What is the difference between loadu_ps and set_ps when using unformatted data? - sse

I have some data that isn't stored as structure of arrays. What is the best practice for loading the data in registers?
__m128 _mm_set_ps (float e3, float e2, float e1, float e0)
// or
__m128 _mm_loadu_ps (float const* mem_addr)
With _mm_loadu_ps, I'd copy the data in a temporary stack array, vs. copying the data as values directly. Is there a difference?

It can be a tradeoff between latency and throughput, because separate stores into an array will cause a store-forwarding stall when you do a vector load. So it's high latency, but throughput could still be ok, and it doesn't compete with surrounding code for the vector shuffle execution unit. So it can be a throughput win if the surrounding code also has shuffle operations, vs. 3 shuffles to insert 3 elements into an XMM register after a scalar load of the first one. Either way it's still a lot of total uops, and that's another throughput bottleneck.
Most compilers like gcc and clang do a pretty good job with _mm_set_ps () when optimizing with -O3, whether the inputs are in memory or registers. I'd recommend it, except in some special cases.
The most common missed-optimization with _mm_set is when there's some locality between the inputs. e.g. don't do _mm_set_ps(a[i+2], a[i+3], a[i+0], a[i+1]]), because many compilers will use their regular pattern without taking advantage of the fact that 2 pairs of elements are contiguous in memory. In that case, use (the intrinsics for) movsd and movhps to load in two 64-bit chunks. (Not movlps: it merges into an existing register instead of zeroing the high elements, so it has a false dependency on the old contents while movsd zeros the high half.) Or a shufps if some reordering is needed between or within the 64-bit chunks.
The "regular pattern" that compilers use will usually be movss / insertps from memory if compiling with SSE4, or movss loads and unpcklps shuffles to combine pairs and then another unpcklps, unpcklpd, or movlhps to shuffle into one register. Or a shufps or shufpd if the compiler likes to waste code-side on immediate shuffle-control operands instead of using fixed shuffles intelligently.
See also Agner Fog's optimization guides for some handy tables of data-movement instructions to get a better idea of what the compiler has to work with, and how stuff performs. Note that Haswell and later can only do 1 shuffle per clock. Also other links in the x86 tag wiki.
There's no really cheap way for a compiler or human to do this, in the general case when you have 4 separate scalars that aren't contiguous in memory at all. Or for register inputs, where it can't optimize the way they're generated in registers in the first place to have some of them already packed together. (e.g. for function args passed in registers to a function that can't / doesn't inline.)
Anyway, it's not a big deal unless you have this inside an inner loop. In that case, definitely worry about it (and check the compiler's asm output to see if it made a mess or could do better if you program the gather yourself with intrinsics that map to single instructions like _mm_load_ss / _mm_shuffle_ps).
If possible, rearrange your data layout to make data contiguous in at least small chunks / stripes. (See https://stackoverflow.com/tags/sse/info, specifically these slides. But sometimes one part of the program needs the data one way, and the other needs another. Choose the layout that's good for the case that needs to be faster, or that runs more often, or whatever, and suck it up and do the best you can for the other part of the program. :P Possibly transpose / convert once to set up for multiple SIMD operations, but extra passes over data with no computation just suck up time and can hurt your computational intensity (how much ALU work you do for each time you load data into registers) more than they help.
And BTW, actual gather instructions (like AVX2 vgatherdps) are not very fast; even on Skylake it's probably not worth using a gather instruction for four 32-bit elements at known locations. On Broadwell / Haswell, gather is definitely not worth using for this.


Why is primary and cache memory divided into blocks?

