Change Sort after defining a variable - z3

Is it possible to change the domain of a variable after it has been defined and used in statements?. Example
s = Solver()
x = Real('x')
s.add(x < 1)
Now I want to change the domain of x to Int or Bool.

The short answer is no.
But why do you want to do this? SMTLib is based on a many-sorted first-order logic, and variables can only have one sort. So, even if you can change the domain, it would be meaningless. (Essentially a type-error.)
Having said that, there's nothing stopping you from saying:
x = Int ('x')
at the end of that script. But the new x would be totally independent of the old x; i.e., a different name with a different sort and you'd lose access to the first one. Clearly, this is neither useful nor advisable. To wit:
from z3 import *
s = Solver ()
x = Real ('x')
s.add (x < 1)
x = Bool ('x')
s.add (x)
print s.sexpr()
print s.check()
print s.model()
This prints:
(declare-fun x () Real)
(declare-fun x () Bool)
(assert (< x 1.0))
(assert x)
[x = True, x = 0]
This is very confusing to read, till you realize those two xs are totally independent of each other. (And I'd say the s.sexpr() method is rather buggy since it doesn't print out valid smt2-lib, as what it prints would be rejected by a compliant SMT-solver, but that's a different issue.)
I suspect, perhaps, you're trying to ask for something else. If you describe what you are trying to do in detail, you might get a better answer!


In Z3, I cannot understand result of quantifier elimination of Exists y. Forall x. (x>=2) => ((y>1) /\ (y<=x))

In Z3-Py, I am performing quantifier elimination (QE) over the following formulae:
Exists y. Forall x. (x>=2) => ((y>1) /\ (y<=x))
Forall x. Exists y. (x>=2) => ((y>1) /\ (y<=x)),
where both x and y are Integers. I did QE in the following way:
x, y = Ints('x, y')
t = Tactic("qe")
negS0= (x >= 2)
s1 = (y > 1)
s2 = (y <= x)
ea = Goal()
ea.add(Exists([y],Implies(negS0, (ForAll([x], And(s1,s2))))))
ea_qe = t(ea)
ae = Goal()
ae.add(ForAll([x],Implies(negS0, (Exists([y], And(s1,s2))))))
ae_qe = t(ae)
Result QE for ae is as expected: [[]] (i.e., True). However, as for ea, QE outputs: [[Not(x, >= 2)]], which is a results that I do not know how to interpret since (1) it has not really performed QE (note the resulting formula still contains x and indeed does not contain y which is the outermost quantified variable) and (2) I do not understand the meaning of the comma in x, >=. I cannot get the model either:
phi = Exists([y],Implies(negS0, (ForAll([x], And(s1,s2)))))
s_def = Solver()
This results in the error Z3Exception: model is not available.
I think the point is as follows: since (x>=2) is an implication, there are two ways to satisfy the formula; by making the antecedent False or by satisfying the consequent. In the second case, the model would be y=2. But in the first case, the result of QE would be True, thus we cannot get a single model (as it happens with a universal model):
phi = ForAll([x],Implies(negS0, (Exists([y], And(s1,s2)))))
s_def = Solver()
In any case, I cannot 'philosophically' understand the meaning of a QE of x where x is part of the (quantifier-eliminated) answer.
Any help?
There are two separate issues here, I'll address them separately.
The mysterious comma This is a common gotcha. You declared:
x, y = Ints('x, y')
That is, you gave x the name "x," and y the name "y". Note the comma after the x in the name. This should be
x, y = Ints('x y')
I guess you can see the difference: The name you gave to the variable x is "x," when you do the first; i.e., comma is part of the name. Simply skip the comma on the right hand side, which isn't what you intended anyhow. And the results will start being more meaningful. To be fair, this is a common mistake, and I wish the z3 developers ignored the commas and other punctuation in the string you give; but that's just not the case. They simply break at whitespace.
This is another common gotcha. When you write:
ea.add(Exists([y],Implies(negS0, (ForAll([x], And(s1,s2))))))
the x that exists in negS0 is not quantified over by your ForAll, since it's not in the scope. Perhaps you meant:
ea.add(Exists([y],ForAll([x], Implies(negS0, And(s1,s2)))))
It's hard to guess what you were trying to do, but I hope the above makes it clear that the x wasn't quantified. Also, remember that a top-level exist quantifier in a formula is more or less irrelevant. It's equivalent to a top-level declaration for all practical purposes.
Once you make this fix, I think things will become more clear. If not, please ask further clarifying questions. (As a separate question on Stack-overflow; as edits to existing questions only complicate the matters.)

