContainerSingleton class is the actual singleton.
It uses a static constant sharedDataContainer to save a reference to the singleton.
To access the singleton, use the syntax
The sample project defines 3 properties in the data container:
var someString: String?
var someOtherString: String?
var someInt: Int?
To load the someInt property from the data container, you'd use code like this:
let theInt = DataContainerSingleton.sharedDataContainer.someInt
To save a value to someInt, you'd use the syntax:
DataContainerSingleton.sharedDataContainer.someInt = 3
The DataContainerSingleton's init method adds an observer for the UIApplicationDidEnterBackgroundNotification. That code looks like this:
goToBackgroundObserver = NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserverForName(
object: nil,
queue: nil)
(note: NSNotification!) -> Void in
let defaults = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults()
//This code saves the singleton's properties to NSUserDefaults.
//edit this code to save your custom properties
defaults.setObject( self.someString, forKey: DefaultsKeys.someString)
defaults.setObject( self.someOtherString, forKey: DefaultsKeys.someOtherString)
defaults.setObject( self.someInt, forKey: DefaultsKeys.someInt)
//Tell NSUserDefaults to save to disk now.
In the observer code it saves the data container's properties to NSUserDefaults. You can also use NSCoding, Core Data, or various other methods for saving state data.
The DataContainerSingleton's init method also tries to load saved values for it's properties.
That portion of the init method looks like this:
let defaults = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults()
//This code reads the singleton's properties from NSUserDefaults.
//edit this code to load your custom properties
someString = defaults.objectForKey(DefaultsKeys.someString) as! String?
someOtherString = defaults.objectForKey(DefaultsKeys.someOtherString) as! String?
someInt = defaults.objectForKey(DefaultsKeys.someInt) as! Int?
The keys for loading and saving values into NSUserDefaults are stored as string constants that are part of a struct DefaultsKeys, defined like this:
struct DefaultsKeys
static let someString = "someString"
static let someOtherString = "someOtherString"
static let someInt = "someInt"
You reference one of these constants like this:
Using the data container singleton:
This sample application makes trival use of the data container singleton.
There are two view controllers. The first is a custom subclass of UIViewController ViewController, and the second one is a custom subclass of UIViewController SecondVC.
Both view controllers have a text field on them, and both load a value from the data container singlelton's someInt property into the text field in their viewWillAppear method, and both save the current value from the text field back into the `someInt' of the data container.
The code to load the value into the text field is in the viewWillAppear: method:
override func viewWillAppear(animated: Bool)
//Load the value "someInt" from our shared ata container singleton
let value = DataContainerSingleton.sharedDataContainer.someInt ?? 0
//Install the value into the text field.
textField.text = "\(value)"
The code to save the user-edited value back to the data container is in the view controllers' textFieldShouldEndEditing methods:
func textFieldShouldEndEditing(textField: UITextField) -> Bool
//Save the changed value back to our data container singleton
DataContainerSingleton.sharedDataContainer.someInt = textField.text!.toInt()
return true
You should load values into your user interface in viewWillAppear rather than viewDidLoad so that your UI updates each time the view controller is displayed.
Another alternative is to use the notification center (NSNotificationCenter) and post notifications. That is a very loose coupling. The sender of a notification doesn't need to know or care who's listening. It just posts a notification and forgets about it.
Notifications are good for one-to-many message passing, since there can be an arbitrary number of observers listening for a given message.
Swift 4
There are so many approaches for data passing in swift. Here I am adding some of the best approaches of it.
1) Using StoryBoard Segue
Storyboard segues are very much useful for passing data in between Source and Destination View Controllers and vice versa also.
// If you want to pass data from ViewControllerB to ViewControllerA while user tap on back button of ViewControllerB.
