What makes libadalang special? - parsing

I have been reading about libadalang 1 2 and I am very impressed by it. However, I was wondering if this technique has already been used and another language supports a library for syntactically and semantically analyzing its code. Is this a unique approach?

C and C++: libclang "The C Interface to Clang provides a relatively small API that exposes facilities for parsing source code into an abstract syntax tree (AST), loading already-parsed ASTs, traversing the AST, associating physical source locations with elements within the AST, and other facilities that support Clang-based development tools." (See libtooling for a C++ API)
Python: See the ast module in the Python Language Services section of the Python Library manual. (The other modules can be useful, as well.)
Javascript: The ongoing ESTree effort is attempting to standardize parsing services over different Javascript engines.
C# and Visual Basic: See the .NET Compiler Platform ("Roslyn").
I'm sure there are lots more; those ones just came off the top of my head.
For a practical and theoretical grounding, you should definitely (re)visit the classical textbook Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs by Abelson & Sussman (1st edition 1985, 2nd edition 1996), which helped popularise the idea of Metacircular Interpretation -- that is, interpreting a computer program as a formal datastructure which can be interpreted (or otherwise analysed) programmatically.

You can see "libadalang" as ASIS Mark II. AdaCore seems to be attempting to rethink ASIS in a way that will support both what ASIS already can do, and more lightweight operations, where you don't require the source to compile, to provide an analysis of it.
Hopefully the final API will be nicer than that of ASIS.
So no, it is not a unique approach. It has already been done for Ada. (But I'm not aware of similar libraries for other languages.)


What are common properties in an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST)?

I'm new to compiler design and have been watching a series of youtube videos by Ravindrababu Ravula.
I am creating my own language for fun and I'm parsing it to an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST). My understanding is that these trees can be portable given they follow the same structure as other languages.
How can I create an AST that will be portable?
Side notes:
My parser is currently written in javascript but I might move it to C#.
I've been looking at SpiderMonkey's specs for guidance. Is that a good approach?
Portability (however defined) is not likely to be your primary goal in building an AST. Few (if any) compiler frameworks provide a clear interface which allows the use of an external AST, and particular AST structures tend to be badly-documented and subject to change without notice. (Even if they are well-documented, the complexity of a typical AST implementation is challenging.)
An AST is very tied to the syntactic details of a language, as well as to the particular parsing strategy being used. While it is useful to be able to repurpose ASTs for multiple tasks -- compiling, linting, pretty-printing, interactive editing, static analysis, etc. -- the conflicting demands of these different use cases tends to increase complexity. Particularly at the beginning stages of language development, you'll want to give yourself a lot of scope for rapid prototyping.
The most tempting reason for portable ASTs would be to use some other language as a target, thereby saving the cost of writing code-generation, etc. However, in practice it is usually easier to generate the textual representation of the other language from your own AST than to force your parser to use a foreign AST. Even better is to target a well-documented virtual machine (LLVM, .Net IL, JVM, etc.), which is often not much more work than generating, say, C code.
You might want to take a look at the LLVM Kaleidoscope tutorial (the second section covers ASTs, although implemented in C++). Also, you might find this question on a sister site interesting reading. And finally, if you are going to do your implementation in Javascript, you should at least take a look at the jison parser generator, which takes a lot of the grunt-work out of maintaining a parser and scanner (and thus allows for easier experimentation.)

