Model for MVVM in iOS - ios

Here's a User model class. This model will be container for data while registering new user, logging an already registered user and displaying profile.
struct User {
typealias message = (Bool,String)
var name: String?
var username: String
var password: String
var image: String?
func isValidForLogin() -> message {
let emailMessage = isValidEmail(testStr: username)
let passwordMessage = isValidPassowrd(testStr: password)
if emailMessage.0 && passwordMessage.0 {
return (true,"Valid")
if !emailMessage.0{
return (emailMessage.0, emailMessage.1)
return (passwordMessage.0, passwordMessage.1)
func isValidForRegister() -> message {
if let name ={
let nameMessage = isValidName(testStr: name)
let emailMessage = isValidEmail(testStr: username)
let passwordMessage = isValidPassowrd(testStr: password)
if emailMessage.0 && passwordMessage.0 && nameMessage.0{
return (true,"Valid")
if !emailMessage.0{
return (emailMessage.0, emailMessage.1)
}else if !passwordMessage.0{
return (passwordMessage.0, passwordMessage.1)
return (nameMessage.0, nameMessage.1)
return (false, "Name " + Constants.emptyField)
private func isValidName(testStr: String) -> message{
if testStr.isEmpty{
return (false, "Name " + Constants.emptyField )
return (true, "Valid")
private func isValidPassowrd(testStr: String) -> (Bool, String) {
if testStr.isEmpty{
return (false, "Password " + Constants.emptyField )
if testStr.count > 6{
return (true, "Valid")
return (false, Constants.invalidPassword)
private func isValidEmail(testStr: String) -> message {
if testStr.isEmpty{
return (false, "Email " + Constants.emptyField)
let emailRegEx = "^(?:(?:(?:(?: )*(?:(?:(?:\\t| )*\\r\\n)?(?:\\t| )+))+(?: )*)|(?: )+)?(?:(?:(?:[-A-Za-z0-9!#$%&’*+/=?^_'{|}~]+(?:\\.[-A-Za-z0-9!#$%&’*+/=?^_'{|}~]+)*)|(?:\"(?:(?:(?:(?: )*(?:(?:[!#-Z^-~]|\\[|\\])|(?:\\\\(?:\\t|[ -~]))))+(?: )*)|(?: )+)\"))(?:#)(?:(?:(?:[A-Za-z0-9](?:[-A-Za-z0-9]{0,61}[A-Za-z0-9])?)(?:\\.[A-Za-z0-9](?:[-A-Za-z0-9]{0,61}[A-Za-z0-9])?)*)|(?:\\[(?:(?:(?:(?:(?:[0-9]|(?:[1-9][0-9])|(?:1[0-9][0-9])|(?:2[0-4][0-9])|(?:25[0-5]))\\.){3}(?:[0-9]|(?:[1-9][0-9])|(?:1[0-9][0-9])|(?:2[0-4][0-9])|(?:25[0-5]))))|(?:(?:(?: )*[!-Z^-~])*(?: )*)|(?:[Vv][0-9A-Fa-f]+\\.[-A-Za-z0-9._~!$&'()*+,;=:]+))\\])))(?:(?:(?:(?: )*(?:(?:(?:\\t| )*\\r\\n)?(?:\\t| )+))+(?: )*)|(?: )+)?$"
let emailTest = NSPredicate(format:"SELF MATCHES %#", emailRegEx)
let result = emailTest.evaluate(with: testStr)
if result{
return (result, "Valid")
return (result, Constants.invalidEmail)
I am trying to follow MVVM pattern. So, my ViewModel class for RegisterViewViewModel:
struct RegisterViewModel {
private let minUserNameLength = 4
private let minPasswordLength = 6
var name: String
var email: String
var password: String
private var userModel: User{
return User(name: name, username: email, password: password, image: "")
func isValid() -> (Bool, String) {
return userModel.isValidForRegister()
func register(){
And in my RegisterViewController :
class RegisterViewController: UIViewController{
#IBOutlet weak var txtName: UITextField!
#IBOutlet weak var txtUsername: UITextField!
#IBOutlet weak var txtPassword: UITextField!
override func viewDidLoad() {
#IBAction func btnSignUpPressed(_ sender: UIButton) {
if let name = txtName.text, let email = txtUsername.text, let password = txtPassword.text{
let userModel = RegisterViewModel(name: name, email: email, password: password)
let validate = userModel.isValid()
if validate.0{
//do error handling here
Am I going in right direction? Any suggestion will be appreciated.