#IBAction func unWindSeague (_ sender : UIStoryboardSegue) {
if sender.source is ViewControllerB {
if let _ = sender.source as? ViewControllerB {
self.textLabel.text = "Came from B = B->A , B exited"
// If you want to send data from ViewControllerA to ViewControllerB
override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
if segue.destination is ViewControllerB {
if let vc = segue.destination as? ViewControllerB {
vc.dataStr = "Comming from A View Controller"
2) Using Delegate Methods
//Make the Delegate protocol in Child View Controller (Make the protocol in Class from You want to Send Data)
protocol SendDataFromDelegate {
func sendData(data : String)
import UIKit
class ViewControllerD: UIViewController {
#IBOutlet weak var textLabelD: UILabel!
var delegate : SendDataFromDelegate? //Create Delegate Variable for Registering it to pass the data
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Do any additional setup after loading the view.
textLabelD.text = "Child View Controller"
#IBAction func btnDismissTapped (_ sender : UIButton) {
textLabelD.text = "Data Sent Successfully to View Controller C using Delegate Approach"
self.delegate?.sendData(data:textLabelD.text! )
_ = self.dismiss(animated: true, completion:nil)
import UIKit
class ViewControllerC: UIViewController , SendDataFromDelegate {
#IBOutlet weak var textLabelC: UILabel!
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Do any additional setup after loading the view.
#IBAction func btnPushToViewControllerDTapped( _ sender : UIButton) {
if let vcD = self.storyboard?.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "ViewControllerD") as? ViewControllerD {
vcD.delegate = self // Registring Delegate (When View Conteoller D gets Dismiss It can call sendData method
// vcD.textLabelD.text = "This is Data Passing by Referenceing View Controller D Text Label." //Data Passing Between View Controllers using Data Passing
self.present(vcD, animated: true, completion: nil)
//This Method will called when when viewcontrollerD will dismiss. (You can also say it is a implementation of Protocol Method)
func sendData(data: String) {
self.textLabelC.text = data
Instead of creating a data controller singelton I would suggest to create a data controller instance and pass it around. To support dependency injection I would first create a DataController protocol:
protocol DataController {
var someInt : Int {get set}
var someString : String {get set}
Then I would create a SpecificDataController (or whatever name would currently be appropriate) class:
class SpecificDataController : DataController {
var someInt : Int = 5
var someString : String = "Hello data"
The ViewController class should then have a field to hold the dataController. Notice that the type of dataController is the protocol DataController. This way it's easy to switch out data controller implementations:
class ViewController : UIViewController {
var dataController : DataController?
In AppDelegate we can set the viewController's dataController:
func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
if let viewController = self.window?.rootViewController as? ViewController {
viewController.dataController = SpecificDataController()
return true
When we move to a different viewController we can pass the dataController on in:
override func prepareForSegue(segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: AnyObject?) {
Now when we wish to switch out the data controller for a different task we can do this in the AppDelegate and do not have to change any other code that uses the data controller.
This is of course overkill if we simply want to pass around a single value. In this case it's best to go with nhgrif's answer.
With this approach we can separate view form the logic part.
As #nhgrif pointed out in his excellent answer, there are lots of different ways that VCs (view controllers) and other objects can communicate with each other.
The data singleton I outlined in my first answer is really more about sharing and saving global state than about communicating directly.
nhrif's answer lets you send information directly from the source to the destination VC. As I mentioned in reply, it's also possible to send messages back from the destination to the source.
In fact, you can set up an active one-way or 2-way channel between different view controllers. If the view controllers are linked via a storyboard segue, the time to set up the links is in the prepareFor Segue method.
I have a sample project on Github that uses a parent view controller to host 2 different table views as children. The child view controllers are linked using embed segues, and the parent view controller wires up 2-way links with each view controller in the prepareForSegue method.
You can find that project on github (link). I wrote it in Objective-C, however, and haven't converted it to Swift, so if you're not comfortable in Objective-C it might be a little hard to follow
If you have a storyboard with identified segues use:
func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?)
Although if you do everything programmatically including navigation between different UIViewControllers then use the method:
func navigationController(_ navigationController: UINavigationController, willShow viewController: UIViewController, animated: Bool)
Note: to use the second way you need to make your UINavigationController, you are pushing UIViewControllers on, a delegate and it needs to conform to the protocol UINavigationControllerDelegate:
class MyNavigationController: UINavigationController, UINavigationControllerDelegate {
override func viewDidLoad() {
self.delegate = self
func navigationController(_ navigationController: UINavigationController, willShow viewController: UIViewController, animated: Bool) {
// do what ever you need before going to the next UIViewController or back
//this method will be always called when you are pushing or popping the ViewController
It depends when you want to get data.