Lambda Functions for Z3Py

My goal is to find a construct within Z3Py which allows me to:
(1) Write propositions as a function of a variable. For eg theoretically, if I define P(x) = x < 3, then the code should allow me to access P(u) for some other variable u.
(2) And Z3 should be able to solve and find a model for such a construct.
I thought Z3's 'Lambda' function theoretically made sense. However with this construct neither can I do (1) or (2). As a concrete eg, suppose I have the following code:
u, x = Ints('u x')
P = Lambda( [x], x < 5 )
I = Lambda ([x], x < 3)
C1 = Not(Implies(P.body(), I.body() ))
s = Solver()
r = s.check()
s.add( Implies(P(u), u == 2) )
Run this code to get the output:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 20, in <module>
s.add( Implies(P(u), u == 2) )
TypeError: 'QuantifierRef' object is not callable
There are two issues to fix here:
(1) Why does r._ repr_() have 'unknown' stored and not 'sat' i.e. Why isn't Z3 solving this system?
(2) In the final line, how can I get the predicate u < 5 from P i.e. in lambda calculus terminology, how do I do application of a function to a variable in Z3Py? Clearly P(u) does not work.
For this sort of modeling, you should simply use a regular python function:
from z3 import *
def P(x):
return x < 5
def I(x):
return x < 3
Then, to do the proof Q(x) => P(x), you'd use a quantifier:
dummy = Int('dummy')
C1 = ForAll([dummy], Implies(I(dummy), P(dummy)))
This prints:
Regarding your specific questions:
(1) Adding Implies(P.body(), Q.body()) means something completely different. If you run:
from z3 import *
x = Int('x')
P = Lambda( [x], x < 5 )
I = Lambda( [x], x < 3 )
s = Solver()
s.add(Implies(P.body(), I.body()))
You'll see it prints:
(assert (=> (< (:var 0) 5) (< (:var 0) 3)))
where :var is an internal free-variable generating function. This isn't an object you should be passing back and forth to z3; in fact, I think you're becoming a victim of the loosely typed nature of z3; this isn't a construct that really make much sense at all. Long story short, you should never look at P.body() or I.body() in your own code. I'd ignore the unknown result in this context; the input is more or less meaningless, and z3 spits out a nonsensical answer. A better system should've checked and complained about this; but this is not a strong point for z3's Python API.
(2) If you use a regular function, this isn't really a problem at all; because you're just doing regular application at the Python level. You can apply a lambda-bound value by directly calling it as well, though you need the notation P[u]. (Lambda's are similar to arrays in z3.) So, something like:
from z3 import *
u, x = Ints('u x')
P = Lambda([x], x < 5)
I = Lambda([x], x < 3)
s = Solver()
s.add(Implies(P[u], u == 2))
will print:
[u = 2]
which is what you were looking for I think.
Multiple arguments
If you want to model a lambda with multiple arguments, the easiest way is to think of it as a nested construct. That is, you store a new lambda at each index. Here's an example:
from z3 import *
dummy1 = FreshInt()
dummy2 = FreshInt()
P = Lambda([dummy1], Lambda([dummy2], dummy1 < dummy2))
s = Solver()
x, y = Ints('x y')
s = Solver()
This prints:
[y = 1, x = 0]
Note that the above also demonstrates the use of the FreshInt function, which avoids name-clashes by providing a unique name each time it is called.

