Incorporating a plugin into an ImageJ/FIJI Macro (bUnwarpJ) - imagej

I am trying to integrate the plugin, bUnwarpJ into an ImageJ macro I have been writing. The aim is to call this plugin, allow the user to define the parameters and run it.
This plugin has an option to save the user defined parameters, i.e., "save landmarks". I would like this to be executed as well by calling: call("bunwarpj.bUnwarpJ_.saveLandmarks", output folder) from within my plugin.
Currently, the code is:
call("bunwarpj.bUnwarpJ_.saveLandmarks", output folder);
The problem is once bUnwarpJ is completed, you cannot call 'save landmarks' method, and will lose the user input data as well. How would you solve this?
One idea was to have a pop up window (before the run command) which will NOT pause the user interaction, and when the user completes defining landmarks, they can then click OK on this window which executes call(), thereby saving the landmarks while bUnwarpJ is running. The problem I had was most of popup windows will pause the rest of the code..It would ideally be like:
#command for popup window here
run("bUnwarpJ"); #when user is finished, they click Ok on the box above
#which executes: call("bunwarpj.bUnwarpJ_.saveLandmarks", output folder);
Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

Is the user defining landmarks by creating an ROI or something else that might require them to actually interact with an image? If not, and/or those landmark values can be generated ahead of time (using a single image as a template for your batch), you might consider just adding a user interface/dialog box that requests the landmark values and then saves them as a set of variables, or an array. Let me know if that sounds like it might be on the right track and I can do my best to help you set that up.

Using the initial dialog box would definitely be the simplest method to get the input parameters. If for some reason this doesn't work, you might consider putting in a line like:
waitForUser("Input Your Parameters");
I haven't used UnwarpJ, but the waitForUser command should allow the macro to pause for the manual input if the user is meant to do steps other than just parameter inputs. Otherwise, ejkiely's suggestion will be the fastest solution.


Is there a way to view / edit the definition of a computed variable after it has been created?

I have created some new computed variables in SPSS. I would like to be able to view the definitions (to check for errors) and possibly edit them after the fact. I cannot find a way to do this or find any advice on the internet.
I can see the definitions in the saved syntax file but there does not seem to be a way to pull the definitions up and view them from the SAV file itself.
Note that this is NOT the same thing as recoding a variable - I want to be able to bring up something like the new variable dialog box for an existing computed variable, view the definition and, if necessary, edit it.
Double-click on the relevant output in your .SAV file.
Select, copy, and paste the COMPUTE statement to a Syntax file.
Edit the COMPUTE statement as desired.
Add the command EXECUTE. after the COMPUTE statement.
Select this block of code.
Click on the 'play' button in the ribbon (or, select Run > Run Selected).
This will recompute the variable.
CAUTION: When you run COMPUTE from syntax, you don't get the warning asking if you want to replace the existing variable.

In Fish, how do you tweak things around to match special key bindings?