If you want to get data whenever you want, can use a singleton pattern. The pattern class is active during the app runtime. Here is an example of the singleton pattern.
class AppSession: NSObject {
static let shared = SessionManager()
var username = "Duncan"
class ViewController: UIViewController {
override func viewDidLoad() {
If you want to get data after any action, can use NotificationCenter.
extension Notification.Name {
static let loggedOut = Notification.Name("loggedOut")
#IBAction func logoutAction(_ sender: Any) { .loggedOut, object: nil)
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(forName: .loggedOut, object: nil, queue: OperationQueue.main) { (notify) in
print("User logged out")
The way that I would do it would be instead of passing data between view controllers, I would just declare a variable globally. You can even do this with a function!
For example:
var a = "a"
func abc() {
class ViewController: UIViewController {

How do you share data between view controllers and other objects in Swift?

Say I have multiple view controllers in my Swift app and I want to be able to pass data between them. If I'm several levels down in a view controller stack, how do I pass data to another view controller? Or between tabs in a tab bar view controller?
(Note, this question is a "ringer".) It gets asked so much that I decided to write a tutorial on the subject. See my answer below.
Your question is very broad. To suggest there is one simple catch-all solution to every scenario is a little naïve. So, let's go through some of these scenarios.
The most common scenario asked about on Stack Overflow in my experience is the simple passing information from one view controller to the next.
If we're using storyboard, our first view controller can override prepareForSegue, which is exactly what it's there for. A UIStoryboardSegue object is passed in when this method is called, and it contains a reference to our destination view controller. Here, we can set the values we want to pass.
override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
if segue.identifier == "MySegueID" {
if let destination = segue.destination as? SecondController {
destination.myInformation = self.myInformation
Alternatively, if we're not using storyboards, then we're loading our view controller from a nib. Our code is slightly simpler then.
func showNextController() {
let destination = SecondController(nibName: "SecondController", bundle: nil)
destination.myInformation = self.myInformation
show(destination, sender: self)
In both cases, myInformation is a property on each view controller holding whatever data needs to be passed from one view controller to the next. They obviously don't have to have the same name on each controller.
We might also want to share information between tabs in a UITabBarController.
In this case, it's actually potentially even simpler.
First, let's create a subclass of UITabBarController, and give it properties for whatever information we want to share between the various tabs:
class MyCustomTabController: UITabBarController {
var myInformation: [String: AnyObject]?
Now, if we're building our app from the storyboard, we simply change our tab bar controller's class from the default UITabBarController to MyCustomTabController. If we're not using a storyboard, we simply instantiate an instance of this custom class rather than the default UITabBarController class and add our view controller to this.
Now, all of our view controllers within the tab bar controller can access this property as such:
if let tbc = self.tabBarController as? MyCustomTabController {
// do something with tbc.myInformation
And by subclassing UINavigationController in the same way, we can take the same approach to share data across an entire navigation stack:
if let nc = self.navigationController as? MyCustomNavController {
// do something with nc.myInformation
There are several other scenarios. By no means does this answer cover all of them.
This question comes up all the time.
One suggestion is to create a data container singleton: An object that gets created once and only once in the life of your application, and persists for the life of your app.
This approach is well suited for a situation when you have global app data that needs to be available/modifiable across different classes in your app.
Other approaches like setting up one-way or 2-way links between view controllers are better suited to situations where you are passing information/messages directly between view controllers.
(See nhgrif's answer, below, for other alternatives.)
With a data container singleton, you add a property to your class that stores a reference to your singleton, and then use that property any time you need access.
You can set up your singleton so that it saves it's contents to disk so that your app state persists between launches.
I created a demo project on GitHub demonstrating how you can do this. Here is the link:
SwiftDataContainerSingleton project on GitHub
Here is the README from that project:
A demonstration of using a data container singleton to save application state and share it between objects.
The DataContainerSingleton class is the actual singleton.
It uses a static constant sharedDataContainer to save a reference to the singleton.
To access the singleton, use the syntax
The sample project defines 3 properties in the data container:
var someString: String?
var someOtherString: String?
var someInt: Int?
To load the someInt property from the data container, you'd use code like this:
let theInt = DataContainerSingleton.sharedDataContainer.someInt
To save a value to someInt, you'd use the syntax:
DataContainerSingleton.sharedDataContainer.someInt = 3
The DataContainerSingleton's init method adds an observer for the UIApplicationDidEnterBackgroundNotification. That code looks like this:
goToBackgroundObserver = NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserverForName(
object: nil,
queue: nil)
(note: NSNotification!) -> Void in
let defaults = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults()
//This code saves the singleton's properties to NSUserDefaults.