Why is primary and cache memory divided into blocks?
Hi just got posed with this question, I haven't been able to find a detailed explanation corresponding to both primary memory and cache memory, if you have a solution It would be greatly appreciated :)
Thank you
Cache blocks exploit locality of reference based on two types of locality. Temporal locality, after you reference location x you are likely to access location x again shorty. Spatial locality, after you reference location x you are likely to access nearby locations, location x+1, ... shortly.
If you use a value at some distant data center x, you are likely to reuse that value and so it is copied geographically closer, 150ms. If you use a value on disk block x, you are likely to reuse disk block x and so it is kept in memory, 20 ms. If you use a value on memory page x, you are like to reuse memory page x and so the translation of its virtual address to its physical address is kept in the TLB cache. If you use a particular memory location x you are likely to reuse it and its neighbors and so it is kept in cache.
Cache memory is very small, L1D on an M1 is 192kB, and DRAM is very big, 8GB on an M1 Air. L1D cache is much faster than DRAM, maybe 5 cycles vs maybe 200 cycles. I wish this table was in cycles and included registers but it gives a useful overview of latencies:
The moral of this is to pack data into aligned structures which fit. If you randomly access memory instead, you will miss in the cache, the TLB, the virtual page cache, ... and everything will be excruciatingly slow.
Most things in computer systems are divided into chunks of fixed sizes: bytes, words, cache blocks, pages.
One reason for this is that while hardware can do many things at once, it is hardware and thus, generally can only do what it was designed for.  Making bytes of blocks of 8 bits, making words blocks of 4 bytes (32-bit systems) or 8 bytes (64-bit systems) is something that we can design hardware to do, and mostly in parallel.
Not using fixed-sized chunks or blocks, on the other hand, can make things much more difficult for the hardware, so, data structures like strings — an example of data that is highly variable in length — are usually handled with software loops.
Usually these fixed sizes are in powers of 2 (32, 64, etc..) — because division and modulus, which are very useful operations are easy to do in binary for powers of 2.
In summary, we must subdivide data into blocks because, we cannot treat all the data as one lump sum (hardware wise at least), and, treating all data as individual bits is also too cumbersome.  So, we chunk or group data into blocks as appropriate for various levels of hardware to deal with in parallel.

Largest amount of entries in lua table

I am trying to build a Sieve of Eratosthenes in Lua and i tried several things but i see myself confronted with the following problem:
The tables of Lua are to small for this scenario. If I just want to create a table with all numbers (see example below), the table is too "small" even with only 1/8 (...) of the number (the number is pretty big I admit)...
max = 600851475143
numbers = {}
for i=1, max do
table.insert(numbers, i)
If I execute this script on my Windows machine there is an error message saying: C:\Program Files (x86)\Lua\5.1\lua.exe: not enough memory. With Lua 5.3 running on my Linux machine I tried that too, error was just killed. So it is pretty obvious that lua can´t handle the amount of entries.
I don´t really know whether it is just impossible to store that amount of entries in a lua table or there is a simple solution for this (tried it by using a long string aswell...)? And what exactly is the largest amount of entries in a Lua table?
Update: And would it be possible to manually allocate somehow more memory for the table?
Update 2 (Solution for second question): The second question is an easy one, I just tested it by running every number until the program breaks: 33.554.432 (2^25) entries fit in one one-dimensional table on my 12 GB RAM system. Why 2^25? Because 64 Bit per number * 2^25 = 2147483648 Bits which are exactly 2 GB. This seems to be the standard memory allocation size for the Lua for Windows 32 Bit compiler.
P.S. You may have noticed that this number is from the Euler Project Problem 3. Yes I am trying to accomplish that. Please don´t give specific hints (..). Thank you :)
The Sieve of Eratosthenes only requires one bit per number, representing whether the number has been marked non-prime or not.
One way to reduce memory usage would be to use bitwise math to represent multiple bits in each table entry. Current Lua implementations have intrinsic support for bitwise-or, -and etc. Depending on the underlying implementation, you should be able to represent 32 or 64 bits (number flags) per table entry.
Another option would be to use one or more very long strings instead of a table. You only need a linear array, which is really what a string is. Just have a long string with "t" or "f", or "0" or "1", at every position.
Caveat: String manipulation in Lua always involves duplication, which rapidly turns into n² or worse complexity in terms of performance. You wouldn't want one continuous string for the whole massive sequence, but you could probably break it up into blocks of a thousand, or of some power of 2. That would reduce your memory usage to 1 byte per number while minimizing the overhead.
Edit: After noticing a point made elsewhere, I realized your maximum number is so large that, even with a bit per number, your memory requirements would optimally be about 73 gigabytes, which is extremely impractical. I would recommend following the advice Piglet gave in their answer, to look at Jon Sorenson's version of the sieve, which works on segments of the space instead of the whole thing.
I'll leave my suggestion, as it still might be useful for Sorenson's sieve, but yeah, you have a bigger problem than you realize.
Lua uses double precision floats to represent numbers. That's 64bits per number.
600851475143 numbers result in almost 4.5 Terabytes of memory.
So it's not Lua's or its tables' fault. The error message even says
not enough memory
You just don't have enough RAM to allocate that much.
If you would have read the linked Wikipedia article carefully you would have found the following section:
As Sorenson notes, the problem with the sieve of Eratosthenes is not
the number of operations it performs but rather its memory
requirements.[8] For large n, the range of primes may not fit in
memory; worse, even for moderate n, its cache use is highly
suboptimal. The algorithm walks through the entire array A, exhibiting
almost no locality of reference.
A solution to these problems is offered by segmented sieves, where
only portions of the range are sieved at a time.[9] These have been
known since the 1970s, and work as follows