So I finally give a try to Fish, and as one would expect I encounter some frictions due to differences with my usual routines.
The most astonishing for me, as for many other, was the absence of the bang operator. I'm fine with the lose of sudo !!, as the suggested function replacement seems even better to me, I named it gar which means "To make, compel (someone to do something); to cause (something to be done." However I'll need a replacement for !<abc><enter> which grab the last history line starting with <abc> and run it without further ado, suggestions are welcome.
Now, for the more personal things:
- I use a Typematrix 2030 keyboard
- I use a bépo layout
- I like to configure default finger position keys with the most used actions
As on my keybord <enter> is well positioned and is semantically relevant for that, ideally I would like to achieve the following key binding:
ctrl-enter: accept the whole suggestion and run it without further confirmation
ctrl-tab: accept the whole suggestion and wait for further edit
alt-enter: redo the last command without further confirmation
But according to xev it appears that, at least with Gnome-terminal, this combinations are not recognized. Are they terminal that supports it? For now I remapped these three to <ctrl>-i, <alt>-i and <alt>-I respectively:
bind --preset \ci forward-char execute
bind --preset \ei forward-char
bind --preset \eI forward-word
This works as expected, but it seems that now the tab key will also map to the first item. I guess that tab map to <alt>-i at some point in the shell stack. I wasn't aware of that, so I don't know yet if it will be possible for Fish to separate each of them.
To manage jobs, I also came with
bind --preset \es fg
bind --preset \eS bg
The first works as expected, but the second one doesn't. With application like vim, the binding should be operated in the application configuration itself of course. But for things as trivial as yes, <alt>-S won't work as expected while <crl>-z continue to operate normally.
I also would like to bind some commands like ls -alh and git status --short to a directly executed command, showing the result bellow the currently edited line, allowing to further type seamlessly, but didn't find the way to do it yet.
Summary of remaining question
So here are my more precise questions summarised:
how do I bind the sleep signal to <alt>-S?
is there a terminal I can use where <alt>-<enter> and <ctrl>-<enter> works?
how to seamlessly run command while maintaining the current line edition in place?
can you bind something to <alt>-i without altering <tab>?
how do I bind the sleep signal to -S?
What you are doing with bind \es fg is to alter a binding inside the shell.
But when you execute yes, the shell isn't currently in the foreground, so shell bindings don't apply.
What you'd have to do instead is change the terminal settings via stty susp \cs,
but fish resets the terminal settings when executing commands (so you can't accidentally break them and end up in an unusable environment), so there currently is no way to do this in fish.
can you bind something to <alt>-i without altering <tab>?
Sure. You bind \ei. Which is escape+i, which is alt-i (because in a terminal alt is escape).
Your problem is with ctrl-i, which in the way terminals encode control+character is tab. The application receives an actual tab character, and at that point the information has been lost.
is there a terminal I can use where - and - works?
Most terminals should send \e\r for alt-enter. ctrl-enter again is unencodable with the usual code (because \r is ctrl-m), just like ctrl-tab is.
Any fix to this requires the terminal to encode these combination differently.
how to seamlessly run command while maintaining the current line edition in place?
I don't know what you mean by this. I'm guessing you want fish to remain open and editable while a command also runs in the foreground. That can't work. There's no way to synchronize output from two commands to a terminal, not with cursor movement being what it is.

Edit Photos via Photoshop on a server

I wart to create a web app where a user enters certain data via a form and then receives a custom rendered image. The image is from a smart object in a psd. It's kind of like a mock-up which definitely requires needs some photoshop filters to be properly rendered.
This should all happen in real time and should be doable from my understanding since the rendering of a single images doesn't need much computing power
I've done some research and haven't really found a solution the matches my problem. Is it necessary to run Photoshop on a server and then remotely run a photoshop script and then upload the generated image somewhere else?
I've used The After Effects Plugin Template by DataClay in the past which offers similar functionality but for video.
Looking forward to hearing your ideas.
You can use the Dataclay plugin to handle still image exports out of After Effects. Make a single-frame duration composition in After Effects and rig the layers with the Templater plugin. Then use the PNG Sequence output module to render out a single frame.
From Dataclay's forums:
A few extra steps are required to correctly render a project file as a PNG sequence using Templater. By default, a file rendered as a PNG sequence will have the frame number appended to the end of the file name, i.e.:
filename.png00000, filename.png00001, filename.png00002, etc.
In order to designate where in the filename the frame number should be added, we’ll need to use the output column. First, add a column named output to your data source. Next, add a filename with a set of brackets with five # signs to designate where the frame numbering should be added. For example:
filename[#####] would result in filename00001.png
[#####]filename would result in 00001filename.png

saving roi in imageJ without prompt window

When I try to save a roi in imagej using the code below, a window prompts to save the roi. However, I want to save the roi programmatically so that I can do it for several different files. How can I avoid the prompt window and how can give each roi a specific name (the whole file is saved with the name RoiSet which contain several roi that each should have a different name I choose)?
rm.runCommand("Save", IJ.getDirectory(r"path to my folder") + "")
The issue is that IJ.getDirectory(String) returns null, so your path becomes, which ImageJ thinks is not a valid path, and therefore it prompts with a dialog box.
You do not need the IJ.getDirectory call here; just pass r"path to my folder\" directly and it should work without popping any dialogs.
It looks like you are not using the macro language, which might make things a tad more difficult, but I'm not an expert by any means, so take that assumption with a grain of salt. If you do decide to switch and use the macro language, you can simply wrap your code in the batch mode function like so:
example code here;
As for saving, the macro language uses the saveAs() function, which takes file type and save path + title of the file as arguments. If you want more info about, or help writing in, the macro language, let me know and we can likely put something together rather quickly.

