How to clone a project in xcode and run the app in the ios 7, or 7+, etc - ios

I have cloned a project and tried to run my app on a device(iPhone 7), but it showing the build failure with the below-mentioned error.
Note: If I create a new project in Xcode then, I can able to run the app on my device.
How can I solve this?
Failed to create provisioning profile.
The app ID "" cannot be registered to your development team. Change your bundle identifier to a unique string to try again.
No profiles for '' were found
Xcode couldn't find any iOS App Development provisioning profiles matching ''.

Assuming you have a valid iTunes Connect developer account:
App IDs are unique per all App Store accounts. Therefore if someone had registered an appId of as it is in your case, you cannot use it. That was clearly used by react.js guys and is now part of their profile(s). You need to change the appId of the cloned project to something unique. Most common notation used is com.my_organization_name.my_project_name. You can also go for prefixing the original id with lets say or something similar


Failed to register bundle identifier

I need to put the latest version of the app on AppStoreConnect to test it on TestFlight.
I encounter a problem when archiving the project in order to upload it on AppStoreConnect and be able to add a new version of the app and test it on TestFlight.
I have been added as a developer in AppStoreConnect in the project.
So I added my profile in Xcode with the right email address. During archiving, these two errors appear:
Failed to register bundle identifier: The app identifier "" cannot be registered to your development team because it is not available. Change your bundle identifier to a unique string to try again.`
No profiles for '' were found: Xcode couldn't find any iOS App Development provisioning profiles matching ''.`
I confirmed with the project manager the bundleID which is good: "".
Despite several tries and research, I haven't found the solution to this problem, so I can't archive the app so I can add AppStoreConnect.
Thanks for your help
Trying changing Team to just "Your Name" without (personal team) extension. This is what worked for me.
Hey :) when opening preferences for Xcode do you see your company user account?
also when opening the target app underder singing & capabilities, do you see that it is all clear there or is there an error? (you should see that under signing certificate field your account is configured)
I think the solution is to change the XXXX in "" to unique value like your name and last name for example : "".

How do I update someone else's iOS TestFlight build in App Store Connect?

I'm trying to upload a new build to TestFlight. I was invited to App Store Connect as an admin, and I added my Apple ID in Xcode. There is already an existing TestFlight build a bygone developer has put up there, but I've taken over the project and need to update it. I can build the app in the simulator just fine, but when I try to make a build for a generic iOS device I get these two errors:
Failed to register bundle identifier. The app identifier "com.blahblahlbah.blahblahblah" cannot be registered to your development team. Change your bundle identifier to a unique string to try again.
No profiles for 'com.blahblahlbah.blahblahblah were found: Xcode couldn't find any iOS App Development provisioning profiles matching 'com.blahblahlbah.blahblahblah'.
I don't see any way to select a different team. Do I need to enroll in the developer program? I'm using Macincloud to try to build the app from Ionic, so I don't have an iOS device to set up two-factor authentication with, but I can get one if that is required to get this to work. Are there some build settings that I have to set up?
I eventually got the last developer to revoke their certificate. Turns out there was some issue with my account not being able to register for the developer program. After dealing with their support for a while I just made a new account. Then I was finally able to create a new certificate and select it in XCode. After that, it built just fine.

How to generate new ipa file in xcode 8.2.1?

When I make build file that time showing one error. So please help me how to solve this error after make new build file.
I created developer certificate. I used this Automatic select mode on Xcode. I select Generic iOS Device in Build scheme. I try to many time but I show same error.
I attached My screenshot so please check it and give me response.
It appears that the bundle id com.2048light is used in another developer account. You need to change the bundle id in your project to something unique across all iOS applications and try again. A common mechanism to solve this issue is to put a company identifier in your bundle id.
For example:
where you replace mycompany with your name or the name of the company you are building the app for.
This error can happen if the computer you are building on does NOT have that certificate and is trying to generate one with a different account (Auto-Provisioning).
For example, you might be using your own personal developers account with bundleID: com.2048light.
Then on your company's build machine, you might be using the company account and the same bundleID. You can't do that.
You can either do one of the following:
Use the company account to run it on your own personal device.
You create a new bundleID for the company and build using that.
You copy your personal certificates to the company computer and build with that.
I would suggest doing #1. My company adds our personal devices to their list and makes us a member so we don't have to keep changing the project settings. If you can't do that, then do option #2.

Wildcard App ID issue with Xcode 8.0

I used to have a provisioning profile with an associated wildcard app ID (*) to sign a bunch of apps for customers. Each explicit app ID is declared into the Bundle ID field in the Xcode project. The problem is that each app uses Wireless Accessory Configuration capability. As reported by Apple (,
Because an App ID specifies a unique configuration of entitlements, Wildcard App IDs are for use with code signing all apps that do not enable app-specific capabilities.
Until Xcode 7.3 this wasn't a big deal, it always worked. After updating to the last public beta of Xcode 8.0, I'm not able to code sign my apps anymore using the wildcard app ID associated to my provisioning profile and I can't add explicit app IDs to it because they are already managed by customers. When I try using the new automatic code signing feature, it tells me that the app ID that I suggested in the Bundle ID field of my Xcode project cannot be registered to my development team (of course not!, because it belongs to the customer's team which I'm not a member of).
If I click in the Info disclosure button next to the Xcode managed profile, the only issue that I can see is that the Wireless Accessory Configuration capability is missing
So, could I ask the customer to add this capability to the explicit app ID in order to solve this issue?
If I try to code sign the app directly in the Build Settings using the old method with my provisioning profile (which I regenerated again), I always obtain the following issue:
"App" isn't code signed but requires entitlements. It is not possible to add entitlements to a binary without signing it.
Code signing is required for product type 'Application' in SDK 'iOS 10.0'
Could someone please help me addressing this problem? I'm stuck since days.
List of possible solutions:
Have them add you as a member to their development team.
Make the bundle ID dependent on the the build configuration. Then you can register an App ID yourself and add the capability.
Make the entitlements.plist-file dependent on the configuration. Have a separate entitlements.plist-file without the capability for your development and testing.

Deploying iOS app for development on multiple devices

I'm working on developing an application for iPhone. I recently acquired a new development device, and would like to deploy the application to this device for testing, in addition to the device I have already been using.
When I try to deploy the application, I get an error saying that:
No matching provisioning profiles found: None of the valid provisioning profiles include the device "name of my device"
I have read the documentation on Apple's official developer portal, but it's unclear to me what I can re-use on this new device and what has to be created for it uniquely.
Can I use the same AppId? (I would hope so, since I can only have one app Id for a given Bundle ID)
I generated a new certificate request and named it something different. I also tried to add the new development device as a device allowed to use the provisioning profile I am already using in the application. Apparently, my code signing identity is still not found when trying to build on the new device. Any suggestions?
You have to add your new device identifier to the Provisioning Profile in the Development Portal. The process should be automated if you connect the device while Xcode is open, check out the Organizer for registration progress.
Delete old profile from xcode and download fresh copy of provisioning profile with new device identifier. Add this profile to xcode.
Go to Project -> Build settings-> Code Signing -> there select latest downloaded profile.
It will work
