How to default numeric keypad in a textbox in ipod safari browser? - ipod-touch

I am working on website where I would like to display the numeric keypad in a text field.
Is it possible to default the numeric keypad once the user starts typing? Currently, the use has to click/touch the numeric symbol to get the numeric keypad.
I would really appreciate.
Thanks in advance.

You can use the <input type="number"> for this. Defaults to type="text" for browsers not supporting it. Read more on MDN


iOS Safari show keyboard with comma instead of period

How do we make iOS keyboard (in Safari) show a comma instead of a period?
When the user taps on the input field, they get a keyboard with a period on the right.
It's by setting input type="text", rather than type="email" which I previously had!

Show numeric keyboard without letters

Is there any option to hide letters under the numbers in the iOS default numeric keyboard?
For some phone languages the keyboard is shown without letters:
I'm sorry, what you are asking is impossible. It depends on the keyboard Language and only the user can change the keyboard language.
I hope this will help you.

Bring up numpad board on mobile and ipad

Im developing a mobile site and on my I want the numpad to appear when users get to this field. Is it even possible to make a transform to ipad and android numpad? ..
I have checked with a friend who tells me that my fields are called from a database and they are called as a size field?
Hope anyone can give me some hints
<input type="number" />

Remove thousand point in type="number" in HTML5 on iPad

I use an input field of the type number so the iPad would bring up the numeric keypad automatically.
But when I fill up the field and display it, it shows a thousand point on the iPad, in Chrome it does not.
Is there any way to remove that thousand point ? Using CSS ?
You can use type="tel" instead of type="number"

jQuery Mobile Force hide soft keypad on focusing text input field

I have a date field on a PHP website and I'm using jQuery Mobile for mobile site.
While browsing the site on a mobile browser, (eg firefox mobile on android), on clicking on the date text input, the calendar dialog comes up, but the soft keyboard also comes up on my android (Soft keypad comes up whenever one focuses on a input field)
Is there a way, I can force hide the soft keyboard ? Is there a generic javascript based trick to force hide the soft keypad (that works on all mobile devices like iphone, android etc ?
I'm using the jQuery Mobile datepicker from here
A more simple solution is to add readonly="true" to the input boxes that you have the datepicker attached to. Even though you can't manually type in a date, on mobile you won't have to deal with the keyboard popping up and getting in the way
Just found an answer to my question. (Guess I didn't search with the right keywords earlier :-|)
Adding a jQuery blur event on focus solves the issue.
Thanks to this post by Danny C
My workaround (though I am using a different plugin: the datebox from is currently the following:
set a disabled attribute on the input
bind a click handler to the input or its parent
the click handler triggers .datebox('open') on the selected element
This way there is no focus element so no triggering of Android soft keyboard.
add the readonly attribute to your date box. (or readonly="readonly") input type="text" data-role="date" readonly
For JQM add the folloiwing files jqm.datepicker.css , jqm.datepicker.theme.css , jqueryUI.js , jqm.datepicker.js
