zend framework 2 understanding the exchangeArray method - zend-framework2

From the documentation:
namespace Album\Model;
class Album
public $id;
public $artist;
public $title;
public function exchangeArray($data)
$this->id = (!empty($data['id'])) ? $data['id'] : null;
$this->artist = (!empty($data['artist'])) ? $data['artist'] : null;
$this->title = (!empty($data['title'])) ? $data['title'] : null;
Our Album entity object is a simple PHP class. In order to work with Zend\Db’s TableGateway class, we need to implement the exchangeArray() method. This method simply copies the data from the passed in array to our entity’s properties
Ok, we need to. But what's the pourpose of that function?
I mean, I've understood what that function does but I can't understand why it does things in that way.
Is it really necessary to declare all the variables?
Let's say I have a table of 20 columns and I want to select them all.
Then I should declare 20 named variables.
That makes sense if I want to distinguish between public (to print) and private (internal) variables.
Is there any other reason?

It 's not just about defining class members. It 's more about object orientated benefits like encapsulation, inheritance, etc.
Let 's assume your entity looks like this:
namespace Application\Entity;
class Album
protected $id;
protected $artist;
protected $title;
public function getId() : int
return $this->id;
public function setId(int $id) : Album
$this->id = $id;
return $this;
public function getArtist() : string
return $this->artist;
public function setArtist(string $artist) : Album
$this->artist = $artist;
return $this;
public function getTitle() : string
return $this->title;
public function setTitle(string $title) : Album
$this->title = $title;
return $this;
First advantage using entities: there is no possibility to make typos. $data['atrist'] = 'Marcel' will work in most cases. $album->setAtrist('Marcel') will throw an error.
Second advantage is type hinting. Especially when you 're using PHP7 you can use the advantage of type hinting. $album->setId('1') will throw an error because this method expects an integer value.
Third advantage is the possibility of adding some extra code to your entity. what if we need a release date and no release date is given? You can kind of validate things in entities.
protected $releaseDate;
public function getReleaseDate() : \DateTime
if ($this->releaseData == null) {
throw new \Exception('no release date given. evacuate!');
return $this->releaseDate;
Another advantage is hydration in zend framework. Although the exchangeArray method is a kind of simple hydration, zend framework offers way more complex ways of hydration. What, if your release date column in the database table is of type DATE and you want your releaseDate member in your entity to be a \DateTime object representing this date?
// data from your database
$data = [
'id' => 1,
'artist' => 'the outside agency',
'title' => 'scenocide 202',
'releaseDate' => '2010-06-30',
// hydration of your entity with zend 's own hydrator classes
$album = (new ClassMethods())
->addStrategy('releaseDate', new DateTimeStrategy('Y-m-d'))
->hydrate($data, new Album());
$releaseDate = $album->getReleaseDate()->format('d.m.Y');
As you can see the release date was a simple string. While hydrating your entity, the release date will be transformed to a \DateTime object through a hydrator strategy.
These benefits are way more than distinguish between public, protected and private variables. An entity only takes and gives variables, that should be in your entity. You can use all the oo things like inheritance (implementing the \JsonSerializable interface is pretty magic sometimes), type hinting, encapsulation, polymorphism and so on ...
Last but not least: IDE support. If your entity object is strictly php doc commented, your IDE knows what you can do with your entity. Less work for you. ;)
Edit: Table Gateway instantiation with hydrating resultset
To use the above described advantges of entity objects with hydrators in a table gateway, you have to instantiate the table gateway like in the following example.
class AlbumTableGateway extends TableGateway
public function __construct(Adapter $adapter)
$resultset = new HydratingResultset(
(new ClassMethods())->addStrategy('releaseDate', new DateTimeFormatter()),
new AlbumEntity()
parent::__construct('album_table', $adapter, null, $resultset);
public function fetchById($id)
$select = $this->getSql()->select();
$select->where->equalTo('id', $id);
$result = $this->selectWith($select);
// get the found resultset with $result->current()->getId();
return $result;
This example assumes that the Table Gateway is created via a corresponding factory.