I would recommend you to use RxSwift with MVVM. Also you could export validation to a separate ValidationService class. Otherwise you will probably have to copy same validation methods between different models.
enum ValidationResult {
case ok
case empty
case validating
case failed(message: String)
extension ValidationResult {
var isValid: Bool {
switch self {
case .ok:
return true
return false
var isEmpty: Bool {
switch self {
case .empty:
return true
return false
class ValidationService {
let minPasswordCount = 4
static let shared = ValidationService()
func validateName(_ name: String) -> Observable<ValidationResult> {
if name.isEmpty {
return .just(.empty)
if name.rangeOfCharacter(from: CharacterSet.decimalDigits) != nil {
return .just(.failed(message: "Invalid name"))
return .just(.ok)

What you are trying to do is not MVVM pattern.
You are creating a new ViewModel when button is clicked. It is the same as you are creating a business class to handle some business logics.
ViewModel and View are communicating through data binding. If you are familiar with RxSwift, the I suggest to use this library:
I wrote this library after using it a lot on private projects. There are examples for you to start and understand how MVVM works. Give it a try!

To implement MVVM in iOS we can use a simple combination of Closure and didSet to avoid third-party dependencies.
public final class Observable<Value> {
private var closure: ((Value) -> ())?
public var value: Value {
didSet { closure?(value) }
public init(_ value: Value) {
self.value = value
public func observe(_ closure: #escaping (Value) -> Void) {
self.closure = closure
An example of data binding from ViewController:
final class ExampleViewController: UIViewController {
private func bind(to viewModel: ViewModel) {
viewModel.items.observe(on: self) { [weak self] items in
self?.tableViewController?.items = items
// self?.tableViewController?.items = viewModel.items.value // This would be Momory leak. You can access viewModel only with self?.viewModel
// Or in one line:
viewModel.items.observe(on: self) { [weak self] in self?.tableViewController?.items = $0 }
override func viewDidLoad() {
bind(to: viewModel)
protocol ViewModelInput {
func viewDidLoad()
protocol ViewModelOutput {
var items: Observable<[ItemViewModel]> { get }
protocol ViewModel: ViewModelInput, ViewModelOutput {}
final class DefaultViewModel: ViewModel {
let items: Observable<[ItemViewModel]> = Observable([])
// Implmentation details...
Later it can be replaced with SwiftUI and Combine (when a minimum iOS version in of your app is 13)
In this article, there is a more detailed description of MVVM

class RegisterViewController: UIViewController {
var user = User() {
didSet {
// update UI
Most MVVM/RxSwift developers don't understand the notion of "over-engineering", as can be seen from all previous answers. Two of them refer you to a even more complicated design pattern, and one of them built the said pattern from scratch.
You don't need any of the RxSwift nonsense. MVVM isn't about having an object called view model and shoving everything to it.
Build a model so that when it changes, it updates associated view.
Simple, as all things should be.
Below is the pinnacle of over-engineering
protocol ViewModel: ViewModelInput, ViewModelOutput {}
After you define all these, write them down, train colleagues, draw diagrams, and implement them, you would've realized that it's all boilerplate and you should just drop them.


