Google Colaboratory URL scheme - url

I noticed a few changes in Colab URLs recently. Can someone confirm/clarify its correct meaning? This is the original one, now not used much. This is for official notebooks, such as welcome.ipynb and other examples for newcomers. This is the most common scheme. It refers to a specific notebook in Google Drive by fileId. The newest one. It can refer to any notebook hosted on github. A notebook on GitHub Gist. You can save any Colab notebook there with Save a copy as a GitHub Gist... menu.
Am I missing any other URL scheme?
I am also curious about its URL parameters when you “Open in playground”:
forceEdit=true&offline=true&sandboxMode=true This is the default parameter setup. It seems to copy it to a temp file, then you can edit and run it without saving to your drive first.
I can also use just offline=true&sandboxMode=true, and it still works. So why `forceEdit=true’?
What’s the meaning of forceEdit, offline, and sandboxMode anyway?
The new sandbox scheme is just

This is mostly correct- Colab is migrating away from the hashparam based URLs because they don't allow server-side redirects and the new ones are a bit cleaner.
The #fileId=xxx scheme is still used when opening files from, but this will start using the new scheme soon as well.
All old URLs will continue to work, but because of the server-side redirect we'd encourage using the new scheme.
The playground parameters are crufty and will most likely be changed at some point.
forceEdit allows editing, even if the notebook is not editable (vs the readonly view)
offline disables realtime collaboration.


Can a Mongo Stitch app be renamed in the web UI?

I am trying Mongo Stitch to see if I can use it for some small web apps.
I created a simple application to play with some incoming web hooks and triggers, and called it MyApp. I am now expanding the application, and I have a purpose for it, so I'd like to give it a more meaningful name. However, on the Stitch Applications page, the only feature available in the app context menus is "Delete".
I expect I could do an export and an import using the console command, and editing the text files in-between, and if there is no other option, that is what I will do. However, it seems such an obvious oversight, I wonder if I have just not seen a menu option somewhere.
Currently, you cannot change it. Exporting it, changing the app name (and removing the clientAppId), and importing again should work. Essentially creating a new app.

Ol3-Cesium Example not working when run from local PC

I can view the OL3-Cesium examples from the website online perfectly.
When I view this example, I get the 3D view when I click on enable/disable button.
Now I have downloaded the release folder. When I try to view the same example from the examples folder, the example does not work the same.
This is the output when I open main.html from my system:
I don't know if I am missing something here
The overall problem is that you are running the example directly from the filesystem. The directory needs to be hosted under a web server, even the most basic server will do. For example, if you have python installed, just run python -m SimpleHTTPServer in the root and browse to http://localhost:8000/.
The exact problem you are seeing is that the default imagery provider is configured to use the same URI protocol as the site being visited, i.e. if you are at an http site, it uses http. If you are at https, it uses https. Since you opened directly from disk, you are using file://, which causes the imagery to try and use file:// as well. Since you have no such imagery on your system nothing shows up in the globe.
It is technically possible to use Cesium and Open Layers completely offline, but care must be taken and it looks like that example was not written with it in mind.

Add link to open a local file in Google Docs

I have made a guide (or something like a tutorial) about my tool to share with my company. I used Google Docs to do that, and I would like to add links to open video guides. I want to know a way to add link in the document.
What I do is the following. Links in sheets ( or in your case Docs) only respond to internet protocols e.g. HTTP://, HTTPS:// and so on... . It does not respond to file explorer protocols (like excel or word does) e.g. file:\\ or C:\.
So I installed WampServer (any other server will do as well, I just use this) and then copied the files into the WWW folder.
Now you can link to files that way. Google Docs/Sheets accept links to localhost as acceptable files to establish a link.
Be aware, your server will have to be online for the links to work. But this is how I solved my problem without uploading items to the cloud that I want to keep private and still use in google docs.
This is just for my local computer, if you want to share the doc with others in a local environment a little more understanding of your local server operations will be needed (i.e. do not use localhost, but refer to your IP-address).
The server can be scale-able on your local network as well, at this point a little more education will be required.
However, if you want to share the doc with others around the world this will not work at all
What I do is upload the files on Google Drive, and post the shareable link on Google Doc. Works like a charm!
Try Redirector.
It's simple Chrome/Firefox add-on for redirections. You can add before your path "http://" - Google Doc will be OK with that, then just configure redirection rule in addon. Rule can include wildcard or regular expression.

