Animating between ARAnchor orientations - ios

I have an app that is using ARImageAnchors to detect images with the camera. I've noticed that although the scene node's position in 3d space updates in real-time, the orientation (xyz rotation) of the node can take seconds to update. Any attached scene nodes "snap" to the new orientation as it updates.
Is there a way to animate between the changing anchor orientations to make the transitions smoother?
My setup is simple, I'm using renderer(didAdd:for:) to add a plane to the supplied node.

This is no longer necessary with ARKit 2.0. Simply use ARKit 2.0's image tracking instead of image recognition.


Plot an SCNNode in a ARSCNVIEW irespective of the Camera's position

I am developing an iOS in-store navigation app for a retail store using AR Scene Kit which should resembles as Lowe's Vision Navigation. Hence, At first I want to programatically plot the position of any xyz product which is available in the store in an AR Scene Kit irrespective of the camera's initial position, but the position of the Product will remain same in the Store. I was totally new to AR as well as Scene Kit.
I am able to add a SCNNode in the ARSCNView but the problem will be my camera's initial position according to that only the SCNNode is plotting. Once this is done, then I need to give the in-store navigation for the selected product from my position inside the store may be using iBeacon or other equivalent.
SCNNodes operate somewhat like UIViews, in the sense that, as you said, the positions are relative to the parent node/view. For the cases where you want the position relative to the whole view or the world you can use worldTransform and -convertPosition:toNode: .
World Transform
Convert Position To Node

How to add directional light for shadows properly in sceneView of SceneKit?

I am learning ARKit. I'm placing Virtual Objects in Augmented Reality scene and struggling in these problems!
I am using this demo project from github
1- How to add only one directional light for all (separate) nodes in SceneView of SceneKit & Move directional light with camera position? So that my added shadow can also move with light direction.
If I translate the object shadows are working as it should be. But If I rotate object now shadow should not move on the plan. They are moving because of light is at fixed position.
2- Shadow is looking fine only in case If I add only one object on the plane. But If I add two or more objects more directional lights are adding in SceneView. Now every object has more than one shadows. I want it to restrict only one shadow.
I have added light and shadow plane in sceneKit editor. (not programmatically). Here are my scenekit editor's screenshots.
3- I have read and confirmed that shadow are adding only If I set directional light property to deffered. But in this case app is crashing If I call remove all nodes from sceneView's root node. My removing nodes code is.
self.sceneView.scene.rootNode.enumerateChildNodes { (node, stop) -> Void in
print("removed ", as Any)
You can watch my apps video for more clearance. Apps video, How it is working now
My requirement is to add only one shadow for every object. When I Rotate and translate objects shadows should look real.
I also have tried it as removing light from scn file of vase, and add a separate light.scn file having only light in it. added These two (vase and light) nodes in sceneView. But No shadow is appearing.
Directional lights are interpreted from the shader only with their direction (that one light-red vector coming out of the node in Xcode). It does not matter where the position of the light is. Directional light are often used for imitating sun light.
I implemented a similar project so here is my attempt.
I added one directional light from a separate SCN-File to the scene when I initialize the SCNScene.
My settings for it:
castsShadow: true
mode: deferred (my App is not crashing, if I remove my objects from the scene :/ )
And actually thats it to make it work in my project.
One thing about your planes: I think you have not disabled castsShadow on the planes. Therefore a user can see the planes.
I could reproduce the crash. It does occur when removing the directional light. Thats why the app is not crashing in my project. So you could do it like me and add the directional light in viewDidLoad() for example.

How can I point an SCNNode at another SCNNode?

I have a series of (flat plane) nodes in my scene that I need to have constantly facing the camera.
How can I adjust the transform/rotation to get this working?
Also, where do I make this calculation?
Currently I am trying to make it happen on user interaction in the SCNSceneRendererDelegate renderer:updateAtTime: delegate method.
How about an SCNBillboardConstraint? That restricts you to iOS 9/El Capitan/tvOS. Add the constraint to each of your flat plane (billboard) nodes.
From the SceneKit Framework Reference:
An SCNBillboardConstraint object automatically adjusts a node’s orientation so that it always points toward the pointOfView node currently being used to render the scene.
In the more general case, SCNLookAtConstraint will keep any node's minus-Z axis pointed toward any other node.

SceneKit: Rotate a node according to device motion data while making it accelerate in its direction

I've been fiddling with SceneKit recently and I wanted to make the following thing:
When creating a Game template from Xcode, you get a scene with a ship.
I wanted to animate this ship and orient it according to the relative position of my iPhone after I tap the screen. So for instance, if I hold my iPhone horizontally, tap the screen, this takes the reference attitude of my horizontal iPhone. Then, when I lift it (changing the pitch), I want the ship to orient itself as such.
I've been trying to change my ship node eulerAngles with the attitude pitch yaw and roll as in the following:
CMAttitude * attitude = deviceMotion.attitude
_ship.eulerAngles = SCNVector3Make(-attitude.pitch, attitude.yaw, attitude.roll);
Whenever I do that, the ship goes back to its original position in the scene. I can't seem to understand how to give it a speed in the direction it's facing without making it reset to its original position when I change its eulerAngles.
Ideally, the ship would have some sort of engine power accelerating it in the direction it's facing, while it would still be affected by gravity. How should I do that? Thanks!

scale around certain point over time SpriteKit

I have a SpriteKit Scene in which I want to have the effect as if a camera zoom and scale. Does anyone know of any libraries or some easy methods of doing this?
It was very easy to do in other 2D engines but does not seem simple.
I was thinking of doing it from the app delegate, and using the window to zoom since my character does stay around the same position.
The desired effect I would like to accomplish is like that of the start of an Angry Bird level when the camera pans into the level and then the launch doc. This is an example of the camera zoom and pans I am talking about.
Thanks for the help.
If you add an SKNode to the SKScene, and make your scene content children of that node instead of direct children of the scene, then you can zoom and pan all of the contained content just by adjusting the xScale, yScale and position properties of the added node. (Any content you did not want scrolled e.g. scores or whatever could then be added to a different SKNode or added directly to the scene).
The adjustment could be done by overriding one of update:, didEvaluateActions, or didSimulatePhysics in your SKScene subclass. The choice would depend on if you are just moving your character around by yourself in update:, or if it also gets moved around by running SKActions or by simulated physics.
