I am using the tileloaderror event on an ol.source.Tile to catch errors that occur during loading of the tile. Is there any built-in way to get the actual error from the HTTP request that originated from the tile load?
iOS WKWebView's WKNavigationDelegate has two methods to handle a failed navigation:
webView(_:didFail:withError:): "Tells the delegate that an error occurred during navigation."
webView(_:didFailProvisionalNavigation:withError:): "Tells the delegate that an error occurred during the early navigation process."
The docs only tell us that the one type occurs earlier in the navigation process than the other. The error arguments are generic, so no help there. Brave and Firefox iOS only handle didFailProvisionalNavigation as far as I can tell from reading their source.
My questions are:
What's the difference exactly between the two types of errors?
Is there a list of errors that can occur for each?
When is it necessary to handle didFail seeing that browsers don't seem to handle that?
This method handles errors that happen before the resource of the url can even be reached. These errors are mostly related to connectivity, the formatting of the url, or if using urls which are not supported.
The error codes delivered here are found in
Typical examples are
kCFURLErrorTimedOut = -1001 // timed out
kCFURLErrorUnsupportedURL = -1002 // unsupported URL
kCFURLErrorCannotFindHost = -1003 // host can not be found
kCFURLErrorFileDoesNotExist = -1100 // file does not exist on the server
Here, errors are reported that happen while loading the resource. These are usually errors caused by the content of the page, like invalid code in the page itself that the parser can't handle.
I am trying to create an Object Detection model with CreateML.
But no matter what I do, every time I press "Train" I get the message "Unexpected Error". But without any further information.
Here is the annotations.json data:
And here screenshots from CreateML:
Does anyone have any idea what I am doing wrong?
I had GPU timeout and other issues. Just cancelling the error and clicking on Resume Training worked for me. The error might pop up for a few times, but after a while, the process will continue.
I'm using Error Handling in WorkFusion.
Is there a way to see the error message in the catch block i.e. exception occurred block.
How about using:
println exception_msg_var
exporting exceptions to datastore?
To get the error message in RPA Express, you can keep the code outside of exception handling and then, the software will through error message on its' own. Once you get the type of error (by running the bot once), you can put the solution in catch block by keeping the code inside exceptional handling feature.
We are having the same issue that is descibed here https://trac.videolan.org/vlc/ticket/4888
When we try to scrubbing the video, it does not work, vlcj is buffering every time we scrubbing and we are getting the errors logs below
[163bdd44] core input error: ES_OUT_SET_(GROUP_)PCR is called too late (pts_delay increased to 101 ms)
[163bdd44] core input error: ES_OUT_RESET_PCR called
[2403dc04] core vout display error: Failed to set on top
[164a8284] http access error: error: HTTP/1.1 500 Object not found
[15c5f1d4] core input error: input control fifo overflow, trashing type=3
Does anyone know if using a convention of VLC Configuration we can fix it ?
I am trying to load a broken image with TImage.Picture.LoadFromFile() (the image file is 0kb in size) but try..except is not catching JPEG error #42:
Image1.Picture.LoadFromFile('myfile.jpg'); // myfile.jpg is broken image
on e: exception do
ShowMessage('Fail to load');
Message show "JPEG error #42", not "Fail to load".
broken image sample
What's happening is that the error is being triggered asynchronously when the image control paints itself. The actual image data is not processed until then, and the image does not paint itself until the next paint cycle. Which happens after your event handler returns.
If you want to be able to handle the error synchronously then you need to force the invalid image data to be processed immediately. Here is one rather ugly way to make that happen:
Image1.Picture.LoadFromFile('myfile.jpg'); // myfile.jpg is broken image
(Image1.Picture.Graphic as TJPEGImage).DIBNeeded;
on e:exception do
ShowMessage('Fail to load');
Note that modern versions of Delphi have addressed this issue and the code in your question will behave as you would hope and expect.