I'm trying to implement Firebase Remote Config in my iOS app. Everything works fine, but there is a problem - a remote config always fetches data from firebase server, not from cache. I have tried a lot of variants without any success.
This is my code:
+ (instancetype)sharedInstance
static ConfigManager *_sharedInstance = nil;
static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
_sharedInstance = [[self alloc] init];
return _sharedInstance;
self = [super init];
if (self) {
self.remoteConfig = [FIRRemoteConfig remoteConfig];
[self updateRemoteConfig];
return self;
- (void)activateDebugMode
FIRRemoteConfigSettings *remoteConfigSettings = [[FIRRemoteConfigSettings alloc] initWithDeveloperModeEnabled:YES];
self.remoteConfig.configSettings = remoteConfigSettings;
- (void)updateRemoteConfig
[self fetchConfigWithCompletionHandler:nil];
- (void)fetchConfigWithCompletionHandler: (FireBaseConfigCompletionHandler)completionHandler
NSTimeInterval cacheExpiration = 43200;
BOOL debug = ConfigurationValue(DebugMode);
if (debug) {
cacheExpiration = 0;
[self activateDebugMode];
[self.remoteConfig fetchWithExpirationDuration:cacheExpiration completionHandler:^(FIRRemoteConfigFetchStatus status, NSError * _Nullable error) {
if (status == FIRRemoteConfigFetchStatusSuccess) {
NSLog(#"Config fetched!");
[self.remoteConfig activateFetched];
// do smth
} else {
NSLog(#"Config not fetched");
NSLog(#"Error %#", error.localizedDescription);
Even I use fetchWithCompletionHandler without cacheExpriration parameter, it also doesn't work. Setting remoteConfigSettings in debugMode = FALSE doesn't work either. I created a small test app with the same code and it works! The only difference us that I can see is "Enable Modules" parameter in Built Settings.
What am I doing wrong?
Thank you in advance!
Sorry, I don't know how to read Objective C code - but looks like when your app runs in debug mode, you set the cacheExpiration to 0.
When cacheExpiration is 0, network will be hit on all requests. This is meant to aid local development workflows. I would suggest retrying this code with a larger value of cacheExpiration
Please see https://firebase.google.com/docs/remote-config/android#caching_and_throttling
I am trying to integrate Hyperpay payment into React Native project and I have problems with objective-c, I followed an article and found many issues and with searching, I solve them, but still two issues I can't solve because I am not familiar with objective-c
Issue 1,
No known class method for selector 'presentCheckoutForSubmittingTransactionCompletionHandler:cancelHandler:'
Issue 2,
No known class method for selector 'dismissCheckoutAnimated:completion:'
I am sorry if my code is long but I don't to miss something
// RCTCalendarModule.m
#import "HyperPay.h"
#import "UIKit/UIKit.h"
#import <OPPWAMobile/OPPWAMobile.h>
#implementation HyperPay{
RCTResponseSenderBlock onDoneClick;
RCTResponseSenderBlock onCancelClick;
UIViewController *rootViewController;
NSString *isRedirect;
OPPPaymentProvider *provider;
// To export a module named RCTCalendarModule
RCT_EXPORT_METHOD(openHyperPay:(NSDictionary *)indic createDialog:(RCTResponseSenderBlock)doneCallback createDialog:(RCTResponseSenderBlock)cancelCallback) {
onDoneClick = doneCallback;
onCancelClick = cancelCallback;
NSArray *events = #[];
if ([indic[#"is_sandbox"] isEqualToString:#"1"]) {
provider = [OPPPaymentProvider paymentProviderWithMode:OPPProviderModeTest];
} else {
provider = [OPPPaymentProvider paymentProviderWithMode:OPPProviderModeLive];
OPPCheckoutSettings *checkoutSettings = [[OPPCheckoutSettings alloc] init];
// Set available payment brands for your shop
checkoutSettings.paymentBrands = #[#"VISA", #"MASTER"];
// Set shopper result URL
checkoutSettings.shopperResultURL = #"com.simicart.enterprise.payments://result";
OPPCheckoutProvider *checkoutProvider = [OPPCheckoutProvider checkoutProviderWithPaymentProvider:provider checkoutID:indic[#"checkoutId"]