Power and logarithm in Z3

I'm trying to learn Z3 and the following example baffles me:
from z3 import *
a = Int("a")
b = Int("b")
print(solve(2**a <= b))
print(solve(a > 0, b > 0, 2**a <= b))
I would expect it returns "[a = 1, b = 2]" but it instead returns "failed to solve".
Why cannot it be solved?
Is it possible to compute with powers and logarithms in Z3 at all? How do I find, say, the length of binary string representation of a number (log base 2)?
Long story short, z3 (or SMT solvers in general) cannot deal with non-linear constraints like this. Exponentiation/Logs etc are difficult to deal with, and there are no decision procedures for them over the integers. Even over reals they are difficult to handle. That is, the solver will apply some heuristics, which may or may not work. But for these sorts of constraints, SMT solvers are just not the right tool.
For an earlier answer on non-linear arithmetic in z3, see this answer:
Here're some more details if you are interested. First, there is no power-operator for integers in SMTLib or z3. If you look at the generated program, you'll see that it's actually over real values:
from z3 import *
a = Int("a")
b = Int("b")
s = Solver()
s.add(2**a <= b)
This prints:
(declare-fun b () Int)
(declare-fun a () Int)
(assert (<= (^ 2 a) (to_real b)))
Note the conversion to to_real. The ^ operator automatically creates a real. The way this would be solved is if the solver can come up with a solution over reals, and then checks to see if the result is an integer. Let's see what happens if we try with Reals:
from z3 import *
a = Real("a")
b = Real("b")
s = Solver()
s.add(2**a <= b)
This prints:
[b = 1, a = 0]
Great! But you also wanted a > 0, b > 0; so let's add that:
from z3 import *
a = Real("a")
b = Real("b")
s = Solver()
s.add(2**a <= b)
s.add(a > 0)
s.add(b > 0)
This prints:
So, the solver can't handle this case either. You can play around with tactics (qfnra-nlsat), but it's unlikely to handle problems of this sort in general. Again, refer to for details.

Can you limit a real variable between two bounds?

Can you limit a real variable between two bounds?
s = Solver()
input = Reals('input')
s.add(input >= -2, input <= 2)
This example return unsat for me.
In cases like this, the sexpr method of the Solver class is your friend!
You're tripping up because of the extremely weakly typed nature of the z3py bindings. The call Reals returns multiple results, which you are assigning to a single element. That is, your input variable is now a list containing one variable. This, in turn, makes the whole program meaningless, as you can observe yourself:
from z3 import *
s = Solver()
input = Reals('input')
s.add(input >= -2, input <= 2)
print s.sexpr()
This prints:
(assert true)
(assert false)
Why? Because your variable input is a list, and the bizarre rules of type promotion decided that a list is greater than or equal to -2 but less than 2. (This is totally meaningless, just the way the bindings work. There's no rhyme or reason it should be this way. One can argue it should do more type-checking and give you a proper error. But I digress.)
To solve, simply change your call of Reals to Real:
from z3 import *
s = Solver()
input = Real('input')
s.add(input >= -2, input <= 2)
print s.sexpr()
print s.check()
print s.model()
This prints:
(declare-fun input () Real)
(assert (>= input (- 2.0)))
(assert (<= input 2.0))
[input = 0]
which is exactly what you wanted to say.

Prove() method, but ignore some 'free' variables?

I have 2 formulas F1 and F2. These two formulas share most variables, except some 'temporary' (or I call them 'free') variables having different names, that are there for some reasons.
Now I want to prove F1 == F2, but prove() method of Z3 always takes into account all the variables. How can I tell prove() to ignore those 'free' variables, and focuses only on a list of variables I really care about?
I mean with all the same input to the list of my variables, if at the output time, F1 and F2 have the same value of all these variables (regardless the values of 'free' variables), then I consider them 'equivalence'
I believe this problem has been solved in other researches before, but I dont know where to look for the information.
Thanks so much.
We can use existential quantifiers to capture 'temporary'/'free' variables.
For example, in the following example, the formulas F and G are not equivalent.
x, y, z, w = Ints('x y z w')
F = And(x >= y, y >= z)
G = And(x > z - 1, w < z)
prove(F == G)
The script will produce the counterexample [z = 0, y = -1, x = 0, w = -1].
If we consider y and w as 'temporary' variables, we may try to prove:
prove(Exists([y], F) == Exists([w], G))
Now, Z3 will return proved. Z3 is essentially showing that for all x and z, there is a y that makes F true if and only if there is a w that makes G true.
Here is the full example.
Remark: when we add quantifiers, we are making the problem much harder for Z3. It may return unknown for problems containing quantifiers.
Apparently, I cannot comment, so I have to add another answer. The process of "disregarding" certain variables is typically called "projection" or "forgetting". I am not familiar with it in contexts going beyond propositional logic, but if direct existential quantification is possible (which Leo described), it is conceptually the simplest way to do it.
