Jenkins job that calls cyclically a script - jenkins

I'm having some difficulties in getting this one working.
How would I have to configure a job in Jenkins to call some script on a node, the node to execute and when exiting, the job to not declare the build finished but to wait for a certain amount of time and to call again the script. The waiting period would have to be dynamically calculated at runtime based on a target start time. Such a build would have to be stopped by some user input and not by aborting the build.
I know pipelining might be needed in this case but I'm not very sure how the build history would look like as I intend to have only one build appearing in there not a bunch of builds spawned by the main one. Hopefully, I was able to make myself easy to understand.
Thank you very much.


How can aborted builds be ignored concerning the Jenkins job status preview?

For internal reasons, one of my jobs is able to run concurrently, but new builds abort themselves if another build is already running (disabling concurrency doesn't help, since I don't want new jobs to be scheduled for execution once the current build is done).
However, this behaviour is detrimental to the job status preview (the colored ball next to the job name when inside the job's parent folder). It often shows the status as "aborted", which is undesirable - I want to view the latest running build as the source of the job status.
I tried deleting aborted builds from within their own execution, but that's unfortunately neither trivial nor stable, and thus not suitable for this situation. I could probably get a workaround running that deletes them from a separate job, but that's not ideal either.
Anyway, I'm now hoping that I can just tell Jenkins to ignore "aborted" builds in the calculation of the job preview. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to find a setting or plugin that allows me to do this.
Is this possible at all? Or do I need to find another way?
Would something like this help?
I haven't used it myself but it supports blocking builds completely if a build is already running.

Jenkins - Puge build history logs - Configure a job to keep just the last 100 builds history and delete the rest

I have a Jenkins Job that is running periodically (Every minute).
As so, I end up with thousands of logs that doesn't really matters to me and overload the space disk.
Is there a way to configure that job, in a way it will keep just the last 100 builds and delete the old ones?
I know this is possible manually, But I am looking for a way that I don't have to do it myself every time, I want the job, or another one to do it automatically.
You do not need to do that manually, you just configure the job to retain the # of builds to retain during creating the job. This again can be done when you create the job itself through a rest api, all you have to do is to set the appropriate values in the job's config.xml. You configure the job once and never have to worry, Jenkins automatically takes care of the clean-up.
Once you configure the job, the next run will be over the threshold and trigger deleting the excess job logs.
Also, since LTS 2.204.6: Add globally configured build discarders that delete old builds not marked as "keep forever" even if there is no, or a less aggressive, per-project build discarder configured, executed periodically and after a build finishes

How to abort a Jenkins Job programmatically at a specified time

I want to abort my Jenkins Job before clock hits a particular time. I didn't find anything which stops it automatically at a specified time(I don't want to do it manually). Is there anything like that?
I have read this post, but none of the answer solves my problem How to stop an unstoppable zombie job on Jenkins without restarting the server?
If you want to stop a long running job, let's say, it is running more than 3 hours, then below jenkins plugins does exactly that for you.
Abort a build if it is likely stuck
Or, if you want certain build to abort on a specific time (i.e, no build should run at 5 pm daily), then you can configure groovy script to do that.

How To Abort Another Jenkins Job?

I have two Jenkins jobs, COMPILE and TEST, COMPILE triggers TEST, COMPILE is quick, TEST is slow. COMPILE re-creates data which is used by TEST, so if COMPILE runs while TEST is running, TEST might fail due to the necessary data being temporarily unavailable or incomplete.
Sometimes, COMPILE gets triggered a lot (via CMS, busy development). The standard way would be to synchronize COMPILE and TEST via a lock, so that both never run at the same time but instead wait for the other to finish before starting. This waiting does not really suit me as it delays the COMPILE jobs too much.
An alternative might be to turn TEST to concurrent running, but in my case TEST requires too many resources to be able to run concurrently.
So my approach now is to configure COMPILE so that it first aborts a running TEST job (in case one is running) and then starts its work (eventually triggering TEST again in the end). Several quickly performed COMPILE builds will then each start a TEST build which will all be aborted (gray bubble). Only the last TEST build will be completed and show a decent red or green (or yellow) bubble. But that will be enough in my case (and I accept the drawback that this way I cannot detect exactly which commit broke the build).
Now the question is: How can I make COMPILE abort a TEST build? (Preferably in an elegant way.)
I only found a way to generally abort a job from the outside using Jenkins's REST interface, but that doesn't seem to be very elegant. Is there a more elegant way, maybe using a Jenkins-internal feature I don't know or maybe by using a suitable plugin?
I would suggest consolidating the two jobs into a single job. That would allow for multiple simultaneous executions and will still fail if the compile fails.
You can set the number of Executors for the node to "1" . By this we can make sure only one jobs run at a time in the node , even if it is executed in parallel it will wait for the 1st job to complete and then start the second

Excluding a job from the Jenkins Job Queue when a build is in progress

I have a long-running job (10 hours) scheduled to run twice a day (at 11am/11pm).
I generally only want to commence the build at 11am/11pm.
If the previous build fails, I sometimes want to start the next build early (e.g. 9am).
How do I do it? If I manually kick off the build at 9am, the scheduled build will go into the queue at 11am, and will execute as soon as the first build completes. I don't want that, if I manually start, I want to skip the scheduled build.
Another way of thinking of it ... I want to ignore a scheduled (or manual) build request if there is a build in progress.
To do what I'm wanting I've added the following into conditional build steps at the start and end of the job, conditional on the Build Cause of UserCause.
Above plugin will be useful for you.kindly go through the documentation.
Try this Plugin:
It will allow you to block job when last build is in progress.
