AFNetworking: how to get the response string in swift 2.0 - ios

How to get the success and failure to get response string of server?
Basically I just want to call a function when success is true. The parameters are okay.
Here is my code:
manager.POST(urlString, parameters: params, progress: nil, success: { (requestOperation, response) -> Void in
let result = NSString(data: response as! NSData, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding)!
NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().setObject(["username" , "password"], forKey: "userDetailsArray")
}) { (requestOperation, NSError) -> Void in
print("Error" + NSError.localizedDescription)

your success closure should handle that. Looks like it's called (requestOperation, response). Docs have changed but if I remember correctly there should be a value like response.isSuccess that you can use.
Something like this:
{(requestOperation, response, NSError) -> Void in
let successValue = response.isSuccess
if successValue {
// call your success function
print("Error" + NSError.localizedDescription)

You should find operation status in API response and check for "SUCCESS".
if "SUCCESS" == Response.value(forKey: "operationStatus") as? String
// Do whatever you want on success
// If not success.
Hope this will help. Regards.


How to get the value of the variable that is assigned in a closure (Swift)

I'm using the Twitter REST API in Swift, and I am trying to get the value of a variable that is assigned inside of a Twitter Request closure, so that I can use that value outside of the closure.
I acquired this code from the Twitter REST API tutorial for Swift, located at:
func jsonAvailable() -> Bool {
// Swift
let client = TWTRAPIClient()
let statusesShowEndpoint = ""
let params = ["id": "20"]
var clientError : NSError?
var jsonAvailable: Bool = false
let request = client.urlRequest(withMethod: "GET", url:
statusesShowEndpoint, parameters: params, error: &clientError)
client.sendTwitterRequest(request) { (response, data, connectionError)-> Void in
if connectionError != nil {
print("Error: \(connectionError)")
do {
let json = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data!, options: [])
print("json: \(json)")
jsonAvailable = true
} catch let jsonError as NSError {
print("json error: \(jsonError.localizedDescription)")
print("Value of jsonAvailable: \(jsonAvailable)")
return jsonAvailable
//always returns false, even if it is changed to true inside of the closure
In the last line, jsonAvailable is always false, even when it is changed to true inside of the closure. How can I get the value of jsonAvailable at the end of the function, even as it is modified inside of the sendTwitterRequest closure?
I have tried writing this closure in a separate function and then calling the function to get the value, but because it is a custom closure that requires the client to be called by "sendTwitterRequest" I have found it difficult to pass all these required parameters to fit the API.
Thanks for the help!
Your closure is async. What happens is that you go through all the function body before sendTwitterRequest assigns true to jsonAvailable, resulting in jsonAvailable being false. What you need to do is having a callback instead, providing the json status if you'd like (or the json itself as a nillable object).
EDIT: You could have something like this
func jsonAvailable(callback: ((_ isJsonAvailable: Bool) -> Void)) {
client.sendTwitterRequest(request) { (response, data, connectionError)-> Void in {
do {
let json = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data!, options: [])
print("json: \(json)")
} catch let jsonError as NSError {
print("json error: \(jsonError.localizedDescription)")
jsonAvailable(callback: { (_ isJsonAvailable: Bool) in

unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value on return

I am calling Url which will give me Json in get() function.
I am calling get() function from another class and try to return result of Json in Array format. but it shows Found null error on return statement . when I tried to print values of Json it writing correctly.
This is my code in swift.
func get() -> NSArray
let postEndpoint: String = "Link_For_JSON_Data"
let session = NSURLSession.sharedSession()
let url = NSURL(string: postEndpoint)!
var jsonArray : NSArray?
var jsonArray1 : NSArray?
session.dataTaskWithURL(url, completionHandler: { ( data: NSData?, response: NSURLResponse?, error: NSError?) -> Void in
// Make sure we get an OK response
guard let realResponse = response as? NSHTTPURLResponse where
realResponse.statusCode == 200 else
print("Not a 200 response")
// Read the JSON
if let contentString = NSString(data:data!, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding)
// Print what we got from the call
jsonArray = try NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(data!, options: NSJSONReadingOptions.MutableContainers) as? NSArray
print("jsonArray here", jsonArray)
// Update the label
{ () -> Void in
print("bad things happened")
return jsonArray!
func getDataFormREST(resultArray: NSArray) //-> NSArray
// let resultDictionary = resultArray[(searchDetails)!-1] as! NSDictionary
testArray = resultArray
print("TESTArray ON ",testArray)
You can't write a function that does an async call and then returns the results as the function result. That's not how async code works. Your function queues up the async dataTaskWithURL request, and then returns before it has even had a chance to send the request, much less receive the results.
You have to rewrite your get() function to be a void function (no result returned) but take a completion block. Then, in your data task's completion handler you get the data from the jsonArray and call the get() function's completion block, passing it the jsonArray.
See this project I posted on Github that illustrates what I'm talking about:
SwiftCompletionHandlers on Github