Creating example of Core Data entity

Creating an example for a struct is very easy and straightforward. For example,
import Foundation
struct User: Identifiable, Codable {
let id: UUID
let isActive: Bool
let name: String
let age: Int
let company: String
static let example = User(id: UUID(), isActive: true, name: "Rick Owens", age: 35, company: "Rick Owens Inc.")
Now, how can I create an example if I made this an entity in core data? I can't just put let example = CachedUser(id: UUID(), ...) like I did with the struct. I want this example to be part of my core data automatically without having to manually create it by using forms, buttons, etc... Thanks in advance!
You can simply check if your default user exists in database. If it does not then you need to create one and save it. Something like the following would work if you have synchronous operations:
class CachedUser {
static var example: CachedUser = {
let exampleUUID = UUID(uuidString: "33041937-05b2-464a-98ad-3910cbe0d09e")!
if let existingUser = Database.fetchUser(id: exampleUUID) {
return existingUser
} else {
let newUser = CachedUser()
// TODO: apply example values to user
return newUser
This will lazily return existing or generate a new user for you. This user will then be persistent in your database.
The code will only be executed once per session, first time you call CachedUser.example.
If you have your database setup asynchronous then with closures it should look something like this:
class User {
static private(set) var example: User!
static func prepareExampleUser(_ completion: () -> Void) {
let exampleUUID = UUID(uuidString: "33041937-05b2-464a-98ad-3910cbe0d09e")!
Database.fetchUser(id: exampleUUID) { user in
if let user = user {
example = user
} else {
let newUser = User() = exampleUUID
// TODO: apply example values to user
Database.saveUser(newUser) {
example = newUser
But in this case it makes sense to warmup your application before you show screens that require this user to be present. You can for instance have a loading screen when your app first starts and continue to next screen once this method has finished...
// Loading screen enters
User.prepareExampleUser {
In both cases you now hold a static property to your example entry such as User.example which can be used anywhere.
But in both cases you may stumble to issue if user (if able to) deletes this entry from database. You would need to handle that case. Either prevent that action or create a new example user once the old one is deleted.
To access this manager put
let mgr = CachedUserPersistenceManager()
In a ViewModel or a View
/// Manager for the Item entity
class CachedUserPersistenceManager: PersistenceManager<CachedUser>{
let sampleUUID = UUID(uuidString: "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000")!
init(isTest: Bool = false) {
super.init(entityType: CachedUser.self, isTest: isTest)
//Preloads the user
///Preloads a sample object to the context
func preloadSample(){
let list = retrieveObjects(sortDescriptors: nil, predicate: NSPredicate(format: "%K == %#", #keyPath(CachedUser.uuid), sampleUUID as CVarArg)
if list.isEmpty{
let sampleItem = createObject()
sampleItem.uuid = sampleUUID
override func addSample() -> CachedUser {
let new = super.addSample() as CachedUser
//add any sample code
return new
override func createObject() -> CachedUser {
override func updateObject(object: CachedUser) -> Bool {
//Replace the uuid if needed
if object.uuid == sampleUUID{
object.uuid = UUID()
return super.updateObject(object: object)
The generic classes that are a part of this code are below. You don't need them per say it just makes some of the code reusable through the app.
//Manager for any Entity
class PersistenceManager<T : NSManagedObject>{
let serviceSD: CoreDataPersistenceService<T>
internal init(entityType: T.Type, isTest: Bool = false) {
self.serviceSD = CoreDataPersistenceService(isTest: isTest, entityType: entityType)
//MARK: convenience
func addSample() -> T {
let newItem = createObject()
return newItem!
//MARK: Persistence Service Methods
func createObject() -> T? {
let result = serviceSD.createObject()
return result
func updateObject(object: T) -> Bool {
return serviceSD.updateObject(object: object)
func deleteObject(object: T) -> Bool {
return serviceSD.deleteObject(object: object)
func deleteAllObjects(entityName: String, isConfirmed: Bool) -> Bool {
return serviceSD.deleteAllObjects(isConfirmed: isConfirmed)
func retrieveObjects(sortDescriptors: [NSSortDescriptor]?, predicate: NSPredicate?) -> [T]{
return serviceSD.retrieveObjects(sortDescriptors: sortDescriptors, predicate: predicate)
func retrieveObject(id: String) -> T? {
return serviceSD.retrieveObject(sortDescriptors: nil, id: id).first
func resetChanges() {
func save() {
_ =
//Service for Any Entity
class CoreDataPersistenceService<T: NSManagedObject>: NSObject {
var persistenceController: PersistenceController
let entityType: T.Type
required init(isTest: Bool = false, entityType: T.Type) {
if isTest{
self.persistenceController = PersistenceController.preview
self.persistenceController = PersistenceController.previewAware
self.entityType = entityType
//MARK: CRUD methods
func createObject() -> T? {
let result = entityType.init(context: persistenceController.container.viewContext)
return result
func updateObject(object: T) -> Bool {
var result = false
result = save()
return result
func deleteObject(object: T) -> Bool {
var result = false
result = save()
return result
func deleteAllObjects(isConfirmed: Bool) -> Bool {
var result = false
//Locked in so only the Generic "Item" can be deleted like this
if entityType == Item.self && isConfirmed == true{
let deleteRequest = NSBatchDeleteRequest(fetchRequest: entityType.fetchRequest())
do {
try persistenceController.container.persistentStoreCoordinator.execute(deleteRequest, with: persistenceController.container.viewContext)
} catch {
result = false
return result
func resetChanges() {
_ = save()
func save() -> Bool {
var result = false
do {
if persistenceController.container.viewContext.hasChanges{
result = true
result = false
} catch {
return result
func retrieveObject(sortDescriptors: [NSSortDescriptor]? = nil, id: String) -> [T]{
return retrieveObjects(sortDescriptors: sortDescriptors, predicate: NSPredicate(format: "id == %#", id))
func retrieveObjects(sortDescriptors: [NSSortDescriptor]? = nil, predicate: NSPredicate? = nil) -> [T]
let request = entityType.fetchRequest()
if let sortDescriptor = sortDescriptors
request.sortDescriptors = sortDescriptor
if let predicate = predicate
request.predicate = predicate
let results = try persistenceController.container.viewContext.fetch(request)
return results as! [T]
return []
The previewAware variable that is mentioned goes with the Apple standard code in the PersistenceController
It automatically give you the preview container so you don't have to worry about adapting your code for samples in Canvas. Just add the below code to the PersistenceController
static var previewAware : PersistenceController{
if ProcessInfo.processInfo.environment["XCODE_RUNNING_FOR_PREVIEWS"] == "1" {
return PersistenceController.preview
return PersistenceController.shared

