Separate dotenv file into parts or use variables in dotenv file - environ

Now if I have .env file like
when I use env('DB_URL') it returns to me $USER:$POSTGRES_DB
I want to return root:kbackend
I use django-environ

My original incorrect answer:
Updated answer: Currently, django-environ does not support this. The relevant code:
logger.debug('Read environment variables from: {0}'.format(env_file))
for line in content.splitlines():
m1 = re.match(r'\A([A-Za-z_0-9]+)=(.*)\Z', line)
if m1:
key, val =,
m2 = re.match(r"\A'(.*)'\Z", val)
if m2:
val =
m3 = re.match(r'\A"(.*)"\Z', val)
if m3:
val = re.sub(r'\\(.)', r'\1',
cls.ENVIRON.setdefault(key, str(val))


How to iterate over a compile-time seq in a manner that unrolls the loop?

I have a sequence of values that I know at compile-time, for example: const x: seq[string] = #["s1", "s2", "s3"]
I want to loop over that seq in a manner that keeps the variable a static string instead of a string as I intend to use these strings with macros later.
I can iterate on objects in such a manner using the fieldPairs iterator, but how can I do the same with just a seq?
A normal loop such as
for s in x:
echo s is static string
does not work, as s will be a string, which is not what I need.
The folks over at the nim forum were very helpful (here the thread).
The solution appears to be writing your own macro to do this. 2 solutions I managed to make work for me were from the users mratsim and a specialized version from hlaaftana
Hlaaftana's version:
This one unrolls the loop over the various values in the sequence. By that I mean, that the "iterating variable s" changes its value and is always the value of one of the entries of that compile-time seq x (or in this example a). In that way it functions basically like a normal for-in loop.
import macros
macro unrollSeq(x: static seq[string], name, body: untyped) =
result = newStmtList()
for a in x:
newConstStmt(name, newLit(a)),
copy body
const a = #["la", "le", "li", "lo", "lu"]
unrollSeq(a, s):
echo s is static
echo s
mratsim's version:
This one doesn't unroll a loop over the values, but over a range of indices.
You basically tell the staticFor macro over what range of values you want an unrolled for loop and it generates that for you. You can access the individual entries in the seq then with that index.
import std/macros
proc replaceNodes(ast: NimNode, what: NimNode, by: NimNode): NimNode =
# Replace "what" ident node by "by"
proc inspect(node: NimNode): NimNode =
case node.kind:
of {nnkIdent, nnkSym}:
if node.eqIdent(what):
return by
return node
of nnkEmpty:
return node
of nnkLiterals:
return node
var rTree = node.kind.newTree()
for child in node:
rTree.add inspect(child)
return rTree
result = inspect(ast)
macro staticFor*(idx: untyped{nkIdent}, start, stopEx: static int, body: untyped): untyped =
result = newStmtList()
for i in start .. stopEx: # Slight modification here to make indexing behave more in line with the rest of nim-lang
result.add nnkBlockStmt.newTree(
ident("unrolledIter_" & $idx & $i),
body.replaceNodes(idx, newLit i)
staticFor(index, x.low, x.high):
echo index
echo x[index] is static string
Elegantbeefs version
Similar to Hlaaftana's version this unrolls the loop itself and provides you a value, not an index.
import std/[macros, typetraits]
proc replaceAll(body, name, wth: NimNode) =
for i, x in body:
if x.kind == nnkIdent and name.eqIdent x:
body[i] = wth
x.replaceAll(name, wth)
template unrolledFor*(nameP, toUnroll, bodyP: untyped): untyped =
macro myInnerMacro(name, body: untyped) {.gensym.} =
let typ = getType(typeof(toUnroll))
result = nnkBlockStmt.newTree(newEmptyNode(), newStmtList())
result[^1].add nnkVarSection.newTree(newIdentDefs(name, typ[^1]))
for x in toUnroll:
let myBody = body.copyNimTree()
myBody.replaceAll(name, newLit(x))
result[^1].add myBody
myInnerMacro(nameP, bodyP)
const x = #["la", "le", "Li"]
unrolledFor(value, x):
echo value is static
echo value
All of them are valid approaches.

