I am running a background task, need to convert image to jpeg and store it. I am using CarrierWave uploader. Here's the code
task reformat_user: :environment do
User.all.each do |u|
u.avatar.manipulate! do |av|
However I could find no option to replace user avatar with a new one
If you need to replace user avatar with new, you just need to assign a new file to avatar
u.avatar = params[:file] # params[:file] contains the file uploaded by user from UI.
OR this way
File.open('path_of_new_avatar') do |f|
u.avatar = f
I hope I understood your question correctly.
I have an attachment
class User < ApplicationRecord
has_one_attached :avatar
when I create the user and I perform on my seed
user = User.create({"name":"pedro})
file = open("#{Rails.root}/app/assets/img/user.png")
user.avatar.attach(io: file, filename: "user.png")
the avatar gets attached
However, when I try to replicate/update it on my controller:
user = User.find(params["id"])
file = open("#{Rails.root}/app/assets/img/user.png")
user.avatar.attach(io: file, filename: "user.png")
It somehow gets attatched (if I perform a user.avatar.attached? before it returns false and true after I attach it) but the blob doesn't persist/get saved into storage. It somehow only persists with newly created objects.
I've tried looking for questions with a similar issue with no success.
I don't see anywhere that you are saving it to the database. Try user.new instead of user.create. After attaching the file save it.
user = User.new({"name":"pedro})
file = open("#{Rails.root}/app/assets/img/user.png")
user.avatar.attach(io: file, filename: "user.png")
it is good practice to add the content type
user.avatar.attach(io: file, filename: "user.png" , content_type:
Edit (Op comment update): you can use user.save(validate: false) to skip validations
I want to do some processing on an image the first time it's uploaded. The model can be updated without updating the image and I want to avoid extra processing in those situations. How can I write a check to only process the image if the image is new, like being replaced?
Something like:
def update
#model = Model.find(params[:id])
#model.process_image if #model.image_is_different_from_existing?
There's one way if the photos you are uploading have unique name, Let's say paperclip attribute name is image, paperclip creates a column named image_file_name, before saving you can check whether the image file name present in your database matches with the name of image file you are uploading or not. I've implemented something like this, below is the snippet
product_images = product.product_attachments.pluck(:photo_file_name)
unless product_images.include?("name_of_the_image_i_am_uploading")
product.product_attachments.create!(:photo => File.open("/home/rajdeepb/Photo/#{data_array[1]}")) if all_images.include?("/home/rajdeepb/Photo/#{name_of_the_image_i_am_uploading}")
THis might not be the perfect solution but it may be helpful to you
I've written a solution that looks for relevant params in the update or create method.
Something like this:
def attachments
%w(banner footer logo)
def new_resources?
attaching = []
#user.attachments.each do |a|
attaching << a if params[:user][a].present?
return true unless attaching.empty?
def attaching
def update
if #user.request_necessary? && new_resources?
action_response << "Server updated: new #{attaching} uploaded."
redirect_to users_path, notice: action_response.join(' ')
I'm using jpegcam to allow a user to take a webcam photo to set as their profile photo. This library ends up posting the raw data to the sever which I get in my rails controller like so:
def ajax_photo_upload
# Rails.logger.info request.raw_post
#user = User.find(current_user.id)
#user.picture = File.new(request.raw_post)
This does not work and paperclip/rails fails when you try to save request.raw_post.
Errno::ENOENT (No such file or directory - ????JFIF???
I've seen solutions that make a temporary file but I'd be curious to know if there is a way to get Paperclip to automatically save the request.raw_post w/o having to make a tempfile. Any elegant ideas or solutions out there?
UGLY SOLUTION (Requires a temp file)
class ApiV1::UsersController < ApiV1::APIController
def create
File.open(upload_path, 'w:ASCII-8BIT') do |f|
f.write request.raw_post
current_user.photo = File.open(upload_path)
def upload_path # is used in upload and create
file_name = 'temp.jpg'
File.join(::Rails.root.to_s, 'public', 'temp', file_name)
This is ugly as it requires a temporary file to be saved on the server. Tips on how to make this happen w/o the temporary file needing to be saved? Can StringIO be used?
