I have the following code:
let orders = Array2D.init<AnalyzerOrder> (sentimentRanges |> Seq.length) (triggerRanges |> Seq.length) (fun x y -> AnalyzerOrder.empty)
sentimentRanges |> Seq.iteri (fun x sentimentPeriod ->
triggerRanges |> Seq.iteri (fun y triggerPeriod ->
let settings =
orders.[x, y] <- settings
It takes 2 sequences, and create an order list with all the combinations and put them in a grid.
Is there a built-in way to create all the combinations from 2 sequences?
When you look at the implementation of Seq.allPairs you will discover that it boils down to Seq.collect for the outer loop and Seq.cache/Seq.map for the inner. This can be generalized to two functions mapc/iterc, who take a function f:('a -> 'b -> 'c) or action f:('a -> 'b -> unit) as their first argument.
let mapc f xs ys = Seq.collect (fun x -> Seq.map (f x) (Seq.cache ys)) xs
// val mapc : f:('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> xs:seq<'a> -> ys:seq<'b> -> seq<'c>
let iterc f xs ys = Seq.iter (fun x -> Seq.iter (f x) (Seq.cache ys)) xs
// val iterc : f:('a -> 'b -> unit) -> xs:seq<'a> -> ys:seq<'b> -> unit
We could use them to generate the hyperinflation sequence for banknotes (OEIS A051109), or - more to the question - imperatively fill the values of an [,].
mapc (*) (Seq.initInfinite (pown 10I)) [1I; 2I; 5I] |> Seq.take 10 |> Seq.toList
// val it : System.Numerics.BigInteger list =
// [1; 2; 5; 10; 20; 50; 100; 200; 500; 1000]
let a2 = Array2D.zeroCreate 3 3
iterc (fun i j -> a2.[i,j] <- 1) [0..2] [0..2]
An example:
let initArray f s1 s2 = Array2D.init (Array.length s1) (Array.length s2) (fun a b -> f s1.[a] s2.[b] )
initArray (+) [|1;2;3|] [|1;2;3;4|] //where f is a sum function in this case
If you just to list all combinations, you can use the built-in function Seq.allPairs (exists in Array and List variants as well). If you want to create a two-dimensional array, you should do as #FRocha suggests.
this solution
d1 |> Array.filter (fun t -> d2 |> Array.exists (fun t2 -> t=t2))
from this so answer
Finding the difference between two arrays in FSharp
gives this error
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error Type mismatch. Expecting a
unit -> bool
but given a
'a [] -> bool
The type 'unit' does not match the type ''a []' ParseLibs
Program.fs 25
Full code:
// Learn more about F# at http://fsharp.org
// See the 'F# Tutorial' project for more help.
open System
open System.IO
open FSharp.Collections
let main argv =
let path = "data1.txt"
let lines = use reader = new StreamReader(path) in reader.ReadToEnd().Split('\n')
let n = 5
let d1 = lines
|> Array.takeWhile (fun e -> not (e.Equals "\r"))
let d2 = lines
|> Array.skipWhile (fun e -> not (e.Equals "\r"))
|> Array.skip 1
|> Array.mapi (fun i e -> e, i)
|> Array.filter (fun (e, i) -> i % n = 0)
|> Array.iter (fun (e, i) -> printfn "%s" e)
d1 |> Array.filter (fun t -> d2 |> Array.exists (fun t2 -> t=t2))
//let writer = new StreamWriter(path)
ignore (Console.ReadKey())
0 // return an integer exit code
Is the answer there wrong? What is the real answer? I am simply trying to filter all the elements that are in both arrays. In most functional languages this is as trivial as they come.
d1 |> Array.filter (fun t -> d2.contains(t))
The problem is that d2 has type unit.
As array.iter returns ()
I would change to
let d2 = lines
|> Array.skipWhile (fun e -> not (e.Equals "\r"))
|> Array.skip 1
|> Array.mapi (fun i e -> e, i)
|> Array.filter (fun (e, i) -> i % n = 0)
|> Array.filter (fun t -> d2 |> Array.exists (fun t2 -> t=t2))
|> Array.iter (fun (e, i) -> printfn "%s" e)
Using the actual answer from the above link: https://stackoverflow.com/a/28682277/5514938 and adding the information at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Set_theory#Basic_concepts_and_notation
the following code is an example of the three first concepts with same sets/values as in wiki article.