Single responsibility principle with data service

I try to refactor my code to be clean and I wonder if I go into good direction.
I use Model View Presenter pattern but I also use Service class when I want to make connection with database.
protocol NewWorkoutServiceType {
func checkNewWorkout(workoutName: String) -> Bool
func saveNewWorkout(exercises: [ExerciseCellInNewWorkout], workoutName: String, workoutDate: String, completion: (WorkoutModelInfo) -> Void)
class NewWorkoutService: NewWorkoutServiceType {
let newWorkoutDBHandler: SaveNewWorkoutProtocol
let checkWorkoutDBHandler: CheckIfWorkoutExistsProtocol
init(newWorkoutDBHandler: SaveNewWorkoutProtocol, checkWorkoutDBHandler: CheckIfWorkoutExistsProtocol) {
self.newWorkoutDBHandler = newWorkoutDBHandler
self.checkWorkoutDBHandler = checkWorkoutDBHandler
func checkNewWorkout(workoutName: String) -> Bool {
return checkWorkoutDBHandler.checkIfWorkoutExists(workoutToCheck: workoutName)
func saveNewWorkout(exercises: [ExerciseCellInNewWorkout], workoutName: String, workoutDate: String, completion: (WorkoutModelInfo) -> Void) {
let savedWorkout = newWorkoutDBHandler.saveNewWorkout(exercises: exercises, workoutName: workoutName, workoutDate: workoutDate)
It is my service class, I use protocol to make it loosely coupled. I have read about SOLID and SRP and I have decided to break my code on small pieces with one responsibility.
protocol SaveNewWorkoutProtocol {
func saveNewWorkout(exercises: [ExerciseCellInNewWorkout], workoutName: String, workoutDate: String) -> WorkoutModelInfo
protocol CheckIfWorkoutExistsProtocol {
func checkIfWorkoutExists(workoutToCheck: String) -> Bool
class CheckWorkoutDBHandler: CheckIfWorkoutExistsProtocol {
func checkIfWorkoutExists(workoutToCheck: String) -> Bool {
let workoutModel = RealmService.shared.realm.object(ofType: WorkoutModelInfo.self, forPrimaryKey: workoutToCheck)
if workoutModel == nil {
return false
} else {
return true
class NewWorkoutDBHandler: SaveNewWorkoutProtocol {
func saveNewWorkout(exercises: [ExerciseCellInNewWorkout], workoutName: String, workoutDate: String) -> WorkoutModelInfo {
var newExerciseModel = [ExerciseModel]()
for section in 0..<exercises.count {
newExerciseModel.append(ExerciseModel(number: (section + 1),
let workoutModel = WorkoutModelInfo(workoutName: workoutName, workoutDate: workoutDate, exercises: newExerciseModel)
return workoutModel
class NewWorkoutPresenter {
private let newWorkoutService: NewWorkoutServiceType
weak var newWorkoutPresenterDelegate: NewWorkoutPresenterDelegate?
init(newWorkoutPresenterDelegate: NewWorkoutPresenterDelegate, newWorkoutService:
NewWorkoutServiceType) {
self.newWorkoutPresenterDelegate = newWorkoutPresenterDelegate
self.newWorkoutService = newWorkoutService
And I think that every think okay, but later when I initialize presenter in VC it is so big and look dirty. So maybe better option is not divide my service class on smaller pieces (separated classes for checking if workout exists and saving workout).
class ViewController: UIViewController {
private lazy var presenter = NewWorkoutPresenter(newWorkoutPresenterDelegate: self, newWorkoutService: NewWorkoutService(newWorkoutDBHandler: NewWorkoutDBHandler(), checkWorkoutDBHandler: CheckWorkoutDBHandler()))
I will be greatful for your advice!

