The best way to passing data between widgets in Flutter - dart

I develop my own custom widget which is used in some other view. In this custom widget, I have one class property which stores information, let's say that this is a list which gains new items inside the widget. Now I want to get items from this list from the level of my main widget.
How to do that?
I don't want to create a variable like this: var customWidget = MyCustomWidget() and then, get the inside variable like customWidget.createState().myList - I think this is a terrible solution (and I'm not sure if it will work). Also passing a list to the constructor of my custom widget looks very ugly.
Is there any other way to get other widget's state?

First, bear in mind that in Flutter data can only be passed downward. It is by design not possible to access data of children, only parents (although there are some hacks around it).
From this point, there are 2 main solutions to pass data:
Add the wanted data to your widgets constructors.
I don't think there is much to say here. Easy to use. But boring when you want to pass one field to all your widget tree. Use this method only when the scope of a value is limited. If it's something like configurations or user details, go for the second solution.
class Bar extends StatelessWidget {
final String data;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Text(data);
Using Flutter's BuildContext
Each widget has access to a BuildContext. This class allows one widget to fetch information from any of their ancestors using one of the following methods:
As a matter of facts, if there's a data that needs to be accessed many times, prefer inheritFromWidgetOfExactType.
This uses InheritedWidget; which are specifics kind of widgets that are extremely fast to access to.
See Flutter: How to correctly use an Inherited Widget? for more details on their usage
As a side note, there a third solution. Which is GlobalKey
I won't go into too many details, as this is more a hack than a proper solution. (see Builder versus GlobalKey)
But basically, it allows getting the state/context of any widgets outside of the build call. Be it parents or children.

on my side I implemented onChanged callback.
For example In my Widget :
class ObjectiveCardWidget extends StatefulWidget {
final Objective? objective;
final ValueChanged<Objective?>? onChanged;
ObjectiveCardWidget({this.objective, this.onChanged});
State<ObjectiveCardWidget> createState() => _ObjectiveCardWidgetState();
when my data is updated un my custom widget I just called :
widget.onChanged!(newValue); // newvalue has been set previously
In my parentWidget I used onChanged as usual:
objective: myObjective,
onChanged: (value) {
setState(() {
myObjective = value;
Hope it will help.


