Rails 5 add link_to in mailer text - ruby-on-rails

I am using Mail-factory to sending email from my Rails 5 application. Here I need to include link which will take users to corresponding page.
The code which I have done in my controller is
url = "http://localhost:3000/sample_page"
mail = MailFactory.new()
mail.to = ApplicationController.admin_user_email
mail.from = "from_eail"
mail.subject = subject
mail.text = "Hi, view_context.link_to(Test, url)"
But while receiving email, the content is like,
Hi Test
But I need to show my link as like.
Hi [Test][1]
Please correct me if I were wrong.

Try to the following
mail.text = "Hi, [#{view_context.link_to('Test', url)}]".html_safe

If you're passing in the URL as a variable, you should be able to just print it out like this:
mail.text = "Hi [Test][#{url}]"


Send sender name with email SendGrid - Rails

I am using SendGrid to send emails from my application. I want to send sender name along with sender email e.g. from: 'Maxcreet <contact#maxcreet.com>'
It is working fine using Letter Opener and MailTrap but SendGrid only show sender email.
Here is my SendGrid functionto send emails.
def deliver!(mail)
email.from = SendGrid::Email.new(email: mail[:from].addrs.first.address)
email.subject = mail.subject
I have checked mail[:from] values using puts it gives following values:
puts mail[:from] => Maxcreet <support#maxcreet.com>
puts mail[:from].addrs => Maxcreet <support#maxcreet.com>
puts mail[:from].addrs.first => Maxcreet <support#maxcreet.com>
puts mail[:from].addrs.first.address => support#maxcreet.com
Above 3 seems OK for me but when I use any of them in
email.from = SendGrid::Email.new(email: mail[:from].addrs.first.address)
It does not sent my email and even I do not find my email in sendgrid dashboard.
Following this also tried email.fromname but this even did not work.
SendGrid's ruby API has this option with name name and not fromname.
So the following should solve your problem.
email.from = SendGrid::Email.new(
email: mail[:from].addrs.first.address,
name: mail[:from].addrs.first.name
I concluded this by trying it from this doc.
It looks like you're mixing gems or objects. SendGrid::Email.new just needs a from String, and might support a name String. You're extracting the address from your mail[:from] Hash with mail[:from].addrs.first.address, but you need to provide the name as a distinct Key.
In the SendGrid Ruby gem 'kitchen sink" example, they don't show a name on the From argument, but they do on the personalization.
Try: email.from = SendGrid::Email.new(email: 'support#maxcreet.com', name: 'Maxcreet'))
or dynamically: email.from = SendGrid::Email.new(email: mail[:from].addrs.first.address, name: mail[:from].addrs.first.name))
if your mail Object recognizes that Key.
Otherwise, you'll need to look at your mail gem's documentation for how to extract a Friendly/Display Name from that mail[:from].addrs Object.

Have to add a simple condition in Rails

I have to setup my rails project to send a confirmation SMS to new users. I have a table phone_calling_codes which has a column sms_enable_flag. In my DB this field has to be checked or not, so it's boolean.
I use Twilio to send SMS but I want to add a condition to send SMS only to the numbers where this sms_enable_flag is checked.
I also use phonelib to parse the number and take the country code from it.
def perform(phone_number, confirmation_code)
logger.info("Job started sending confirmation code")
overrideToPhone = [ "development","upgrade"].include? Rails.env
deliverSMS = !([ "development", "upgrade"].include? Rails.env)
if overrideToPhone
e164Prefix = '+'
phone_number = e164Prefix + "17782002024"
phone = Phonelib.parse( phone_number)
phone_number = phone.e164
sms=phone_calling_codes.find_by calling_code: phone.country_code
if sms
if sms.sms_enabled_flag
from_phone_number = Rails.application.secrets.twilio_number
body = "Valorbit.com - your phone verification code is: #{confirmation_code}"
logger.info("From #{from_phone_number} to #{phone_number} : #{body}")
to: phone_number ,
from: from_phone_number ,
body: body
) if deliverSMS
logger.info("Sent sms to #{phone_number}") if deliverSMS
logger.info("SMS is not enabled for #{phone_number}")
Please help me to this. I am a beginner to OOP and I want to understand if it is ok how I have thought.
Thanks! :D
change line
sms=phone_calling_codes.find_by calling_code: phone.country_code
sms=PhoneCallingCode.find_by calling_code: phone.country_code
PhoneCallingCode is the model name present in /app/models folder
Below is the query to find data from model:
ModelName.find_by column_name: parameter

