I'm trying to only show YouTube videos from a specific year. Why is it not working?
buildApiRequest('GET' URL: 'https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/videos?id=7lCDEYXw3mM&key=your api key'
I have a app with button as like-button of youtube and videoId of a video.
Before I get sessionid, cookies from webviewclient with a google account.
How to like that video then video appear in my likelist video in youtube without Youtube API?
I am grateful for any help.
the Video.rate method will allow you to submit a like or dislike on a video though the YouTube API.
This method does not require an API key it does though requier authorization
You Will need to use Oauth2 to authorize the user to your application who will be making the link
Using one of the following scopes.
I've been trying to get tags for youtube videos using playlists/playlistItems api.
I've seen other questions about this and saw there's a possibility to do it with more than one call (make a call to get the videos, which has the tags).
For example: How to retrieve a YouTube video's tags with YouTube v3 API?, YouTube API - get tags for all videos with playlist query
BUT I see in their api documentation that the snippet in playlists api is supposed to include tags:
But it doesn't!
The url I'm using: https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/playlists?part=snippet&channelIdz=&key=
I'm trying to get a Youtube channel featured or default video ID from youtube API.How can I get the youTube featured-video URL using the youTube API?
You can use videoCategories and guideCategories for that.
Here's the full blog.
GDL video.
Im trying to retrieve the oldest video of a playlist using the youtube v3 API. Based on the fact that there's no YT-API-Param to sort the playlist result and the max-value of the max-results param is 50, i'm searching for other solutions.Since the YouTube Data API v3 results are paginated (https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/docs/playlists/list), i'm looking for a way to a get a "lastPageToken" or some such. Any ideas? Many thanks!
How can I form requests using the youtube api to get the videos from a channel as an rss feed?
I read this question, where a link to the new api (V3) is given, but I couldn't find it there. I tried with the deprecated syntax from api v2:
but it only works sometimes.
I also tried:
where I enter the channel id and the search key, but I get a 'bad request' error.
To answer the question in the headline:
Pre-append https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id= to the channel unique identifier.
For example, lets assume that the channel url is https://www.youtube.com/channel/feed/UCpjNXONNE-JUz74ACsRCgcw. So the rss feed URL would be https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=UCpjNXONNE-JUz74ACsRCgcw.