The problem with my previous solution was that the temp file was already closed and therefore could not be used by Paperclip anymore. The solution below works for me. It's IMO the cleanest way and (as per documentation) ensures your tempfiles are deleted after use.
Add the following method to your User model:
def set_picture(data)
temp_file = Tempfile.new(['temp', '.jpg'], :encoding => 'ascii-8bit')
self.picture = temp_file # assumes has_attached_file :picture
Don't forget to add require 'tempfile' at the top of your User model file.
I'm trying to add tags to the Image model in RefineryCMS (trying on 1.0.8 and 2.0.4), have added attr_accessible :tag_list, required acts-as-taggable and setup the views, but the problem is that the tags only save when editing/updating a previously uploaded image - not when uploading for first time, even though it uses the same form...
Any ideas?
It happens on every version of rails and Refinery I have tried...
The tags are going through in the post when looking at logs, just not saving...
I had a similar issue and eventually find the cause of the extra-attributes (in your case the :tag_list) not being saved on new image upload.
If you look at ::Refinery::ImageController you'll see that the create action actyally create the image with :
unless params[:image].present? and params[:image][:image].is_a?(Array)
#images << (#image = ::Refinery::Image.create(params[:image]))
params[:image][:image].each do |image|
#images << (#image = ::Refinery::Image.create(:image => image))
params[:image][:image] is an Array when multiple multiple file uploed is enabled (by default it is). But then the action only use take the array values when creating the images, ignoring the other params.
I quickly write the below work-around that allow to save the other params on multiple image upload :
unless params[:image].present? and params[:image][:image].is_a?(Array)
#images << (#image = ::Refinery::Image.create(params[:image]))
images_params = params[:image].dup
params[:image][:image].each do |image|
#images << (#image = ::Refinery::Image.create({:image => image}.merge(images_params)))
It's probably not the most elegant solution bu it does the trick.
To use it in your app, you'll have to create a decorator for the ::Refinery::ImageController to copy and edit the create action in it. (see 'Extending a Controller' in Refinery's Guides)
first question, hopefully I don't mess it up :)
A bit of a Ruby on Rails newbie (also Ruby newbie) and have stumbled upon a problem with the intended behavior of the application.
I have a file_column :image in model picture that belongs to model product, which can have many pictures.
The file_column works just fine when used as I think it's meant to be used and that's for uploading image using <%= file_column_field "picture", "image" %> etc. That part works just fine.
The problem comes with the intention of having a text field where user can enter a css -selector for an image tag on their site (they've registered the site and the path to the page where the image should be). I haven't been able to figure out how to properly download the image from that other site "under the hood".
Using these two methods both result in Do not know how to handle a string with value 'GIF89ad..... followed by loads of "binary".
Method 1:
url = URI.parse(picture_www.external_url)
Net::HTTP.start(url.host, url.port) {|http|
resp = http.get(url.path)
picture_www.image = resp.body unless resp.nil?
Method 2:
res = open(picture_www.external_url)
picture_www.image = res.read unless res.nil?
The external_url contains the correct url and the download goes ok, so the problem seems to be in the way I'm trying to assign the image to the file_column field. Naturally the problem could be the way I'm downloading the image, I have no idea TBH where the problem actually lies... :)
Anyone able to help me please?
Trying to use a tempfile "causes undefined method 'original_filename' for" etc
Net::HTTP.start(url.host, url.port) {|http|
resp = http.get(url.path)
tempfile = Tempfile.new('test.jpg')
File.open(tempfile.path, 'wb') do |f|
f.write resp.body
picture_www.image = tempfile unless resp.nil?
