login DN and password for osixia/phpLDAPAdmin docker image - docker

I am just getting started with LDAP. I downloaded the osixia openldap docker image and the phpLDAPAdmin:
I created the containers this way:
docker run --name ldap -p 389:389 -p 689:689 -e LDAP_DOMAIN=localhost -e LDAP_ORGANISATION=MyOrganisation -e LDAP_ADMIN_PASSWORD=mypw -v D:\docker\LDAP\ldap:/var/lib/ldap -v D:\docker\LDAP\slapd:/etc/ldap/slapd.d -d osixia/openldap
docker run -p 6443:443 --env PHPLDAPADMIN_LDAP_HOSTS= --detach osixia/phpldapadmin
It seems to have worked: I can open the admin console and I can connect to LDAP from keycloak.
What I don't understand is, how do I log into the phpLDAPAdmin. What is the
Login DN and password? Password is mypw in this cas I guess, but the login DN?

phpLDAPadmin user name must be something like this.
as an example, cn=admin,dc=example,dc=mail,dc=com


redisAI Docker container not setting password

I am running the latest redisai official image from Docker, but I can't seem to set my password.
I have changed the redis.conf and uncommented requirepass followed by my own password.
I then run the image with
sudo docker run --name test -v /path/to/redis/conf/redis.conf:/usr/local/etc/redis/redis.conf -p 6379:6379 --gpus all -it --rm redisai/redisai:latest-gpu
and when I investigate the configuration> config get requirepass
1) "requirepass"
2) ""
Do I need to set a proper binding?> config get bind
1) "bind"
2) ""> auth <password>
(error) ERR AUTH <password> called without any password configured for the default user. Are you sure your configuration is correct?
I am able to access the server from outside the localhost also.
sudo docker run --name test -v /path/to/redis/conf/redis.conf:/redis.conf -p 6379:6379 --gpus all -it --rm redisai/redisai:latest-gpu redis-server /redis.conf
Turns out, I was just missing the last section redis-server /redis.conf to initialize the server with the appropriate configuration file.

Cannot connect to keycloak admin panel

I've followed this tutorial and run keycloak with postgres via Docker. Since port 8080 is already in use by my front-end app, it used 9990 instead.
As the logs say:
13:26:00,602 INFO [org.jboss.as] (Controller Boot Thread) WFLYSRV0060: Http management interface listening on
13:26:00,603 INFO [org.jboss.as] (Controller Boot Thread)
WFLYSRV0051: Admin console listening on
But when I go to these urls through my browser, nothing happens. I've also tried going to and it doesn't work to. When I try to connect, nothing appears in my keycloak console.
I've followed the tutorial without any additional settings. What's wrong?
Firstly I create a user define network:
docker network create keycloak-network
Then I run postgres:
docker run -d --name postgres --net keycloak-network -e POSTGRES_DB=keycloak -e POSTGRES_USER=keycloak -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password postgres
And Finally Keycloak:
docker run --name keycloak --net keycloak-network jboss/keycloak
You need to publish ports (8080 for http, 8443 for https) of the Keycloak container + remap ports, because 8080 is already used on your machine. For example:
docker run --rm \
--name keycloak \
--net keycloak-network \
-e KEYCLOAK_USER=myadmin \
-e KEYCLOAK_PASSWORD=mypassword \
-p 9990:8080 \
-p 9991:8443 \
Keycloak admin UI will be available on:
http://<ip of the host machine\>:9990/
https://<ip of the host machine\>:9991/ (self signed cert will be generated in this case, so you will need to approve TLS exception in the browser)
If someone else like me will start his way in Docker from installing Keycloak asap.
Full path to install Keycloak on Docker and then have access to web UI via port 9990 (you can change it in last command):
docker network create keycloak-network
docker run -d --name postgres --net keycloak-network -e POSTGRES_DB=keycloak -e POSTGRES_USER=keycloak -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password postgres
docker run --rm --name keycloak --net keycloak-network -e KEYCLOAK_USER=myadmin -e KEYCLOAK_PASSWORD=mypassword -e DB_USER=keycloak -e DB_PASSWORD=password -p 9990:8080 -p 9991:8443 jboss/keycloak
Difference from topickstarter's and previous answer is avoiding of error below:
"WFLYCTL0113: '' is an invalid value for parameter user-name
by providing DB username and password in last command.

You don't have permission to access / on this server docker

I want to start a container from that image:
sudo docker run --name phpldapadmin -p 2222:80 -p 2443:443 -e LDAP_HOST=ldap.example.com -e LDAP_LOGIN_DN=cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com --link openldap:ldap-host --detach osixia/phpldapadmin:0.7.0 --copy-service
But when I'm visiting my localhost:2222 I see:
You don't have permission to access / on this server.
So my question is: How do I have to start my container properly? What am I doing wrong here.

pact-broker docker image is not running after restarting docker machine

I am using Postgres image and past broker image in my docker machine for setting up pact broker.
here are 4 steps that have mentioned :
1.$ docker run --name pactbroker-db -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=ThePostgresPassword -e POSTGRES_USER=admin -e PGDATA=/var/lib/postgresql/data/pgdata -v /var/lib/postgresql/data:/var/lib/postgresql/data -d postgres
2.$ docker run -it --link pactbroker-db:postgres --rm postgres sh -c 'exec psql -h "$POSTGRES_PORT_5432_TCP_ADDR" -p "$POSTGRES_PORT_5432_TCP_PORT" -U admin'
CREATE USER pactbrokeruser WITH PASSWORD 'TheUserPassword';
CREATE DATABASE pactbroker WITH OWNER pactbrokeruser;
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE pactbroker TO pactbrokeruser;
4. docker run --name pactbroker --link pactbroker-db:postgres -e PACT_BROKER_DATABASE_USERNAME=pactbrokeruser -e PACT_BROKER_DATABASE_PASSWORD=TheUserPassword -e PACT_BROKER_DATABASE_HOST=postgres -e PACT_BROKER_DATABASE_NAME=pactbroker -d -p 80:80 dius/pact_broker
after running this 4 command when I am opening Hal browser in my local system it is working pretty fine. Now I am stopping 2 docker containers pactbroker-db and pactbroker and stopping docker machine.
After sometime I am restarting docker machine and starting the containers by
$docker start pactbroker-db and $docker start pactbroker .
containers are getting started but when opening HAL browser I am getting the error "We're sorry, but something went wrong." screenshot attached.
Is there something wrong when I am starting the docker 2nd time?enter image description here
This has been resolved by using container given in https://github.com/DiUS/pact_broker-docker and using proper environment variables in docker-compose.yml of this project.

Rancher: rancher app requires username and password

i installed rancher v0.4.2 container using Docker application, every thing is fine, but when im triyin to get access to rancher UI, i got popup that requires username and password, is there any default username/password to get access ?
Docker run command :
sudo docker run -d --restart=always -e CATTLE_DB_CATTLE_MYSQL_HOST=****.*****.eu-west-1.rds.amazonaws.com -e CATTLE_DB_CATTLE_MYSQL_PORT=3306 -e CATTLE_DB_CATTLE_MYSQL_NAME=cattle -e CATTLE_DB_CATTLE_USERNAME=**** -e CATTLE_DB_CATTLE_PASSWORD=**** -p 8080:8080 rancher/server:0.4.2
v0.4.2 is not the version you want. It's ridiculously old (Jan 12, 2015) and possibly before we had even announced the company and project exist.
Run the below command,
docker exec -ti [CONTAINER ID / CONTAINER NAME] reset-password
You will get a new password for the "admin" user.