Problem with local variable - Global variable flutter dart

I want to pass dynamic data through different pages, when using a BottomAppBar. I currently switch between pages/widgets my storing them like this:
void initState() {
final _pageOptions = [
SwipeScreen(currentUserId: currentUserId),
Requests(currentUserId: currentUserId),
Messages(currentUserId: currentUserId),
I then use _pageOptions in my Scaffold:
body: _pageOptions[_selectedPage],
bottomNavigationBar: BottomNavigationBar(
currentIndex: _selectedPage,
onTap: (int index) {
setState(() {
_selectedPage = index;
As you may have guessed, I can't use _pageOptions as my body in my Scaffold, as it is a local variable when wrapped in an initState(). I have to use this initState though, as without it, I can only pass static members in my initializers.
I don't know how to fix this, as removing one just gives me a different error. I have looked for ways to make a variable global, for example having _pageOptions in a different file, but then it was still local, and therefore not defined when used in my Scaffold.
I hope my problem is clear.
Thanks in advance.
This isn't trying to be mean, just honest so please don't take offence, but from the sounds of things you need to start over with some of the basic tutorials on how flutter works and how to develop things in flutter. I'd recommend working through a couple of the tutorials & codelabs on the flutter website from start to finish (without looking at the final code until you're) and then seeing what you've done differently from them. And maybe even the getting started with Dart documentation...
The simplest answer to your problem is to simply make _pageOptions a member variable of your class as that will allow you to access it from wherever else you need. But since you're running into the issue of only being able to "pass static members in my initializers", that probably means that you aren't initializing things in the right place.
Here's a few things to keep in mind when developing with flutter:
You shouldn't be creating widgets anywhere except the build function (unless you make a helper function called from the build function - but if you're doing that, it's probably because the widget is getting big and you should split it out into its own Stateful or Stateless widget)
You shouldn't inherit widgets unless you know what you're doing. Most of the time you'll only inherit StatelessWidget and StatefulWidget, and everything else is done through encapsulation (i.e. using them in the build function)
Simply switching pages by changing what you build using an array isn't a great way of doing it - you don't get things like animations when navigating, you potentially build things sooner than needed, and lose out on things like the state of the page unless you're careful about how you do it.
Building widgets is cheap in flutter and you should generally be building most of them for each and every page. There are situations where this isn't true but for a basic app, build the navigation bar for each screen (but with the actual logic that builds it split out into a Stateless or Stateful widget!)
The solution for #3 is to use a flutter's navigation and either define your pages in MaterialApp(routes: ...) or MaterialApp(onGenerateRoute: ...). So you'd be setting up routes for SwipeScreen, Requests, Messages, and Settings. You'd use Navigator.push or Navigator.pushNamed, or Navigator.pop to move between them.
And so that you're not copying and pasting the bottom navigation bar everywhere, split it out into its own widget i.e. MyBottomNavigationBar extends StatelessWidget. And then in each of the pages you'd have a Scaffold(body: ..., bottomNavigationBar: MyBottomNavigationBar()). If your scaffold gets really complicated you could even move it to its own widget too.
Oh and I've just read what might be an important part of your question: I want to pass dynamic data through different pages. Using the navigator as I described changes this slightly as you don't want to be passing it down through each layer of build.
There's various ways of getting around this - the most basic is using an InheritedWidget, but as it needs a lot of boilerplate to make it work I recommend using a ScopedModel. That way, you simply have to make a class inherited from Model (i.e. UserModel), and then change the information within the model and notify listeners (i.e. the userId) when the user is chosen/logged in. Something like this:
class UserModel extends Model {
String _userId;
String get userId => _userId;
void setUser(String userId) {
_userId = userId;
static CounterModel of(BuildContext context, {bool rebuildOnChange = false}) =>
ScopedModel.of<CounterModel>(context, rebuildOnChange = rebuildOnChange);
You'd need to put that somewhere high in your widget tree (probably above the MaterialApp or in the MaterialApp(builder: ...)). And you could then add name, profile, color, etc to that model, and use all of that from wherever you need in your app.
Do you want to use _pageOptions in the same class ? if it is this should solve your problem.
var _pageOptions;
// declare a variable inside your class/outside of your initState to reach it from anywhere inside in your class
void initState() {
_pageOptions = [
SwipeScreen(currentUserId: currentUserId),
Requests(currentUserId: currentUserId),
Messages(currentUserId: currentUserId),

Is it possible to use InheritedWidget as a mixin?

I'm trying to see if I can add some generic navigation behavior passed around my app, and I see that InheritedWidget is a great candidate to avoid passing a specific callback around the widget tree, however I'm noticing more and more that I can only have InheritedWidget of specific class type in order to make the InheritedWidget pattern work, and I was wondering if there's a way to use InheritedWidget as a mixin or if there's a better alternative.
My app looks like this, it passes a callback down the tree
I have 3 navigators right now that I need to present the same method but to act on it themselves right now I need to create 3 InheritedWidget navigators, but the problem is that any widget under the tree would either have to do
But I'd much rather prefer if it was a generic GenericNavigator.of(context).pushWidget() so that I the leaf widgets don't even need to know the right value of the navigator object, I'm afraid to achieve this I'd need to be able to use InheritedWidget as a mixin
This is the desired flow, no callbacks passed
Is this the correct strategy or is there a better way?
How can I use InheritedWidget as a mixin?
No, you cannot make InheritedWidget as a mixin.
However, you can make a generic InheritedWidget:
class Provider<T> extends InheritedWidget {
Provider({Key key, this.value, Widget child}) : super(key: key, child: child);
static T of<T>(BuildContext context) {
Provider<T> provider = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType<T>();
return provider?.value;
final T value;
bool updateShouldNotify(Provider<T> oldWidget) {
return value != oldWidget.value;
Adding to #RémiRousselet's answer
Working with flutter 1.19+, where some inheritedWidget APIs are deprecated, the of should look like this now:
static T of<T>(BuildContext context) {
return context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType<Provider<T>>().value;
Since the api is based on generics, you no longer need the _typeof tricks.

Best way to manage DataTableSource for PaginatedDataTable?

