deploy an application in the jelastic marketplace - docker

So basically, this what we want to do: create an application and publish it in our jelastic provider.
To do that, we had this idea:
Create our customized docker images locally
create a registry in our jelastic provider
push our images into this registry
create a manifest in yaml that describes how the environment should be created
Basically, the manifest describes:
what images should be used (our image and a jelastic storage)
shell scripts to run on the dockers
pops up a message when the installation succeed
send mail also
My question is: Is that secure?? I mean if a user go to the marketplace and chooses to deploy our application, can he gets some registry information?
So you have any experience in this?
Thank you in advance


Finding deployed Google Tag Manager server-side version in GCP

I've recently joined a new company which already has a version of Google Tag Manager server-side up and running. I am new to Google Cloud Platform (GCP), and I have not been able to find the supposed docker image in the image repository for our account. Or, at least I am trying to figure out how to check if there is one and how do I correlate its digest to what image we've deployed that is located at
I've tried deploying it both automatically provisioned in my own cloud account and also running the manual steps and got it working. But I can't for the life of me figure out how to check which version we have deployed at our company as it is already live.
I suspect it is quite a bit of an old version (unless it auto-updates?), seeing as the GTM server-side docker repository has had frequent updates.
Being new to the whole container imaging with docker, I figured I could use Cloud shell to check it that way, but it seems when setting up the specific Appengine instance with the shell script provided (located here), it doesn't really "load" a docker image as if you'd deployed it yourself. At least I don't think so, because I can't find any info using docker commands in the Cloud shell of said GCP project running the flexible Appengine environment.
Any guidance on how to find out which version of GTM server-side is running in our Appengine instance?
To check what docker images your App Engine Flex uses is by ssh to the instance. To ssh to your App Engine instances is by going to the instance tab then choosing the correct service and version then click the ssh button or you can access it by using this gcloud command on your terminal or cloud shell:
gcloud app instances ssh "INSTANCE_ID" --service "SERVICE_NAME" --version "VERSION_ID" --project "PROJECT_ID"
Once you have successfully ssh to your instance, run docker images command to list your docker images

How to properly use DynamoDB in a Docker container?

I am new to Docker and trying to figure out how to use dynamodb and boto3 within my Docker image. I have followed many tutorial and read many articles. From what I have the basic setup of most dockerized applications have a docker-compose file with two images, the service you have built, and an image of the database. So here is where I am confused, the only image I can find of DynamoDB is dynamodb-local. And to my understanding this image is only used to create a localized database on your computer. I need the ability to connect to an actual dynamodb table on my aws account. I currently just have instructions in my Dockerfile to download boto3 on build. Just wondering if I am doing anything wrong? Could anyone give some clarity, or some good resources to read?
If you need to connect to an external DynamoDB instance then you don't have to create a container for it.
You can just pass the required credentials to access the AWS hosted instance through environment variables to the other service container.
Although I do recommend spinning up a local database for development purposes.

Automatically deploying docker-compose on DigitalOcean via Github

I am a newbie when it comes to docker.
I have a web app that contains 4 services. I manage to create a docker-compose for it.
I would like now to publish it.
My plan is to
upload the whole repository with the compose file and the source codes to a private repository in github.
then create a droplet in digital ocean
I would like to be able to publish the code easily through github only. that it will be automatically uploaded to the server and restart the required services.
what would be the best approach?
Yes, there is. There is an App platefrom in Digitalocean. Once you use it to deploy your docker image and whenever you update docker image via github, your site will be rebuilding (ci/cd).
I hope this can be help for you.

How to move an Azure web app to container

I have an Azure web app running. I would need to move this application to docker so I can flexibly move my apps to different cloud services.
I am not sure if a web app can directly be contained in a docker file or whether I need to move it to Azure containers and then a docker file.
Please help
Tried creating and spinning web apps and their respective database. Not sure the next steps to containerize or dockerize this
If you only have one docker image you can stick with Azure Web App for Containers, otherwise you will need to go on Azure Container Service.
You can look at this SO post for a quick comparison.

Docker multiple machine configurations

I want to know if there is a suggested approach on how to configure Docker machines using configuration files. I have a service that I configure for several users, it is basically a Django app.
Until now I had a shared base image and a bunch of scripts. When I need to create a new machine for a new user, I create it in Google Cloud Engine using the base image. Then I :
SSH into it
Launch a script that download everything via git and launch all services
Copy required credential files using scp
Is there a way to optimize some steps with Docker (using secrets or some external config management tool)?
