Facial recognition and classifying unknowns with neural networks - machine-learning

As far as I understand, neural networks aren't good at classifying 'unknowns', i.e. items that do not belong to a learned class. But how do face detection/recognition approaches usually determine that no face is detected/recognised in a region? Is the predicted probability somehow thresholded?

It is true that neural networks are inherently not good at classifying 'unknowns' because they tend to overfit to the data that they have been trained on, if the underlying structure of the neural network is complex enough. However, there are multiple ways to go about reducing the affects of overfitting. For example, one technique that is used for this is called dropout. Another example can be batch normalization. Despite these techniques, the best way to reduce the affects of overfitting is to use more data.
For the facial recognition example that you have given above, it is common that the models that have been trained have 'seen' a huge amount of data. This means that there are very few 'unknowns' and even if there are, the neural network has learned how to tell if there are facial features present or not. This is because certain structures of neural networks are really good at telling if there is a pattern of features present in the input data. This helps the neural networks to learn if the image that is being input has certain features/patterns in it or not. If the these features are found then the input data is classified as face otherwise it is not.


Training a Neural network model on KMeans Clusters

I am classifying a client's clients. However, the data is fluid and the clusters can change every day.
Running new clusters daily to update user clusters is difficult because Kmeans is inconsistent in labeling clusters.
If we cluster, and then train the data say with a Neural networks or XGBoost and moving forward simply predict the clusters. Does this make sense or is it a good way to do things?
Yeah, it does make sense, it's just a regular classification task at that point. You should have enough data assigned to clusters though before moving on to neural network.
On the other hand, why don't you predict clusters for new points instead of updating them (you can see separate methods for fit and predict in sklearn's docs, though it depends on technology you are using)? Remember, that neural network will only be as good as it's input (K-Means clusters) and it's predictions will probably be similiar to K-Means.
Furthermore, NNs are more complicated and harder to train, maybe those shouldn't be you first choice.
You could check the idea of fuzzy clustering as well, as the data is fluid it might be a better fit for your case. Maybe autoencoders, as a method of obtaining latent variables, might be of use as well.

What are the different types of neural network or its hierarchical classification

As a beginner in ML and AI, I have come across ANN, RNN and LSTMs, however I would like to know what is the classification among neural networks ranging from the simplest single perceptron feedforward network to the most complicated one.
Maybe you'll be interested in looking at the neural network zoo. It's not a hierarchical classification of all the different neural network types, but it does graphically show a lot of types and also provides short descriptions of them (and also some other models that are not typically considered to be neural networks). I haven't read through it all in detail, so I can't personally vouch for the page's correctness, but it looks good.

Image classification using Convolutional neural network

I'm trying to classify hotel image data using Convolutional neural network..
Below are some highlights:
Image preprocessing:
converting to gray-scale
resizing all images to same resolution
normalizing image data
finding pca components
Convolutional neural network:
Input- 32*32
convolution- 16 filters, 3*3 filter size
pooling- 2*2 filter size
dropout- dropping with 0.5 probability
fully connected- 256 units
dropout- dropping with 0.5 probability
output- 8 classes
Libraries used:
But, I'm getting less accuracy on test data which is around 28% only.
Any possible reason for such less accuracy? Any suggested improvement?
Thanks in advance.
There are several possible reasons for low accuracy on test data, so without more information and a healthy amount of experimentation, it will be impossible to provide a concrete answer. Having said that, there are a few points worth mentioning:
As #lejlot mentioned in the comments, the PCA pre-processing step is suspicious. The fundamental CNN architecture is designed to require minimal pre-processing, and it's crucial that the basic structure of the image remains intact. This is because CNNs need to be able to find useful, spatially-local features.
For detecting complex objects from image data, it's likely that you'll benefit from more convolutional layers. Chances are, given the simple architecture you've described, that it simply doesn't possess the necessary expressiveness to handle the classification task.
Also, you mention you apply dropout after the convolutional layer. In general, the research I've seen indicates that dropout is not particularly effective on convolutional layers. I personally would recommend removing it to see if it has any impact. If you do wind up needing regularization on your convolutional layers, (which in my experience is often unnecessary since the shared kernels often already act as a powerful regularizer), you might consider stochastic pooling.
Among the most important tips I can give is to build a solid mechanism for measuring the quality of the model and then experiment. Try modifying the architecture and then tuning hyper-parameters to see what yields the best results. In particular, make sure to monitor training loss vs. validation loss so that you can identify when the model begins overfitting.
After 2012 Imagenet, all convolutional neural networks which performs good(state of the art) are adding more convolutional neural network, they even use zero padding to increase the convolutional neural network.
Increase the number of convolutional neural network.
Some says that dropout is not that effective on CNN, however it is not bad to use, but
You should lower the dropout value, you should try it(May be 0.2).
Data should be analysed. If it is low,
You should use data augmentation techniques.
If you have more data in one of the labels,
You are stuck with the imbalanced data problem. But you should not consider it for now.
You can
Fine-Tune from VGG-Net or some other CNN's should be considered.
Also, don't convert to grayscale, after image-to-array transformation, you should just divide 225.
I think that you learned CNN from some tutorial(MNIST) and you think that you should turn it to grayscale.

