Hyperledger Composer with javascript - hyperledger

I am a beginner with hyperledger composer. I want to retrieve data from server such as AJAX that use it in javascript file of hyperledger composer.
How can I achieve it?
below, it is example from w3school that I use in script file of hyperledger composer.
* Sample transaction processor function.
* #param {org.acme.sample.SampleTransaction} tx The sample transaction instance.
* #transaction
function sampleTransaction(tx) {
var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = this.responseText;
xhttp.open("GET", "ajax_info.txt", true);

you can use call-outs in Composer transaction functions. But remember with smart contract transactions, all peers executing the transaction logic must return a deterministic result - else your transaction will fail to be endorsed (you probably knew that, just saying)
See more details and examples here -> https://hyperledger.github.io/composer/latest/integrating/call-out
function handlePost(postTransaction) {
var url = 'https://composer-node-red.mybluemix.net/compute';
// call-out
return post( url, postTransaction)
.then(function (result) {
// alert(JSON.stringify(result));
postTransaction.asset.value = 'Count is ' + result.body.sum;
// now update an Asset Registry (Composer)
return getAssetRegistry('org.example.sample.SampleAsset')
.then(function (assetRegistry) {
return assetRegistry.update(postTransaction.asset);


SAPUI5 oData.V2 How to invoke a function after everything in a batch request is done?

I have an issue while making an SAPUI5 odata V2 batch request :
var that = this;
var oServiceModel = that.getModel("oServiceModel");
odataMod = this.getModel("Service");
var aData = oServiceModel.getData();
var stupidService = _.filter(aData, function (ae) {
return ae.Info === "-N/A";
var i = 0 ;
_.forEach(stupidService, function (sap) {
oGlobalBusyDialog.setText("Deleting service :" + sap.ObjectID);
oGlobalBusyDialog.setTitle("Deleting Service");
that.removeService(sap).then(function () {
if (i === 615) {
}).catch(function () {});
my Delete function is like this:
removeService: function (service) {
var that = this;
return new Promise(
function (resolve, reject) {
odataMod.remove('/ProjectTaskServiceCollection(\'' + service.ObjectID + '\')/', {
success: function (oData) {
error: function (oResult) {
What's happening ,is that if I'm trying to delete 500 entry, and if 200 entry cannot be deleted, the error message gets displayed 200 times
How to make it in a way to only display the error message once ?
Also, I want to turn off the batch request once everything is done odataMod.setUseBatch(false); how to do it ?
*EDIT: *
I've manage to do :
var aDeffGroup = odataMod.getDeferredGroups();
//add your deffered group
for (var s = 0; s < 5; s++) {
odataMod.remove('/ProjectTaskServiceCollection(\'' + stupidService[s].ObjectID + '\')/', {
//pass groupid to remove method.
groupId: "deletionGroup"
// your deffered group id
groupId: "deletionGroup",
success: function() {
//Get message model data from Core and it contains all errors
// Use this data to show in dialog or in a popover or set this to your local model see below code
var aErrorData = sap.ui.getCore().getMessageManager().getMessageModel();
yet stills my console.log(aErrorData); still prints multiple error message
Instead of doing individual deletion odata calls. Add these all remove methods in a single group, then call odatamod.submitChanges() method.
//get all deffered groups
var aDeffGroup = odataMod.getDeferredGroups();
//add your deffered group
//set it back again to odatamodel
odataMod.remove('/ProjectTaskServiceCollection(\'' + service.ObjectID + '\')/', {
//pass groupid to remove method.
groupId: "deletionGroup"});
// your deffered group id
success: function() {
//Get message model data from Core and it contains all errors
// Use this data to show in dialog or in a popover or set this to your local model see below code
var aErrorData = sap.ui.getCore().getMessageManager().getMessageModel();

Can I edit cached index.html before serving in service worker?

The webapp I am developing is opened inside a webview via post. The post body parameters(contextual user inputs) are inserted in to the index.html.
So the repeat loads are failing because the contextual input is absent.
The official docs say that nothing can be done about it. It says all you can do now is go network first and enable navigation preload.
(https://developers.google.com/web/tools/workbox/modules/workbox-navigation-preload ---------
"This feature is intended to reduce navigation latency for developers who can't precache their HTML......")
Hence I am looking for a way to edit my cached index.html before is gets used. I want to insert the post body parameters in to the index.html. I am not able to find any documentation on editing the cache. Hence any help/inputs from community would be appreciated.
Workbox !== service worker. Workbox is built on top of service worker, but raw service workers give you full control over the request and response, so you can do pretty much whatever you want.
Editing a response
Here's how you might change the text of a response:
addEventListener('fetch', event => {
event.respondWith(async function() {
// Get a cached response:
const cachedResponse = await caches.match('/');
// Get the text of the response:
const responseText = await cachedResponse.text();
// Change it:
const newText = responseText.replace(/Hello/g, 'Goodbye');
// Serve it:
return new Response(newText, cachedResponse);
There's a potential performance issue here, that you end up loading the full response into memory, and doing the replacement work, before you serve the first byte. With a little more effort, you can do the replacement in a streaming manner:
function streamingReplace(find, replace) {
let buffer = '';
return new TransformStream({
transform(chunk, controller) {
buffer += chunk;
let outChunk = '';
while (true) {
const index = buffer.indexOf(find);
if (index === -1) break;
outChunk += buffer.slice(0, index) + replace;
buffer = buffer.slice(index + find.length);
outChunk += buffer.slice(0, -(find.length - 1));
buffer = buffer.slice(-(find.length - 1));
flush(controller) {
if (buffer) controller.enqueue(buffer);
addEventListener('fetch', event => {
const url = new URL(event.request.url);
if (!(url.origin === location.origin && url.pathname === '/sw-content-change/')) return;
event.respondWith((async function() {
const response = await fetch(event.request);
const bodyStream = response.body
.pipeThrough(new TextDecoderStream())
.pipeThrough(streamingReplace('Hello', 'Goodbye'))
.pipeThrough(new TextEncoderStream());
return new Response(bodyStream, response);
Here's a live demo of the above.
Getting the POST params of a response
The other part you need, is getting the POST body of the response:
addEventListener('fetch', event => {
event.respondWith(async function() {
if (event.request.method !== 'POST') return;
const formData = await event.request.formData();
// Do whatever you want with the form data…
See the MDN page for FormData for the API.

