xamarin android Intent.getstringextra multiple variables - xamarin.android

i created 4 variables namely, "id", "name", "address", "age"
why does the value duplicates whenever i try intent.putextra
Context context = view.Context;
Intent intent = new Intent(context, typeof(activity4));
intent.PutExtra(activity4.id, joblist[position].id);
intent.PutExtra(activity4.name, joblist[position].name);
intent.PutExtra(activity4.address, joblist[position].address);
intent.PutExtra(activity4.age, joblist[position].age);
now the problem is when I do this.
string userId= Intent.GetStringExtra(id);
string userName= Intent.GetStringExtra(name);
string userAddress= Intent.GetStringExtra(address);
string userAge= Intent.GetStringExtra(age);
when I put those strings in a textview, all four textviews would show the value for "age". as if all the data that was passed is only age. can anyone answer this? the output is like this
id= 12
name= 12
address= 12
age= 12

Intent.Extras don't work like that when you use the typeOf() keyword
typeOf is a C# keyword that is used when you have the name of the class. It is calculated at compile time and thus cannot be used on an instance, which is created at runtime. GetType is a method of the object class that can be used on an instance
Since it does not initialize like that your variables that you are assigning here are currently all null so the intent carries all the data in correspondence to null, Since the first value you enter with null is id you always get id
I would suggest you save the strings in either resource strings and reuse it or do something like this :
First Activity:
Intent intent = new Intent(_context, typeOf(SecondActivity));
intent.PutExtra("Variable Name",string_to_be_sent);
Second Activity:
//Receiving data inside onCreate() method of Second Activity
String value =Intent.GetStringExtra("Variable Name");


Assigning Value to StringValue In F#

I am working though this example of the Open XML SDK using F#
When I get to this line of code
sheet.Id = spreadsheetDocument.WorkbookPart.GetIdOfPart(worksheetPart)
I am getting a null ref exception when I implement it like this:
sheet.Id.Value <- document.WorkbookPart.GetIdOfPart(worksheetPart)
Is there another way to assign that value? System.Reflection?
I got it working like this:
let sheet = new Sheet
Id = new StringValue(spreadsheetDocument.WorkbookPart.GetIdOfPart(worksheetPart)),
SheetId = UInt32Value.FromUInt32(1u),
Name = new StringValue("mySheet")
If You want to take a look to the entire sample translated to F#, it's here.
To clarify what's going on, the problem is that sheet.Id is initially null. If we look at the following:
sheet.Id.Value <- document.WorkbookPart.GetIdOfPart(worksheetPart)
The code tries to access the sheet.Id and invoke its Value property setter, but the Id itself is null. The answer posted by Grzegorz sets the value of the whole Id property - it's done in a construtor syntax, but it's equivalent to writing the following:
sheet.Id <- new StringValue(spreadsheetDocument.WorkbookPart.GetIdOfPart(worksheetPart))
This sets the whole Id property to a new StringValue instance.

Referencing another field in a domain function (Odoo12)

I want to restrict the account lookup (domain) based on the value entered in GL Prefix (I'll actually use some wildcards and some other logic which I'm comfortable adding later), the problem is that I'm getting a logical True or False value returned by self.x_poLineGLprefix rather than the value in the field. How do I get the actual data value of x_poLineGLprefix?
class QuickPOLine(models.Model):
_name = 'purchase.order.line'
_inherit = 'purchase.order.line'
x_poLineGLprefix = fields.Char(string='GL Prefix')
x_poLineGLaccount = fields.Many2one(
'account.account', string="Line Item Expense Account",
domain=lambda self: [('code', '=', self.x_poLineGLprefix)])
Try this
def onchange_x_poLineGLprefix(self):
if self.x_poLineGLprefix:
return {'domain': {
'x_poLineGLaccount': [('code', '=', self.x_poLineGLprefix)]
You can add dynamic domain to achieve this based on any field. In #api.onchange() function you can return domain for many2one. To add dynamic domain you can refer this link. If you are using both many2one fields refer this link.

How do you get strip RTF formatting and get actual string value using DXL in DOORS?

