Check programmatically if the zoom function is activated on the Apple device - ios

I need to know if the zoom function is activated on the Apple devices. This because in my App "AAccompanist" you can press up to 10 buttons simultaneously (e.g. to play chords). I am also interested, if the zoom function can be deactivated in the App programmatically.
Thanks for helping me.

Apple technical support wrote me, that this is not possible and so I wrote a Bug Report. Now I hope of a feedback from Apple.
If I put this line im my code, the user will be advertised about a possible conflict between the App and the multi finger gestures enabled:
But the question pop up window is only shown once. When the user switches on again later the multi finger features, then no more warning will be displayed.


iOS Request permission dialog not showing on screen recording or quicktime video

Does anyone know when the App Store started requiring the app previews to be on a physical device and show this pop-up?
Even when I mirror my iPhone Xs to my Mac, the pop-up does not show. If no pop-up on video, app store rejects app preview.
Anyone know of a better way to get around this issue?
Another image that shows issue:
This pop-up NEVER shows on screen recording or mirroring....
We have same problem. You have two options:
You can record the screen from another mobile or camera
You can use a previous iOS. We have checked that permission dialog can be screen recorded with iOS12
What was your solution?
Yes,  has been steadily, over the past 3'ish years or so, working on removing certain system sensitive controls from being displayed in that feed. My guess it's for $SEKURITY reasons, though it doesn't completely make sense, to me, what would be the attack vector that it attempts to prevent.
The location dialog is not the only case I know that it hides. It originally started with them hiding even *** in the password text fields, and hiding the keyboard in such input, as well. Apparently it now expanded to location, and likely other system dialogs. 🤷‍♂️
Surprisingly few people seem to be discussing this.
I published an app last year (2021 / June) on 14.? which required the popup and it was accepted. Did this again with another app just after 15.? and I cannot get it past the apple store. Once they allowed me to post a video recording and I got it through, but since then ... no chance.
How are people getting their app through - I assume apple use the screen capture system to do their testing.
I had the same problem but my app was accepted.
Surely screen recording does not work, but screen capture does. I have embedded a screenshot of the permission dialog into a video and submitted it for app review.

How is MPChangePlaybackRateCommand triggered?

I'm playing around with the audio features in iOS, and I'm looking at MPRemoteCommandCenter's changePlaybackRateCommand. I have enabled it, given it a target, and set its supportedPlaybackRates, but I don't see any related UI showing up in control center or the lock screen. And other commands I've set up, like skip forward, skip back, like, dislike, and bookmark, show up properly.
How does a user trigger a MPChangePlaybackRateCommand on iOS?
I face this problem and when I search I get other people face the same problem here
but I found something strange when I play podcast app in apple watch I found rate icon and I change the playrate from it
I think it's not work in iPhone (iPhone 6 iOS 11 ) but appear and work in another Apple devices in my case Apple watch
in iOS example here Apple not add MPChangePlaybackRateCommand like other commands that make me sure about it's bug in iOS

Disable ipad/iphone global gestures using Swift

I am building an app which will be displayed on an iPad. It will be an app for customers in the shop who will be able to leave their contact data. I am going to put an iPad to a frame so they won't be able to press home, lock buttons. Just the screen.
My question is: is there any way to prevent them from closing my app by a gesture? (fingers going closer to each other) or a gesture of switching apps? (3 fingers swipe left/right)
I suppose I can set it in settings, but I really need it to be set in the code.
Does iOS system provides that feature (disabling system gestures programically?)
Thank you

iOS7/iphone 5s home button tap API

So with this new fingerprint thing you only need to tap the home button and hold your finger for a few moments to unlock your phone. I was wondering if there's an API that lets us make use of the "Tap" functionality.
i.e. Let's say in my app, when the user taps the home button, my app does xyz.
Also, would it be possible for my app to read these taps when the screen is locked?
NOTE: By tap I do not mean pressing the button, just a tap, like when we unlock the iPhone 5s with the fingerprint scan.
I'm completely new to iOS development. So referencing libraries with links etc and basic tutorials might make things a bit clearer for me.
Nope. This API does not exist. File a feature request at I can't imagine that this will get implemented though, given the possibility of abuse.
No there is no public API for the Touch ID sensor... yet. And there may never be one.

Can an app suppress iOS's multitasking gestures?

Is there a way to suppress gesture recognition? What inspires me to ask this question is watching my grand-daughter, who is a toddler, using an iPad. Quite often, she will accidentally invoke a gesture recognizer that switches apps. An example of this would be the four finger gesture where you can slide an app out of the way.
For a "child proof" app, is it possible to suppress these? Failing that, is it possible to suppress switching to another app? At first thought, that seems out of scope of an app, but maybe there is a way to do it.
You don't need to do it in your app, because it is an accessibility feature of iOS 6. It is called "Guided Access" and you can enable it in Settings -> General -> Accessibility in the Learning section.
I had the same requirement, but you cannot override the gesture recognition. It takes priority over your app.
Actually I wanted to do an app for my baby and had the same requirement!, but you cannot disable the gesture recognition on a non jail broken device ;(
No, but you can turn off it in settings manually. Go to settings> general> Multitasking gestures. I dont think we can control this via coding for normal apps, but you can inform the user to disable it here through an alert before using the app. That is the most appropriate way available now.