Passed in data MVVM RxSwift

I want to learn MVVM RxSwift with input and output method, I want to get a username from textfield.
I have a scenario when user not enter a username it will present an error and when user enter a username it will present in viewController.
This is when I confuse. I got the error message and successfully present error but, how can I catch the query in my viewModel and passed the data to viewController.
This is how I setup my searchViewModel
protocol ViewModelType {
associatedtype Input
associatedtype Output
func transform(input: Input) -> Output
class SearchViewModel: ViewModelType {
// MARK: Binding
struct Input {
let searchText: Observable<String>
let validate: Observable<Void>
struct Output {
let username: Driver<String>
func transform(input: Input) -> Output {
let username = input.validate
.map { query in
if query.isEmpty {
return "Please enter a username. We need to know who to look for"
} else {
return query
}.asDriver(onErrorJustReturn: "")
return Output(username: username)
and this is my viewDidLoad in SearchViewController
let searchTextField = GFTextField()
let calloutBtn = GFButton(backgroundColor: .systemGreen, title: "Get followers")
private let disposeBag = DisposeBag()
override func viewDidLoad() {
view.backgroundColor = .systemBackground
let input = SearchViewModel.Input(
searchText: searchTextField.rx.text.orEmpty.asObservable(),
validate: calloutBtn.rx.tap.asObservable())
let output = viewModel.transform(input: input) { [weak self] username in
guard let self = self else { return }
self.presentGFAlertOnMainThread(title: "Empty Username", message: username, buttonTitle: "Dismiss")
}.disposed(by: disposeBag)
It depends on what you want to do with the text of course, but below I assume you want to make a network request. But of course that requires understanding what your API layer looks like. I have to make some assumptions there as well, but the key is that you need to inject your API layer into your view model through its constructor/init method.
Like this:
class SearchViewModel: ViewModelType {
struct Input {
let username: Observable<String>
let getFollowers: Observable<Void>
struct Output {
let errorMessage: Driver<String>
let followers: Driver<[Follower]>
let api: API
init(api: API) {
self.api = api
func transform(input: Input) -> Output {
let followersResponse = input.getFollowers
.filter { !$0.isEmpty }
.map { makeEndpoint(using: $0) }
.flatMap { [api] in
let missingName = input.getFollowers
.compactMap { $0.isEmpty ? "Please enter a username. We need to know who to look for" : nil }
let errorMessage = Observable.merge( { $0.localizedDescription },
.asDriver(onErrorJustReturn: "")
let followers = followersResponse
.asDriver(onErrorJustReturn: [])
return Output(errorMessage: errorMessage, followers: followers)
-- EDIT --
If all you want to do is push the non-empty text field back to the view controller, then it would look like this:
class SearchViewModel: ViewModelType {
struct Input {
let username: Observable<String>
let getFollowers: Observable<Void>
struct Output {
let errorMessage: Driver<String>
let username: Driver<String>
func transform(input: Input) -> Output {
let errorMessage = input.getFollowers
.compactMap { $0.isEmpty ? "Please enter a username. We need to know who to look for" : nil }
.asDriver(onErrorJustReturn: "")
let username = input.getFollowers
.filter { !$0.isEmpty }
.asDriver(onErrorJustReturn: "")
return Output(errorMessage: errorMessage, username: username)
The key here is that you need a Driver for each output that the view controller will want to subscribe to.