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[OPPCheckoutProvider presentCheckoutForSubmittingTransactionCompletionHandler:^(OPPTransaction * _Nullable transaction, NSError * _Nullable error) {
if (error) {
// Executed in case of failure of the transaction for any reason
if (isRedirect && ![isRedirect isEqualToString:#"1"]) {
onCancelClick(#[#"cancel", events]);
} else if (transaction.type == OPPTransactionTypeSynchronous) {
// Send request to your server to obtain the status of the synchronous transaction
// You can use transaction.resourcePath or just checkout id to do it
NSDictionary *responeDic = #{#"resourcePath" : transaction.resourcePath};
onDoneClick(#[responeDic, events]);
NSLog(#"%#", transaction.resourcePath);
} else {
// The SDK opens transaction.redirectUrl in a browser
// See 'Asynchronous Payments' guide for more details
} cancelHandler:^{
onCancelClick(#[#"cancel", events]);
// Executed if the shopper closes the payment page prematurely
- (instancetype)init{
self = [super init];
if (self) {
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:#selector(getStatusOder:) name:#"getStatusOrder" object:nil];
return self;
- (void)getStatusOder:(NSNotification*)noti{
[OPPCheckoutProvider dismissCheckoutAnimated:YES completion:^{
isRedirect = #"1";
NSURL *url = noti.object;
NSString *urlString = [url absoluteString];
NSLog(#"%#", urlString);
if (![urlString isEqualToString:#"com.simicart.enterprise.payments://result"]) {
NSArray *events = #[];
NSDictionary *responeDic = #{#"url" : urlString};
onDoneClick(#[responeDic, events]);
In my app, I have class called FavoritesController that manages objects that the user's marked as favorites, and this favorite status is then used throughout the app. The FavoritesController is designed as a singleton class as there are a number of UI elements throughout the app that needs to know the 'favorite status' for objects in different places, also network requests need to be able to signal that a favorite needs to be invalidated if the server says so.
This invalidation part happens when the server responds with a 404 error, indicating that the favorite object must be removed from the user's favorites. The network fetch function throws an error, which triggers the FavoritesController to remove the object and then send a notification to interested parties that they need to refresh.
The problem
When using a unit test to check the quality of the 404 implementation, all methods are triggered as intended – the error is thrown and caught, the FavoritesController deletes the object and sends the notification. In some instances though, the deleted favorite is still there – but it depends on from where the query is done!
If I query inside the singleton the deletion went OK, but if I query from a class that makes use of the singleton, the deletion didn't happen.
Design details
The FavoritesController property favorites uses an ivar with all accesses #synchronized(), and the value of the ivar is backed by a NSUserDefaults property.
A favorite object is an NSDictionary with two keys: id and name.
Other info
One weird thing which I fail to understand why it happens: in some deletion attempts, the name value for the favorite object gets set to "" but the id key retains its value.
I've written unit tests that add an invalid favorite and checks that it gets removed on first server query. This test passes when starting with empty set of favorites, but fails when there is an instance of 'semi-deleted' object as above (that retains its id value)
The unit test now consistently passes, but in live usage the failure to delete remains. I suspect that this is due to NSUserDefaults not saving to disk immediately.
Steps I've tried
Making sure that the singleton implementation is a 'true' singleton, i.e. sharedController always returns the same instance.
I thought there was some sort of 'capture' problem, where a closure would keep its own copy with outdated favorites, but I think not. When NSLogging the object ID it returns the same.