Programmatic access to fslex and fsyacc

The fslex and fsyacc tools currently require 2-stage compilation, generating files that are then compiled by fsc. It seems to me that these tools would be much easier to use if the source files were embedded resources, fed to fslex and fsyacc programmatically and the generated code compiled on-the-fly using the CodeDom.
Is this feasible and, if so, what would be required to implement this?
Jon, this is a great question; in fact, one of the design goals I have for fsharp-tools (new lexer- and parser-generator implementations for F#) is for them to be embeddable, specifically to enable scenarios like this.
As of now, I haven't implemented (yet) the functionality which would let you do this easily in fsharplex, but don't let that deter you; I've written fsharplex (and the other tools in fsharp-tools) in a more-or-less purely-functional style, so there shouldn't be any issues with global state or anything like that. It should be relatively straightforward to hack up the compiler code so you can build a regex AST using some combinators, run the compiler to get a compiled DFA, then emit IL for your state machine into a dynamic assembly (which you could then "bake" and execute).
fsharpyacc currently uses an approach where I've put the bulk of the compilation logic into a purely-functional library, Graham; the idea there is that the grammar analysis/manipulation and parser DFA compilation algorithms should be generic, reusable, and easy to test, so anyone else wanting to build language tools with F# will have a common framework on which to build them. Likewise, contributions/improvements to Graham can easily flow back to fsharpyacc. Eventually, I will modify fsharplex to use this same approach, which will allow you to embed the regex compiler in your own code simply by referencing the NuGet package (you'd just need to write the code to generate IL from the DFA).
fsharplex and fsharpyacc use MEF to allow various backends to be plugged in; for now, they're only targetting fslex and fsyacc for compatibility reasons, but I'd like to implement code-based backends (as opposed to the current table-based backends) to get better performance in the future.
Update -- I just re-read your question and noticed you want to embed the *.fsl and *.fsy files themselves and invoke the respective compilers at run-time. You could accomplish this by compiling the tools and referencing the assemblies from your own projects. IIRC, I exposed an entry point in both compilers so they could be called from outside code; the main entry points (e.g., what gets executed when you invoke the tools from a console) simply parse the command-line arguments then pass them into this "external" entry point.
There is one problem with directly embedding the *.fsl and *.fsy files though; if you embed them, then run them through fsharplex and fsharpyacc at run-time, your user-defined actions (e.g., the code executed when a lexer or parser rule is matched) will still be specified as F# source code -- you'd need to decide how you want to compile them into executable code.
It should be feasible to provide a parser combinator-like interface with a backend that uses expression trees (the LISP "eval" of F#) or something similar, for full integration with the language. Or else a TypeProvider. There are many options. If table generation is an expensive computation, it could be cached by providing a Cache, for example a disk cache.
I think nothing except lack of time, dedication and expertise, prevents us from having tools with (non-monadic) parser combinator-like interface, yet efficient compiled implementation.
Sometimes I get back to this pet project of mine, playing with an algebraic approach to optimizing regular expressions (and lexers) specified in source using combinators and then compiled to a state machine. It still lacks a few key pieces for efficiency, but there it is:

Cross-platform parser development - What are the options?

I'm currently working on a project that makes use of a custom language with a simple context-free grammar.
Due to the project's characteristics the same language will have to be used on several platforms, especially mobile ones. Currently, I'm using my small hand-written Java parser (for the Android platform). Soon, I'll have to write basically the same parser for JavaScript and later possibly also for C# (Windows Phone) and Objective C (iOS). There is an additional chance that I'll also have to write it for PHP.
My question is: What options are there to simplify the parser development process? Do I really have to write basically the same parser for each platform or is there a less work-intensive way?
From a development process point of view the best alternative would enable me to write a grammar definition which would then automatically be compiled into a parser.
However, basically the only cross-platform parser generator I've found so far it the GOLD Parser which supports two of my target platforms (Java and C#). It would really be awesome if you could point me to other alternatives.
In case you don't know about other cross-platform compiler-compilers: Do you have hints how to structure the code towards future language extensibility?
I commend https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_parser_generators to your attention: if we restrict the domain to Java and C/C++, it suggests APG, GOLD, SableCC, and SLK (amongst others) as being cross-language enough for your stated goals. (I'm also requiring that the action code be separated from the grammar rather than inline, since the latter would defeat the purpose.) If you want JavaScript as well, it looks like your choices are APG (GPL-licensed) and WaxEye (MIT-licensed).
If your language is reasonably simple then I would say to just go with whichever you think will be easiest to integrate into your build environment(s) and has a reasonable match with how you think. Unless parsing time is a huge fraction of your application's total workload, parsing speed should not be an issue -- although table size and memory usage might matter in a mobile context. If your grammar is "simple enough," (i.e. not Perl, for instance) I would expect any of those tools to work.
Have a look in Antlr, I am using it for transforming java code and it is really great. Moreover you can find different grammars here.
REx parser generator supports the required targets, except for Objective C and PHP (code generators for those might be possible). It has not yet been published as open source, though, and there is no decent documentation, just sample grammars. But there are projects that are using it successfully, e.g. xqlint. Here is a paper describing the experience from that project.

What front-end can I use with RPython to implement a language?

