Search youtube channel for specific video id's - youtube

I have a large array of video id's. (Over 100) I need to determine which videos belong to the oauth'd user. Looking through the Youtube API docs it doesn't look like they have a way to get videos by ID for a channel. I see how to get all videos for a channel but that looks like it limits the results. Is there an efficient way to do this that I'm missing?
Ideally I'd like to say grab all videos with this id that belong to this channel. I'd accept a way to just get all videos for the users channel so I can compare the array of videos with my array of id's.
Using Laravel socialite and the PHP google api client.

You can either
Get videos by IDs using the videos:list API endpoint. The id parameter takes up to 50 comma-separated videoIDs.
Get all videos in a channel using the channels:list API endpoint. The id parameter takes up to 50 comma-separated channelIDs. Each page of results has up to 50 videos.
If you already have the videoIDs, option 1 would be best.

I have figured it out if you want to get the video with particular video id
if you want the thumbnails for the particular video**hcMzwMrr1tE**.jpg
put the video id you will get the details you can use google api like this


How to get metrics from YouTube Analytics API for every video which belongs to current user?

I want to get metrics (such as likes, views and subscribers gained) for every video in my youtube channel (or about 10 latest video) , how can I do it correctly?
I'm using such API call from Youtube Analytics API, but it turns out that it returns total views and total likes from all videos, not individually about every video.
I read documentation of YouTube Analytics API and I can't find this information there.
If you want the response to be grouped by video your have to specify the dimension parameter to video.
Here is a sample request from the documentation (Basic stats/Top 10 – Most watched videos for a channel):
Although the note does not specify it, the sort parameter must be the first metric that you declared.
If want to get information on more that 10 videos or to pull information for the latest videos, you can specify the dimension as video and you must specify the video ids in the filter parameter as video==VIDEO1_id,VIDEO2_id....
The videos in a channel can be retrieved through the YouTube Data API from the search endpoint.
You will get a list of videos with their details as a response, among others the videoId and publishedAt values.

Get number of video views from a video tweet

I'm looking for a way to get the number of video views from a video tweet.
With the search/tweets I can get the number of favorites and retweets but not the views. Is it possible?
In the twitter ads api there is a video metric where is possible to get the number of views. The problem is that it requires to be approved through the twitter review process and this api looks more like a way to fully manage the ads of the user.
But I finally found an undocumented api where I can get this information using the same access token used for everything else:{{id-tweet}}.json
Among other things, it returns a track.viewCount field.

How to Retrieve the Video ID from private videos within a public Playlist- YouTube API v3?

I need some help getting the video ID number and the video title ( the title would be "Private video") for all private videos within a public playlist. Specifically I'd need help editing my script below. This script used to be able to do that, but I fear something has changed with Youtube's API. I want to know if there is any way to get this information and fix my script.
My script is located here
Just a month ago my script (see above) was able to retrieve video ID numbers and video names of private videos when fetching playlistItems from a playlistid (of course the video titles were renamed "Private video" - but that is the info I wanted). Unfortunately now when I fetch the same playlistid from youtube it hides all this info. It acts as if there are no videos in the playlist when a playlist contains private videos. Here is a question asked last year, it shows you can pull the video ID numbers and names from a playlist that contained private videos. Retrieve Video IDs contained in a Playlist - YouTube API v3
Here is an example of a playlist I would want to fetch the video ID and video name from.
I haven't tried it but you can try PlaylistItems: list and Advanced Google Services
Returns a collection of playlist items that match the API request parameters. You can retrieve all of the playlist items in a specified playlist or retrieve one or more playlist items by their unique IDs.
AFAIK if you own the private/unlisted videos, you can get the videos using Youtube API v3. You can read these related SO questions - Using the YouTube API v3 to list all private videos, Google Youtube Data API: Private videos with API key and Google YouTube API (v3): how to access my unlisted/private videos from my server? that all discuss retrieving the ID as the owner of the videos.
This issue has been fixed. You now get the behavior you were used to.

How to know if a video has been seen/hidden?

Using the YouTube Data API v3, is there a way to know if a video has been seen or hidden?
Reading through the docs, I didn't see anything on the Video resource that could match what I'm looking for.
Logically, “Watched” videos are just videos which have entries on your “Watch History” on Youtube.
You can get your “Watched” videos list through the API by getting your Watch History list from your channel. You can do that by using obtaining your Watch History ID which at the same time is also treated as playlistId.
Referring through the Channel API, make a GET HTTP request to{YOUR_API_KEY}
This should return a JSON which should contain an object with “watchHistory” key. The value paired with it is your playlistId which you can now use to make a request using the PlaylistItems API{YOUR_WATCHED_PLAYLIST_ID}&key={YOUR_API_KEY}
This should return a list of videos that your account has already watched.
As for getting the list of “Hidden” videos on your subscription feed. I think it's not achievable through the API. Checked on different responses of subscription and video resources but to no avail. No responses containing "watched" or "hidden" related.

Youtube API: no way to get liked videos from user's activity feed

It's a known issue that Youtube API (v2) doesn't support liked videos - (not The trick was to use events API for user's recent activity and filter out those with yt:rating.value = like. However, when I hit this endpoint (with proper authorization headers), I only get last 24 events and all of them are of 'X has uploded a video' type. Has anyone experienced this and figured out what is wrong?
You can get liked videos without much effort in v3 of the API. I don't think there's a workaround for this in v2.
In v3, make a channels.list(part=contentDetails) call to get the "likes" playlist id, and then do a playlistItems.list() call to get the contents of that playlist, i.e. the videos that have been liked.
