How to disable automatic iOS device log syncing in Xcode? - ios

Problem: Xcode will not let me debug a device until crash logs are synced. Crash logs take a long time to sync, and are rarely, if ever, relevant to what I am actually working on.
Scenario: Tester brings me a device to debug a special issue that I cannot test with the simulator. Since this device has not been plugged into any Xcode for months (if ever), I have to wait for Xcode to pull all the information off of the device before I may debug my issue.
Ideally, there'd be a preference somewhere to toggle until the rare case where I actually want this behavior. Note: I still want the device to log its crashes- I simply want my Xcode to not care about them.
Does this toggle exist?


How to debug react-native iOS app crashing on startup after a week or so

I started messing around with react-native. I've built a small application and it seems to work fine (package.json). I can work on it in Debug or Release mode, using the simulator or my iPhone 6S device, and all is well.
This app is just for me so I don't pay for the Apple Developer thing, and I just run the app in Release mode on my device, and it...seems to be fine? I can quit xcode and go places and the app works fine.
After a week or so, it's hard to tell, the app stops loading. It'll display the splash screen for a split second and then it's gone back to the home screen.
I setup Rollbar, but it doesn't catch anything. I look in the Privacy -> Analytics area and don't see anything there either.
I'm not really looking for an answer to my exact problem since various SO questions and other places suggest it's probably something weird and specific. My main problem is I don't know even where to look/how to debug this kind of thing. If I build the app and run it on device again, it'll run fine. I need to try to debug without loading new code, and have no idea how that works on iOS. I've tried poking around at the Debug -> Attach to Process by Name, but the app never gets far enough to do anything with that.
Alternatively, I throw react-native in the garbage and use something that works...
App provisioning with a free developer license (?) is 7 days. See: Why does my free XCode Provisioning Profile only last 7 days?
You can likely verify this by looking at error messages in the console window. Connect your device, and in Xcode go to Window/Devices and Simulators/Open Console, then launch your app.

Silently Updating iOS Enterprise Apps in Single App Mode

I have a need to update my managed app running on a large amount of iPads without any user interaction. These devices all have the managed app locked in Single App Mode. As I understand it, it's an iOS limitation that an app cannot be updated if either of the following conditions are present:
The app to be updated is in the foreground.
Any app is locked in Single App mode.
With our use case, both of these conditions are present. I also understand that the current workaround is to do the following:
Disable Single App Mode.
Enable Single App Mode for a different app (e.g. Safari) to bring that app into the foreground.
Disable Single App Mode.
Update app.
Re-enable Single App Mode for your app when the update finishes to bring it back into the foreground.
While this method works, it has a lot of drawbacks:
It's highly manual, we have not found a way to automate it. This is especially a problem as the number of devices becomes large. Internet connections can be spotty and there is no robust way to ensure that each step has executed for all devices.
It's prone to failure. Especially between steps 4 and 5 above. It seems there are little to no guarantees of when/if an update was successful to know definitively when to re-enable Single App Mode.
It fails for devices that are offline at time of update. If a device does not have internet connection when the update is executed, there is no way to guarantee that the steps execute fully and in the correct order the next time the device comes back online.
I am looking for a scalable solution to reliably update my managed, Single App Mode app running on thousands of devices in an automated way with no user interaction. I am using Meraki for an MDM right now, for what it's worth.
With iOS 11.2 you can now push a silent update to a device with it running SingleApp mode.
Apple failed to mention this to the public but is included in the beta notes.
Called Enterprise Support today, They could not find any official documentation mentioning ios 11.2.x supports the updating of apps while in single app mode :(
Now with iOS 11.3 beta it is working again but after updation, app is not automatically locking in Single App mode we have to restart device.
Hope in upcoming beta's this issue will get addressed.
iOS 13.1 beta 1 seems to fix most of the issues I have been having in this area.
I had seen issues in iOS 11-12.* where updates sometimes worked, but sometimes showed a pin-pad even though no passcode or guided access code was set, or otherwise behaved strangely.
In the 13.1 beta 1 you can push an App update and nothing will happen on the device, but if you send a restart command afterwards the device will restart, update the App and continue in single app mode.
I have tested with both 'Single App Mode' (SAM) and 'Autonomous Single App Mode' (ASAM) and it has worked every time for me so far.
This works for my use case as you can push the update anytime and schedule the restart at suitable time when the device is not in use.
edit: 13.1 beta 2/3/4 changes this, now when you push an update from your MDM the App will close, update and re-open and continue in single App mode. I checked both SAM and ASAM both now update without the need for a restart.

My iOS app every now and then refuses to launch until I reinstall it

I've got an app that uses Core Data that sporadically stops launching so I have to reinstall it using XCode and then it launches again like normal for a while, with all the Core Data information still preserved.
I have seen that an app often stops launching when the target of an app is too low in comparison to the device software version, however this is not so for this app and device (iPhone 6s).
Have you had such an issue before? What do you think could be causing this problem?
There are many, many, many things that could cause an app to fail to launch. You need to narrow things down and collect some data so that you can find out what the problem is and do something about it. Right now you don't even know that it's related to Core Data, you're just guessing.
For a crash on launch, look at the device console and see what messages appear when you try to launch the app and it fails. You can get the device console messages by
Connecting your device to your Mac
Opening Xcode's "Devices" window (cmd-shift-2)
Looking in the bottom half of the window
A better way to watch the console is to use the free iOS Console app.
The problem was that, as mentioned by dan in the comments, the code was being signed for a short period of time (7 days) and so I had to keep re-installing it on the iOS device to keep it working. Thus to keep the app working indefinitely a paid developer account is needed.
Also mentioned in this reddit forum:

App Keeps Respringing When Launched

For some reason, whenever I try to run any app created in Xcode (even brand new ones), something happened (?) and now Springboard takes up a ridiculous amount of CPU until it launches. Once it's launched it's fine, but until then it will often respring if there's not enough memory. It runs fine in the Sim, just not on the physical phone. No clue why. I can provide logs or info, I'm just not sure what to put here; I've looked at most logs etc.
Where do you want to run the app? On a real device or in the Simulator? If you're using a real device, unplug it, open /Library/Developer/Xcode/iOS DeviceSupport and delete the folder with the iOS version of your device. After that, reconnect it. Does that help?
Also, please provide any logs you get and information about your system versions, devices and the Xcode version.

How can we print the contents of GDB or log statements on the device(iPad)

This question might be a bit strange and i apologize for that... i have rather a strange problem with my iPad app. My app is running absolutely fine when i connect the device to my system and run the app. But,it is getting crashed repeatedly once i try to use the app after disconnecting it from my system. This is very strange to me. I am unable to even debug this because of this strange issue. i need at least GDB log to debug my code.So, is there any way in which i can print my GDB log on my device(iPad)... At least is there any other way in which i can solve this strange issue...
Is it crashing while you are debugging and then disconnect the device. If you disconnect your device while debugging, the app will stop on your device and you need to reopen it to continue using it on the device.
If you want the Logs stored on your device, connect your device to your Mac and in Xcode go to Window -> Organiser. Select the Devices Tab and on the left should be your Device and an option to view the Device Logs which should get you the same Crash Logs you get in the Debugger Output window. Xcode will Symbolise them if it can so you should be able to debug the issue. It will also show Crash Logs for Applications you do not develop but those will not be Symbolised so won't make much sense.
Alternatively, if you choose the Console option you'll be able to see the Console output which will show all your NSLog outputs. It will also have some Device Specific output which you can ignore.
Use NSLog(), you can read the resulting console entries in the Xcode organiser after connecting the device via USB:
