Ranger Knox Plugin error - apache-ranger

I am trying to enable Ranger Knox plugin. I created a service called 'knoxdev', test connection is successful. But still I am not able to see service 'knoxdev' in audit->plugin tab. I have hdfs plugin enabled too and service created for same as 'hadoopdev'. I am able to see 'hadoodev' in audit->plugin tab but not 'knoxdev'.
Then I checked gateway.log and gateway-audit.log. I can see response code as 200.
Then I checked ranger_admin.log, and there I find this error:
ERROR org.apache.ranger.plugin.util.PasswordUtils
(PasswordUtils.java:130) - Unable to decrypt password due to error
javax.crypto.IllegalBlockSizeException: Input length must be multiple
of 8 when decrypting with padded cipher
Can anyone help?


Jenkins issue while adding jira site using OAuth

error seen while trying to test connection
I am getting an error "Invalid input length 849" when I tried to test the connection with the Jira site in Jenkins. I tried to add the site in the Jenkins->configure system section using OAuth.But I can save it.
This is a known issue: https://issues.jenkins.io/browse/JENKINS-68495
Hope they will fix it a day or another...

IIS: FailedRequestTracing module failed to write buffered events to log file for the request that matched failure definition

In my web Site I have enabled Failed Request Tracing log feature and configured it to store log files into
the default folder %SystemDrive%\inetpub\logs\FailedReqLogFiles and I have set some failed request tracing rules.
I have granted write permissions to that folder for application pool identity and I have checked that IIS_IUSRS account has write permissions as well on that folder.
My web site is an ASP.NET MVC application that uses Web Garden configuration (application's pool is set to 4 worker processes).
Log files are correctly stored in the folder but I get continuous warning messages in the event log like below:
FailedRequestTracing module failed to write buffered events to log
file for the request that matched failure definition. No logs will be
generated until this condition is corrected. The problem happened at
least %1 times in the last %2 minutes. The data is the error.
It seems like the cause is that more than one worker process is trying to create a file log in the same folder so they are conflicting/collisioning when creating the next filename in sequence with a correlative number as explained here by anilr.
How can I solve this problem in order to avoid warning messages appear constantly in the event log?
Note: I am using IIS 8.5.9600.16384 under Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard.
This event is logged when FailedRequestTracing module failed to write buffered events to log file for the request that matched failure definition. you can try the following steps to solve the problem.
Enable tracing access to the log file directory.
Find the current Failed Request Tracing log file path setting.
Make sure the configured Failed Request Tracing log file directory exists.
Make sure the IIS_IUSRS group has permission to write to the log file directory.
More information about this error you can refer to this link: FailedRequestTracing module failed to write buffered events to log file for the request that matched failure definition.

facing issues while enrolling the user certificate in fabric cop server

I'm getting error as rpc error: code = 14 desc = grpc: RPC failed fast due to transport failure while i try to register the user through rest client... please provide me the possible solution as soon as possible...i followed the below link to configure cop server please let me know the configuration is right or not.
and the attachment conatins directories involved in configuration:
directories involved in configuration
We renamed "fabric-cop" to "fabric-ca" so you are using an outdated version of the code. I'd suggest taking a look at https://github.com/hyperledger/fabric-ca as that's the latest code

TFS - Build Service Starts and then throws a HTTP code 500: System.ServiceModel.ServiceActivationException

I have been working on restoring a build server (tfs 2012) from a backup and all manner of things got messed up (the tfsservice account password had been altered and I had to go to every service and app pool on the box and update it). Once sql was backup I was able to update the password via the TFS admin console app. Then I was able to re-register the build service and add a controller and a build agent. It starts briefly and shows green for a few seconds before stopping and a "details ..." button appears next to the Build Service. If I click the details button I see the following
"Please contact your administrator. There was an error contacting the server. Technical information (for administrator): HTTP code 500: System.ServiceModel.ServiceActivationException"
I have checked the http bindings in iis for the tfs site and there is only the one "*:8080"
I tried hardcoding it to the ip on the box and I still get the same error. If I go to one of the client machines and try and queue a build it shows the build server as being offline.
I have also checked for multiple host headers and the memory utilization which are the most common responses to this particular issue. Neither of them seem to be the cause or the solution.
Any ideas or suggestions are welcome I have run out of ideas to try here. Thanks in advance for any help you have to offer.
EDIT -- also found this in the log: Build machine MyMachine lost connectivity to message queue tfsmq://buildservicehost-25/.

Gerrit - Application Error - Intraline difference not available due to server error

For one of our gerrit projects, while navigating the file differences we get this error:
Application Error
Intraline difference not available due to server error
It doesn't happen for all projects, currently we've detected the error on only one project.
I looked on Google and on the gerrit documentation. Found a reference on their source code, but don't know what causes it and how it can be resolved.
The web page with the error contains a "Continue" button. Once clicked it will take you to the file you selected, but the error is annoying.
Do you know how to fix this?
That is caused while cache the intraline difference of one file, when compared between two commits. The default timeout value is 5 seconds. If the file is huge, and computation takes longer than the timeout, the worker thread is terminated, an error message is shown, and no intraline difference is displayed for the file pair.
A solution could fix this.
Add config in gerrit.conf.
[cache "diff_intraline"]
timeout = 15000 ms # Or other time length as you want.
restart Gerrit service
run SSH command "gerrit flush-caches", using a user with ViewCaches global capability.
ssh -p port userxxx#host gerrit flush-caches
Then it would work.
Cause of the error:
It is a result of Gerrit taking too long to diff the file, and marking the diff in one of its caches as non-available.
The relevant error log is here:
[2012-06-08 11:14:08,547] WARN com.google.gerrit.server.patch.IntraLineLoader : 5000 ms timeout reached for IntraLineDiff in project xxxxxxx on commit 354dd67ad54578cf801d8cda64a4ae8484ebb0b7 for path xxxxxxx.java comparing bf9fbc21520af7bfd0841c8b9f955ca6e215b059..f6b9c7992c12cfdca253acd033966f98f70f3543. Killing IntraLineDiff-6