let d1= [|"1";"2";"3";|] //pretend this to be the filtered/skipped/mapped
//whatever but otherwise "clean" structure/datatypes
let d2 = [|"2";"3";"4";|] //pretend this to be the filtered/skipped/mapped
//whatever but otherwise "clean" structure/datatypes
//equal to d1
let s1 = d1
|> Set.ofArray
let s2 = d2
|> Set.ofArray
let all = s1 + s2 //Union
let inBoth = Set.intersect s1 s2 //Intersection
let onlyIn_d1 = s1 - s2 //Set difference
let onlyIn_d2 = s2 - s1 //Set difference the other way ;-)
I have removed your other code to simplify the concepts, so the initial filter, skippings and mappings you are doing must of course be done ahead of the above code. And you must also "realign" the types to be equal again:
|> Array.mapi (fun i e -> e, i)
|> Array.filter (fun (e, i) -> i % n = 0)
|> Array.map (fun (e,i) -> e)
|> Set.ofArray
What's an alternative to Seq.iter so that I can return the result of the operation for the last item?
Seq.iter returns a unit. However, I want to iterate through my collection and return the last result.
Consider the following code:
let updatedGrid = grid |> Map.toSeq
|> Seq.map snd
|> Seq.iter (fun c -> grid |> setCell c
NOTE: SetCell returns a new Map:
Here's the actual code:
let setCell cell (grid:Map<(int * int), Cell>) =
grid |> Map.map (fun k v -> match k with
| c when c = (cell.X, cell.Y) -> { v with State=cell.State }
| _ -> v)
let cycleThroughCells (grid:Map<(int * int), Cell>) =
let updatedGrid = grid |> Map.toSeq
|> Seq.map snd
|> Seq.iter (fun c -> grid |> setCell c
|> ignore)
Again, I just want to take the result of the last operation in the iter function
I think this works (using map):
let cycleThroughCells (grid:Map<(int * int), Cell>) =
let updatedGrid = grid |> Map.toSeq
|> Seq.map snd
|> Seq.map (fun c -> grid |> setCell c)
|> Seq.last
As I said in a comment, it seems like you almost certainly want a fold so that the updated grid is passed to each successive call; otherwise the modifications are all dropped except for the last one.
I think this would do the trick:
let cycleThroughCells (grid:Map<(int * int), Cell>) =
|> Map.toSeq
|> Seq.map snd
|> Seq.fold (fun grid c -> grid |> setCell c) grid
and if you reorder the arguments to setCell so that the grid argument comes first then the last line can just be |> Seq.fold setCell grid.
I don't think one exists but you can define your own using fold:
let tapSeq f s = Seq.fold (fun _ x -> f x; Some(x)) None s
I have an integer array in which I want to send every two elements from it to the constructor of another function.
Something like intArray |> Array.map (fun x, y -> new Point(x, y))
Is this possible? I'm new to F# and functional programming so I'm trying to avoid just looping through every 2 items in the array and adding the point to a list. I hope that's reasonable.
If using F# 4.0, use Gustavo's approach. For F# 3, you can do:
|> Seq.pairwise // get sequence of tuples of element (1,2); (2,3); (3,4); (4,5) etc
|> Seq.mapi (fun i xy -> i, xy) // combine the index with the tuple
|> Seq.filter (fun (i,_) -> i % 2 = 0) // Filter for only the even indices to get (1,2); (3,4)
|> Seq.map (fun xy -> Point xy) // make a point from the tuples
|> Array.ofSeq // convert back to array
You can use Array.chunkBySize:
|> Array.chunkBySize 2
|> Array.map (function
| [|x; y|] -> new Point (x, y)
| _ -> failwith "Array length is not even.")
An alternative solution to the existing answers, would be to write a custom function, that creates a list/an array of tuples using pattern matching:
let chunkify arr =
let rec chunkify acc lst =
if (List.length lst) > 1 then (* proceed if there are at least two elements *)
match lst with
(* save every constructed pair, until the input is not empty *)
| h1 :: h2 :: tail -> chunkify ([(h1, h2)] # acc) tail
| _ -> acc (* else return the list of pairs *)
else (* return the list of pairs *)
chunkify List.empty (List.ofSeq arr) |> List.rev |> Array.ofSeq
The function can be then used like this:
// helper
let print = (fun (x:'a, y:'a) -> printfn "new Object(%A,%A)" x y)
// ints
|> chunkify
|> Array.iter print
// strings
|> chunkify
|> Array.map print
|> ignore
The output is:
new Object(1,2)
new Object(3,4)
new Object(5,6)
new Object("a","b")
new Object("c","d")
This solution/approach uses pattern matching with lists.