Debugging shows me that an uploaded file has attributes #content_type ("image/jpeg" for instance) and #original_path (file name without path) under #_dc_obj and #tmpfile when the tempfile I created does not. Setting these properly would perhaps make this work? How do I set those properly? And if setting those values properly, would the file downloading be done "properly"? After ofcourse re-structuring the code once I get a working solution.
From Minver's answer I got the solution for "original_filename" issue and this code seems to work:
io = open(picture_www.external_url)
def io.original_filename; base_uri.path.split('/').last; end
io.original_filename.blank? ? nil : io
picture_www.image = io
No idea though, if this is the "proper" way to do this or not, but this is what I'll be using for now unless some "clearly the right way to do it" solution appears :)
The UrlUpload method by Joe Martinez is a good solution but the code is missing a key method. If you over-ride the method_missing, you should always also over-ride the respond_to? method as well. In this case it is especially important since some software uses respond_to? when deciding whether to do a multipart-post.
For example, the Faraday gem does this:
def has_multipart?(body)
body.values.each do |v|
if v.respond_to?(:content_type)
return true
elsif v.respond_to?(:values)
return true if has_multipart?(v)
So, if you are going to use the UrlUpload code above, I suggest you add the following method:
def respond_to?(symbol)
attachment_data.respond_to?(symbol) || super
Then Faraday and other related gems will be able to use an instance of this class to generate a proper multipart-post.
I don't know but maybe this is what you are looking for. When you save the image you provide a css_selector and gets a image file in return.
This is the view:
<%= form_for(#image) do |f| %>
<div class="field">
<%= f.label :css_selector %><br />
<%= f.text_field :css_selector %>
<div class="actions">
<%= f.submit %>
<% end %>
and this is the model:
class Picture < ActiveRecord::Base
require 'open-uri' # Required to download the photo
require 'mechanize' # Good gem to parse html pages
belongs_to :product
# Define the css_selector (not required as a filed in the database)
attr_accessor :css_selector
# Before we save the image, we download the photo if image has a css_selector value
before_save :download_remote_photo, :if => :css_selector_provided?
# Check if the attribute is provided
def css_selector_provided?
# This method opens the page where the photo is
# and grab the url to the image using a css-selector
def fetch_photo_url
agent = Mechanize::new
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(page.body)
image_element = doc.at_css(self.css_selector) # Get the image on that page using the css selector
image_url = image_element[:src]
def download_remote_photo
self.image = do_download_remote_photo(fetch_photo_url)
def do_download_remote_photo(photo_url)
io = open(URI.parse(URI.escape(photo_url)))
def io.original_filename; base_uri.path.split('/').last; end
io.original_filename.blank? ? nil : io
rescue # catch url errors with validations instead of exceptions (Errno::ENOENT, OpenURI::HTTPError, etc...)
Haven't tested the code but I hope you get the idea!
Here ya go
require 'open-uri'
class UrlUpload
"image/jpeg" => ["jpg", "jpeg", "jpe"],
"image/gif" => ["gif"],
"image/png" => ["png"]
attr_reader :original_filename, :attachment_data
def initialize(url)
#attachment_data = open(url)
#original_filename = determine_filename
# Pass things like size, content_type, path on to the downloaded file
def method_missing(symbol, *args)
if self.attachment_data.respond_to? symbol
self.attachment_data.send symbol, *args
def determine_filename
# Grab the path - even though it could be a script and not an actual file
path = self.attachment_data.base_uri.path
# Get the filename from the path, make it lowercase to handle those
# crazy Win32 servers with all-caps extensions
filename = File.basename(path).downcase
# If the file extension doesn't match the content type, add it to the end, changing any existing .'s to _
filename = [filename.gsub(/\./, "_"), EXTENSIONS[self.content_type].first].join(".") unless EXTENSIONS[self.content_type].any? {|ext| filename.ends_with?("." + ext) }
# Return the result
# Make it always write to tempfiles, never StringIO
OpenURI::Buffer.module_eval {
remove_const :StringMax
const_set :StringMax, 0