Writing my first Flutter application and we need to use a PaginatedDataTable. The docs say the source field should
generally have a lifetime longer than the PaginatedDataTable
widget itself; it should be reused each time the PaginatedDataTable
constructor is called.
What is the best way to manage this? Is there a common pattern? My initial thought is the singleton pattern but I come from the Java world so I'm not sure if this is correct.
Can you also explain why the DataTableSource should be reused? Thanks.
DataTableSource is the state of your Table. It contains all your table data and whether or not rows are selected.
It must be persisted somewhere because you'd loose all your selection and potential loaded data if you recreated your DataSource anew everytime.
This is especially true considering data is lazy loaded, and potentially comes from http call.
Ideally you'll want to store your DataSource inside a StatefulWidget or something similar (InheritedWidget, a Stream, whatever).
class MyTable extends StatefulWidget {
_MyTableState createState() => new _MyTableState();
class _MyTableState extends State<MyTable> {
final myDataSource = new MyDataSource();

How do you create Services/Providers in Flutter?

Let's say I need a user service which has all my user variables and functions, and another item service with all item variables and functions, etc etc. I want all this data and functions available throughout the project, passing the user data where it's needed, for example.
I suspect it has something to do with inherited widgets, but how does that work? Like, I see how I could use one inherited widget at the root level, but am I supposed to build a bunch of inherited widgets at the root-level for each service? Or just put ALL the data in the one top inherited widget? Seems like that may get messy. I have yet to see an example of this.
... or should I just be using a class with static variables and call on that where I need it?
See the link provided by Günter above. If you have thirty minutes watch Brian Egan's DartConf 18 presentation: Keep it Simple, State. Also see Brian's example code here. He shows the same app coded using InheritedWidget with a Controller, and with Flutter Redux.
Here's a example of a single InheritedWidget from a simple app of mine...
class StateContainer extends InheritedWidget {
final List<Membership> memberships;
final IntFunction getNextIndex;
final VoidMembershipFunction updateMembership;
final VoidIntFunction deleteMembership;
const StateContainer({
Widget child,
: super(child: child);
static StateContainer of(BuildContext context) {
return context.inheritFromWidgetOfExactType(StateContainer);
bool updateShouldNotify(StateContainer oldWidget) {
return true;
I pass in my MaterialApp as the child. A high proportion of the tree then becomes stateless as it has access to the data and methods if the StateContainer. You could think of these as your model and controller in one. Build methods in the tree often start with...
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final StateContainer container = StateContainer.of(context);
to get access to them.
You are right that a single InheritedWidget becomes unwieldy quickly - which is where you might invest in exploring Redux - see the last 10 minutes of the talk. In my experience, the area that gets messiest quickest is the updateShouldNotify method when ends up comparing all the member variables. (In this simple example there is only one member variable, and setState only gets called when it changes, so it's trivially always true.)

What is the best way to organize Flutter widgets?

I'm writing a Flutter app, and I'd like to know what is the best way to make my code more readable.
Right now, I know this two methods:
Create a final variable and store the customized widget on it.
Create a new widget as a template.
So any recommended methods?
As for:
create a final variable and store the customized widget on it
Using a class variable to hold your widget such as
final Widget foo = new Foo();
may be unnecessary or may point to some other issues. I think you are better off creating a function that returns your widget such as
Widget _buildFoo() {
return new Foo();
And then you can use this in, for example, your build() method such as (I'm adding MaterialApp Scaffold to provide more context):
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return new Scaffold(
appBar: new AppBar(
title: new Text("My App"),
body: _buildFoo(),
Take a look at other example apps on the web such as the Flutter Examples for ideas on structuring your widgets.
As for:
create a new widget as a template
I am going to interpret this as creating another file to hold your widget class e.g. foo.dart. This may not be what you are asking, but creating new dart files for each widget can become a good idea as your app grows. For simple apps, especially most example apps you see, leaving the classes in the same dart file (e.g. main.dart) works just fine. Again, I may not be addressing your question.
Getting back to:
best way to make my code more readable
So, in summary, using private functions that return different sections of your widget tree (i.e functions that just return a widget and any sub widgets that it may include) is generally better than storing widgets as class instance variables. You may want to use a class variable if you need to later reference or interact with the widget; however, this is probably a bad practice and may point to a better way to handle the changing of states and the structure of your widget tree (for example, Flutter's Stateful and Inherited widgets are great for handling state change with needing to make an imperative call on an object reference).
