Share data between users in a MEAN app - mean

I am creating a MEAN app with flashcards and I want to implement sharing functionality: User A can share one or more flashcards set, and user B can add them to his own sets and learn.
How can this be achieved, is there some library for this? What would be the steps to add the functionality to the app?


Swift - How to set custom title in SKStoreReviewController?

I wonder that if i can set custom title in SKStoreReviewController?
I read the apple document and search a lot in google
But I didn't find solution
What can I do if I want to implement the pop view like image above
No, you can't do it with SKStoreReviewController. Some apps make a custom one but can't send the ratings to the App Store.
According to Apple Documentation:
The SKStoreReviewController API lets you give users an easy way to
provide feedback about your app. You can prompt for ratings up to
three times in a 365-day period. Users will submit a rating through
the standardized prompt, and can write and submit a review without
leaving the app.
It means you can only show a standardized prompt. However, you can create a custom prompt and redirect the user to your app in the app store.

Xamarin.Android how to sync lists with other users of my app

I have no idea where to start with this. I have a shopping list app that displays items in a recycler view and I want to be able to invite other users of my app (using different devices) to be able to join and modify the shopping list etc.
For example person A creates a shopping list using there device. They then want to share the list in real time with person b who is using the app on a different device. Person B should be able to make changes to the items which are then updates so both devices display the list data in real time.
The user should have the option to invite other people to view and edit the list either by using a linking code or a Qr code for example. Once the other sher enters the linking code they should then be able to view and make edits to the lists.
I have read into Firebase real-time database but not sure if this is it is the right tool to achieve this.
Can anyone advise how I should go about implementing this feature into my app??

Is there a way to share your custom app only with group of users in Rally?

I would like to share my Rally custom app not just with certain projects but with certain group of people only. Is there a way to achieve this?
That's an interesting idea, but there's not currently a way to do that directly. You could add the app to your subscription level app catalog and have users individually install it on their own dashboards or private custom pages. Or you could create a project, only give the target users access to it, and then share your page with the app on it with that project. That's probably about as close as you can currently get...

invite/install iOS app with custom action

I am building a group IM app (like GroupMe), and I want to allow users to invite new users to the app by adding them to a group, so when the new user installs and opens the app, they are automatically added to the group.
I have most of this implemented, but I cannot figure out how to pass data to the installation so that I can add the new user to the group.
Is it possible to trigger a custom action upon installation?
Right now I'm texting invite URLs that forward the user to the App Store:
If I add parameters to the end of it, how do I retrieve them in the app code?
I have been researching but maybe I'm just looking for the wrong thing. I found "deep linking" frameworks like but this doesn't seem to help with custom invites.

Parse: One app on will be accessed by multiple iOS apps. Does it work?

we are about to finish our first app with This first app is for the enduser. PushNotifications and everything are working fine.
Now we want to create an app for our admins to manage everything. We want it to be a separate app. Therefore I was wondering: will this be possible? Two apps connecting to one data collection on parse.
Especially regarding the PushNotifications. Admins should also receive a push notification on the new admin app (e.g. new member joins and needs to be activated).
Has anyone ever done something like this?
Or do we need to build the admin part into the main app?
The thing is we will need a third app, which is for business owners to manage their listing on our main app. So the same problem/question will apply then.
Looking forward to your feedback.
Yes same Parse app ID can be used by different platforms/apps, that is basic concept of Parse. You can even use it in web, iOS, Android, etc with same parse app. This should not be a problem.
You might need to modify you parse data structure tough to suit your admin app requirement.
