Error: homebrew/science was deprecated. What should I do? - homebrew

I got the following error when I tried to brew tap homebrew/science: "Error: homebrew/science was deprecated. This tap is now empty as all its formulae were migrated." HOWEVER, there are no explicit instructions on what to do. All it's formulae were migrated to ____?
I am not new to science, but I am quite new to homebrew.
What should I do?. I was going to use this to track the formulae for installation of opencv among other things. I don't understand why something like homebrew/science would be depreciated or no longer relevant.

A quick solution is to use these command instead:
brew tap brewsci/bio
brew tap brewsci/science
Please see this Github Issue for reference.

Most formulae were migrated to the core repository, so they will be available without "tapping science".
So, if you want package XYZ, just do:
brew search XYZ
and you should find it.

If you cannot find your package by brew search <package name>,
you can give it a try to get it directly from the homebrew core.
brew install homebrew/science/hdf5
failed because homebrew/science was deprecated.
brew install homebrew/core/hdf5

Try to perform:
brew tap brewsci/science
Hope it helps


Return to dbt version 19.1

I am not sure how badly I have hosed this. I updated dbt to v20 globally too soon. I did uninstall v20. I need to return the project to version 19.1. I am running into errors doing this. As background I am running a virtual. I am on macos.
These two commands work as expected:
brew tap dbt-labs/dbt
brew unlink dbt
Then I run brew install dbt-labs/dbt/dbt#0.19.1
I get (I expect this) Warning: dbt-labs/dbt/dbt#0.19.1 0.19.1_1 is already installed, it's just not linked. To link this version, run: brew link dbt#0.19.1
Then I run brew link dbt#0.19.1 or brew link dbt-labs/dbt/dbt#0.19.1 and I get:
Error: Formulae found in multiple taps:
* dbt-labs/dbt/dbt#0.12.2-rc1
* fishtown-analytics/dbt/dbt#0.12.2-rc1
Please use the fully-qualified name (e.g. dbt-labs/dbt/dbt#0.12.2-rc1) to refer to the formula.
So I try brew link dbt-labs/dbt/dbt#0.12.2-rc1
Disclosure...I code dbt modules but I do not get too far into the installation since I rarely need to do it. Any help would be highly appreciated.
You might find this issue in the dbt-labs/dbt repo helpful.
You may be running into issues due to the repo name change. It could help to do a full re-install, i.e.:
brew untap fishtown-analytics/dbt --force
brew tap dbt-labs/dbt
brew install dbt#x.y.z
You can then follow the instructions here as normal for managing several versions with homebrew.

Installing Infer Using Brew Failed (No Bottle)

I am trying to install Infer, a static analysis tool developed by Facebook. I tried following the tutorial for Mac at this link: I used the "brew install infer" command, however, I keep getting the following error:
Error: infer: no bottle available!
You can try to install from source with:
brew install --build-from-source infer
Please note building from source is unsupported. You will encounter build
failures with some formulae. If you experience any issues please create pull
requests instead of asking for help on Homebrew's GitHub, Twitter or any other
official channels.
I don't know what I'm doing wrong since I just followed the instruction. Please help! Thank you
Please take a look at my modified brew formula to install it on macOS 12 + Apple Silicon.
It works using commit 5fd2f95 (HEAD) and not v1.1.0.

Error during installation of giter8 using Home-brew

I've been trying to install giter8 using brew, like so:
brew install giter8
I get the following error:
Error: giter8 has been disabled because it fetches unversioned dependencies at runtime!
Does anybody know how to fix this, or what workarounds are available. Thank you!
This worked as a workaround for me. No idea if that's the proper fix
Edit the brew formula for giter8:
brew edit giter8
and delete this line
disable! because: "fetches unversioned dependencies at runtime"
The default editor will be vim -- put cursor at that line and hit dd to delete then type :x to save and exit
then re-run brew install giter8 and you should be good
You can create giter8 projects with SBT directly and don't need to install giter8 via Homebrew anymore. sbt new scala/scala-seed.g8 is the example in the docs.
This thread has another workaround (#alexroussos solution also works).
Install giter8
brew install --build-from-source giter8

How to install apg (password generator) on OSX?

I am unable to install apg via homebrew in OSX. I tried brew install apg but I got No available formula with the name "apg".
Tried looking around but no success so far.
The apg formula for homebrew has been removed because the upstream software doesn't seem to be maintained anymore. The home page of the apg software is not reachable and even on other OS, like Debian, the package will probably be discontinued soon (see the notice at the bottom of the description). That's the reason why a brew install apg is not working for you.
That being said, if you look closely at the discussion around the removal from homebrew, you'll find that someone is now maintaining an updated formula in its own homebrew tap. You can then install apg by first adding his tap:
brew tap jzaleski/homebrew-jzaleski
brew install apg

How to install asterisk on Mac os for pjsip

Does any one know how to install asterisk on mac? I am new to voip so please guide me from basics like what software/ command line tools would be needed.
I do tried to search it on google but couldn't found any doc with the proper steps. You can also provide link of tutorial. Thanks in advance.
Try brew it yourself brew asterisk
minor issues in asterisk.rb and pjsip-asterisk.rb during brew
change "<<-EOS.undent" to "<<~EOS" as suggest by brew solve the problem
xcode-select --install
brew tap leedm777/homebrew-asterisk
brew install asterisk
For novice in voip, recommended way is start virtulization system on your choice, run asterisk in container.
Not think you can find really upto-date tutorial for install asterisk on non-linux OS(windows,osx,solaris or linux-risk,linux-ARM, whatever). Such install required expert level on destination OS.