How to dispose RxSwift observable in viewmodel

I am learning RxSwift and I have tried a basic login UI using it. My implementation is as follows.
fileprivate let loginViewModel = LoginViewModel()
fileprivate var textFieldArray: [UITextField]!
override func viewDidLoad() {
textFieldArray = [textFieldUserName, textFieldPassword, textFieldConfirmPassword]
textFieldUserName.delegate = self
textFieldPassword.delegate = self
textFieldConfirmPassword.delegate = self
onNext: { [weak self] validArray in
for i in 0..<validArray.count {
if validArray[i] {
self?.showValidUI(index: i)
} else {
self?.showInValidUI(index: i)
onCompleted: {
print("### COMPLETED ###")
onDisposed: {
print("### DISPOSED ###")
}).disposed(by: loginViewModel.bag)
func showValidUI(index: Int) {
textFieldArray[index].layer.borderColor = UIColor.clear.cgColor
func showInValidUI(index: Int) {
textFieldArray[index].layer.borderColor =
textFieldArray[index].layer.borderWidth = 2.0
extension LoginViewController: UITextFieldDelegate {
func textField(_ textField: UITextField, shouldChangeCharactersIn range: NSRange, replacementString string: String) -> Bool {
let inputText = (textField.text! as NSString).replacingCharacters(in: range, with: string)
switch textField {
case textFieldUserName:
loginViewModel.updateUserName(text: inputText)
case textFieldPassword:
loginViewModel.updatePassword(text: inputText)
case textFieldConfirmPassword:
loginViewModel.updateConfirmedPassword(text: inputText)
return false
return true
class LoginViewModel {
private var username: String!
private var password: String!
private var confirmedPassword: String!
fileprivate let combinedSubject = PublishSubject<[Bool]>()
let bag = DisposeBag()
var areValidFields: Observable<[Bool]> {
return combinedSubject.asObservable()
init() {
self.username = ""
self.password = ""
self.confirmedPassword = ""
/*deinit {
func updateUserName(text: String) {
username = text
if username.count > 6 {
combinedSubject.onNext([true, true, true])
} else {
combinedSubject.onNext([false, true, true])
func updatePassword(text: String) {
password = text
if password.count > 6 {
combinedSubject.onNext([true, true, true])
} else {
combinedSubject.onNext([true, false, true])
func updateConfirmedPassword(text: String) {
confirmedPassword = text
if confirmedPassword == password {
combinedSubject.onNext([true, true, true])
} else {
combinedSubject.onNext([true, true, false])
With this code, the disposed message gets printed when i move back the navigation stack.
However, if I move forward, the disposed message is not printed. What is the proper way to dispose the observable?
When you move forward, the view controller is not removed from the stack. It remains so that when the user taps the back button, it is ready and still in the same state as the last time the user saw it. That is why nothing is disposed.
Also, since you said you are still learning Rx, what you have is not anywhere near best practices. I would expect to see something more like this:
class LoginViewModel {
let areValidFields: Observable<[Bool]>
init(username: Observable<String>, password: Observable<String>, confirm: Observable<String>) {
let usernameValid = { $0.count > 6 }
let passValid = { $0.count > 6 }
let confirmValid = Observable.combineLatest(password, confirm)
.map { $0 == $1 }
areValidFields = Observable.combineLatest([usernameValid, passValid, confirmValid])