Does the order or syntax of allocate statement affect performance? (Fortran)

Because of having performance issues when passing a code from static to dynamic allocation, I started to wander about how memory allocation is managed in a Fortran code.
Specifically, in this question, I wander if the order or syntax used for the allocate statement makes any difference. That is, does it make any difference to allocate vectors like:
The syntax suggests that in the first case the program would allocate all the space for the vectors at once, possibly improving the performance, while in the second case it must allocate the space for one vector at a time, in such a way that they could end up far from each other. If not, that is, if the syntax does not make any difference, I wander if there is a way to control that allocation (for instance, allocating a vector for all space and using pointers to address the space allocated as multiple variables).
Finally, I notice now that I don't even know one thing: an allocate statement guarantees that at least a single vector occupies a contiguous space in memory (or the best it can?).
From the language standard point of view both ways how to write them are possible. The compiler is free to allocate the arrays where it wants. It normally calls malloc() to allocate some piece of memory and makes the allocatable arrays from that piece.
Whether it might allocate a single piece of memory for two different arrays in a single allocate statement is up to the compiler, but I haven't heard about any compiler doing that.
I just verified that my gfortran just calls __builtin_malloc two times in this case.
Another issue is already pointed out by High Performance Mark. Even when malloc() successfully returns, the actual memory pages might still not be assigned. On Linux that happens when you first access the array.
I don't think it is too important if those arrays are close to each other in memory or not anyway. The CPU can cache arrays from different regions of address space if it needs them.
Is there a way how to control the allocation? Yes, you can overload the malloc by your own allocator which does some clever things. It may be used to have always memory aligned to 32-bytes or similar purposes (example). Whether you will improve performance of your code by allocating things somehow close to each other is questionable, but you can have a try. (Of course this is completely compiler-dependent thing, a compiler doesn't have to use malloc() at all, but mostly they do.) Unfortunately, this will only works when the calls to malloc are not inlined.
There are (at least) two issues here, firstly the time taken to allocate the memory and secondly the locality of memory in the arrays and the impact of this on performance. I don't know much about the actual allocation process, although the links suggested by High Performance Mark and the answer by Vadimir F cover this.
From your question, it seems you are more interested in cache hits and memory locality given by arrays being next to each other. I would guess there is no guarantee either allocate statement ensures both arrays next to each other in memory. This is based on allocating arrays in a type, which in the fortran 2003 MAY 2004 WORKING DRAFT J3/04-007 standard
NOTE 4.20
Unless the structure includes a SEQUENCE statement, the use of this terminology in no way implies that these components are stored in this, or any other, order. Nor is there any requirement that contiguous storage be used.
From the discussion with Vadimir F, if you put allocatable arrays in a type and use the sequence keyword, e.g.
type botharrays
double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: x, y
end type
this DOES NOT ensure they are allocated as adjacent in memory. For static arrays or lots of variables, a sequential type sounds like it may work like your idea of "allocating a vector for all space and using pointers to address the space allocated as multiple variables". I think common blocks (Fortran 77) allowed you to specify the relationship between memory location of arrays and variables in memory, but don't work with allocatable arrays either.
In short, I think this means you cannot ensure two allocated arrays are adjacent in memory. Even if you could, I don't see how this will result in a reduction in cache misses or improved performance. Even if you typically use the two together, unless the arrays are small enough that the cache will include multiple arrays in one read (assuming reads are allowed to go beyond array bounds) you won't benefit from the memory locality.