attempt to index field '' (a nil value)

I was trying to run this script done by SethBling, but it gives me this error:
LuaInterface.LuaScriptException: DP1.state
LuaInterface.LuaScriptException: [string "main"]:337: attempt to index field 'neurons' (a nil value)
This is the code
In case this didn't solve your problem try this:
"If you are using a version of BizHawk that is over 2.0, go into the menu and Click Config then follow as such: Customize > Advanced > Lua Core > Lua+LuaINterface. This is why I wasn't able to load." from JaRetroYT over on reddit.
A flamanis posted this comment on youtube. I followed the instructions and got it working.
Execpt this part: Before EVER opening the lua console on BizHawk,
(If you have, instructions on how to reset your stuff will be at the
bottom) go onto the level you want to have it learn, and when the
level starts up, click on file. Go down and open the menu of save
state, at the bottom click the create named state, and then finally
name it DP1, however put it after all the slashes and whatever so just
delete the gamestate.whatever jargon that it auto names it. After
doing that, either move that file from the SNES/State folder to where
you have your lua file, or the other way around. and then load up the
lua file into the console, and boom you're good.
IF YOU ALREADY TRIED TO RUN THE LUA FILE AND IT ERRORS: You either need to delete your save, or edit the lua file slightly. If you want to do the delete save approach, then go into the SNES folder and then into the SaveRAM
folder and delete your file for the game. THIS DOES NOT DELETE THE
EMULATION, just the save. If you want to edit the lua file, then at
the top, the very top line, (create a new one if you want to, just
make sure it's before any other text) add this: pool = nil that's it.
It will reset the data so that it can run again. You still need that
save state though. You will probably want to edit the file again after
you've started running it and remove that line or it will restart
every time you turn it on.
Alrighty, I said I'd answer this better, and sometimes people do just google randomly for their solutions.
Soo, Bizhawk emulator has a way to run Lua scripts, which is nice.
So Seth's program assumes a few things about how the game is set up, and how the user (that is you) has done certain things beforehand.
The main thing that you need to do beforehand is create what is known as a save state. This is a point in the game that you can instantly reload back to, and how the program restarts the level so that each 'run' is essentially the exact same. This differs slightly from normal games where you 'load' the game, because games back around SMB weren't as 'random' as games now. So saving the game and loading it should give the same exact result with the same inputs every time.
You should create the save state right at the very start of the level. To create this illustrious save state you want to click on the file button at the top of your screen to open the drop down, and then select save state and create a new one. This should create a save state that you can then load to return to that exact moment in the game.
To have the program be able to load your save state to run you can do one of two things
1: Rename the actual save state file name to be just DP1.savestate
2: Modify the Lua file and change the DP1.savestate part to be the name of your save state
Then you just need to move them into the same folder, and you should be golden.
If you attempted to run the file before making a save state, it will have tried to run and errored with attempt to index field 'neurons' (a nil value) or something similar. (It's been a while, it could have stopped on the first run because it couldn't find the save state, so this might just only happen on the 2nd and further runs)
What this means is that it essentially created it's "brain" but left it completely empty. Which is bad. There's two ways to fix this, and they're fairly straightforward.
1: You need to delete the actual game save, otherwise known as the SaveRAM. The file that you need to delete can be found in the folder for whatever console you're running, in Seth's video he was using the SNES, so that's the folder you'd want to go into. Inside that folder is then the SaveRAM folder, you can either just delete that folder, or go into it and delete the one for the game you were running.
2: You need to edit the Lua file to reset itself, all this requires is putting the text pool = nil at the very top. This will then delete the "brain" before anything else happens, which will let the program create a new one. Fair warning: This is not just a one time effect, if you restart the program at this point you will lose your entire progress. What you need to do is after it starts running, stop it and edit the file again, and remove the line you just added. This will stop it from deleting it's "brain" every time the program starts, and you should be able to freely run the game.
I do hope that there are still people who look at Seth's video and wants to make it run themselves, good luck to you guys, and happy gaming.
"If you are using a version of BizHawk that is over 2.0, go into the menu and Click Config then follow as such: Customize > Advanced > Lua Core > Lua+LuaINterface. This is why I wasn't able to load."
from JaRetroYT over on reddit.
Move the savestate and lua script to the main folder for the emulator (where EmuHawk.exe is)