FavoritesController main methods
- (void) serverCanNotFindFavorite:(NSInteger)siteID {
NSLog(#"Server can't find favorite");
NSDictionary * removedFavorite = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:[self favoriteWithID:siteID]];
NSUInteger index = [self indexOfFavoriteWithID:siteID];
[self debugLogFavorites];
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[self removeFromFavorites:siteID completion:^(BOOL success) {
if (success) {
NSNotification * note = [NSNotification notificationWithName:didRemoveFavoriteNotification object:nil userInfo:#{#"site" : removedFavorite, #"index" : [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInteger:index]}];
NSLog(#"Will post notification");
[self debugLogFavorites];
[self debugLogUserDefaultsFavorites];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotification:note];
NSLog(#"Posted notification with name: %#", didRemoveFavoriteNotification);
- (void) removeFromFavorites:(NSInteger)siteID completion:(completionBlock) completion {
if ([self isFavorite:siteID]) {
NSMutableArray * newFavorites = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:self.favorites];
NSIndexSet * indices = [newFavorites indexesOfObjectsPassingTest:^BOOL(NSDictionary * entryUnderTest, NSUInteger idx, BOOL * _Nonnull stop) {
NSNumber * value = (NSNumber *)[entryUnderTest objectForKey:#"id"];
if ([value isEqualToNumber:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:siteID]]) {
return YES;
return NO;
__block NSDictionary* objectToRemove = [[newFavorites objectAtIndex:indices.firstIndex] copy];
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
NSLog(#"Will remove %#", objectToRemove);
[newFavorites removeObject:objectToRemove];
[self setFavorites:[NSArray arrayWithArray:newFavorites]];
if ([self isFavorite:siteID]) {
NSLog(#"Failed to remove!");
if (completion) {
} else {
NSLog(#"Removed OK");
if (completion) {
} else {
NSLog(#"Tried removing site %li which is not a favorite", (long)siteID);
if (completion) {
- (NSArray *) favorites
#synchronized(self) {
if (!internalFavorites) {
static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
self->internalFavorites = [self.defaults objectForKey:k_key_favorites];
if (!internalFavorites) {
internalFavorites = [NSArray array];
return internalFavorites;
- (void) setFavorites:(NSArray *)someFavorites {
#synchronized(self) {
internalFavorites = someFavorites;
[self.defaults setObject:internalFavorites forKey:k_key_favorites];
- (void) addToFavorites:(NSInteger)siteID withName:(NSString *)siteName {
if (![self isFavorite:siteID]) {
NSDictionary * newFavorite = #{
#"name" : siteName,
#"id" : [NSNumber numberWithInteger:siteID]
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
NSArray * newFavorites = [self.favorites arrayByAddingObject:newFavorite];
[self setFavorites:newFavorites];
NSLog(#"Added site %# with id %ld to favorites", siteName, (long)siteID);
} else {
NSLog(#"Tried adding site as favorite a second time");
- (BOOL) isFavorite:(NSInteger)siteID
#synchronized(self) {
NSNumber * siteNumber = [NSNumber numberWithInteger:siteID];
NSArray * favs = [NSArray arrayWithArray:self.favorites];
if (favs.count == 0) {
NSLog(#"No favorites");
return NO;
NSIndexSet * indices = [favs indexesOfObjectsPassingTest:^BOOL(NSDictionary * entryUnderTest, NSUInteger idx, BOOL * _Nonnull stop) {
if ([[entryUnderTest objectForKey:#"id"] isEqualToNumber:siteNumber]) {
return YES;
return NO;
if (indices.count > 0) {
return YES;
return NO;
Singleton implementation of FavoritesController
- (instancetype) init {
static PKEFavoritesController *initedObject;
static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
initedObject = [super init];
self.defaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
return initedObject;
+ (instancetype) sharedController
return [self new];
Unit testing code
func testObsoleteFavoriteRemoval() {
let addToFavorites = self.expectation(description: "addToFavorites")
let networkRequest = self.expectation(description: "network request")
unowned let favs = PKEFavoritesController.shared()
XCTAssertFalse(favs.isFavorite(313), "Should not be favorite initially")
if !favs.isFavorite(313) {
NSLog("Adding 313 to favorites")
favs.add(toFavorites: 313, withName: "Skatås")
let notification = self.expectation(forNotification: NSNotification.Name("didRemoveFavoriteNotification"), object: nil) { (notification) -> Bool in
NSLog("Received notification: \(notification.name.rawValue)")
return true
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 1) {
NSLog("Verifying 313 is favorite")
self.wait(for: [addToFavorites], timeout: 5)
NSLog("Will trigger removal for 313")
let _ = SkidsparAPI.fetchRecentReports(forSite: 313, session: SkidsparAPI.session()) { (reports) in
NSLog("Network request completed")
self.wait(for: [networkRequest, notification], timeout: 10)
XCTAssertFalse(favs.isFavorite(313), "Favorite should be removed after a 404 error from server")
To give context around my answers, this is what the code in question looked like when suggesting the change:
- (NSArray *)favorites {
#synchronized(internalFavorites) {
if (!internalFavorites) {
static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
internalFavorites = [self.defaults objectForKey:k_key_favorites];
if (!internalFavorites) {
internalFavorites = [NSArray array];
return internalFavorites;
I was suspicious of the check if (!internalFavorites) { that followed #synchronized(internalFavorites) because that meant that there was an expectation of #synchronized being passed nil, which results in a noop.
This meant multiple calls to to favorites or setFavorites could happen in funny ways since they wouldn't actually be synchronized. Giving #sychronized an actual object to synchronize on was crucial for thread safety. Synchronizing on self is fine, but for a particular class, you have to be careful not to synchronize too many things on self or you'll be bound to create needless blocking. Providing simple NSObjects to #sychronized is a good way to narrow the scope of what you're protecting.