Parse Arguments to Lua File

I have File: data.lua
#! /usr/bin/env lua
local a = {
b = {
c = {
version = "z.y"
d = {
version = "z.w"
getcversion = function ( self )
print( self.c.version )
Now I need to 'getcversion()' Function..
The problem is, I need to call it from the outside:
data.lua "a.b:getcversion()"
I tried everything that I could, but I couldn't solve this..
Does any one knows how I could call 'getcversion()' ?
Thanks in Advance,
You'll need to add something like the following to your script:
load(arg[1], "<string>", "t", {a = a})()
load will load the content of the passed parameter (arg[1]) and will return the function that will execute that code in a specific environment (provided as {a = a} table), as you need to pass the values of local variables to your code (Lua 5.2+).
Keep in mind that this will allow the caller to pass arbitrary Lua code to your script, which may be a security issue.
The error handling is left as the exercise for the reader.
Add return a to the end of data.lua to turn it into a module, and then:
$ lua -e 'a = require("data"); print(a.b:getcversion())'

Building a DspComplex ROM in Chisel

I'm attempting to build a ROM-based Window function using DSPComplex and FixedPoint types, but seem to keep running into the following error:
chisel3.core.Binding$ExpectedHardwareException: vec element 'dsptools.numbers.DspComplex#32' must be hardware, not a bare Chisel type
The source code for my attempt at this looks like the following:
class TaylorWindow(len: Int, window: Seq[FixedPoint]) extends Module {
val io = IO(new Bundle {
val d_valid_in = Input(Bool())
val sample = Input(DspComplex(FixedPoint(16.W, 8.BP), FixedPoint(16.W, 8.BP)))
val windowed_sample = Output(DspComplex(FixedPoint(24.W, 8.BP), FixedPoint(24.W, 8.BP)))
val d_valid_out = Output(Bool())
val win_coeff = Vec(>DspComplex(x, FixedPoint(0, 16.W, 8.BP))).toSeq) // ROM storing our coefficients.
io.d_valid_out := io.d_valid_in
val counter = Reg(UInt(10.W))
// Implicit reset
io.windowed_sample:= io.sample * win_coeff(counter)
when(io.d_valid_in) {
counter := counter + 1.U
println(getVerilog(new TaylorWindow(1024, fp_seq)))
I'm actually reading the coefficients in from a file (this particular window has a complex generation function that I'm doing in Python elsewhere) with the following sequence of steps
val filename = "../generated/taylor_coeffs"
val coeff_file = Source.fromFile(filename).getLines
val double_coeffs = => x.toDouble)
val fp_coeffs = => FixedPoint.fromDouble(x, 16.W, 8.BP))
val fp_seq = fp_coeffs.toSeq
Does this mean the DSPComplex type isn't able to be translated to Verilog?
Commenting out the win_coeff line seems to make the whole thing generate (but clearly doesn't do what I want it to do)
I think you should try using
val win_coeff = VecInit(>DspComplex.wire(x, FixedPoint.fromDouble(0.0, 16.W, 8.BP))).toSeq) // ROM storing our coefficients.
which will create hardware values like you want. The Vec just creates a Vec of the type specfied

How to use strtok in luajit?

My code are as follow:
local ffi = require "ffi"
local ffi_C = ffi.C
local ffi_typeof = ffi.typeof
local ffi_new =
local ffi_string = ffi.string
local NULL = ngx.null
local tostring = tostring
char * strtok(char * str, const char * delimiters);
local p_char_type = ffi_typeof("char[?]")
function split(src, c)
local result = {}
local pch = ffi_new(p_char_type, 1)
local psrc = ffi_new(p_char_type, #src)
local pc = ffi_new(p_char_type, #c)
ffi.copy(psrc, src)
ffi.copy(pc, c)
pch = ffi_C.strtok(psrc, pc)
while pch do
table.insert(result, ffi_string(pch))
pch = ffi_C.strtok(NULL, pc)
ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "pch ok")
ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "split ok")
return result
When I run my nginx, there are something wrong happened!
After return by the while loop, the nginx worker process crashed with signal 11.
The last ngx.log can not run.
How can I deal with it?
local psrc = ffi_new(p_char_type, #src)
ffi.copy(psrc, src)
ffi.copy when given a string source also copies a null terminator, but your array is too small to hold it, resulting an overflow.
Also, instead of using strtok, consider using Lua patterns. They are safer, easier to use, and don't depend on the FFI.

Access local variable by name

With globals you can use _G[name] to access the global variable name if you have a string "name":
function setGlobal(name, val)
_G[name] = val
If you have
-- module.lua
local var1
local var2
there is no _L that would allow you to do the equivalent for locals:
function setLocal(name, val)
_L[name] = val -- _L doesn't exist
Is there another way that you could access a local variable by string representing its name?
You can use debug.getlocal() and debug.setlocal() in the debug library:
function setLocal(name, val)
local index = 1
while true do
local var_name, var_value = debug.getlocal(2, index)
if not var_name then break end
if var_name == name then
debug.setlocal(2, index, val)
index = index + 1
local var1
local var2
setLocal("var1", 42)
Output: 42
I strongly recommend not using getLocal, it's a function in the debug library which should never be used in official commercial uses because it affects performance and opens huge vulnerabilities for hackers to exploit! Never depend on debug functions for your logic.
If you really need this, then why not define a dictionary _L, then:
local _L = {}
_L.var1 = ...
_L.var2 = ...
The pattern above is not against the rules of Lua's design.
