Jenkins Addon in Jenkins Pipeline - jenkins

I have a parameterized project. With the variable VAR1.
I'm using the the Xray for JIRA Jenkins Plugin for Jenkins. There you can fill four parameters:
JIRA Instance
File Path
I'm new to Jenkins but what I have learned so far, that you can't fill this fields with environment variables. Something like
Issues: ${VAR1} - doesn't work.
So I thought I can do this with a pipeline. When I click on Pipeline Syntax and chose step: General Build Step I can choose Xray: Cucumber Features Export Task. Then I fill the fields with my environment variable and click Generate Pipeline Script The output is as follows:
step <object of type com.xpandit.plugins.xrayjenkins.task.XrayExportBuilder>
That doesn't work. What I'm doing wrong?

All you're doing is OK, but what you want is not supported by Jenkins whether it is pipeline or not, since the parameters' load is happening prior to the pipeline-flow or the definition of the ${VAR1}.
You can try to overcome this by defining the 'Issues' value as a pipeline internal value instead of a parameter and base it on the ${VAR1} value.
If it must be a parameter, use 2 jobs where one defines the value of 'Issues' based on a the ${VAR1} and pass it to the other job that gets the 'Issues' as a fixed value.


Dynamically evaluate default in Jenkins pipeline build parameter

In Jenkins declarative pipeline we can define build parameters like
pipeline {
parameters {
string(name: 'PARAMETER', defaultValue: 'INITIAL_DEFAULT')
choice(name: 'CHOICE', choices: ['THIS', 'THAT'])
However the parameter definitions of the job are only updated when the job runs after the build parameters dialog was already shown. That is, when I change the INITIAL_DEFAULT to something else, the next build will still default to INITIAL_DEFAULT and only the one after that will use the new value.
The same problem is with the choices, and there it is even more serious, because string default can be overwritten easily when starting the build, but if the new option isn't there, it cannot be selected at all.
So is there a way to define functions or expressions that will be executed before the parameter dialog to calculate current values (from files, variable in global settings or any other suitable external configuration)?
I remember using some plugins for this in the past with free-style jobs, but searching the plugin repository I can't find any that would mention how to use it with pipelines.
I don't care too much that the same problem applies to adding and removing parameters, because that occurs rarely. But we have some parameters where the default changes often and we need the next nightly to pick up the updated value.
It turns out the extended-choice-parameter does work with pipeline, and the configurations can be generated by the directive generator. It looks something like
name: 'PARAMETER',
type: 'PT_TEXTBOX',
defaultPropertyFile: '/var/lib/jenkins/',
defaultPropertyKey: 'parameter'
(there are many more options available in the generator)
Groovy script to get global environment variables can be had from this other answer.

Jenkins: having problems passing environment variable for use in another job (maybe a bug)

I seem to have found a bug with trying to pass environment variables from one Jenkins job to another.
I have a Jenkins job which contains a Powershell build step. My question is not about the Powershell script, as that does exactly what I want (it goes to Artifactory, finds a list of all the builds and then gets the build number of the latest one). The script ends up with the Artifactory build number as a text string '$LATEST_BUILD_NO_SLASH' (for clarity, this is not the Jenkins build number). This is eventually stored as an environment variable called 'LATEST_BUILD_NUM_VAL'
This is definitely creating an environment variable with my value stored in it, as it can be seen in the 'Environment Variables' list.
This environment variable is passed in the standard way in the parameterized build step.
My issue is that when I use this environment variable in a downstream build having passed it using 'LATEST_BUILD_NUM = ${LATEST_BUILD_NUM_VAL}', I get '${LATEST_BUILD_NUM_VAL}' as the value passed to the downstream job:
But, if I pass a Jenkins created environment variable i.e.'LATEST_BUILD_NUM = ${JOB_BASE_NAME}' I get the correct variable in the downstream job:
I have spent all day banging my head around this and don't really know where to go from here. I seem to be creating the environment variable correctly, as it is in the environment variables list and it works if I use a standard environment variable. I have declared 'LATEST_BUILD_NUM' as a parameter in my downstream build.
Is there any other way of achieving what I am trying to do?
I have checked in the 'Jenkins Issues' log for issues with parameterised builds and I can't find anything similar to my issue.
In case it is of any relevance, the Jenkins Environment Injector plugin is v2.1.6 and the Parameterized Trigger plugin is v2.35.2.
This is easy to achieve in Jenkins Pipeline:
Your second job (JobB) is called from your first job (JobA) as a downstream job. Thus somewhere, (probably the end of your JobA pipeline) you will have:
build job: 'CloudbeeFolder1/Path/To/JobB', propagate: false, wait: false, parameters: [[$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'MY_PARAM', value: "${env.SOME_VALUE}"]]
Then in JobB on the "other side" you have:
environment {
This gets the value of your parameter into an environment variable in JobB.
in first job in post build action--> Trigger Parameterized build on other projects select this
In that project build --> give name of downward jobname
select Add parameter in that add Predefined parameter give parameter in key value format e.g Temp=${BUILD_ID}
In second job select project is parameterized in select any option e.g string parameter and put name as Temp and used this parameter in shell or anywhere as $Temp ...