How do I obtain available worker count in twilio function calling node library?

Im looking to invoke a twilio function and obtain a count of available workers.
I have a feeling it might be related to TaskQueues and the Matching Workers who are available?
Ive come up with the following. However, users are still listed as available when they are interacting with a task, which means this wont work necessarily.
exports.handler = function (context, event, callback) {
const client = require('twilio')(context.ACCOUNT_SID, context.AUTH_TOKEN);
.then(workers => {
data = {
availWorkersCount: Object.keys(workers.filter(x=> x.available === true && x.attributes.includes("sales"))).length
const response = new Twilio.Response();
response.appendHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*');
response.appendHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', 'OPTIONS POST GET');
response.appendHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', 'Content-Type');
response.appendHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
callback(null, response);
I know this is a bit late, but this is the chunk of code I use in a twilio function to do just this. We call the function from the studio flow and use the results to decide if I am going to route the call into voicemail or play some IVR options for picking what queue they should be put in. To use it you can pass in an optional skill to filter down the agents even more. We grab all available workers then filter down to only the ones that have the needed skill.
You could then take this and check if any of the agents that are available also have a task assigned to them then remove them from the count.
const fetch = require("node-fetch");
exports.handler = function(context, event, callback) {
let response = new Twilio.Response();
// Set the status code to 200 OK
// Set the Content-Type Header
response.appendHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*');
response.appendHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', 'OPTIONS, POST, GET');
response.appendHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', 'Content-Type');
response.appendHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
let body = {
TotalAvailable: 0
let client = context.getTwilioClient();
available: 'true',
limit: 50
.then((workers) => {
let agents = [];
let i = 0;
for(i = 0; i < workers.length; i++){
let worker = workers[i];
let item = {};
let attributes = JSON.parse(worker.attributes);
if(attributes && attributes.routing && attributes.routing.skills && attributes.routing.skills.length > 0){
item.skills = attributes.routing.skills;
item.nid = attributes.nid;
item.first_name = attributes.first_name;
item.last_name = attributes.last_name;
// TODO: filter here
body.TotalAvailable = agents.length;
body.Agents = agents;
callback(null, response);
.catch((ex) => {
body.error = true;
body.message = ex;
callback(null, response);

How to create a "loading" spinner in Breeze?

I'm trying to create a loading spinner that will be displayed when breeze is communicating with the server. Is there some property in Breeze that is 'true' only when breeze is sending data to the server, receiving data, or waiting for a response (e.g. after an async call has been made but no response yet)? I thought of binding this data to a knockout observable and binding the spinner to this observable,
Use spin.js
Its so simple..make it visible before you execute the query and disable it after the query succeeds or fails.
I don't see any property that is set or observable while Breeze is querying, but if you are using a datacontext, or some JavaScript module for your data calls, this is what you can do -
Taking John's comments into account, I added a token'd way of tracking each query.
var activeQueries = ko.observableArray();
var isQuerying = ko.computed(function () {
return activeQueries().length !== 0;
var toggleQuery = function (token) {
if (activeQueries.indexOf(token) === -1)
{ activeQueries.push(token); }
else { activeQueries.remove(token); }
var getProducts = function (productsObservable, forceRemote) {
// Don't toggle if you aren't getting it remotely since this is synchronous
if (!forceRemote) {
var p = getLocal('Products', 'Product','product_id');
if (p.length > 0) {
return Q.resolve();
// Create a token and toggle it
var token = 'products' + new Date().getTime();
var query = breeze.EntityQuery
return manager.executeQuery(query).then(querySucceeded).fail(queryFailed);
function querySucceeded(data) {
var s = data.results;
log('Retrieved [Products] from remote data source', s, true);
// Toggle it off
return productsObservable(s);
You will need to make sure all of your fail logic toggles the query as well.
Then in your view where you want to place the spinner
var spinnerState = ko.computed(function () {

How can we send/get the http headers information with AJAX?

Is there any way to send/get the http headers (like, content-type... ) through AJAX?. Then, can please explain me, what will we archive by passing the http headers in AJAX and where will use this technique?.
I'm no expert,
But you should look at the AJAX object XmlHttpHeader and the wikipedia article here.
EDIT: quoting the www.w3.org reference:
function test(data) {
// taking care of data
function handler() {
if(this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {
// so far so good
if(this.responseXML != null && this.responseXML.getElementById('test').firstChild.data)
// success!
} else if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status != 200) {
// fetched the wrong page or network error...
var client = new XMLHttpRequest();
client.onreadystatechange = handler;
client.open("GET", "unicorn.xml");
If you just want to log a message to the server:
function log(message) {
var client = new XMLHttpRequest();
client.open("POST", "/log");
client.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain;charset=UTF-8");
Or if you want to check the status of a document on the server:
function fetchStatus(address) {
var client = new XMLHttpRequest();
client.onreadystatechange = function() {
// in case of network errors this might not give reliable results
if(this.readyState == 4)
client.open("HEAD", address);