boost lockfree spsc_queue cache memory access

I need to be extremely concerned with speed/latency in my current multi-threaded project.
Cache access is something I'm trying to understand better. And I'm not clear on how lock-free queues (such as the boost::lockfree::spsc_queue) access/use memory on a cache level.
I've seen queues used where the pointer of a large object that needs to be operated on by the consumer core is pushed into the queue.
If the consumer core pops an element from the queue, I presume that means the element (a pointer in this case) is already loaded into the consumer core's L2 and L1 cache. But to access the element, does it not need to access the pointer itself by finding and loading the element either from either the L3 cache or across the interconnect (if the other thread is on a different cpu socket)? If so, would it maybe be better to simply send a copy of the object that could be disposed of by the consumer?
Thank you.
C++ principally a pay-for-what-you-need eco-system.
Any regular queue will let you choose the storage semantics (by value or by reference).
However, this time you ordered something special: you ordered a lock free queue.
In order to be lock free, it must be able to perform all the observable modifying operations as atomic operations. This naturally restricts the types that can be used in these operations directly.
You might doubt whether it's even possible to have a value-type that exceeds the system's native register size (say, int64_t).
Good question.
Enter Ringbuffers
Indeed, any node based container would just require pointer swaps for all modifying operations, which is trivially made atomic on all modern architectures.
But does anything that involves copying multiple distinct memory areas, in non-atomic sequence, really pose an unsolvable problem?
No. Imagine a flat array of POD data items. Now, if you treat the array as a circular buffer, one would just have to maintain the index of the buffer front and end positions atomically. The container could, at leisure update in internal 'dirty front index' while it copies ahead of the external front. (The copy can use relaxed memory ordering). Only as soon as the whole copy is known to have completed, the external front index is updated. This update needs to be in acq_rel/cst memory order[1].
As long as the container is able to guard the invariant that the front never fully wraps around and reaches back, this is a sweet deal. I think this idea was popularized in the Disruptor Library (of LMAX fame). You get mechanical resonance from
linear memory access patterns while reading/writing
even better if you can make the record size aligned with (a multiple) physical cache lines
all the data is local unless the POD contains raw references outside that record
How Does Boost's spsc_queue Actually Do This?
Yes, spqc_queue stores the raw element values in a contiguous aligned block of memory: (e.g. from compile_time_sized_ringbuffer which underlies spsc_queue with statically supplied maximum capacity:)
typedef typename boost::aligned_storage<max_size * sizeof(T),
>::type storage_type;
storage_type storage_;
T * data()
return static_cast<T*>(storage_.address());
(The element type T need not even be POD, but it needs to be both default-constructible and copyable).
Yes, the read and write pointers are atomic integral values. Note that the boost devs have taken care to apply enough padding to avoid False Sharing on the cache line for the reading/writing indices: (from ringbuffer_base):
static const int padding_size = BOOST_LOCKFREE_CACHELINE_BYTES - sizeof(size_t);
atomic<size_t> write_index_;
char padding1[padding_size]; /* force read_index and write_index to different cache lines */
atomic<size_t> read_index_;
In fact, as you can see, there are only the "internal" index on either read or write side. This is possible because there's only one writing thread and also only one reading thread, which means that there could only be more space at the end of write operation than anticipated.
Several other optimizations are present:
branch prediction hints for platforms that support it (unlikely())
it's possible to push/pop a range of elements at once. This should improve throughput in case you need to siphon from one buffer/ringbuffer into another, especially if the raw element size is not equal to (a whole multiple of) a cacheline
use of std::unitialized_copy where possible
The calling of trivial constructors/destructors will be optimized out at instantiation time
the unitialized_copy will be optimized into memcpy on all major standard library implementations (meaning that e.g. SSE instructions will be employed if your architecture supports it)
All in all, we see a best-in-class possible idea for a ringbuffer
What To Use
Boost has given you all the options. You can elect to make your element type a pointer to your message type. However, as you already raised in your question, this level of indirection reduces locality of reference and might not be optimal.
On the other hand, storing the complete message type in the element type could become expensive if copying is expensive. At the very least try to make the element type fit nicely into a cache line (typically 64 bytes on Intel).
So in practice you might consider storing frequently used data right there in the value, and referencing the less-of-used data using a pointer (the cost of the pointer will be low unless it's traversed).
If you need that "attachment" model, consider using a custom allocator for the referred-to data so you can achieve memory access patterns there too.
Let your profiler guide you.
[1] I suppose say for spsc acq_rel should work, but I'm a bit rusty on the details. As a rule, I make it a point not to write lock-free code myself. I recommend anyone else to follow my example :)

Does functional programming take up more memory?