Here's how you can avoid using self as your lock.
- (instancetype)init {
static PKEFavoritesController *initedObject;
static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
initedObject = [super init];
self.lock = [NSObject new];
self.defaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
return initedObject;
+ (instancetype)sharedController {
return [self new];
- (NSArray *)favorites {
#synchronized(_lock) {
if (!internalFavorites) {
static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
self->internalFavorites = [self.defaults objectForKey:k_key_favorites];
if (!internalFavorites) {
internalFavorites = [NSArray array];
return internalFavorites;
Regarding the abnormalities between test runs, definitely calling synchronize on the NSUserDefaults will help because calls to change the defaults are asynchronous, which means other threads are involved. There are like 3 layers of caching as well, and specifically for the purposes of running tests synchronize should ensure that things are completely and cleanly committed before Xcode pulls the plug on the test run. The documentation very abruptly insists that it's not a necessary call, but if it truly weren't necessary it wouldn't exist :-). On my first iOS projects, we always called synchronize after every defaults change... so, I think that documentation is more aspirational on the Apple engineers' parts. I'm glad this intuition helped you.
I am starting in Unit testing with objective-c and I need to know how to test blocks with OCMockito and Xcode 6.
I am testing an Interactor, this interactor should return an array as a block argument and I has to ask the Provider file for the elements.
This is the method I want to test:
- (void)userPoiListsWithSuccessBlock:(MNBSavePoisInteractorSuccess)success {
self.poiListEntityArray = [self.poiListProvider poiListsForUser:self.loggedUser];
self.poiListViewObjectArray = [self viewPoiListObjectListWithPoiLists:self.poiListEntityArray];
First, I setup the elements that I am going to use
self.mockPoiListProvider = mock([PoiListProvider class]);
self.sut = [[MNBSavePoisInteractor alloc] initWithManagedObjectContext:self.coreDataStack.managedObjectContext andPoiListProvider:self.mockPoiListProvider];
- (UserEntity *)loggedUserMock {
UserEntity *mockLoggedUser = [NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName:NSStringFromClass([UserEntity class]) inManagedObjectContext:self.coreDataStack.managedObjectContext];
return mockLoggedUser;
- (InMemoryCoreDataStack *)coreDataStack{
if (!_coreDataStack) {
_coreDataStack = [[InMemoryCoreDataStack alloc] init];
return _coreDataStack;
- (PoiListEntity *)poiListFake {
PoiListEntity *fake = [NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName:#"PoiListEntity" inManagedObjectContext:self.coreDataStack.managedObjectContext];
fake.name = #"Test";
fake.poisCount = #2;
[fake addContributorsObject:[self loggedUserMock]];
return fake;
Then, I do the test. I am using Xcode 6 waitForExpectation to manage the asynchronous methods. I think I am doing something wrong.
- (void)waitForExpectation {
[self waitForExpectationsWithTimeout:5.0 handler:^(NSError *error) {
if (error) {
NSLog(#"Timeout Error: %#", error);
- (void)testShouldReturnPoiLists {
XCTestExpectation *expectation = [self expectationWithDescription:#"Waiting method ends"];
[given([self.mockPoiListProvider poiListsForUser:[self loggedUserMock]]) willReturn:#[[self poiListFake]]];
[self.sut userPoiListsWithSuccessBlock:^(NSArray *results) {
[expectation fulfill];
XCTAssert(resutls.count == 1, #"Results %zd", resutls.count);
[self waitForExpectation];
I understood if I give the object in willReturn in the given method, when I call the sut method that I want to test it should return what I give before. Is that true?
Thank you
I see no asynchronous code. You just want a block that captures the results, so use a __block variable to make the results available outside of the block. Then you can assert whatever you want:
- (void)testShouldReturnPoiLists {
[given([self.mockPoiListProvider poiListsForUser:[self loggedUserMock]]) willReturn:#[[self poiListFake]]];
__block NSArray *capturedResults;
[self.sut userPoiListsWithSuccessBlock:^(NSArray *results) {
capturedResults = results;
assertThat(capturedResults, hasLengthOf(1));
The relationship between the length of 1 and the fake is hard to tell. Let's also parameterize the faking code:
- (PoiListEntity *)poiListFakeWithName:(NSString *)name count:(NSNumber *)count {
PoiListEntity *fake = [NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName:#"PoiListEntity" inManagedObjectContext:self.coreDataStack.managedObjectContext];
fake.name = name;
fake.poisCount = count;
[fake addContributorsObject:[self loggedUserMock]];
return fake;
With that, we can write more interesting tests.
