Can app get rejected if I do payment on Safari of device? - ios

I am showing listing of the coupon/offers in the app. On clicking on same I am opening the particular merchant site in safari on the device and making redemption/purchase of the same coupon.
Can this lead to rejection please let me know.
Thanks in advance!!!

NO, if you are selling virtual goods then try to understand below things.
You can use in-app purchases to sell a variety of content, including subscriptions, new features, and services. There are four in-app purchase types you can offer.
Users can purchase different types of consumables, such as lives or gems in a game, to further their progress through an app. Consumable in-app purchases are used once, are depleted, and can be purchased again.
Users can purchase non-consumable, premium features within an app. Non-consumables are purchased once and do not expire, such as additional filters in a photo app. Apple can host content associated with your non-consumable in-app purchases.
Auto-Renewable Subscriptions
Users can purchase access to services or periodically updated content, such as monthly access to cloud storage or a weekly subscription to a magazine. Users are charged on a recurring basis until they decide to cancel.
Non-Renewing Subscriptions
Users can purchase access to services or content for a limited duration, such as a season pass to streaming content. This type of subscription does not renew automatically, so users need to renew each time.
For more details,

Actually no, if you are not doing in-app purchase. And if your app have something that leads to in-app and to avoid apple in-app you diverting the user in safari then apple definitely reject your app.
In your case, it doesn't seems like the in-app purchase.
Make sure overall app quality and performance is good else apple reject app with other reasons also.
For further details go through this ->
Best of luck!


iOS: In-App Purchases with user to user subscriptions?

I'm developing an app that allows users to subscribe to each other's content via paid subscription. For example, user A can subscribe to user B's channel for $5/month and I take a small fee from the transaction (user B gets the remainder).
Apple policy states that all in-app digital purchases and subscriptions must be done with Apple In-App Purchase, but does this include digital user marketplaces? I'm in the middle of implementing Stripe but I'm not sure if this is allowed.
If I have to use the In-App Purchases, does this even support my model?
If you want to facilitate the transaction through your app, then yes, it needs to be done through an in-app purchase. You can use Stripe for users that subscribe on your website, but you can't direct users there to make a purchase from your app.
Apps that operate across multiple platforms may allow users to access
content, subscriptions, or features they have acquired elsewhere,
including consumable items in multi-platform games, provided those
items are also available as in-app purchases within the app. You must
not directly or indirectly target iOS users to use a purchasing method
other than in-app purchase, and your general communications about
other purchasing methods must not discourage use of in-app purchase.
With in-app purchases, you'll need to facilitate the payouts yourself. This could be difficult since you'll probably want to wait until Apple pays you before you distribute (usually 1+ month after purchase), and you'll have to track refunds and cancellations. If your app is available globally there's also the fact that you'll get paid out different $$ for the same subscription depending on the country it was purchased due to tax differences.
Also, since you can only be subscribed to a single product within a subscription group, you won't be able to have a user subscribe to channel A and channel B with 2 subscriptions.
Really, the best solution for this type of marketplace is to use something like Stripe Connect as you've figured out. However, you'll have to process this purchase outside of your app and not direct users there from within your app.
A solution to use in-app purchases could be to switch from a subscription to a consumable purchase to unlock content for a specific period and manage the expiration date yourself. This would allow a user to make multiple purchases to unlock multiple channels. The downside is that this won't auto-renew, which may mean less revenue for you. You'd still have to handle the payouts yourself, but it would be simpler to manage one-off purchases then dealing with all of the nuances of iOS subscriptions.

What type of In-App Purchase choose for removing ads for one of iOS game app

I have implemented ads in one of my game apps and its free but I want to make a in-app purchase feature to remove ads
now i don't have any idea about which type of IAPs option to choose (Consumable, Non-Consumable, Automatically Renewable Subscriptions, Free Subscription, Non-Renewing Subscription). also how much do i need to charge for that.
So can someone helps what kind of in-app purchase is suitable for above and also according to Apple Rules regarding in-app purchase.
You want a non-consumable in-app purchase. This means that the user only has to purchase it once, and they then own it forever (regardless of deleting & re-installing the app).
However, it doesn't seem like your that familiar with the workings of in-app purchases, so I suggest you have a good read of the Apple docs on it.
When it comes to pricing, that's entirely up to you.