Get Active Choices Parameter value from upstream job

There is a job parametrized with Active Choices Parameters using Active Choices Plugin
I want to trigger this job from the upstream job.
The upstream job should use the default parameters of the downstream job.
The parameter UtilityPath depends on UtilityVersion to evaluate itself and to form the list of choices.
How can I
Get the list of choices returned by the groovy script of UtilityVersion from the upstream job?
Supply my choice for UtilityVersion to the parameter UtilityPath, so it could generate it's own list of choices for me (again, on the upstream job).
Trigger the job with my choices for parameters UtilityVersion and UtilityPath?
Whatever your downstream job's parameter has (in the groovy script/ code section), if you can put that in a SCRIPTLER script (see Jenkins Scriptler plugin) then you can call that scriptler script and pass the same parameters (that you were passing in the downstream job) in your upstream job's BUILD section (either execute shell or Run Groovy script) as you mentioned, you don't want to add the same downstream parameters in your upstream job due to complexities). NOTE: See conditional run plugin on how to call Scriptler script (in Build section) if you don't want to call the Scriptler script if you are dealing with TFS vs ProjectC vs someAutomationD or when parameterX is set to true (your call there).
It's pretty much same what CSchulz mentioned but Scriptler script is better as you change the code/script in one place (Scriptler Script section - left hand side section on Jenkins home page) and then use/reuse that script anywhere (i.e. either in parameters which support Groovy Scriptler script --or-- in the build section) without requiring to read a downstream job's parameter values (some hacky way before even the downstream is called, time changes everything sometimes) --OR doing something crazy with Jenkins API to make it more complex.
As I have tried, you cannot trigger upstream/downstream jobs with "Active Choice Plugin". Active choice and Reactive parameters get fired only if you trigger the job manually. For instance, if you tried to trigger the build from a bitbucket, active choice parameter get the value but reactive value will be shown as empty.
But you can achieve this in different ways.
If you are triggering the first job manually (by yourself), set the downstram job parameters as string so you can read those values directly.
Second option is to use environmental variable. Active choice is more over a conditional choice parameter. you can write groovy script to set parameters as environmental variable.This can be achieved with EnvInject Plugin. Write your conditional script in groovy and parameters are available in each and every build steps.
use environment variables to pass parameters to downstream job

Jenkins- Post Build Task: access the parameterized value of the job

I have Job on Jenkins ver. 1.500 with build ID parameterized.
I want to use this parameterized value in the subject line of section "Post-build Actions".
If I try to access using $ID or ${ID} its printing it as plane string "$ID"[without value substitution]. I am aware of environmental variable $BUILD_NUMBER, which is giving the current job #number.
Can someone share, how to achieve this simple task of reading build number?
It sounds like you are talking about Editable Email Notification post-build action. It has it's own way of referencing variables.
Variables that are available within the plugin, can be referenced directly as ${VARIABLE}, in both the body of the email and the subject line. For a list of available variables, click on the ? icon for on-page help.
However to access other environmental variables, including the parameters used by the build, you have to use the format ${ENV, var="VARIABLE"}, so in your case, it would be ${ENV, var="ID"}

How to store last value of parameter in parameterized job as a default value for next build in Jenkins?

I have been using Jenkins for a few weeks and I have one small problem. I can't find any plugin or solution for storing the last value of a parameter in a parametrized job as a default value for the next build.
For example:
My parameter takes build version ( in the first build. In the next build it will be changed to, but I want to have a in the default value field as a hint.
Does anybody have a solution or advice?
The Persistent Parameter Plugin is exactly what you are looking for!
You just need to download it from the official Jenkins repository and install it, no need for any additional setup.
Then on your job, you just need to add a "Persistent Parameter" in order to have default values used and saved between builds.
You can add a System groovy build step to your job (or maybe a post build Groovy step) using the Jenkins API to directly modify the project setting the default parameter value.
Here is some code that may be useful to get you started:
import hudson.model.*
paramsDef = build.getParent().getProperty(ParametersDefinitionProperty.class)
if (paramsDef) {
paramsDef.parameterDefinitions.each{ param ->
if ( == 'FOO') {
println("Changing parameter ${} default value was '${param.defaultValue}' to '${param.defaultValue} BAR'")
param.defaultValue = "${param.defaultValue} BAR"
Have a look at the class ParameterDefinition in the Jenkins model.
You probably need to modify the default param value based on the current build executing. Some code to get that would look like this:
def thisBuildParamValue = build.buildVariableResolver.resolve('FOO')
The Extended Choice Parameter plugin provides this capability by using default parameter values from a properties file. A default parameter can be selected from a specified property key and this key can be programmatically modified in your current build. I would then use a groovy script in the current build to set the value of the default property key for the next build.
As an example you would have an Extended Choice Parameter whose default value is defined by a properties file with keys as follows:
The parameter definition would include:
Property Key=versions
Default Property
Default Property Key=default.versions
The GUI for your parameter in the next build would show a selection list with selected by default. This feature is also very useful for pipeline builds where you would want the parameters of a downstream build stage to be set by an earlier build.
The only drawback to this approach might be that the parameter UI will be a drop-down selection. You may opt to have a single value in the versions property key so not to confuse your users.
Similar to thiagolr's answer, but for those of you using pipelines! It appears the persistent-parameter-plugin doesn't work for those using pipeline 2.0. But there is a patched version at which seems to work for me.
Clone it locally:
git clone
Build it:
mvn clean install
Install it in Jenkins:
1) Navigate to Jenkins > Manage Jenkins > Manage Plugins
2) Click Advanced tab
3) Scroll down to Upload Plugin
4) Click Choose file and select the persistent-parameter.hpi in the target directory of the maven build above
Now it should persist.