I do want to add that it's important to "listen to the tests." There's a lot of convoluted set-up to dance around Core Data. That tells me that if you can rewrite things to be independent of Core Data — completely ignorant of it — everything will be much simpler.
Im trying to get an updated version of the Singleton Design Pattern which is thread safe. Here is one version that I know. However, I cannot make it work in iOS6
Here is what Im trying to do:
Here is my Class method
static dispatch_once_t pred;
static EntryContainerSingleton *entriesSingleton = nil;
dispatch_once(&pred, ^{
entriesSingleton = [[super alloc] init];
return entriesSingleton;
#synchronized([EntryContainerSingleton class])
NSLog(#"inside alloc of EntryContainerSingleton");
ERROR >>>>> NSAssert(entriesSingleton == nil, #"Attempted to allocate a second instance of a singleton.");
ERROR >>>>> entriesSingleton = [super alloc];
ERROR >>>>> return entriesSingleton;
return nil;
self = [super init];
......Some custom INitialization
return self;
This code throws an error as marked above. The error message says Use of undeclared identifier. In addition the link above recommends the use of
[[allocWithZone:nil] init]
When I use it like this it complains
return [self instance];
After hours of trying to make it work. It would be great if someone could point out how to do this right. Ive spent much time googling and haven't found a complete implementation example.
Why not just use +initialize?
static MyClass *gSingleton;
+(void) initialize {
if ( self == [MyClass class] ) {
gSingleton = [MyClass new];
+(MyClass*) getSingleton {
return gSingleton;
It's thread-safe. The only issue is that it doesn't prevent someone from allocating a second object by using alloc/init or new.
I am working with Blackraccoon FTP client to do FTP operations,working with ARC.but i am getting leaks in instruments.
but there were no leaks in sample application here is my code
BRRequestCreateDirectory *createEventDir = [BRRequestCreateDirectory initWithDelegate:nil];
//NSString *EventCode = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] stringForKey:kEventCodeKey];
createEventDir.path = #"/12341234";
createEventDir.hostname = #"media.example.com/httpdocs/events/";
createEventDir.username = #"badboy";
createEventDir.password = #"hai!";
createEventDir.tag = 103;
[createEventDir start];
createEventDir = nil;
sample code from FTP clent Blackraccoon FTP client
leaks showing in instruments like,but i am using ARC
can any one help me to solve this prob..
I ported and heavily modified BlackRaccoon. It is designed to use delegates. In other words, delegates are required.
BRRequestCreateDirectory *createEventDir = [BRRequestCreateDirectory initWithDelegate:nil];
//NSString *EventCode = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] stringForKey:kEventCodeKey];
createEventDir.path = #"/12341234";
createEventDir.hostname = #"media.example.com/httpdocs/events/";
createEventDir.username = #"badboy";
createEventDir.password = #"hai!";
createEventDir.tag = 103;
[createEventDir start];
createEventDir = nil;
Is incorrect. It starts a lot of things going and then deletes the object - the action is undefined.
Instead you need something as indicated in the code that I provided (that doesn't leak).
First, the class that uses the ftp needs to have BRRequestDelegate to indicate the delegate protocol.
- (IBAction) createDirectory:(id)sender
//----- createEventDir must be a variable in your class...
createEventDir = [BRRequestCreateDirectory initWithDelegate: self];
createEventDir.path = #"/12341234;
createEventDir.hostname = #"media.example.com/httpdocs/events/";
createEventDir.username = #"badboy";
createEventDir.password = #"hai!";
[createEventDir start];
Then you have to have the two delegates (at a minimum):
-(void) requestCompleted: (BRRequest *) request
//----- handle Create Directory
if (request == createEventDir)
NSLog(#"%# completed!", request);
//----- everything is done, NOW you can set it to nil
createEventDir = nil;
-(void) requestFailed: (BRRequest *) request
if (request == createEventDir)
NSLog(#"%#", request.error.message);
//----- everything is done, NOW you can set it to nil
createEventDir = nil;
If you go back and look at my test code you'll see how things work. If you are still having issues, post in the issues on http://github.com/lloydsargent/BlackRaccoon
Hopefully this will get you past your problem.