RAILS: Rendering views from the same controller based on the route - ruby-on-rails

I have two routes (defined in my config/routes.rb)
match 'compare' => 'front_office#search_by_id', :via => :get, :as => :front_office_compare
match 'full_report' => 'front_office#search_by_id', :via => :get, :as => :front_office_full_report
I would like to know how I can tell my controller to render the view based on my route, without adding a parameter on my URL.
Based on this Question&Answer I Managed to get the result I want with
match 'compare' => 'front_office#search_by_id', :via => :get, :as => :front_office_compare, :defaults => { :render => 'compare' }
match 'full_report' => 'front_office#search_by_id', :via => :get, :as => :front_office_full_report, :defaults => { :render => 'full_report' }
And in my controller I defined my action as:
def search_by_id
render :action => (params[:render] || "full_report")
But is this a Good Practice or is there a better way to do it?

Instead of creating different routes for each category you are making for simplifying you can write it like:
# config/routes.rb
get ":category", to: "front_office#search_by_id", as: 'front_office', constraints: {category: /(compare|full_report)/}
the above routes looks for /compare and /full_report and this will call search_by_id action in front_office controller.
then inside the controller do as follows:
def search_by_id
render params[:category]
params[:category] will hold the slug values which we passed through the URL


How can I redirect to a specific controller/action with similar routes?

My routes are redirecting to the same controller even when I specified different properties inside my routes.rb file.
These are my routes.
match ':clube_id' => 'clubes#show', :as => 'clean_cluble', via: [:get]
match ':project_id' => 'projects#show', :as => 'clean_project',via: [:get]
These are the links that I am using.
=link_to 'Project', :controller => "projects", :action => "show", :project_id=>'xxxxx'
=link_to 'Clube', :controller => "clubes", :action => "show", :id=>'cccc'
The link for projects works well, but the linl for clubes is redirecting to projects controller. that is the problem.
The URLs that I spect are:
You didn't specify different properties, both routes look's identical for Rails. The match method expect any string(or id) in the ':clube_id' or ':project_id', for example:
host_name/soho_project or host_name/1
How is Rails can recognize for a which model it's related? It can be a Project or Club. I suggest add something like the anchor to a match method.
match 'club/:clube_id' => 'clubes#show', :as => 'clean_cluble', via: [:get]
match 'project/:project_id' => 'projects#show', :as => 'clean_project',via: [:get]
and helpers:
= link_to 'Project', clean_project_path(:project_id=>'xxxxx')
= link_to 'Clube', clean_cluble_path(:clube_id=>'cccc')
Read more about routes from the Rails guides.

Rails route to get a resource using query string

I would like to have a custom route querystring based, to access a specified resource. For example:
That route should map to the action OpportunitiesController#show, with the resource id 45045.
Thanks in advance!!!
This are my current routes:
get 'oportunidades/alquiler/san-miguel-de-tucuman/:id', to: "opportunities#show"
get 'oportunidades/alquiler/san-miguel-de-tucuman', to: "opportunities#index"
So, if I navigate to the /oportunidades/alquiler/san-miguel-de-tucuman?id=123456 route, it go to the Opportunities#index action.
P/S: sorry, I forget to mention that I have a similar route for the index action.
Make your custom routes as:
resources: opportunities, except: :show
get '/opportunities/rent/san-miguel-de-tucuman/:id' => 'opportunities#show', :as => 'opportunities_show'
and pass your 'id' as opportunities_show_path(id)
Change your routes as:
get 'oportunidades/alquiler/san-miguel-de-tucuman/:id' => "opportunities#show", :as => 'opportunities_show'
get 'oportunidades/alquiler/san-miguel-de-tucuman' => "opportunities#index", :as => "opportunities_index"
Now when you want to access your show page just use opportunities_show_path(:id =>123456 )
And for index page use opportunities_index_path
Use this
match '/opportunities/rent/san-miguel-de-tucuman/:id', :to => 'opportunities#show', :via => :get
and pass a object to the path so created. Eg:-
something_path(#object), here #object is object that with id which will be passed in routes
Option 1
Query string parameter
// /opportunities/rent/san-miguel-de-tucuman?id=45045
match '/opportunities/rent/san-miguel-de-tucuman', :to => 'opportunities#show', :as => "show_opportunity", :via => :get
Option 2
Add id like new parameter. More friendly.
// /opportunities/rent/san-miguel-de-tucuman/45045
match '/opportunities/rent/san-miguel-de-tucuman/:id', :to => 'opportunities#show', :as => "show_opportunity", :via => :get
In both cases, you need to call the route like this:
show_opportunity_url(:id => 45045)
In your controller you will get the id in params[:id]

Subdomain for nested resources in Rails

My rails app is set to use subdomains as described in this RailsCast:
However, right now, paths render like this:
I have the controllers set up to choose the organization based on the subdomain already, so I'm wondering if there's a way to strip out the /organizations/:id portion of the paths, such that:
link_to edit_organization(#organization)
goes to http://organization.domain/edit, instead of http://organization.domain/organizations/:id/edit
Since there's going to be many nested resources within organizations (people, donations, etc), it's important that URL's don't end up incredibly long, and that the path generation method remains pretty straightforward.
Is there a way to do this?
You could use a route like:
resource :organization, :path => ""
The will cut down your url to 'http://organization.domain/:id/edit`.
Getting rid of the :id is tricky, and I dont think it can be done directly. What I would do is something like:
resource :organization, :path => "", :only => [] do
match "index", :via => :get
match "new", :via => :get
match "show", :via => :get, :constraints => {:subdomain => /[a-zA-Z]+/}
match "edit", :via => :get, :constraints => {:subdomain => /[a-zA-Z]+/}
match "update", :via => :put, :constraints => {:subdomain => /[a-zA-Z]+/}
match "create", :via => :post
Not very DRY, but I think it should work.

How do you create a route to a specific show item?

I would like 'about' to route to 'abouts/1'
I tried this:
match 'about' => 'abouts#show/1', :via => get
and it doesn't work. Any ideas?
How about:
match 'about' => 'abouts#show', :via => :get, :defaults => {:id => 1}
What about just removing the 1 from the route and retrieve the record you want directly in the controller method?
# routes.rb
match 'about' => 'abouts#show', :via => get
# abouts_controller.rb
def show
#about = About.find(1)

With the route generated by the Vanity gem, what is the Rails route helper I can use?

This is the route the Vanity gem generates:
controller :vanities do
match ':vname' => :show, :via => :get, :constraints => {:vname => /[A-Za-z0-9\-\+]+/}
This is the rake routes:
GET /:vname(.:format) {:vname=>/[A-Za-z0-9\-\+]+/, :controller=>"vanities", :action=>"show"}
How do I use the Rails link helper to link directly to URL mydomain.com/vname?
From the top of my head (sorry, I don't really have the time to test it right now):
controller :vanities do
match ':vname' => :show, :via => :get, :constraints => {:vname => /[A-Za-z0-9\-\+]+/}, :as => :vanity
which you would use like this:
vanity_path(:vname => "marcamillion")
