Custom UIGestureRecognizer conflicting with UITapGestureRecognizer - ios

So I have this project that I took from somebody else and they have implemented this OneFingerRotationGestureRecognizer ( for a circular slider. Additionally, they have added a UITapGestureRecognizer on top of that, so you could tap a value within that circular slider and the value would jump to that specific one. Now the problem is, when I drag that thing just a very small amount (imagine putting your thumb onto the control and tilting left/right), then the UITapGestureRecognizer also fires! And this is a problem, because I want to be able to grab the circular slider wherever I want (there is no handle or something). And when I only drag it a little, then the value just jumps to that spot where I did that small dragging. Somehow I need to cancel that tap gesture as soon as that OneFingerRotationGestureRecognizer started registering touches. I tried what is described here: but didn't have any success with that :-(.
What can I do? I'm afraid the solution is so simple that I just don't see it.


How to get correct screen coordinate from UITapGestureRecognizer while VoiceOver is on

I'm currently working on an interactive view that relies heavily on the user's touch location. I have found that there are a few ways to interact with the UITapGestureRecognizer while VoiceOver is on, but when I tap my point the values given are very wrong. I've looked elsewhere, but my use case is outside of the norm so there is not a lot to tell me what is going on. Has anyone experienced this before?
I am aware that I can change accessibilityTrait to UIAccessibilityTraitAllowsDirectInteraction which will give me the correct screen point when used, but I would like to know what is causing this issue at the very least for the sake of knowledge. To interact with the UITapGestureRecognizer I either double tap or do a 3D touch by pressing on hard on the screen. The ladder method doesn't work for the tap gesture but will work for the pan gesture.
This is the only line I use to get my screen points. My map view is a UIImageView
CGPoint screenPoint = [tapGesture locationInView:map];
I'm using a map of a building and I try to tap the same corner or landmark for my testing. I know I can't hit the same exact point every time, but I do use a stylus and I can get pretty close.
Without VoiceOver on I would get the result: (35.500, 154.363)
With VoiceOver on and tapping in generally the same spot, I get : (187.500, 197.682)
The point I am using to test is on the left side of the screen and the result from VoiceOver being on is in the middle of the screen. I believe the y-axis value may have changed because of my tool bar's size, but I have no idea what is throwing off the x-axis value. If more information is needed let me know.
UPDATE: Upon further investigation, it turns out that the UITapGestureRecognizer will always return (187.500, 197.682) no matter where I touch in the map view when VoiceOver is on. That point seems to be the middle of the map view. Oddly enough though, the UIPanGestureRecognizer will give me the correct (x,y) for my view if I use the 3D touch while VoiceOver is on.
On a side note not relating to the problem at hand, it seems if I use the accessibility trait UIAccessibilityTraitAllowsDirectInteraction the method UIAccessibilityConvertFrameToScreenCoordinates returns a frame that is higher than my view. It works fine if I do not change the trait.
Your problem may deal with the reference point used when VoiceOver is on.
Verify what your point coordinates are referring to : view or screen coordinates ?
I suggest you take a look at the following elements :
According to your project, the previous elements may be interesting to get your purposes.

iOS - Superview gesture recognizer getting called when not wanted, can't cancel child view touch event

I have a super view that has a UITapGestureRecognizer on it. It allows touches within the view because there are clickable items within the view.
When these items are clicked on, I want to take a specific action, not the generic one that covers the entire superview. Unfortunately in my TouchDown event of my child control I don't know how to stop the event here. I know I could create a kludge flag, but this seems like the wrong way to go.
Any advice?
OK I got a solution. Totally my problem. I was playing around with trying to get all touches to work and at one point I had set cancelTouchesInView = true on the UITapGestureRecognizer superview. While this didn't stop the other touches from happening, for whatever reason the touches carried through to the superview as well. I understand that this explanation probably makes no sense, but that's what did it. Still trying to wrap my head around how iOS does touch.

Get UITextView Gesture (To Identify Location of Tap/LongPress)

I'm rather confident [editable] UITextView's become firstResponder when a long press or tap gesture occurs within the scrollView. I want to identify where in the view this touch occured. Digging through the documentation and source code didn't yield me much. I might be going about this wrong. My concern is a race condition if I just add my own tap recognizer (how can I be sure it is called before the textView's delegate methods).
For practical clarification, I want to call two similar functions from a delegate function (editingDidBegin) but depending if they touched the left or right half of the text view, I want to call either of the two.

Dragging an uiview like facebooks menu slide

I know this has been probably asked before but I've seen many approaches and i don't know which is best for me, so plz don't send me a link to another post unless it addresses my problem directly.
I have a controller which has a uiview on the top (like a header) (this header is bigger than it seems because is partially hidden on top). on that view i have a uibutton which now with a touch up inside shows the entire header view and taping again returns it to its starting position (changing frame with animation). I want to also be able to drag the view but only changing position on the y axis(dragging up and down)... i was thinking of adding the dragInside/Outside event to the button but this doesn't give me the position of the finger... and also want to know when the user releases the drag so the view ends animation to any of its two possible states (showing or partially hidden). Is this a "touches began" , "touches moved" , "touches ended" thing? if it is please provide a code example. I also want to do this with another view but this is on the left side... same thing but this one moves on the X axis... any help is appreciated. or maybe it can be made with drag event if i only can save a CGpoint of last touch, maybe that's better, any other suggestions
Look at using a UIPanGestureRecognizer to detect the touch movements. Use the translationInView: of the gesture to set the view y position. The translation is the total movement since the start of the gesture so you don't need to remember and accumulate the offset position yourself.
The main thing to worry about while implementing this is bounding the y position of the view so that no matter how far the user drags the view won't go too high or low on the screen.
Use a UIPanGestureRecognizer, that's a class dedicated to handling such drag/pan gestures.
Everything is described here in Apple's documentation, including examples, so you should find your answer here.
There is also some sample code in Apple Developer Library that shows you how to use Gesture Recognizers if needed.

a last touch event does not come if the view goes out of the screen programmatically

I have a situation where I apply an effect to a UIView when a touch begins and reverse that effect when that touch ends. So basically I am tracking touchesbegan, touchesEnded and touchesCancelled methods of UIView.
But the problem is that when the view goes out of the screen, i.e. when it or one of its parents gets removed from superview, it does not get any more touch events. Is there any way to give this "last" touchesended event to the view? Maybe if the UIView gets notified about being invisible, I can also use this event for that purpose.
Ok I am going to move the answers in comments to original question to make a good summary of important points.
The reason I am tracking touch events is that I want to apply some
nice effects such as glowing on touch start and remove those effects
on touch ending.
The reason why I can not simulate touchesEnded on removing those
views is that I do not directly remove them. Instead I remove one of
the ancestor views of them. I can not keep track of ancestor views
all the way to UIWindow, it is technically impossible I think.
Instead, framework should provide this to as an event I think.
I solved my problem by overriding -(void)willMoveToWindow:(UIWindow *)newWindow method and checking if newWindow is nil.