In your view model, prefer to accept inputs in the init function. If you can't do that, for e.g. if some of the inputs don't exist yet, then use a Subject property and bind to it. But in either case, your view model should basically consist only of an init function and some properties for output. The DisposeBag does not go in the view model.
Your view controller only needs to create a view model and connect to it:
class LoginViewController: UIViewController {
#IBOutlet weak var textFieldUserName: UITextField!
#IBOutlet weak var textFieldPassword: UITextField!
#IBOutlet weak var textFieldConfirmPassword: UITextField!
override func viewDidLoad() {
let viewModel = LoginViewModel(
username: textFieldUserName.rx.text.orEmpty.asObservable(),
password: textFieldPassword.rx.text.orEmpty.asObservable(),
confirm: textFieldConfirmPassword.rx.text.orEmpty.asObservable()
let textFieldArray = [textFieldUserName!, textFieldPassword!, textFieldConfirmPassword!]
onNext: { validArray in
for (field, valid) in zip(textFieldArray, validArray) {
if valid {
field.layer.borderColor = UIColor.clear.cgColor
else {
field.layer.borderColor =
field.layer.borderWidth = 2.0
.disposed(by: bag)
private let bag = DisposeBag()
Notice that all of the code ends up in the viewDidLoad function. That's the ideal so you don't have to deal with [weak self]. In this particular case, I would likely put the onNext closure in a curried global function, in which case it would look like this:
class LoginViewController: UIViewController {
#IBOutlet weak var textFieldUserName: UITextField!
#IBOutlet weak var textFieldPassword: UITextField!
#IBOutlet weak var textFieldConfirmPassword: UITextField!
override func viewDidLoad() {
let viewModel = LoginViewModel(
username: textFieldUserName.rx.text.orEmpty.asObservable(),
password: textFieldPassword.rx.text.orEmpty.asObservable(),
confirm: textFieldConfirmPassword.rx.text.orEmpty.asObservable()
let textFieldArray = [textFieldUserName!, textFieldPassword!, textFieldConfirmPassword!]
onNext:update(fields: textFieldArray))
.disposed(by: bag)
private let bag = DisposeBag()
func update(fields: [UITextField]) -> ([Bool]) -> Void {
return { validArray in
for (field, valid) in zip(fields, validArray) {
if valid {
field.layer.borderColor = UIColor.clear.cgColor
else {
field.layer.borderColor =
field.layer.borderWidth = 2.0
Notice here that the update(fields:) function is not in the class. That way we aren't capturing self and so don't have to worry about weak self. Also, this update function may very well be useful for other form inputs in the app.
You have added disposable in to the dispose bag of LoginViewModel object, which gets released when LoginViewController object gets released.
This means the disposable returned by LoginViewModel observable won't be disposed until LoginViewController gets released or you receive completed or error on areValidFields Observable.
This is in sync with the accepted behaviour in most of the observable cases.
But, in case if you want to dispose the observable when LoginViewController moves out of screen, you can manually dispose:
var areValidFieldsDisposbale:Disposable?
override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
areValidFieldsDisposbale = loginViewModel.areValidFields.subscribe(
onNext: { [weak self] validArray in
for i in 0..<validArray.count {
if validArray[i] {
self?.showValidUI(index: i)
} else {
self?.showInValidUI(index: i)
onCompleted: {
print("### COMPLETED ###")
onDisposed: {
print("### DISPOSED ###")
override func viewDidDisappear(_ animated: Bool) {

