continuous run app in background. iOS Swift - ios

in my app, I am connecting my app to BLE device. and I am fetching BLE data from BLE device at every 1 second. it working fine when I do this in the foreground.but I want to do same in the background even when the app will be in the background I need to fetch data continuously from BLE device. right now its stoped automatically after 2 minutes.
Please let me know if it's feasible or not?
Thanks in advance

You need to enable Background Mode in your project settings under capabilities tab. Under background modes you will find a few modes that satisfy various purposes of running an app in background. From these you have to enable the ones that you think are suitable according to the task that your app will perform in background. I think, you should enable external accessory communication and background fetch.
Also you need to implement a background task when your app enters background. This is done in app delegate's didEnterBackground method.

Apple documentation
Apps that work with Bluetooth peripherals can ask to be woken up if the peripheral delivers an update when the app is suspended. This support is important for Bluetooth-LE accessories that deliver data at regular intervals, such as a Bluetooth heart rate belt. You enable support for using bluetooth accessories from the Background modes section of the Capabilities tab in your Xcode project. (You can also enable this support by including the UIBackgroundModes key with the bluetooth-central value in your app’s Info.plist file.) When you enable this mode, the Core Bluetooth framework keeps open any active sessions for the corresponding peripheral. In addition, new data arriving from the peripheral causes the system to wake up the app so that it can process the data. The system also wakes up the app to process accessory connection and disconnection notifications.
In iOS 6, an app can also operate in peripheral mode with Bluetooth accessories. To act as a Bluetooth accessory, you must enable support for that mode from the Background modes section of the Capabilities tab in your Xcode project. (You can also enable this support by including the UIBackgroundModes key with the bluetooth-peripheral value in your app’s Info.plist file.) Enabling this mode lets the Core Bluetooth framework wake the app up briefly in the background so that it can handle accessory-related requests. Apps woken up for these events should process them and return as quickly as possible so that the app can be suspended again.
Any app that supports the background processing of Bluetooth data must be session-based and follow a few basic guidelines:
Apps must provide an interface that allows the user to start and stop the delivery of Bluetooth events. That interface should then open or close the session as appropriate.
Upon being woken up, the app has around 10 seconds to process the data. Ideally, it should process the data as fast as possible and allow itself to be suspended again. However, if more time is needed, the app can use the beginBackgroundTaskWithExpirationHandler: method to request additional time; it should do so only when absolutely necessary, though.


ios ble data lost after being killed in background mode

I have an iPhone app that receive BLE info from a particular device. The device sends data to my app anytime it has something to report, and the transmission rate is about 2K Bytes per second.
The problem is that my app can be killed in the background mode by iOS and I can get no indication about this. If the device start to send ble data after my app is killed, my app can only get the last data packet after it is woken up by the system and lost all the data during the wake up procedure.
How can I get all the BLE data after my app is woken up and restored by the system?
PS: I have added Bluetooth-central under UIBackgroundModes in the Info.plist. In background mode didUpdateValueForCharacteristic: method is being called. Also, a CBCentralManagerOptionRestoreIdentifierKey is specified while I construct the CBCentralManager.
On iOS you can ensure that your app isn't completely killed by the system by using State Preservation and Restoration. Please have a look at the following link for more info:-
Core Bluetooth Background Processing for iOS
However, please note that you cannot use this if you force kill the app. There's more information about this in the following question:-
BLE device keep connect with iPhone when application terminate

How to share data between apps while in background?

I'm afraid I already know the answer of my own question, but I decided to ask anyway before losing my hopes.
I have the following use case: an app writes some bytes in a "shared" resource (let's say on a file) and another app reads the data and sends them to an external device via BLE while in background. Unfortunately, I know that concepts like shared resource and background are bounded in iOS. What I tried so far is:
Using App Group to share data between two apps
This is working fine even in background, but both the apps need to be produced by the same developer team (i.e. Team ID must be the same). This is a problem because one app is not produced by my developer team.
Copying data in the pasteboard
This is not working when app is in background. Data will always be nil and will update only when the app becomes active again.
...and of course there are...
Background limitations
Even though I go for the App Group solution, the only way I can manage to read data and send to the BLE device in background is by starting a background task. This obviously is a caveat: the task has an expiration time (from tests I performed it keeps going for about 3 minutes before being suspended by the OS). I don't need to run a long-time task, but I cannot assure it can be performed completely by 3 minutes or so.
Here's the question: Is there some other solution for this use case or should I finally give up?
If you are using CoreBluetooth to send files to your Bluetooth device, you can try adding bluetooth-central as UIBackgroundMode key in Info.plist of your app.
Apple has mentioned this in its programming guide:
Communicating with a Bluetooth Accessory Apps that work with Bluetooth
peripherals can ask to be woken up if the peripheral delivers an
update when the app is suspended. This support is important for
Bluetooth-LE accessories that deliver data at regular intervals, such
as a Bluetooth heart rate belt. You enable support for using bluetooth
accessories from the Background modes section of the Capabilities tab
in your Xcode project. (You can also enable this support by including
the UIBackgroundModes key with the bluetooth-central value in your
app’s Info.plist file.) When you enable this mode, the Core Bluetooth
framework keeps open any active sessions for the corresponding
peripheral. In addition, new data arriving from the peripheral causes
the system to wake up the app so that it can process the data. The
system also wakes up the app to process accessory connection and
disconnection notifications.
In iOS 6, an app can also operate in peripheral mode with Bluetooth
accessories. To act as a Bluetooth accessory, you must enable support
for that mode from the Background modes section of the Capabilities
tab in your Xcode project. (You can also enable this support by
including the UIBackgroundModes key with the bluetooth-peripheral
value in your app’s Info.plist file.) Enabling this mode lets the Core
Bluetooth framework wake the app up briefly in the background so that
it can handle accessory-related requests. Apps woken up for these
events should process them and return as quickly as possible so that
the app can be suspended again.