How to getData() from a Zend\Form before the validation in Zend Framework 2/3?

I have a complex nested (order) Zend\Form, that can be edited multiple times. The user first creates an order, but doesn't need to place it immediately. He can just save the order (or more exact: its data) and edit it later. In this case the application loads an Order object (with all its nested structure) and binds it to the form. The important steps are:
get ID of the order from the request
get the Order object by ID
Now I want to catch the data and serialize it to JSON. (The background: Forms cloning -- in the next step a empty new form should created and the should be passed to it; after saving we'll get a clone.) It should happen between 2 and 3. So I'm trying
$formData = $this->orderForm->getData();
$formJson = json_encode($formData, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES);
and getting the error:
Zend\Form\Form::getData cannot return data as validation has not yet occurred
Well, I could try to work around it and validate the form:
$formIsValid = $this->orderForm->isValid();
but it only leads to further troubles:
Zend\InputFilter\BaseInputFilter::setData expects an array or Traversable argument; received NULL
Is there a way to get the form data before the validation?
Okay, the comment space is way too small to say everything about what you try to archive. Let 's refactor every single step you mentioned in the starting post. This will lead us to your goal. It 's all about hydration.
This will be a small example, how an order entity with products in it could look like. After the order entity follows the product entity, which we need for this example.
namespace Application\Entity;
class Order implements \JsonSerializable
* ID of the order
* #var integer
protected $orderID;
* Array of \Application\Entity\Product
* #var array
protected $products;
public function getOrderID() : integer
return $this->orderID;
public function setOrderID(integer $orderID) : Order
$this->orderID = $orderID;
return $this;
public function getProducts()
if ($this->products == null) {
$this->products = [];
return $this->products;
public function setProducts(array $products) : Order
$this->products = $products;
return $this;
* #see \JsonSerializable::jsonSerialize()
public function jsonSerialize()
return get_object_vars($this);
The following entity represents a product.
class Product implements \JsonSerializable
protected $productID;
protected $name;
public function getProductID() : integer
return $this->productID;
public function setProductID(integer $productID) : Product
$this->productID = $productID;
return $this;
public function getName() : string
return $this->name;
public function setName(string $name) : Product
$this->name = $name;
return $this;
* #see \JsonSerializable::jsonSerialize()
public function jsonSerialize()
return get_object_vars($this);
Above you see our entity, wich represents a single order with several possible products in it. The second member products can be an array with Product entities. This entity represents the data structure of our simple order.
At this point we need a form, which uses this entites as objects for the data it contains. A possible factory for our form could look like this.
namespace Application\Form\Factory;
class OrderFormFactory implements FactoryInterface
public function createService(ServiceLocatorInterface $serviceLocator)
$parentLocator = $serviceLocator->getServiceLocator();
$inputFilter = $parentLocator->get('InputFilterManager')->get(OrderInputFiler::class);
$hydrator = new ClassMethods(false);
$entity = new OrderEntity();
return (new OrderForm())
This is the factory for our form. We set a hydrator, an input filter and an entity for the form. So you don 't have to bind something. The following code shows, how to handle data with this form.
// retrieve an order from database by id
// This returns a order entity as result
$order = $this->getServiceLocator()->get(OrderTableGateway::class)->fetchById($id);
// Extract the order data from object to array assumed the
// retrieved data from data base is an OrderEntity object
// the hydrator will use the get* methods of the entity and returns an array
$data = (new ClassMethods(false))->extract($order);
// fill the form with the extracted data
$form = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('FormElementManager')->get(OrderForm::class);
if ($form->isValid()) {
// returns a validated order entity
$order = $form->getData();
It is absolutely not possible to get data from a form, that is not validated yet. You have to validate the form data and after that you can get the filtered / validated data from the form. Hydrators and entities will help you a lot when you have to handle a lot of data.