How to find dynamically the depth of a network in Convolutional Neural Network

I was looking for an automatic way to decide how many layers should I apply to my network depends on data and computer configuration. I searched in web, but I could not find anything. Maybe my keywords or looking ways are wrong.
Do you have any idea?
The number of layers, or depth, of a neural network is one of its hyperparameters.
This means that it is a quantity that can not be learned from the data, but you should choose it before trying to fit your dataset. According to Bengio,
We define a hyper-
parameter for a learning algorithm A as a variable to
be set prior to the actual application of A to the data,
one that is not directly selected by the learning algo-
rithm itself.
There are three main approaches to find out the optimal value for an hyperparameter. The first two are well explained in the paper I linked.
Manual search. Using well-known black magic, the researcher choose the optimal value through try-and-error.
Automatic search. The researcher relies on an automated routine in order to speed up the search.
Bayesian optimization.
More specifically, adding more layers to a deep neural network is likely to improve the performance (reduce generalization error), up to a certain number when it overfits the training data.
So, in practice, you should train your ConvNet with, say, 4 layers, try adding one hidden layer and train again, until you see some overfitting. Of course, some strong regularization techniques (such as dropout) is required.

What is suitable neural network architecture for the prediction of popularity of articles?

I am a newbie in machine learning and also in neural networks. Currently I'm taking a course at coursera.org about neural networks, but I don't understand everything. I have a little problem with my thesis. I should use a neural network, but I don't know how to choose the right neural network architecture for my problem.
I have a lot of data from web portals (typically online editions of newspapers, magazines). There is information about articles for example, name, text of article and release of article. There are also large amounts of sequence data that capture behavior of users.
My goal is to predict the popularity of an article (number of readers or clicks on article by unique user). I want to make vectors from this data and feed my neural network with these vectors.
I have two questions:
1. How do I create the right vector?
2. Which neural network architecture is best suited for this problem?
Those are very broad questions. You'll need to identify smaller issues if you want more exact answers.
How to create a right vector?
For text data, you usually use the vector space model. Best results are often obtained using tf-idf weighting.
Which neural network architecture is suitable for this problem?
This is very hard to say. I would start with a network with k input neurons (where k is the size of your vectors after applying tf-idf: you might also want to do some sort of feature selection to reduce the number of features. A good feature selection method is by using the chi squared test.)
Then, a standard network layout is given by using a single hidden layer with number of neurons equal to the average between the number of input neurons and output neurons. Then it looks like you only need a single output neuron that will output how popular the article is going to be (this can be a linear neuron or a sigmoid neuron).
For the neurons in your hidden layer, you can also experiment with linear and sigmoid neurons.
There are many other things you can try as well: weight decay, the momentum technique, networks with multiple layers, recurrent networks and so on. It's impossible to say what would work best for your given problem without a lot of experimentation.