open an excel file located on the server instead of download it MVC

I'm building a Reporting web application right now with MVC3 and I've come up to a couple problems.
My goal is to have it able to generate and view Crystal Reports, SSRS reports, and Excel documents.
Right now I'm working on the Excel segment and I'm running into more trouble than I thought I would. First off, when I link directly to the file, it either opens inside the browser or it downloads it from the server and if the user makes changes it doesn't actually save it to the true file on the server.
I've tried both linking to the file directly using Razor and a ViewModel with the path to the document as well as directing it to an action that returned a File.
I've also tried linking it to a shortcut to the actual file thinking that if I could open the shortcut it would open the file the way I wanted it to and unfortunately it didn't really open at all.
The users already have access to the files on the server through a network drive, so as of right now they can go into the server, open the excel document, edit and save it no problem. I want to duplicate this effect through a link. The program already has a file browser built, so I can browse between the files and make links to the reports.
Thanks in advance!
Since they are apparently on a network drive, you can just link to the files directly, relative to the user?
For example: a link to file://///SERVERNAME/folder/
I tested it between two computers on the network, and that seems to work. However, you still get a popup asking that you want to do with the file, open or save. (both in firefox and IE)
Note: Yes, that many slashes seem necessary, lol

How Can I Automatically Execute A Link In Internet Explorer

I am trying to create an application to print documents over the web. I have created my document, and made a web page with a meta refresh tag, along the lines of this:
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="3;" />
I specify that the document has a content-type of application/x-epl2, and I have associated .epl2 files on my computer with a program that silently sends them to the printer.
I have put the website into my trusted sites zone.
Currently Internet Explorer pops up the "Open, Save, Cancel" dialog box with no option to automatically open the file.
Is there a setting in IE6/7/8 that I can use to have IE just open the file without prompting?
The actual content of the file will differ based on the job, but essentially it is text that follows the Eltron Programming Language.
I have accomplished this in both Chrome and Firefox by choosing "Automatically Open Files Of This Type From Now On"
The machines this program will be used on will effectively be kiosks that are limited to only accessing my website from their web browsers, so I'm not worried about rogue websites sending documents to my printers.
I am using PHP to generate the documents and HTML on the server side, though I expect the solution to be language agnostic.
I would expect that not to be possible, because then you could stumble onto a site that automatically loads and prints a 5000 page document or something, which would not be good.
If you always had a secret desire to develop a custom URL protocol (I know I do), this might be a good excuse to do it. ;-)
There are 1-2 prompts when opening such a link for the first time in IE, but you can choose to automatically open them after that.
I would use javascript to make this happen.
Javascript Window Open
Since you have control of the windows box you could use an automate script process to interact with the print window.
autoit3: ControlClick
Write a small utility program that does nothing but send the file passed to it on the command-line to the default system printer.
Then, edit the registry under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT to associate this program with the .epl2 filetype.
I don't have time to investigate it for You, but there were lots of exploits that could be helpful. Using ie6 without certain fixes seems helpful.
Also there should be an option called "Automatic prompting for file downloads". I use Linux nowadays so I can't chceck if it helps. I found it in some docs.
I'm on a Mac at the moment, but if this is possible in IE I would imagine this page holds the answer to it (or at least hints at it)
I believe what you're looking for is a setting in Windows, not IE:
Microsoft Support: Not Prompted to Specify Download Folder for File
Try using an older version of IE. Security was looser in the older versions and since it's a non-issue, this could be the quickest solution.