Zend\Db Model with Child Models

ZF2 project - no Doctrine, using native Zend\Db: Have the following structure:
Product is the model, has variables corresponding to the “products" table fields.
ProductTable is table class which is connected to the database via tableGateway. ProductTable has getItem() method to retrieve requested product by “id”.
ProductType is the model, has variables like id, name, description corresponding to the “productTypes" table fields.
ProductTypeTable is table class just like ProductTable.
Each product belongs to a certain ProductType
products.productTypeId = productTypes.id
is the relation.
In ProductTable->getItem() method, I can simply get productTypeId.
I can use joins to get productTypes.name, productTypes.description, or any field from "productTypes" table.
But I don’t want to do this - instead dealing with new variables in Product entity like productTypeName, productTypeDesc,
I’d like to have Product->getProductType() and set it to be a ProductType object, so I can get Product->getProductType() ->getName() to get product type name.
Simply I’d like to assign a child model as a variable of the parent model.
I can do this in the controller like below:
$product = $this->getProductTable()->getItem(7); // id = 7
But I’d like to make it happen in product table class getItem() method. So I don’t have to think about it in every controller, and it is kind of encapsulated.
What is the right way to do this?
Thank you.
The issue that you have is the Table Gateway pattern is only really any good at abstracting database access to a a single database table. It does not in anyway allow for the hydration of entities or management of relationships. Object Relationship Mappers (ORM's), such as Doctrine, solve this problem.
If Doctrine, for whatever reason, is inappropriate for your use case an alternative could be implementing the Data Mapper Pattern
The Data Mapper is a layer of software that separates the in-memory objects from the database. Its responsibility is to transfer data between the two and also to isolate them from each other
The data mapper will use the table gateway to fetch the required data for each table and construct the Product instance, including it's associated ProductType. You would then expose the mapper to the controller (rather than the table gateway).
A simple example of a ProductMapper.
class ProductMapper
// #var \Zend\Db\TableGateway\TableGateway
protected $productTable;
protected $productTypeMapper;
// an 'identity map' of loaded products
protected $loaded = [];
public function __construct(ProductTable $productTable, ProductTypeMapper $productTypeMapper)
$this->productTable = $productTable;
$this->productTypeMapper = $productTypeMapper;
protected function hydrate(Product $product, array $data)
if (isset($data['type_id'])) {
// Load a fully constructed product type from the database
$type = $this->productTypeMapper->findById($data['type_id']);
return $product;
public function findById($id)
if (isset($this->loaded[$id])) {
return $this->loaded[$id];
// Get the data
$row = $this->productTable->select(['id' => $id]);
if (empty($row)) {
throw new SomeCustomException("No product could be found with id $id");
// Create and hydrate the product
$product = $this->hydrate(new Product, $row->current())
$this->loaded[$id] = $product;
return $product;
public function save(array $data);
public function update($data);
public function delete($id);
You can achieve this, you just have to follow the following 3 steps:
Make your Product->exchangeArray() function smarter
Get all required ProductType fields, using a prefix helps for example: type_
Add #var ProductType so you will have proper autocompete (works for me in Eclipse)
namespace Product\Model\Product;
class Product {
public $id;
* #var ProductType
public $productType;
public function exchangeArray( $data ) {
$this->id = (isset($data['id'])) ? $data['id'] : null;
$productType = new ProductType();
$typeData = array(
'id' => $data['type_id'],
'value' => $data['type_value']
$productType->exchangeArray( $typeData );
$this->productType = $productType;

Automapper + EF4 + ASP.NET MVC - getting 'context disposed' error (I know why, but how to fix it?)