In-app purchases: Types of products

Please, help me to clarify purchases types.
I have an ionic project, where a user has a possibility to post to feed. But he/she has to pay for each news he/she posts.
I know that purchases are of three types: consumable, non-consumable and subscriptions.
I cant understand what is the type of such kind of purchases?
You would be a consumable type as you are paying every time you post.
Good description from a previous post
Everything is here:
Consumable (pay everytime)
A consumable In-App Purchase must be purchased every time
the user downloads it. One-time services, such as fish food in a
fishing app, are usually implemented as consumables.
Select Non-Consumable (one time payment)
Non-consumable In-App Purchases only need to be
purchased once by users. Services that do not expire or decrease with
use are usually implemented as non-consumables, such as new race
tracks for a game app.
Select Auto-Renewable Subscriptions (will deduct money from your credit card on a cycle complete)
Auto-renewable Subscriptions allow
the user to purchase updating and dynamic content for a set duration
of time. Subscriptions renew automatically unless the user opts out,
such as magazine subscriptions.
Select Free Subscription (no payment and is still visible even you did not submitted your account detail to itunes connect)
Free subscriptions are a way for developers
to put free subscription content in Newsstand. Once a user signs up
for a free subscription, it will be available on all devices
associated with the user’s Apple ID. Note that free subscriptions do
not expire and can only be offered in Newsstand-enabled apps.
Select Non-Renewing (need to renew manually)
Subscription Non-Renewing Subscriptions allow the
sale of services with a limited duration. Non-Renewing Subscriptions
must be used for In-App Purchases that offer time-based access to
static content. Examples include a one week subscription to voice
guidance feature within a navigation app or an annual subscription to
online catalog of archived video or audio.

How to choose a correct in-app type?

I've read all the in-app documentation and I've tired of fighting with App Review Board, that's why I'm asking for your advice.
Please, help me to choose the right type of in-app purchase for my app and to upgrade my app to use a subscription in-app model (non-renewing subscription is also possible).
This app has an entertaiment text and photo content, which is dynamicaly updated twice a day.
I've got a free version, which has:
Limitations (limited number of new messages)
No photos
And premium-account with:
No ads
No limitations
Photo content
I want to sell this content like subscription (you can buy a premium-account for a period of time), also I've get a mechanism, that allows to use premium-account from every device you have and you can restore your purchases easily, but App Review Board writes:
The App Review Board evaluated your app and determined that the
original rejection feedback is valid. Your app does not comply with:
The Purchasability Type for one or more of your In-App Purchase
products was inappropriately set.
Your In-App Purchase is currently flagged as Auto-Renewable
Subscription. However, it would be more appropriate to use the
Non-Consumable In-App Purchase type because the product is used to
unlock features of the app. Non-consumable products are only purchased
once by users and are always available on all devices that are
associated with that user's iTunes account.
How should I change my app to sell my content as subscription?

Subscription Products are Non-restoring, Why Apple is asking me to put up a restore button?

I don't understand Apple Guidelines. I had created an app which is having free as well as premium features.
By default the app comes installed with free features, I had provided the buy button so that user can buy the premium features of the app using the in-app purchase feature.
The duration of subscription is 3-Months and it is non-renewing.
I submitted the app to App store, but apple is asking me to place a restore button in the app, so that users can restore their previous purchases.
on the other hand, It is written in the apple documentation that you cannot restore subscription based apps.
It seems quite confusing to me, Can you please guide what to do in this matter.
There are two possibilities:
1) You don't know that some of your purchases are restorable.
2) Apple doesn't know that all of your purchases are non-restorable.
Follow up with Apple.
EDIT The above is wrong. You need to restore the purchases on your own without their support, since you chose to not use auto renewing. From the IAP guide
You are required to deliver non-renewing subscriptions to all devices owned by the user. Non-renewing subscriptions are not automatically synchronized to all devices by Store Kit; you must implement this infrastructure yourself. For example, most subscriptions are provided by an external server; your server would need to implement a mechanism to identify users and associate subscription purchases with the user who purchased them.
