Schools / Classes are not visible in Intune Education dashboard - microsoft-graph-api

I'm developing app using MS Graph Education API and able to create school and add user in this school. But I can't find this created school in dashboard.
Shouldn't it visible in that dashboard?

The Education API creates the schools as AAD administrative units. The Intune for Education portal was designed to work with School Data Sync, which creates the same types of objects as the Education API, but also creates a security group for the school. To get your school to show up in the Intune for Education portal, just create a security group as well for that school.
(Edit: Adding comment reply here since comment formatting on SO is just terrible)
You can tag the group with your school's ID. Here are the properties that SDS sets on the school security groups it creates. In this case, it's tagging a SG to be associated with the school whose "externalId" is "10001".
"extension_fe2174665583431c953114ff7268b7b3_Education_ObjectType": "SchoolSG",
"extension_fe2174665583431c953114ff7268b7b3_Education_AnchorId": "SchoolSG_10001",
"extension_fe2174665583431c953114ff7268b7b3_Education_SyncSource_SchoolId": "10001"


Is there a graph api that sends message from channel/team to individual person?

I am looking for a solution where a team can contact a single user via chat.
Adding that user to the team and then removing could be a possible solution - but not that good. Also, if team A wants to connect person B and person C separately.
Microsoft Teams allows users to bring bots into their channel or group chat conversations. By adding a bot to a team or chat, all users of the conversation can take advantage of the bot functionality right in the conversation. You can also access Teams-specific functionality within your bot like querying team information and #mentioning users.
Chat in channels and group chats differ from personal chat in that the user needs to #mention the bot.
Please refer below doc:

Can you pass a name into a Join Meeting link in Teams?

We have a system where meetings are created in Teams by a fully authenticated Teams user.
The link for the meeting is published in our web app and visible to the people (clients) it's intended for.
The clients are unauthenticated/external/"anonymous" as far as Teams is concerned.
When they join the meeting Teams asks them to enter their names.
They have accessed the meeting link through our system, so we know their name.
My question is - can we supply the name of the user in our system into the Join meeting link in some way so that they don't need to type their name in Teams?
Currently You cannot specify the user name in the meeting link. This is by design.

Multiple customers/email addresses for one subscription in stripe?

I feel like this should be possible and even common but haven't come across it in the documentation or on SO yet.
I sell a B2B subscription, and the norm in the industry is to send an invoice to the business to be paid by the accounting department. In many cases, the company is paying for access to the platform for multiple employees.
I'd like to pass an array of customers for a single subscription, so that when the subscription expires, all users lose access (or renew) in the following year. Is this possible?
No, this is not supported. Stripe is an abstraction for payments that you'll need to model appropriately for your business. In this case, your "Customer" could be the company, with the accounting representative as the billing contact. Then in your system you'd map individual user accounts to that customer/company account to grant or deny access to the service or features.
You do not need to (and should not) create a Stripe Customer for each individual employee at the company accessing your service if that does not fit the payments model for your business.

I need an identity provider with users grouped in independend groups

Is there anywhere an OAuth/oidc identity provider (cloud or on-premises) that supports sth. like company groups? I want to group the users in company groups. Every company group should have an company administrator user. The company administrator user should only see the users of his company.
Yes, I've tried miniOrange (Cloud/On-Premise based) who support this Super admin feature and it has worked very well for me. there may be some other Identity Providers in the market like OneLogin, KeyCloak etc. who support this usecase.
In this use case, designating administrators can help you manage your Company Groups and only certain types of administrators can add / remove other admins, post updates, and edit your Company Groups.

Hidden Group Membership support
Hidden membership—If you want group membership to be confidential (for example, if the members are students), you can hide the Office 365 group members from users who aren’t members of the group.
New-UnifiedGroup -HiddenGroupMembershipEnabled
Using this exchange online powershell to create O365 group with hidden membership?
Will graph API support it?
This is supported in Microsoft Graph, but the documentation is in the process of being updated for this capability.
To create a group with hidden membership, POST /groups and set "visibility" to "HiddenMembership". Owners and admins can add/remove/list members, but no one else can.
To enable an app (daemon app - no signed-in users) to read the members of a hidden membership group, you need to grant the app the Member.Read.Hidden permission as documented here.
Hope this helps,
