How to Install Admin Lists Module In DNN 9 - dotnetnuke-9

I was using Admin Lists Module in DNN 8 which got removed in DNN9.
Is there any way to reinstall the module and get it working in DNN9?

I've never head of "Admin List" module. Do you mean "Form and List"? If so you can still download and install it yourself.

Yes, you can use the install module from DNN 9.0.1 release . . .


Electron - How can I install or use a third party dependency like a brew or apt-get package in my app?

Currently I want to build a desktop app which is using a third party package that can be installed trough apt-get or brew but I do not know how to inject this dependency on my electron app.
I want to avoid ask the user to install this dependency before of use my app like "Hey to use this app you should have the Package A installed.".
Thanks for the help.
You can do it in the installer (Preferred). For example, You can create a debian for your app.
In the makefile of the debian, you can check if module is present or not, if not install.
You can do it in the app first boot,
You can check if the user's system already has that module or not using child_process (spawning a terminal & executing a cmd to check if the module is present) or by writing a native node module to do the same.
If the module is not present, you can use child_process module to execute the command to install that module.

electron-packager: How to include specific node_modules in dist?

I'm very new to Electron and I have created this dumb demo app.
It works fine if I run it with electron ., but when I build it with electron-packager, the dev tools tell me that it did not find several node_modules (like bootstrap, jquery), which I wanted to use.
How can I include bootstrap, jquery and electron-notifications (and their dependencies) in dist?
How do Electron users usually resolve this problem and how do they include specific node_modules?
Thanks in advance!
electron-packager will work with other node modules but I found my issue to be that I had the module I was using to be in both "dependencies" and "devDependencies" You need these modules to be in "dependencies" only and not in both. It will prune any modules listed in "devDependencies".
I think the easiest way is to reinstall the modules with
$ nmp install <package name> --save
Than you have the modules saved. And you don't have to change your code.
You can also write after the --save --dev
just use electron-builder. it works as expected right out of the box

How to build opencv_contrib module for iOS

I want to use some function in the newly introduced opencv_contrib modules on iOS, how can I build a iOS framework with those extra modules. Thanks in advance.
I am answering this (old) question for the benefit of other developers who would like to try this on newer OpenCV versions.
It is possible to build opencv_contrib modules together with the iOS framework, in version 4 (current at the time of answering).
set path to the Xcode command line tools:
sudo ln -s /Applications/ Developer
cd to the path above the opencv directory
cd ~/
Build the framework with the --contrib option:
python opencv/platforms/ios/ --contrib <'relative_path_to_opencv_contrib'>/opencv_contrib/ ios
If an individual module does not get build, you should check the CMakelists.txt of that module to see if it has been disabled for iOS.
I just tested this before answering, so feel free to drop a comment or a question if there are issues.
See fficial document tutorial_ios_install!
This works well.
The official document does not include building iOS framework with opencv_contrib.
But inferring from the cmake file, you can copy the module you want (ximgproc in your case) to opencv/modules. Then run as usual.
You can checkout this post

How to run a titanium module using Titanium 3.2.2

I am currently using Titanium 3.2.2 and Xcode 5.1.
I am following this documentation to create a module for my xcode project:
But this documentation is quite old and run command isn't excutable in this titanium.
Also how can I run titanium module using titanium application and not through command-line.
Try this link, much more up to date:!/guide/iOS_Module_Development_Guide
Mostly you have to build the module and then drop the zip that is created into the correct folder, then add the Module in the Titanium tiapp.xml
See here for using legacy command line command!/guide/Legacy_Command-Line_Interface-section-29004835_LegacyCommand-LineInterface-OSX
In short:
alias"/Library/Application\ Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/<VERSION>/"
alias ios_builder="/Library/Application\ Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/<VERSION>/iphone/"
alias"$HOME/Library/Application\ Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/<VERSION>/"
alias ios_builder="$HOME/Library/Application\ Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/<VERSION>/iphone/"
And please use to create module project. Module projects created by titanium CLI cannot be run by
I have created a ticket here:
I think this may be a bug or incompatibility of, but the project structure may be more appropriate than (separate android and ios spaces in one module project), so for now, I just use ti to create a project structure, and copy assets, example and documentation to iphone directory and add .gitignore to ignore them.
Gulp #FTW
"gulpfile.js for Titanium Module Project" missing from twilio python module version 2.0.8?

The Twilio python quickstart guide says to use a submodule called .
But after installing the twilio module today via sudo pip install twilio, which installed version 2.0.8, there appears to be no module (or object) called "rest" within the twilio module.
Where is
There are two things you should check.
First, if you already have a package installed with pip, running pip install package-name will NOT upgrade the package. To upgrade the package to the newest version, run
pip install --upgrade twilio
Second, we often see this error occur because people named the file containing their Twilio code This means that trying to import will fail because Python is looking in the file for the .rest module. To resolve the problem use a different filename.
If you have more problems with the twilio module and ImportError messages, there is a full set of documentation here:
I had the same symptom but my problem was I named my view handler That caused a conflict with twilio library. Just name your py file something else like