//edit this code to save your custom properties
defaults.setObject( self.someString, forKey: DefaultsKeys.someString)
defaults.setObject( self.someOtherString, forKey: DefaultsKeys.someOtherString)
defaults.setObject( self.someInt, forKey: DefaultsKeys.someInt)
//Tell NSUserDefaults to save to disk now.
In the observer code it saves the data container's properties to NSUserDefaults. You can also use NSCoding, Core Data, or various other methods for saving state data.
The DataContainerSingleton's init method also tries to load saved values for it's properties.
That portion of the init method looks like this:
let defaults = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults()
//This code reads the singleton's properties from NSUserDefaults.
//edit this code to load your custom properties
someString = defaults.objectForKey(DefaultsKeys.someString) as! String?
someOtherString = defaults.objectForKey(DefaultsKeys.someOtherString) as! String?
someInt = defaults.objectForKey(DefaultsKeys.someInt) as! Int?
The keys for loading and saving values into NSUserDefaults are stored as string constants that are part of a struct DefaultsKeys, defined like this:
struct DefaultsKeys
static let someString = "someString"
static let someOtherString = "someOtherString"
static let someInt = "someInt"
You reference one of these constants like this:
Using the data container singleton:
This sample application makes trival use of the data container singleton.
There are two view controllers. The first is a custom subclass of UIViewController ViewController, and the second one is a custom subclass of UIViewController SecondVC.
Both view controllers have a text field on them, and both load a value from the data container singlelton's someInt property into the text field in their viewWillAppear method, and both save the current value from the text field back into the `someInt' of the data container.
The code to load the value into the text field is in the viewWillAppear: method:
override func viewWillAppear(animated: Bool)
//Load the value "someInt" from our shared ata container singleton
let value = DataContainerSingleton.sharedDataContainer.someInt ?? 0
//Install the value into the text field.
textField.text = "\(value)"
The code to save the user-edited value back to the data container is in the view controllers' textFieldShouldEndEditing methods:
func textFieldShouldEndEditing(textField: UITextField) -> Bool
//Save the changed value back to our data container singleton
DataContainerSingleton.sharedDataContainer.someInt = textField.text!.toInt()
return true
You should load values into your user interface in viewWillAppear rather than viewDidLoad so that your UI updates each time the view controller is displayed.
Another alternative is to use the notification center (NSNotificationCenter) and post notifications. That is a very loose coupling. The sender of a notification doesn't need to know or care who's listening. It just posts a notification and forgets about it.
Notifications are good for one-to-many message passing, since there can be an arbitrary number of observers listening for a given message.
Swift 4
There are so many approaches for data passing in swift. Here I am adding some of the best approaches of it.
1) Using StoryBoard Segue
Storyboard segues are very much useful for passing data in between Source and Destination View Controllers and vice versa also.
// If you want to pass data from ViewControllerB to ViewControllerA while user tap on back button of ViewControllerB.
#IBAction func unWindSeague (_ sender : UIStoryboardSegue) {
if sender.source is ViewControllerB {
if let _ = sender.source as? ViewControllerB {
self.textLabel.text = "Came from B = B->A , B exited"
// If you want to send data from ViewControllerA to ViewControllerB
override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
if segue.destination is ViewControllerB {
if let vc = segue.destination as? ViewControllerB {
vc.dataStr = "Comming from A View Controller"
2) Using Delegate Methods
//Make the Delegate protocol in Child View Controller (Make the protocol in Class from You want to Send Data)
protocol SendDataFromDelegate {
func sendData(data : String)
import UIKit
class ViewControllerD: UIViewController {
#IBOutlet weak var textLabelD: UILabel!
var delegate : SendDataFromDelegate? //Create Delegate Variable for Registering it to pass the data
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Do any additional setup after loading the view.
textLabelD.text = "Child View Controller"
#IBAction func btnDismissTapped (_ sender : UIButton) {
textLabelD.text = "Data Sent Successfully to View Controller C using Delegate Approach"
self.delegate?.sendData(data:textLabelD.text! )
_ = self.dismiss(animated: true, completion:nil)
import UIKit
class ViewControllerC: UIViewController , SendDataFromDelegate {
#IBOutlet weak var textLabelC: UILabel!