Load data with NSURLSession and closure iOS

i use this function to get the link of image but i just have the variable in the initialization.
func getLinkImage(link_news: String, separator: String) -> String {
let url = NSURL(string: link_news)
var link_image_news = ""
let task = NSURLSession.sharedSession().dataTaskWithURL(url!) { (data, response, error) -> Void in
if error == nil {
let urlContent = NSString(data: data!, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding)
let urlContentArray = urlContent?.componentsSeparatedByString(separator)
// search link's image
print("----------Link's Image----------")
var image_news = urlContentArray?[1].componentsSeparatedByString("<img alt=")
image_news = image_news?[1].componentsSeparatedByString("src=")
image_news = image_news?[1].componentsSeparatedByString("\"")
link_image_news = "" + image_news![1]
print("the link of image is : "+link_image_news)
// end of search link's image
else {
print("Error in the Image News load from Website")
return link_image_news
when i call the function, i have only the initialization value (link_image_news =, after many seconds i have the print with right value (the link of image).
i think it's issue with response time of server. how can i solve this ?
i found some stuffs with closure (completion) but i dont really understand how it's works, im new in Swift
Here's the deal:
An NSURLSession "task" takes a block of code that it calls once the response from the server has been completely received.
When you call task.resume() that call returns immediately, before iOS has even begun sending the request to the remote server. What you need to do is to rewrite your getLinkImage function to not return a value, and to take a completion block as a parameter.
Make that completion block take a string as a parameter. Make your getLinkImage function call the completion block from inside the data task's completion block, wrapped in a dispatch_async that invokes the completion block on the main thread.
Your modified getLinkImage method might look like this:
func getLinkImage(
link_news: String,
separator: String,
completion: (ok: Bool, resultString: String?) -> ()
let url = NSURL(string: link_news)
var link_image_news = ""
let task = NSURLSession.sharedSession().dataTaskWithURL(url!)
(data, response, error) -> Void in
if error == nil {
let urlContent = NSString(data: data!,
encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding)
let urlContentArray =
// search link's image
print("----------Link's Image----------")
var image_news =
urlContentArray?[1].componentsSeparatedByString("<img alt=")
image_news = image_news?[1].componentsSeparatedByString("src=")
image_news = image_news?[1].componentsSeparatedByString("\"")
link_image_news = "" + image_news![1]
print("the link of image is : "+link_image_news)
// end of search link's image
//We now have the string, so pass it to the completion block
completion(true, link_image_news);
else {
print("Error in the Image News load from Website")
//There was an error, so pass nil to completion
completion(false, nil);

Alamofire request coming up nil

I'm developing an iOS app which user WebServices and I find Alamofire just perfect for what I'm doing but I'm having a problem; the app asks the user to login which is an Alamofire call and does it just fine.
The problem is, it has to create a collection view based on the content of another Alamofire request but is always nil.
func getJSON(URLToRequest: String) -> JSON {
let comp:String = (prefs.valueForKey("COMPANY") as? String)!
let params = ["company":comp]
var json:JSON!
let request = Alamofire.request(.POST, URLToRequest, parameters: params).responseJSON {
response in
switch response.result {
case .Success:
if let value = response.result.value {
json = JSON(value)
json = JSON("");
return json;
The same codeblock works perfect for the Login but doesn't in this case BTW the debug Print always print nil
You're trying to access to request.response before it has been set, remember that Alamofire works asynchronously, so you have to return in your case the JSON using closures, but remember that Alamofire also returns an error, so I strongly recommend use the following code instead:
func getJSON(URLToRequest: String, completionHandler: (inner: () throws -> JSON?) -> ()) {
let comp:String = (prefs.valueForKey("COMPANY") as? String)!
let params = ["company":comp]
let request = Alamofire.request(.POST, URLToRequest, parameters: params).responseJSON {
response in
// JSON to return
var json : JSON?
switch response.result {
case .Success:
if let value = response.result.value {
json = JSON(value)
completionHandler(inner: { return json })
case .Failure(let error):
completionHandler(inner: { throw error })
The trick is that the getJSON function takes an additional closure called 'inner' of the type () throws -> JSON?. This closure will either provide the result of the computation, or it will throw. The closure itself is being constructed during the computation by one of two means:
In case of an error: inner: {throw error}
In case of success: inner: {return json}
And then you can call it like in this way:
self.getJSON("urlTORequest") { (inner: () throws -> JSON?) -> Void in
do {
let result = try inner()
} catch let error {
I hope this help you.

