Identity 2.0 - Add in memory role to user -

I'm designing a system, where the admin will be able to login as a user to fix things on their behalf etc. I'd like it so they have an additional role during this period. Is there any way to add the role in memory or in a way that ends when they logout/close the browser. I could add the role from the admin screen and remove when that user logs in again but it could easily go wrong. Cheers.
This isn't about how to do impersonation. I've got that part working. I'd like to be able to add an additional role to the user but only when they are being impersonated (so there are a few extra diagnostic screens available). I think the person below is answering my question by explaining that when I add a claim, I'm adding it to the the cookie. I was thinking adding this information persisted back to the database. I will try that code tomorrow but I suspect it is the direction I need to go in. This is silly question but have the rules changed recently, I've noticed tonight people being a little enthusiastic to correct grammar etc.

ASP.NET Core 2.0 Identity uses claims based authentication. Each role is a claim. Claims are persisted for the session via several means but generally in the application cookie issued when they log in or JWT auth tokens (not in memory).
Using the SignInManager creating a user principal and adding an extra claim should be pretty trivial:
// create the user principal
var principal = await signInManager.CreateUserPrincipalAsync(user);
// add the extra role
principal.Identities.First().AddClaim(new Claim(ClaimTypes.Role, SomeRole));
// issue the application cookie
await HttpContext.SignInAsync(principal)


ActiveDirectoryMembershipProvider and Forms authentication

I've got a ASP.NET MVC web app which uses forms authentication.
I'm using ActiveDirectoryMembershipProvider to validate users against our domain.
if (Membership.ValidateUser(m.Username, m.Password))
FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(m.Username, true);
This means the user gets validated only when they log in.
Problem with that is ofcourse that if the user's password changes they still remain logged in. Or worse, user leaves our company with a grudge, and they still have access.
I would have thought such a simple use case would have an obvious answer but I've been stuck on this for a while now.
I could put the users password in the session and then validate it every time, but that doesn't feel right.
What is the suggested/correct way of handling this?
The typical solution is to force log out when users unsubscribes from the service or less commonly when they change password. Use this method:
If the user can be deactivated outside of the app (i.e. Active Directory), the typical practice is to rely on the session time-out and perhaps ask for the credentials once more for critical operations. If you absolutely cannot allow the deactivated user to work while the session is still active, then yes, you'll have to check the credentials on every request. Since storing the password in the app is a very bad idea, it means you'll have to ask for credentials on each request which arguably is an even worse idea.
As for the password change, it normally doesn't modify the user's permissions so it should be harmless to allow for them to continue working.
The answer is to periodically (every 30 minutes or so) check User.IsApproved and User.LastPasswordChangedDate to make sure the users credentials are still valid.
To do this you need to manually create the FormsAuthenticationTicket and cookie, rather than using FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie.
Put the date you validated the user inside UserData and compare this against LastPasswordChangedDate.
I've implemented this and it works perfectly.
More information here
Check if Active Directory password is different from cookie

ASP.NET MVC: A PreAuthorize-like event, Good throttle point for concurrent logons?

I want to allow a new login to 'kick' a prior login session by the same account, in ASP.NET MVC.
It seems pretty clear that I'll give each browser a cooking representing the session ID. I'll track the currently active session ID in a server-side cache. If an already-active user attempts to log in, I'll verify the business logic (username, password, has been at least 15 minutes since last activity), and then update the active session ID cached at the server.
Now my issue is, a browser is holding an invalid session ID. What is the best point for me to inject a rejection or redirect to sign-in for this scenario?
I could modify the AuthorizeAttribute, but it seems like there should be a cleaner place to do this that won't require me to search and replace all my Authorize attributes, for example via a Global.asax event, or a controller event (I've already extended Controller in my project).
For example, if PreAuthorize existed, I would write some code there to test the request's cookies for a valid user/session ID pair, and if it didn't exist, I could simply remove the authentication cookie from the request, which would result in a standard unauthorized redirection.
So after a bit of research, it seems that a custom AuthorizeAttribute would typically be the correct approach. However, in my case, since I already had a custom role provider implemented, it was just a line of code to do it there. This also benefited me because I only wanted session concurrency for a single role. A side effect is that any use of web.config to control access to static files by role is also in-effect for session concurrency.

How to grant ACL in Spring Security without an explicit authentication?

When I create a new entity I would like to grant ACL permissions (aka ACL entry) to this new entity. So far so easy :-)
The problem arises in the following scenario:
An end user can create the entity without being authenticated on the web site.
The service that persists this new entity hence runs without an authentication context.
But: to grant ACEs one needs to have an active authentication context.
Spring's JdbcMutableAclService uses SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication() to obtain the current authentication, so there seems to be no way to circumvent this requirement.
Any ideas are greatly appreciated!
Found the answer myself:
In a web application there always is an authentication context. If a user is not authenticated the authentication is which has a single granted authority: ROLE_ANONYMOUS.
Hence it is simple to grant this user the right to create ACLs. Just configure the PermissionGrantingStrategy to use this role to authorize requests.
The main answer does not work in the current version of Spring (5.3.22) and Spring Security (5.7.3). I doubt it even worked back in 2012, when the answer was posted since it does not make sense.
PermissionGrantingStrategy is a class that only contains the method bool isGranted(Acl, List<Permission>, List<Sid>, boolean) which decides if the principals in the List<Sid> can access the object with the corresponding Acl with any of permissions in List<Permission>.
This is the function that is called when a user want to access an object with a certain permission. This method determines if access is granted or denied.
This has nothing to do with allowing anonymous users to modify existing Acls. The actual problem comes from calling MutableAcl aclService.createAcl(ObjectIdentity) when the authentication context is empty. This is implemented by JdbcMutableAclService, provided by Spring. The problem is that MutableAcl JdbcMutableAclService.createAcl(ObjectIdentity) has this call Authentication auth = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication(); which forces the access to authorization context even though the Sid could be passed to the createAcl method, so the business logic would be able to createAcls for the chosen users passed in the arguments.
Instead, we have this call which makes it impossible to use Acls from an unauthenticated context if we want to keep using the Spring Classes.
So, the solution would be reimplement the JdbcMutableAclService so the createAcl method does not call the authentication context, instead it has an extra arguments to indicate the Sid of the user we want to create the Acls.
If anyone has any idea on how to do that it would be greatly appreciated.
I am trying to initialize my Acl tables programmatically when my web app starts, but I cannot do it because my initialization code does not have any authantication.