mail attachment SendGrid using ruby

I am trying to send an email with an attachment in Ruby and I have the following line:
from = Email.new(email: 'mail#mail.com')
to = Email.new(email: 'mail#mail.com')
subject = 'file for this week'
content = Content.new(type: 'text/plain', value: 'Please find file for this week.')
mail = Mail.new(from, subject, to, content)
mail.attachments['test.txt'] = File.read("#{Rails.root}/public/test.txt")
sg = SendGrid::API.new(api_key:'myapikey')
sg.client.mail._('send').post(request_body: mail.to_json)
The issue is code by the following line (when I remove it, I receive an email):
mail.attachments['test.txt'] = File.read("#{Rails.root}/public/test.txt")
But when I try to run it, I get the following error:
undefined method '[]=' for nil:NilClass
Has anyone faced this error before?
Per the docs, normally you would create a new Mail object using a Hash with the values being Strings. It's hard to tell, because I don't know what your Email or Content classes are doing, but I suspect something is going wrong when you create mail. Let's get those unknown classes out of the picture for starters.
Try changing your code to:
from = 'mail#mail.com'
to = 'mail#mail.com'
subject = 'file for this week'
content = 'Please find file for this week.'
mail = Mail.new(from: from, to: to, subject: subject, body: content)
mail.attachments['test.txt'] = File.read("#{Rails.root}/public/test.txt")
sg = SendGrid::API.new(api_key:'myapikey')
sg.client.mail._('send').post(request_body: mail.to_json)

Send image inline in email using Rails 2

I am working on rails 2 application with sending email functionality. Now, I need to send inline image with the email.
I am using Mailer to send email. I tried lots of time using different ways but not succeed to send image inline in email. Below code i am using to send email.
# Controller
Mailer.delivery_my_opinion_reply(user, my_opinion, answer)
# Model / Mailer.rb
def my_opinion_reply(user, my_opinion, answer)
#subject = "My opinion"
#from = "#{Settings.site_name}"
#recipients = user.email
#content_type = "multipart/alternative"
#attachments.inline['test.jpg'] = File.read(RAILS_ROOT + "/public/system/att_images/728/original/ball1.jpg")
#body = {:question => my_question, :user => user}
I got error "undefined method inline for nil class"
try this way
#attachments.inline['image.png'] = File.read("app/assets/images/image.png")
mail(to: email, subject: "subject", content_type: "text/html")

Replacing a substring with a link on the fly

In my app, I store emails.
I want to parse those emails for email addresses in the text, on the fly and replace them with a link (so that we send the email through the app).
#email.body = "Hi Tom, Drop me a line at jerry#cheese.com."
I want some sort of helper that will translate that on the fly to:
"Hi Tom, Drop me a line at #{link_to "Email", email_send_email_path("jerry#cheese.com")}."
I've been around a few circles.
e.g. in a model
Class Email
def sanitized_body
text = self.body
emails = text.scan(/\b[A-Z0-9._%+-]+#[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,4}\b/i)
emails.each do |email|
text.gsub!("jerry#cheese.com", helper.link_to("email", "http://www.google.com"))
I'm sure there's a sensible way of doing this, probably with a helper but can't quite work it out...
module EmailsHelper
def sanitized_body(email_body)
text = email_body
emails = text.scan(/\b[A-Z0-9._%+-]+#[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,4}\b/i)
emails.each do |email|
text.gsub!("jerry#cheese.com", "#{link_to("email", "http://www.google.com")}")
Gets me almost there. But the text comes out as text in the string when displayed.
Any help much appreciated.
You should use html_safe for your text to be rendered as HTML code instead of a simple string.
module EmailsHelper
def sanitized_body(email_body)
text = email_body
emails = text.scan(/\b[A-Z0-9._%+-]+#[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,4}\b/i)
replace_text = "You text %s" % helper.link_to("email", "http://www.google.com")
emails.each do |email|
text.gsub!("jerry#cheese.com", replace_text.html_safe)