I have this really basic code in a MVC controller action. It maps an Operation model class to a very basic OperationVM view-model class .
public class OperationVM: Operation
public CategoryVM CategoryVM { get; set; }
I need to load the complete list of categories in order to create a CategoryVM instance.
Here's how I (try to) create a List<OperationVM> to show in the view.
public class OperationsController : Controller {
private SomeContext context = new SomeContext ();
public ViewResult Index()
var ops = context.Operations.Include("blah...").ToList();
Mapper.CreateMap<Operation, OperationVM>()
dest => dest.CategoryVM,
opt => opt.MapFrom(
src => CreateCatVM(src.Category, context.Categories)
// trouble here ----------------^^^^^^^
var opVMs = ops.Select(op => Mapper.Map<Operation, OperationVM>(op))
return View(opVMs);
All works great first time I hit the page. The problem is, the mapper object is static. So when calling Mapper.CreateMap(), the instance of the current DbContext is saved in the closure given to CreateMap().
The 2nd time I hit the page, the static map is already in place, still using the reference to the initial, now disposed, DbContext.
The exact error is:
The operation cannot be completed because the DbContext has been disposed.
The question is: How can I make AutoMapper always use the current context instead of the initial one?
Is there a way to use an "instance" of automapper instead of the static Mapper class?
If this is possible, is it recommended to re-create the mapping every time? I'm worried about reflection slow-downs.
I read a bit about custom resolvers, but I get a similar problem - How do I get the custom resolver to use the current context?
It is possible, but the setup is a bit complicated. I use this in my projects with help of Ninject for dependency injection.
AutoMapper has concept of TypeConverters. Converters provide a way to implement complex operations required to convert certain types in a separate class. If converting Category to CategoryVM requires a database lookup you can implement that logic in custom TypeConverter class similar to this:
using System;
using AutoMapper;
public class CategoryToCategoryVMConverter :
TypeConverter<Category, CategoryVM>
public CategoryToCategoryVMConverter(DbContext context)
this.Context = context;
private DbContext Context { get; set; }
protected override CategoryVM ConvertCore(Category source)
// use this.Context to lookup whatever you need
return CreateCatVM(source, this.Context.Categories);
You then to configure AutoMapper to use your converter:
Mapper.CreateMap<Category, CategoryVM>().ConvertUsing<CategoryToCategoryVMConverter>();
Here comes the tricky part. AutoMapper will need to create a new instance of our converter every time you map values, and it will need to provide DbContext instance for constructor. In my projects I use Ninject for dependency injection, and it is configured to use the same instance of DbContext while processing a request. This way the same instance of DbContext is injected both in your controller and in your AutoMapper converter. The trivial Ninject configuration would look like this:
You can of course use some sort of factory pattern to get instance of DbContext instead of injecting it in constructors.
Let me know if you have any questions.
I've found a workaround that's not completely hacky.
Basically, I tell AutoMapper to ignore the tricky field and I update it myself.
The updated controller looks like this:
public class OperationsController : Controller {
private SomeContext context = new SomeContext ();
public ViewResult Index()
var ops = context.Operations.Include("blah...").ToList();
Mapper.CreateMap<Operation, OperationVM>()
.ForMember(dest => dest.CategoryVM, opt => opt.Ignore());
var opVMs = ops.Select(
op => {
var opVM = Mapper.Map<Operation, OperationVM>(op);
opVM.CategoryVM = CreateCatVM(op.Category, context.Categories);
return opVM;
return View(opVMs);
Still curious how this could be done from within AutoMapper...
The answer from #LeffeBrune is perfect. However, I want to have the same behavior, but I don't want to map every property myself. Basically I just wanted to override the "ConstructUsing".
Here is what I came up with.
public static class AutoMapperExtension
public static void ConstructUsingService<TSource, TDestination>(this IMappingExpression<TSource, TDestination> mappingExression, Type typeConverterType)
mappingExression.ConstructUsing((ResolutionContext ctx) =>
var constructor = (IConstructorWithService<TSource, TDestination>)ctx.Options.ServiceCtor.Invoke(typeConverterType);
return constructor.Construct((TSource)ctx.SourceValue);
public class CategoryToCategoryVMConstructor : IConstructorWithService<Category, CategoryVM>
private DbContext dbContext;
public DTOSiteToHBTISiteConverter(DbContext dbContext)
this.dbContext = dbContext;
public CategoryVM Construct(Category category)
// Some commands here
if (category.Id > 0)
var vmCategory = dbContext.Categories.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Id == category.Id);
if (vmCategory == null)
throw new NotAllowedException();
return vmCategory;
return new CategoryVM();
// Initialization
Mapper.Initialize(cfg =>
cfg.ConstructServicesUsing(type => nInjectKernelForInstance.Get(type));
cfg.CreateMap<Category, CategoryVM>().ConstructUsingService(typeof(CategoryToCategoryVMConstructor));