Alamofire : How to handle errors globally

My question is quite similar to this one, but for Alamofire : AFNetworking: Handle error globally and repeat request
How to be able to catch globally an error (typically a 401) and handle it before other requests are made (and eventually failed if not managed) ?
I was thinking of chaining a custom response handler, but that's silly to do it on each request of the app.
Maybe subclassing, but which class should i subclass to handle that ?
Handling refresh for 401 responses in an oauth flow is quite complicated given the parallel nature of NSURLSessions. I have spent quite some time building an internal solution that has worked extremely well for us. The following is a very high level extraction of the general idea of how it was implemented.
import Foundation
import Alamofire
public class AuthorizationManager: Manager {
public typealias NetworkSuccessHandler = (AnyObject?) -> Void
public typealias NetworkFailureHandler = (NSHTTPURLResponse?, AnyObject?, NSError) -> Void
private typealias CachedTask = (NSHTTPURLResponse?, AnyObject?, NSError?) -> Void
private var cachedTasks = Array<CachedTask>()
private var isRefreshing = false
public func startRequest(
method method: Alamofire.Method,
URLString: URLStringConvertible,
parameters: [String: AnyObject]?,
encoding: ParameterEncoding,
success: NetworkSuccessHandler?,
failure: NetworkFailureHandler?) -> Request?
let cachedTask: CachedTask = { [weak self] URLResponse, data, error in
guard let strongSelf = self else { return }
if let error = error {
failure?(URLResponse, data, error)
} else {
method: method,
URLString: URLString,
parameters: parameters,
encoding: encoding,
success: success,
failure: failure
if self.isRefreshing {
return nil
// Append your auth tokens here to your parameters
let request = self.request(method, URLString, parameters: parameters, encoding: encoding)
request.response { [weak self] request, response, data, error in
guard let strongSelf = self else { return }
if let response = response where response.statusCode == 401 {
if let error = error {
failure?(response, data, error)
} else {
return request
func refreshTokens() {
self.isRefreshing = true
// Make the refresh call and run the following in the success closure to restart the cached tasks
let cachedTaskCopy = self.cachedTasks
self.cachedTasks.removeAll() { $0(nil, nil, nil) }
self.isRefreshing = false
The most important thing here to remember is that you don't want to run a refresh call for every 401 that comes back. A large number of requests can be racing at the same time. Therefore, you want to act on the first 401, and queue all the additional requests until the 401 has succeeded. The solution I outlined above does exactly that. Any data task that is started through the startRequest method will automatically get refreshed if it hits a 401.
Some other important things to note here that are not accounted for in this very simplified example are:
Guaranteed success or failure closure calls
Storing and fetching the oauth tokens
Parsing the response
Casting the parsed response to the appropriate type (generics)
Hopefully this helps shed some light.
We have now released 🔥🔥 Alamofire 4.0 🔥🔥 which adds the RequestAdapter and RequestRetrier protocols allowing you to easily build your own authentication system regardless of the authorization implementation details! For more information, please refer to our README which has a complete example of how you could implement on OAuth2 system into your app.
Full Disclosure: The example in the README is only meant to be used as an example. Please please please do NOT just go and copy-paste the code into a production application.
in Alamofire 5 you can use RequestInterceptor
Here is my error handling for 401 error in one of my projects, every requests that I pass the EnvironmentInterceptor to it the func of retry will be called if the request get to error
and also the adapt func can help you to add default value to your requests
struct EnvironmentInterceptor: RequestInterceptor {
func adapt(_ urlRequest: URLRequest, for session: Session, completion: #escaping (AFResult<URLRequest>) -> Void) {
var adaptedRequest = urlRequest
guard let token = KeychainWrapper.standard.string(forKey: KeychainsKeys.token.rawValue) else {
adaptedRequest.setValue("Bearer \(token)", forHTTPHeaderField: HTTPHeaderField.authentication.rawValue)
func retry(_ request: Request, for session: Session, dueTo error: Error, completion: #escaping (RetryResult) -> Void) {
if let response = request.task?.response as? HTTPURLResponse, response.statusCode == 401 {
//get token
guard let refreshToken = KeychainWrapper.standard.string(forKey: KeychainsKeys.refreshToken.rawValue) else {
APIDriverAcountClient.refreshToken(refreshToken: refreshToken) { res in
switch res {
case .success(let response):
let saveAccessToken: Bool = KeychainWrapper.standard.set(response.accessToken, forKey: KeychainsKeys.token.rawValue)
let saveRefreshToken: Bool = KeychainWrapper.standard.set(response.refreshToken, forKey: KeychainsKeys.refreshToken.rawValue)
let saveUserId: Bool = KeychainWrapper.standard.set(response.userId, forKey: KeychainsKeys.uId.rawValue)
print("is accesstoken saved ?: \(saveAccessToken)")
print("is refreshToken saved ?: \(saveRefreshToken)")
print("is userID saved ?: \(saveUserId)")
case .failure(let err):
//TODO logout
} else {
and you can use it like this :
private static func performRequest<T: Decodable>(route: ApiDriverTrip, decoder: JSONDecoder = JSONDecoder(), completion: #escaping (AFResult<T>)->Void) -> DataRequest {
return AF.request(route, interceptor: EnvironmentInterceptor())
.responseDecodable (decoder: decoder){ (response: DataResponse<T>) in