UIBackgroundModes external-accessory

I have added "App communicates with an accessory” under the Key “Required background modes” in my apps info-plist so that when the app is killed in any way iOS will prompt the user to restart the background syncing for any connected BLE devices.
I have read lots of documentation and seen lots of comments however nothing concert I have only had one other person tell me if I use this our app it will not be accepted into the app store.
The external-accessory background mode is for MFi accessories, not BLE accessories. There are separate Core Bluetooth background mode entitlements for BLE (bluetooth-central and bluetooth-peripheral).
If you declare the MFi accessory background mode but your app does not connect to external MFi accessories then you can expect your app to be rejected.
This is covered by clause 2.16 of the App Store Review Guidelines
2.16 Multitasking Apps may only use background services for their intended purposes: VoIP, audio playback, location, task completion, local notifications, etc.

Push Notification App Running in Background When BLE is Connected

I worked on an Application which is Worked on BLE. i want push a notification ( App Running in Background When BLE is Connected) if any changes in Hardware. I Read Document
Even if your app supports one or both of the Core Bluetooth background execution modes, it can’t run forever. At some point, the system may need to terminate your app to free up memory for the current foreground app—causing any active or pending connections to be lost, for instance.
can i achieve my goal even my app in Background . If It is Possible Suggest me how to Achieve this . Thanks In Advance.
You may keep app in background by means of:
1.Audiosession(use this to play silent sound)
Any method can keep App in background and avoid App from being killed by system.
BLE Runs in the background, you need to specify that your app uses BLE Accessories or your app acts as a LE Accessory in the Background modes in app capabilities.
I've tried firing local notifications, while the application is in the background. BLE even works if the app is killed by the system, when the OS receives some communication from your peripheral or central, iOS wakes your app up and executes the desired function, before putting your app back to sleep.

Launching iOS BLE Central application on iPhone reboot

I am planning to develop an iOS application using CoreBluetooth framework which monitors a pedometer peripheral continuously and counts the footsteps.
I know that if backgroud execution mode is set to BLE Central, the application will continue to receive BLE events even in the background.
Apple documentation states that in case the app gets terminated due to low memory, the system can keep track of BLE events for a particular Central Manager if state preservation and restoration is adopted.
Assume I have an iOS application that operates in Central mode. The app is subscribed to receive notification from a Pedometer when ever the footstep characteristic changes.
I have adopted the following in my app.
BLE Central background mode
BLE State preservation/restoration for Central Manager
I start my app, Scan, Pair and Connect to the pedometer and the app starts receiving footsteps.
My Questions:
Now if the iPhone reboots, Will I continue to receive BLE events so that my app will be launched in the background without the user having to manually launch the application again and connect to the pedometer?
If the app is terminated by the user explicitly using the multitasking gesture, Will the app be able to receive BLE events without the user having to manually launch the application again and connect to the pedometer?
Is there a way to launch my application on iOS boot up?
Now if the iPhone reboots, Will I continue to receive BLE events so that my app will be launched in the background without the user having to manually launch the application again and connect to the pedometer?
Your app won't receive BLE events because all apps are started in the terminated state after a reboot (despite remaining in the app switcher). The user will have to manually launch your app at least once after reboot in order for it to use BLE.
If the app is terminated by the user explicitly using the multitasking gesture, Will the app be able to receive BLE events without the user having to manually launch the application again and connect to the pedometer?
Same as above, the app has entered the terminated state, so it won't be able to communicate using BLE until it is explicitly launched again.
Is there a way to launch my application on iOS boot up?
iOS doesn't provide any way to launch your application on boot.
The one exception to all of this that I can find is iBeacons. If your app registers to receive updates for a specific iBeacon, iOS will launch your app when it finds it (even after a reboot or if the user explicitly kills it from the switcher). When you get the iBeacon callback you can start all your BLE logic and it will then run in the background per usual. Of course this means you need to advertise as an iBeacon on your pedometer, which may or may not be feasible.
Bear in mind the detection of the iBeacon is pretty finicky, especially after a reboot. You have little guarantee as to how fast or even if you will be delivered the iBeacon callback to start your app. But it's something.