Entity Framework 4 - Generic method for retrieving entity by ID

I am writing method for fetching single entities by their ID :
public Customer GetCustomer(int i_CustomerID)
return (from c in context.CustomerSet
where c.Id == i_CustomerID
select c).SingleOrDefault();
public Movie GetMovie(int i_MovieID)
return (from m in context.MovieSet
where m.Id == i_MovieID
select m).SingleOrDefault();
But I have many entities and this code repeats itself. I want to write a method like this:
public T GetEntityByID<T>(int i_EntityID)
return (from e in context.T_Set
where e.Id == i_EntityID
select e).SingleOrDefault();
Is there a way to achieve that ?
I haven't actually executed this but it compiles and is probably something along the lines of what you are trying to achieve:
public static void Testing()
SelectEntity<MyObject>(r => r.MyObjectId == 1);
public static T SelectEntity<T>(Expression<Func<T, bool>> expression) where T : EntityObject
MyContext db = new MyContext();
return db.CreateObjectSet<T>().SingleOrDefault(expression);
The problem is that there is no common super type that has the relevant properties that you seek. It is easy, however, to code generate your fetch methods using the in-built T4 code generation tool that EF is using. Here is a good link on how to hook in and generate the sort of code you need.
If you know that your generic repository will be always used with entity types which have PK with the same name and the same type you can simply define interface like this:
public interface IEntity
int Id { get; }
and either implement this interface in partial part of your generated entities or modify T4 template to include it automatically. Your repository will be then defined as:
public interface IRepository<TEntity> where T : IEntity
If the type of PK can change but the name is still the same you can improve the entity interface to:
public interface IEntity<TKey>
TKey Id { get; set; }
and the definition of repository will be:
public interface IRepository<TEntity, TKey> where TEntity : IEntity<TKey>
If you want generic repository which is able to work with entities with different PK's name and type check this answer. That solution should probably also work (or with small modification) with composite PKs.

compiled query only scalar parameters are allowed !

I am using POCO objects in EF 4 without any T4 template generation.
I have a DataContext class that encapsulates all ObjectSets, something like this
public sealed class DataContext :IDisposable
public IObjectSet GetObjectSet() where T : MyBase
object objectSet = null;
this.objectSets.TryGetValue(typeof(T), out objectSet);
if (objectSet == null)
objectSet = this.context.CreateObjectSet();
this.objectSets.Add(typeof(T), objectSet);
return (IObjectSet)objectSet;
public ObjectContext ObjectContext
return this.context;
When i write the following compiled query and try to pass in this class as one of the parameters, it gives me a runtime error saying only scalar parameters are allowed
static readonly Func<ObjectContext , DataContext, string, int?> getOperationByOrchestrationName
= CompiledQuery.Compile(
(ObjectContext ctx, DataContext container, string name) =>
(from or in container.GetObjectSet<MyOrClass>()
join op in container.GetObjectSet<MyOpClass>()
on or.Id equals op.Id
where op.Name == name
select op.Id).FirstOrDefault()
If i modify the query like this it works, but i deeply suspect its being compiled every time, since i am not seeing the performance boost i would see from a compiled query, can someone point out whats going on ?
static readonly Func, IObjectSet, string, IQueryable>
= CompiledQuery.Compile(
(ObjectContext ctx, IObjectSet ors, IObjectSet ops,string operationName) =>
from or in ors
join op in ops
on or.Id equals op.Id
where op.Name == name
select op.Id
for anyone interested, if you return IQueryable from compiled query and call any of the methods that can change the query ( singleordefault, or firstordefault etc), you would not get benefit of a compiled query.
