Sending iMessage from server like SMS - imessage

Recently I receive an iMessage and when I click it, my iPhone automatically open the app store.
It's an advertisement obviously, but I don't know how I receive that iMessage. So can someone tell me if Apple provides open API for sending iMessage?
And if it's not, is there any way to achieve this?

Is it a link you clicked? If so you were probably sent to a website which in turn sent an HTTP redirect to an itunes:// URL:


How to send SMS on the iPhone without pressing send button? (If just for demo, not for the Appstore)

I am working on an app that can automatically send a message to some specific ones (either emails or SMS) under some dangerous circumstances.
When someone is in danger, he or she has no time to press the send button. Is it possible for the user to approve sending messages in the app in advance, so the app can automatically send emails or SMS to others without telling the user?
I searched in StackOverflow, but found no similar answers.
This is just for a demo. It does not need to be approved by Apple.
Thanks in advance!
Take a look at the ChatKit framework.
It uses iOS private APIs to do what you want to achieve. Don't try to submit it to Apple though.
With this framework, you can programmatically compose and send text messages through iMessage/SMS.

Send a code to Varification Code by sms to user using my iphone

I am working on a application in which I have verify a users number.I will get the user's permission to send message from MFMessageComposeViewController.But I want to hide the code that I am sending in the message body from the user.I read that I can't send message from the
iPhone without showing MFMessageComposeViewController. And Apple will reject my application if i will use any third party framework for that.So what can i do to get my work done.Can any one guid me with that.Any help is welcome.Thanks in advance
Happy Coding
There is no alternative method of sending an SMS on a non jailbroken phone.
Is the SMS method of sending critical? Otherwise - I would consider a behind the scenes webservice using HTTPS.

Perform some action depending upon the text in the inbox of iPhone

I am having a message in iPhone inbox. I want to send that message to a small app which in my iPhone to do some particular task.
Can some one suggest me , Whether it is possible to send that SMS to our application development.
Unfortunately is not possible handle sms at SDK level.
If you manage the send of sms you can add a link into it and, using a custom url scheme, passing data to your app.

Exchange data between iOS apps

I know about x-callback-url, and how it's possible to e.g. send a string to an app in iOS.
But is it possible to do this the other way around, e.g is it possible for an iOS app to fetch the song currently playing in Can an app fetch a message with a specific caller ID from
I believe, you need to have access to their API/backend to do that. Talking directly to another iOS app is not possible.
No, I'm not a crook ;) I want my app to read the content of an SMS that my gateway has sent, for device authorization.
register a scheme for your app. add a link with that scheme in your sms, with the registration code as uri-path. by clicking that should open your app and you can process the uri.

Fetch and Send email in iPad app programmatically

What I want is to allow user to send and receive mail from my iPad app. I know that I can user MFMAilComposer but it's for sending only as per my requirement I need to provide all functionaly of an iPad email client app.
As far as I know you can send email using your iPhone app either using background or using the POP3/SMTP see the following link.
Open Source Cocoa/Cocoa-Touch POP3/SMTP library?
However, You can not get the emails received in iPhone mail box. But I think you can receive email from your mail server...See this stack overflow link you will get more idea Can receive mail directly from mail server in custom iPhone app?
Hope my answer helps..