How to avoid using singleton in a proper way?

I want to refactor my code to apply clean approach.
I have a class user
class User {
let name: String?
let id: String
var isOnline: Bool
var mesaageHistory = [Message]()
init(name: String, id: String, isOnlineStatus: Bool) { = name = id
self.isOnline = isOnlineStatus
Then I'm using fabric pattern to create list of my users.
protocol CreateUserProtocol: class {
func sortArray(inputArr: [User])
class CreateUserEntity: CreateUserProtocol {
static let shared = CreateUserEntity()
var users = [User]()
func sortArray(inputArr: [User]){
var applySortingByDate: Bool = false
for user in inputArr {
if !user.mesaageHistory.isEmpty {
applySortingByDate = true
if applySortingByDate {
inputArr.sorted(by: { (first, second) -> Bool in
(first.mesaageHistory.last?.messageTime)! < (second.mesaageHistory.last?.messageTime)!
} else {
inputArr.sorted(by: { (first, second) -> Bool in! <!
One controller is responsible for appending new users, while another is used to retrieve them and bind them to tableView. Everything is working fine, but I think my solution is not good enough for scaling.
Moreover in one of my VC I use to sort my Users to online and offline. I think, that I shouldn't do that in my VC and to put this logic into my CreateUserEntity
var onlineUsersData = [User]()
var offlineUsersData = [User]()
private func classifyUsers() {
for user in CreateUserEntity.shared.users {
print("is user online: \(user.isOnline)")
if user.isOnline == true && !onlineUsersData.contains(user) {
if user.isOnline == false && !offlineUsersData.contains(user) {
I'd like to rewrite it in proper way, what can you recommend me?
From my opinion try to use firstly struct instead of the class.
struct User {
let name: String
Then you should figure out where you will be storing these users? Now they are in the memory. So we should define where and how we will be storing them.
So probably for this case we can consider NSUserDefaults as core for the class that will store users.After that we should create facade to this class to manage our users.
protocol UserStoreFacade {
func fetch(name withName:String) -> User
func create(name withName:String) -> User
func save(user:User)
func update(name newName:String) -> User
func delete(name withName:String)
And UserStore that is used to manage user.
class UserStore: UserStoreFacade {
let defaults = UserDefaults(suiteName: "User")
func fetch(name withName:String) -> User {
let encodeData = defaults?.dictionary(forKey: withName)
return User(dictionary: encodeData as! Dictionary<String, AnyObject>)
func create(name withName: String) -> User {
return User(name: withName)
func save(user: User) {
defaults?.set(user.encode(), forKey:
func update(name newName:String) -> User {
return User(name: newName)
func delete(name withName:String) {
defaults?.removeObject(forKey: withName)
It is quite primitive but still showing case how it is possible to accomplish.
