Horizontal full width scroll in flutter - dart

Flutter Listview component uses scrollDirection to do horizontal scrolling.
How do i set the width of the individual items to window width and scroll one page at a time?

You may want to use a PageView instead of a ListView as it works just like you described. It fits better your purpose because you don't have to write all the logic to manage the threshold of the pages and it automatically allocates the entire screen width for each element.


How to scroll TFlowLayout content vertically?

I have a TFlowLayout containing 5 same-sized controls. The TFlowLayout (with Align=Top) is a child of TVertScrollBox. When making the flowlayout smaller all 5 controls are displayed as one column. This works fine. However, when these 5 controls don't fit within the view then I would expect TVertScrollBox to kick in and provide the vertical scrolling capability.
It turns out that the TFlowLayout.Height property is not adjusted to a new height that corresponds with the height of the 5 controls displayed in that one column.
What would be the best way to provide vertical scrolling in this case?

Why are my autolayout constraints conflicting?

I have an app using scroll view on a page with numerous icons within that scroll view. I don't understand auto layout very well, but I have constrained every single icon to its current canvas value to the view (after measuring and placing each icon in the correct spot). Why are there still conflicts (188 to be precise) and unambiguous positions?
As an example of what I have done in case the above is not clear, I have placed an icon in the top left of the scroll view. I have then constrained that icon on top, bottom, left and right of its current canvas value from the view.
This extremely hard to explain without showing (as in "live-demonstrating"), but I'll give it a try:
Autolayout for Scrollviews works differently than you probably think. You can't simply specify where to place its contents in relation to its bounds like that. After all, the "canvas" of the scroll view determines its size from the content you scroll over, whereas the size of the actual scroll view (lets call it its viewport, or "window onto the canvas") is determined in a different way (for example by constraining it to the elements around it).
This the opposite of how autolayout works for other views, since they are usually constrained by the size of their parent (up to the top view of a view controller and/or the screen bounds).
What you want to do is add all your items in a single view. From the smallest known size, constrain them to one another. Finally their container has a size resulting from its contents, i.e. your items. This is then the size of the "canvas" of the scroll view, so add it and constrain its position somehow (for example centering it horizontally and vertically). Now, the actual size of the scroll view and its position should be constrained by elements surrounding it.
It might take some thinking and training, so maybe you will want to test around in a small training project that only has a limited number of views to figure it out.
Add scroll view on the screen with constraints to parent view
Add content inside of scroll view
Put constraints between added view and parent view (NOT SCROLL VIEW)

RTL support for UIScrollView

I am dynamically adding UIButtons of varying sizes to a horizontal scroll view. These buttons are being laid out from right to left, and I am adjusting the content size accordingly. However when the content size becomes bigger than the size of the scrollview, I'm not able to scroll to the left to see what the rest of the content is, it simply bounces back. I can scroll all the way to the right, but the content there is empty. I want to invert the scrolling direction but I'm not sure how to do that.
What is the appropriate way to do this sort of thing?
That's because you're probably still adding the buttons to the left side of your entire content box (the content size is expanded to the right).
In order to support the RTL you're trying to achieve, you ought to keep your scrollview always scrolled to the right when you increase the content size, and move the buttons from their old frames, to the new ones moved towards right as much as you increased the size of the scrollview.
There's a bit of handywork included, so you might want to check into a custom scrollView implementation, either your own, or possibly a library, but I'm not sure if there is one already.

Dynamically managing height of iscroll-wrapper in iscrollview.js

In my app. I am using iScrollview.js,to achieve smooth scrolling on touch screen devices.
iScrollview.js calculates height of iscroll-wrapper by this way :
In one view there is an accordion structure. When the accordion is expanded, I am unable to scroll properly due to the load-time height calculation of iscroll-wrapper.
I think this is due to the height of whole page being less than that of the accordion structure.
Can you please advise how to manage the height of iscroll-wrapper dynamically?

Controlling scroll viewer's scroll distance

I'm placing 20 textblocks in scroll viewer, but it scrolling upto 7? I also want to control the scroll distance in get scrolled whenever my application starts?
Probably, you set Height of ScrollViewer to Auto and it don't fit to screen. Set it to Parent Height. I hope it will work than.
Can you put up your code? Also make sure you have done these two things
1) Place it in a grid.row and set grid.rwo height to *
2) Do not place the scrollviewer in a stackpanel