How to write records just in time when the value for id of something is changing ? id for each record when ture->false and false->true for some list?
for example table
id value
1 0
2 0
2 0
2 0
1 0
2 1 --> the only changes here
2 1
1 0
2 0 --> and here (node with id 2 changed 1 -> 0 )
1 1 --> node with id 1 changed 0 -> 1
result table
2 1
2 0
1 1
my idea is not functional and a bit weird, I'm thinking about functional or linq way of making the same.
let oop = ref (filteredsq
|> Seq.distinctBy(fun (node,v,k) -> k)
|> Seq.map(fun (node,v,k) -> k, false )
|> Array.ofSeq )
[for (node,value,key) in filteredsq do
let i = ref 0
for (k,v) in !oop do
if key = k && value <> v then
(!oop).[!i] <- (k,value)
yield node
i := !i + 1 ]
Thank you
I think if you define a function like the following:
let getChanges f items =
|> Seq.map (fun x -> f x, x)
|> Seq.pairwise
|> Seq.choose (fun ((a, _), (b, x)) -> if a <> b then Some x else None)
Then you can do:
|> Seq.groupBy (fun (_, _, k) -> k)
|> Seq.collect (fun (_, items) ->
|> getChanges (fun (_, value, _) -> value)
|> Seq.map (fun (node, _, _) -> node))
|> Seq.toList
I'm not sure if I fully understand your question, but the following gives the right output according to your sample. The idea is to first filter out values that don't have the right key and then use Seq.pairwaise (as in jpalmer's solution) to find the places where the value changes:
let input = [ (1, 0); (2, 0); (2, 0); (2, 0); (1, 0); (2, 1); (2, 1); (1, 0); (2, 0) ]
let findValueChanges key input =
|> Seq.filter (fun (k, v) -> k = key) // Get values with the right key
|> Seq.pairwise // Make tuples with previous & next value
|> Seq.filter (fun ((_, prev), (_, next)) -> prev <> next) // Find changing points
|> Seq.map snd // Return the new key-value pair (after change)
If you wanted to find changes for all different keys, then you could use Seq.groupBy to find all possible keys (then you wouldn't need the first line in findValueChanges):
|> Seq.groupBy fst
|> Seq.map (fun (k, vals) -> findValueChanges k vals)
(For your input, there are no changes in values for the key 1, because the value is always 1, 0)
I would do something like
|> List.toSeq
|> Seq.pairwise
|> Seq.pick (fun ((fa,fb),(sa,sb)) -> if fb <> sb then Some(sa,sb) else None)
I'd just use an internal mutable dictionary to keep track of the last-seen values for each key and yield (key,value) when any value is different from the last value at that key:
let filterChanges (s:('a*'b) seq) =
let dict = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<'a,'b>()
seq {
for (key,value) in s do
match dict.TryGetValue(key) with
| false,_ -> dict.[key] <- value
| true,lastValue ->
if lastValue <> value then
yield (key,value)
dict.[key] <- value
> filterChanges [(1,0);(2,0);(2,0);(2,0);(1,0);(2,1);(2,1);(1,0);(2,0);(1,1)];;
val it : seq<int * int> = seq [(2, 1); (2, 0); (1, 1)]
open System.Collections.Generic
let filter (acc:'a) (f:('a -> 'b -> bool * 'a)) (s:'b seq) =
let rec iter (acc:'a) (e:IEnumerator<'b>) =
match e.MoveNext() with
| false -> Seq.empty
| true -> match f acc e.Current with
| (true,newAcc) -> seq { yield e.Current; yield! iter newAcc e}
| (false,newAcc) -> seq { yield! iter newAcc e}
iter acc (s.GetEnumerator())
let skipUntilChange (f : 'a -> 'b) (s : 'a seq) =
s |> Seq.skip 1
|> filter (s |> Seq.head |> f)
(fun a b -> if a = f b then false,f b else true,f b)
|> Seq.mapi (fun c (i,v) -> (i,v,c))
|> Seq.groupBy (fun (i,v,c) -> i)
|> Seq.map (snd >> skipUntilChange (fun (_,v,_) -> v))
|> Seq.concat |> Seq.sortBy (fun (i,v,c) -> c)
|> Seq.map (fun (i,v,c) -> (i,v))
|> printfn "%A"