I've looked high and low for examples of implementing a language using the RPython toolchain, but the only one I've been able to find so far is this one in which the author writes a simple BF interpreter. Because the grammar is so simple, he doesn't need to use a parser/lexer generator. Is there a front-end out there that supports developing a language in RPython?
I'm not aware of any general lexer or parser generator targeting RPython specifically. Some with Python output may work, but I wouldn't bet on it. However, there's a set of parsing tools in rlib.parsing. It seems quite usable. OTOH, there's a warning in the documentation: It's reportedly still in development, experimental, and only used for the Prolog interpreter so far.
Alternatively, you can write the frontend by hand. Lexers can be annoying and unnatural, granted (you may be able to rip out the utility modules for DFAs used by the Python implementation). But parsers are a piece of cake if you know the right algorithms. I'm a huge fan of "Top Down Operator Precedence parsers" a.k.a. "Pratt parsers", which are reasonably simple (recursive descent) but make all expression parsing issues (nesting, precedence, associativity, etc.) a breeze. There's depressingly little information on them, but the few blog posts were sufficient for me:
One by Crockford (wouldn't recommend it though, it throws a whole lot of unrelated stuff into the parser and thus obscures it),
another one at effbot.org (uses Python),
and a third by a sadly even-less-famous guy who's developing a language himself, Robert Nystrom.
Alex Gaynor has ported David Beazley's excellent PLY to RPython. Its documentation is quite good, and he even gave a talk about using it to implement an interpreter at PyCon US 2013.

Standard format for concrete and abstract syntax trees

I have an idea for a hobby project which performs some code analysis and manipulation. This project will require both the concrete and abstract syntax trees of a given source file. Additionally, bi-directional references between the two trees would be helpful. I would like to avoid the work of transcribing a grammar to construct my own lexer and parser.
Is there a standard format for describing either concrete or abstract syntax trees?
Do any widely-used tool chains support outputting to these formats?
I don't have a particular target programming language in mind. Any popular one will do for a prototype, but I'd prefer one I know well: Python, C#, Javascript, or C/C++.
I'd like the ability to run a source file through a tool or library and get back both trees. In an ideal world, it would be practical to run this tool on code as it is being edited by a user and be tolerant of errors. Again, I am simply trying to develop a prototype, so these requirements are pretty lax.
The research community decided that graph exchange was the right thing to do when moving information from one program analysis tool to another.
See http://www.gupro.de/GXL
More recently, the OMG has defined a standard for interchanging Abstract Syntax Trees.
See http://www.omg.org/spec/ASTM/1.0/Beta1/
This problem seems to get solved over and over again.
There's half a dozen "tool bus" proposals made over the years
that all solved it, with no one ever overtaking the industry.
The problem is that a) it is easy to represent ASTs using
any kind of nestable notation [parentheses like LISP,
like XML, ...] so people roll their own solution easily,
and b) for one tool to exchange an AST with another, they
both have to agree essentially on what the AST nodes mean;
but most ASTs are rather accidentally derived from the particular
grammar/parsing technology used by each tool, and there's
almost always disagreement about that between tools.
So, I've seen very few tools that exchange ASTs meaningfully.
If you're doing a hobby thing, I'd stick with a lisp-like
encoding of trees, where each node has the following format:
( ... )
Its easy to generate, and easy to read.
I work on a professional tool to manipulate programs. If we
have print out the AST, we do the above. Mostly individual
ASTs are far too complicated to look at in practice,
so we hardly ever print out the entire AST, at best only
a node and a few children deep. Our tool doesn't exchange
ASTs with anybody (see above reasons :) but does just
fine building it in memory, doing whizzy things with it
for analysis reasons or transformation reasons, and then
either just deleteing it (no need to send it anywhere)
or regenerating the original language text from the tree.
[The latter means you need anti-parsing or "prettyprinting"
In our project we defined the AST metamodel in UML and use ANTLR (Java) to populate the model. We also maintain the token information from ANTLR after parsing, but we have not yet tried to update the underlying text-file with modifications made on the model.
This has a hideous overhead (in infrastructure, such as Eclipse UML2/EMF), but our goal is to use high-level tools for Model-based/driven Development (MDD, MDA) anyway, so we decided to use it on each level.
I think one of our students once played with OpenArchitectureWare and managed to get changes from the Eclipse-based, generated editor back into the syntax tree (not related to the UML model above) automatically, but I don't know the details about this.
You might also want to look at ANTLR's tree grammars.
Specific standards are an expectation, while more general purpose standards may also be appropriate. Ira Baxter already mentioned GXL, and RDF may be added too, just that it would require an appropriate ontology and is more oriented toward semantic than syntax. Still may be an option to investigate.
For specific standards, Ira Baxter already mentioned ASTM, another one, although it rather targets a specific kind of programming language (logic languages), is a standard for semantic/conceptual graph, known as ISO‑IEC 24707 2007.
Not a standard on its own, but a paper about that matter: Towards Portable Source Code Representations Using XML
I don't know any effectively used standard (in this area, that's always house‑made cooking everywhere), I'm just interested too in this topic.