Warning! possibly a very dumb question
Does functional programming eat up more memory than procedural programming?
I mean ... if your objects(data structures whatever) are all imutable. Don't you end up having more object in the memory at a given time.
Doesn't this eat up more memory?
It depends on what you're doing. With functional programming you don't have to create defensive copies, so for certain problems it can end up using less memory.
Many functional programming languages also have good support for laziness, which can further reduce memory usage as you don't create objects until you actually use them. This is arguably something that's only correlated with functional programming rather than a direct cause, however.
Persistent values, that functional languages encourage but which can be implemented in an imperative language, make sharing a no-brainer.
Although the generally accepted idea is that with a garbage collector, there is some amount of wasted space at any given time (already unreachable but not yet collected blocks), in this context, without a garbage collector, you end up very often copying values that are immutable and could be shared, just because it's too much of a mess to decide who is responsible for freeing the memory after use.
These ideas are expanded on a bit in this experience report which does not claim to be an objective study but only anecdotal evidence.
Apart from avoiding defensive copies by the programmer, a very smart implementation of pure functional programming languages like Haskell or Standard ML (which lack physical pointer equality) can actively recover sharing of structurally equal values in memory, e.g. as part of the memory management and garbage collection.
Thus you can have automatic hash consing provided by your programming language runtime-system.
Compare this with objects in Java: object identity is an integral part of the language definition. Even just exchanging one immutable String for another poses semantic problems.
There is indeed at least a tendency to regard memory as affluent ressource (which, in fact, it really is in most cases), but this applies to modern programming as a whole.
With multiple cores, parallel garbage collectors and available RAM in the gigabytes, one used to concentrate on different aspects of a program than in earlier times, when every byte one could save counted. Remember when Bill Gates said "640K should be enough for every program"?
I know that I'm a lot late on this question.
Functional languages does not in general use more memory than imperative or OO languages. It depends more on the code you write. Yes F#, SML, Haskell and such has immutable values (not variables), but for all of them it goes without saying that if you update f.x. a single linked list, it re-compute only what is necessary.
Say you got a list of 5 elements, and you are removing the first 3 and adding a new one in front of it. it will simply get the pointer that points to the fourth element and let the new list point to that point of data i.e. reusing data. as seen below.
old list
new list /
If it was an imperative language we could not do this because the values x3 and x4 could very well change over time, the list [x3,x4] could change too. Say that the 3 elements removed are not used afterward, the memory they use can be cleaned up right away, in contrast to unused space in an array.
That all data are immutable (except IO) are a strength. It simplifies the data flow analysis from a none trivial computation to a trivial one. This combined with a often very strong type system, will give the compiler a bunch of information about the code it can use to do optimization it normally could not do because of indicability. Most often the compiler turn values that are re-computed recursively and discarded from each iteration (recursion) into a mutable computation. These two things gives you the proof that if your program compile it will work. (with some assumptions)
If you look at the language Rust (not functional) just by learning about "borrow system" you will understand more about how and when things can be shared safely. it is a language that is painful to write code in unless you like to see your computer scream at you that your are an idiot. Rust is for the most part the combination of all the study made of programming language and type theory for more than 40 years. I mention Rust, because it despite the pain of writing in it, has the promise that if your program compile, there will be NO memory leaking, dead locking, dangling pointers, even in multi processing programs. This is because it uses much of the research of functional programming language that has been done.
For a more complex example of when functional programming uses less memory, I have made a lexer/parser interpreter (the same as generator but without the need to generate a code file) when computing the states of the DFA (deterministic finite automata) it uses immutable sets, because it compute new sets of already computed sets, my code allocate less memory simply because it borrow already known data points instead of copying it to a new set.
To wrap it up, yes functional programming can use more memory than imperative once. Most likely it is because you are using the wrong abstraction to mirror the problem. i.e. If you try to do it the imperative way in a functional language it will hurt you.
Try this book, it has not much on memory management but is a good book to start with if you will learn about compiler theory and yes it is legal to download. I have ask Torben, he is my old professor.
I'll throw my hat in the ring here. The short answer to the question is no, and this is because immutability does not mean the same thing as stored in memory. For example, let's take this toy program :
x = 2
x = x * 3
x = x * 2
Which uses mutation to compute new values. Compare this to the same program which does not use mutation:
x = 2
y = x * 3
z = y * 2
At first glance, it appears this requires 3x the memory of the first program! However, just because a value is immutable doesn't mean it needs to be stored in memory. In the case of the second program, after y is computed, x is no longer necessary, because it isn't used for the rest of the program, and can be garbage collected, or removed from memory. Similarly, after z is computed, y can be garbage collected. So, in principle, with a perfect garbage collector, after we execute the third line of code, I only need to have stored z in memory.
Another oft-worried about source of memory consumption in functional languages is deep recursion. For example, calculating a large Fibonacci number.
if x > 1:
return x * calc_fib(x-1)
return x
If I run calc_fib(100000), I could implement this in a way which requires storing 100000 values in memory, or I could use Tail-Call Elimination (basically storing only the most-recently computed value in memory instead of all function calls). For less straightforward recursion you can resort to trampolining. So for functional languages which support this, recursion does not need to be a source of massive memory consumption, either. However, not all nominally functional languages do (for example, JavaScript does not).