How to authenticate from a token in a URL?

I need to create a website with non standard authorizaion logic (or rather not exactly the site. It should be separate Area in existing ASP.NET MVC3 application). Access to most of the pages sould be available only to authorized users. Authorization is carried out on the token passed in the link. After the user arrived to this area, the token should be checked and if it’s valid site will create a session key for 30 minutes (we already have our own mechanisms of session managment and it should be used).
Workflow example :
Third-party website generates a link for user, e.g.
Our site check this token (it depends on the page from URL, in this case
If the token is valid, obtains a session key for the user and stores it in cookies.
Then user continues browsing whole website and only session is checked.
I’m new to MVC framework, so I’d like to ask several questions about architecture.
What is an apropriate place for this logic? ActionInvoker, Global.asax etc.?
Currently I'm trying to create my own ActionInvoker and keep this logic there, but I'm afraid that it could be a wrong way.
If I understand correctly you want yo extend the Action of the controller to inject/check your token.
I think the global action filters should help you.

When does the .NET FormAuthentication ticket get checked and how do I tap into this event?

We are attempting to integrate an ASP.NET MVC site with our client's SSO system using PingFederate. I would like to use the built in FormsAuthentication framework to do this. The way I've gone about it so far is:
Set up my Web.config so that my FormsAuthentication LoginURL goes to my site's "BeginAuthentication" action on a "Security" controller. From this action, I set up some session variables (what URL was being accessed, for example, since Ping won't send this info back to me), and then redirect to our client's login page on an external site ( for example).
From here, the authentication takes place and a cookie is generated on the same domain as the one that our application is running on which contains the unique identifier of the authenticated user, I've set it up so that once this happens, the Ping server will redirect to my "EndAuthentication" action on my "Security" controller.
In this action, I call my membership class's "ValidateUser" method which takes this unique identifier from the cookie and loads in the user on our application that this ID refers to. I save that logged in user in our Session (Session["LoggedInAs"], for example) and expire the cookie that contains the id of the authenticated user that the SSO system provided for me.
All of this works well. The issue I'm wondering about is what happens after our user has already authenticated and manually goes back to our client's login page ( and logs in as another user. If they do that, then the flow from #2 above to number 3 happens as normal - but since there already exists an authenticated user on our site, it seems as though the FormsAuthentication system doesn't bother kicking off anything so I don't get a chance to check for the cookie I'm looking for to login as this new user. What I'd like to do is, somewhere in my Global.asax file (probably FormsAuthenticate_OnAuthenticate), check to see if the cookie that the SSO system sends to me exists, and if so, sign out of the application using FormsAuthentication.SignOut().
Another issue that seems to be related is that if I let my Session expire, the FormsAuthentication still seems to think I am authenticated and it lets me access a page even though no currently logged in user exists in my Session, so the page doesn't render correctly. Should I tap into the Session_End event and do FormsAuthentication.SignOut() here as well?
Basically, I want to know when the authentication ticket created by
System.Web.Security.FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(..) gets checked in the flow of a request so that I can determine whether I need to SignOut() and force revalidation or not.
Thanks for any help. Sorry for the length of this message, trying to be as detailed as possible.
Welcome to the small section of Hades that is mixing session with formsauth.
If your needs are as complex as presented, you would get more sleep if you implement a full provider stack to share amongst the participating sites. Easier said than done, I know.
But to address your question:
On the way in....Check ticket and set identity #
app.AuthenticateRequest += System.Web.Security.FormsAuthenticationModule.OnEnter-->OnAuthenticate
On the way out... set the ticket and redirect as necessary
app.EndRequest += System.Web.Security.FormsAuthenticationModule.OnLeave
Reflector is your friend. ;-)
I don't know about a specific event for when the cookie is checked, but you could place the appropriate logic in Application_BeginRequest() and check the user's authentication state there.
Another issue that seems to be related
is that if I let my Session expire,
the FormsAuthentication still seems to
think I am authenticated and it lets
me access a page even though no
currently logged in user exists in my
Session, so the page doesn't render
The life of the cookie (how long until ASP.NET feels it needs to ask for a password again) and how you are managing state are unrelated. The ASP.NET authentication is cookie based so that, should a developer want to, he could turn off viewstate, session, use no query strings or hidden fields and authentication still works.
If you want to tie the interval at which you request the password to how you are persisting data, then you will want your session expiration to be roughly the same as the cookie expiration, but they will never quite match up. It would be better to have two policies (one for how fast you throw away a users session data and one for how long you are willing to wait before you need to reask for a password)