I am trying to get the values in "ID" column of DOORS and I am currently doing this
string ostr=richtext_identifier(o)
When I try to print ostr, in some modules I get just the ID(which is what I want). But in other modules I will get values like "{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1256\deff0\nouicompat{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Times New Roman;}{\f1\froman\fcharset0 Times New Roman;}} {*\generator Riched20 10.0.17134}\viewkind4\uc1 \pard\f0\fs20\lang1033 SS_\f1\fs24 100\par } " This is the RTF value and I am wondering what the best way is to strip this formatting and get just the value.
Perhaps there is another way to go about this that I am not thinking of as well. Any help would be appreciated.
So the ID column of DOORS is actually a composite- DOORS builds it out of the Module level attribute 'Prefix' and the Object level attribute 'Absolute Number'.
If you wish to grab this value in the future, I would do the following (using your variables)
string ostr = ( module ( o ) )."Prefix" o."Absolute Number" ""
This is opposed to the following, which (despite seeming to be a valid attribute in the insert column dialog) WILL NOT WORK.
string ostr = o."Object Identifier" ""
Hope this helps!
Comment response: You should not need the module name for the code to work. I tested the following successfully on DOORS
Object o = current
string ostr = ( module ( o ) )."Prefix" o."Absolute Number" ""
print ostr
Another solution is to use the identifier function, which takes an Object as input parameter, and returns the identifier as a plain (not RTF) string:
string identifier(Object o)
Returns the identifier, which is a combination of absolute number and module prefix, of object o as a string.
The optimal solution somewhat depends on your underlying requirement for retrieving the object ID.

Laravel 5.1: Null field being converted to blank in the function create

The Model.php has the following function:
public static function create(array $attributes = [])
$model = new static($attributes);
return $model;
The attributes parameter has null value for each field when they are not filled by the user. However, after call new static($attributes) one field is converted to "". I do not understand. Even when all fields are null, only one field is converted to "" (blank).
I do not want this convertion to blank. Anyone knows what is happening in this case?
Best regards.
I found the problem: In my setPhoneAttribute function (located in my Model class) I was calling a function to remove the format of the phone. So, as the phone field was null, after my removeFormat function the field is converted to "". Problem solved"!

Override Grails Error Messages to format Dates and Numbers

I have created a domain with a Double field. When the validation occurs it throws the error message with size value showing the number with commas. Following are the detials
Groovy Class
class Quote {
String content;
Double size;
static constraints = {
content(maxSize:1000, blank:false)
size(min: 0.00D, max:999.99D)
Value entered "11111", error obtained "Size 11,111 is exceeded the limit". I have added the property key/value pair in messages.properties.
Here, I would like to get the message back without the commas. My main aim is to take the key and format the message returned based on my requirements. I require this as I have other fields that need conversion. For example, a date is validated but when showing the error the Gregorian date needs to be converted to an Islamic date and shown to user.
Does anyone know if I can do something to make this work.
I have tried the solution provided in http://ishanf.tumblr.com/post/434379583/custom-property-editor-for-grails but this did not work.
I have also tried modifying the messages values, but this is not flexible in case of my date issue. Example, for a key value pair, instead of using {2} as a place holder I could use {2, date, mm/dd/yyyy}, but for Islamic dates I want to format and show things differently.
Also, please note I have created a separate key for default date formatting for my application.
Would appreciate the help.
In grails, the return of a constrain is an already translated string.
You can create a taglib to format that, or enhance the
Another option would be custom validators. A custom validator can return false or a key when failing.
For example in your domain class, to vaildate a field:
myDateField validator: {val, obj -> obj.myShinyDateValidatorMethod(val) }
private myShinyDateValidatorMethod() {
if (isNotValidDate(val) {
return [the_message_key, val.formatedAsYouWand]
and, in your properties file you have to have defined the key:
the_message_key=This date: {3} is not valid
The trick here is that in the return from the validator, first string is the key and the rest are parameters for that key, but grails already uses {0}, {1}, {2} placeholders for className, fieldName and value, and the first parameter that you pass will be used as {3} placeholder.
Hope this helps