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Do any additional setup after loading the view.
#IBAction func btnPushToViewControllerDTapped( _ sender : UIButton) {
if let vcD = self.storyboard?.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "ViewControllerD") as? ViewControllerD {
vcD.delegate = self // Registring Delegate (When View Conteoller D gets Dismiss It can call sendData method
// vcD.textLabelD.text = "This is Data Passing by Referenceing View Controller D Text Label." //Data Passing Between View Controllers using Data Passing
self.present(vcD, animated: true, completion: nil)
//This Method will called when when viewcontrollerD will dismiss. (You can also say it is a implementation of Protocol Method)
func sendData(data: String) {
self.textLabelC.text = data
Instead of creating a data controller singelton I would suggest to create a data controller instance and pass it around. To support dependency injection I would first create a DataController protocol:
protocol DataController {
var someInt : Int {get set}
var someString : String {get set}
Then I would create a SpecificDataController (or whatever name would currently be appropriate) class:
class SpecificDataController : DataController {
var someInt : Int = 5
var someString : String = "Hello data"
The ViewController class should then have a field to hold the dataController. Notice that the type of dataController is the protocol DataController. This way it's easy to switch out data controller implementations:
class ViewController : UIViewController {
var dataController : DataController?
In AppDelegate we can set the viewController's dataController:
func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
if let viewController = self.window?.rootViewController as? ViewController {
viewController.dataController = SpecificDataController()
return true
When we move to a different viewController we can pass the dataController on in:
override func prepareForSegue(segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: AnyObject?) {
Now when we wish to switch out the data controller for a different task we can do this in the AppDelegate and do not have to change any other code that uses the data controller.
This is of course overkill if we simply want to pass around a single value. In this case it's best to go with nhgrif's answer.
With this approach we can separate view form the logic part.
As #nhgrif pointed out in his excellent answer, there are lots of different ways that VCs (view controllers) and other objects can communicate with each other.
The data singleton I outlined in my first answer is really more about sharing and saving global state than about communicating directly.
nhrif's answer lets you send information directly from the source to the destination VC. As I mentioned in reply, it's also possible to send messages back from the destination to the source.
In fact, you can set up an active one-way or 2-way channel between different view controllers. If the view controllers are linked via a storyboard segue, the time to set up the links is in the prepareFor Segue method.
I have a sample project on Github that uses a parent view controller to host 2 different table views as children. The child view controllers are linked using embed segues, and the parent view controller wires up 2-way links with each view controller in the prepareForSegue method.
You can find that project on github (link). I wrote it in Objective-C, however, and haven't converted it to Swift, so if you're not comfortable in Objective-C it might be a little hard to follow
If you have a storyboard with identified segues use:
func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?)
Although if you do everything programmatically including navigation between different UIViewControllers then use the method:
func navigationController(_ navigationController: UINavigationController, willShow viewController: UIViewController, animated: Bool)
Note: to use the second way you need to make your UINavigationController, you are pushing UIViewControllers on, a delegate and it needs to conform to the protocol UINavigationControllerDelegate:
class MyNavigationController: UINavigationController, UINavigationControllerDelegate {
override func viewDidLoad() {
self.delegate = self
func navigationController(_ navigationController: UINavigationController, willShow viewController: UIViewController, animated: Bool) {
// do what ever you need before going to the next UIViewController or back
//this method will be always called when you are pushing or popping the ViewController
It depends when you want to get data.
If you want to get data whenever you want, can use a singleton pattern. The pattern class is active during the app runtime. Here is an example of the singleton pattern.
class AppSession: NSObject {
static let shared = SessionManager()
var username = "Duncan"
class ViewController: UIViewController {
override func viewDidLoad() {
If you want to get data after any action, can use NotificationCenter.
extension Notification.Name {
static let loggedOut = Notification.Name("loggedOut")
#IBAction func logoutAction(_ sender: Any) { .loggedOut, object: nil)
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(forName: .loggedOut, object: nil, queue: OperationQueue.main) { (notify) in
print("User logged out")
The way that I would do it would be instead of passing data between view controllers, I would just declare a variable globally. You can even do this with a function!
For example:
var a = "a"
func abc() {
class ViewController: UIViewController {
