Docker for Windows swarm overlay networking, connecting to the swarm from outside or localhost - docker

I cannot connect to the published port on the swarm that uses overlay networking. I am using Docker for Windows with Windows containers. Both Windows and Docker are fully upgraded. After Windows' 1709 update, I was hoping this issue would be resolved. I looked for information on the Internet to see if I was doing something wrong to no avail. I would like to know if anyone was successfully able to get it working.
On a side note, when I direct the port on my machine in docker run -p 80:80 without using swarm, "localhost" does not work as well. I think this is a known limitation though. Both issues work when I switch to Linux containers.
Expected behavior
I am running a dotnet kestrel web server service. I should be able to connect to my service using the published port.
Actual behavior
Firefox gives me timeout, opera straight away returns connection refused. Cannot telnet into it either. Container IP's assigned by the overlay network do not work either.
docker service ls gives me this:
Ports cannot be seen there, is it because publish mode is host? Ports information is available in the output of docker service ps
And when I change the publish mode, I can scale it as well and the port information is seen in docker service ls albeit still cannot connect. the one below is without the publish mode=host parameter:
For more info, this is the output of the docker network ls I wonder if i need some sort of bridge network like in Linux.
Steps to reproduce the behavior
Initialise swarm
Start the service, in my case: a simple web service built using aspnetcore:latest image. I tried different parameters, even used a docker-stack.yml:
docker service create --name=web --publish mode=host,published=80,target=80 web:aspnetcorelatest in the case above, I was unable to scale it on the same machine, which is normal i guess
docker service create --name=web --publish published=85,target=80 web:aspnetcorelatest
Try to connect using one of http://localhost or another IP. I tried connecting over VPN, from another machine as well as Internet IP.


Communication from Docker-Container to outside

I am quite new to the docker topics and I have a question of connecting container services with traditional ones.
Currently I am thinking of replacing an traditional grafana installation (directly on a linux server) with a grafana docker container.
In grafana I have to connect to different data sources like a mysql instance, a Winsows SQL Database and so on. So grafana is doing a pull of data. All these data sources reside (and will still reside) on other hosts and they are not containers.
So how can I implement that my container is able to communicate with this data sources? Is it possible by default or do I have to implement a special kind of network? I saw that there is an option called that the correct way?
This should work out of the box, as far as I understand. At least, I'm using Grafana inside a docker container and it works perfectly.
You can test a connectivity from inside your docker container to some external resource by opening a container shell like this:
docker exec -it <container ID> /bin/bash
And then
root#a9cbebfc4564:/# curl
root#a9cbebfc4564:/# ping <bla-bla>
Commands above depend on a docker image environment (like OS or installed software), but this can be solved in a same was as you can do on a regular Unix env
P.S. I encountered a docker2host connection issue once, but it was due to incorrect firewall configuration on a host side.
Since you are replacing a traditional installation, you can start with host networking. This mode give you same connectivity experience as installing on the host. A quick start is as simple as:
docker run --network host grafana/grafana
Notice there's no need to --publish or --publish-all ports as the Grafana container now share the host network.

How can I connect to a VPN in docker not using VPN images?

Good morning!
Im using check point mobile to connect to my client VPN, and I have 2 containers in docker: mysql and karaf both sharing the network I created using the command docker network create --subnet=vpnAddress mynet
I used the command --network=mynet when running the containers.
Until here its all ok, I can connect via putty ssh to karaf, install the kar and all bundles are ok.
But when calling the services I realize that the container is not connected to the VPN, even so that I created a network with the VPN address. I need to be connected to the VPN in order to call the services.
Im connected externally(outside docker) to the VPN using the check point mobile, but I need docker to add/connect to the VPN.
Im using windows 10 (using docker with linux containers), I tried to go to C:\ProgramData\DockerDesktop\tmp-d4w and edit the file host.docker.internal too and change the IP to my VPN address, but none works.
I searched a lot, and I saw people talking about docker vpn images such as nordVpn or openVpn, but I cant use that.
I have been told I need to add the vpn network to docker, But im green at networking and I dont know how to do it, and what I did didn't work.
Hope you can help me. thanks!
edit: in docker engine i added the "bip": "vpnAddress/24"
I realize now that network bridge uses the VPN address now, tried to --network=bridge in both karaf and mysql container, but now karaf cant connect to mysql, but if I use the default docker create network mynet and run the 2 container using that network it works, but no luck with the VPN this way.
I haven't used Docker on Windows, but a quick look at some VPN containers shows that, in *nix at least, they use --device /dev/net/tun --cap-add=NET_ADMIN to expose the VPN "device" to the container. Other containers then use docker networking or links to connect to this VPN container - so looking at how the VPN containers do it might be helpful.
One suggestion for Mac seems to be using extra_hosts like so:
- ""
You might be able to hack it with something like that. (or physically adding to /etc/hosts in the container). Also, checking for IP address conflicts between the Docker daemon and your host machine.
Windows docs seem to suggest they don't support network interfaces as "devices", so you probably need to either create a very specific docker network or modify host networking settings, starting with getting Docker daemon to recognize the VPN network.
See the Configure Advanced Networking section for some examples. I'd try creating a network associated with the VPN device first, then look into flags like --subnet and --gateway.
docker network create -d transparent \
-o"Ethernet 2" TransparentNet2
This creates a network with a particular subnet and gateway, then runs a container with a statically-assigned IP on that network.
C:\> docker network create -d transparent \
--subnet= \
--gateway= MyTransparentNet
C:\> docker run -it --network=MyTransparentNet \
--ip= windowsservercore cmd
Good luck!

Unable to make Docker container use OpenConnect VPN connection

I have a VM running Ubuntu 16.04, on which I want to deploy an application packaged as a Docker container. The application needs to be able to perform an HTTP request towards a server under VPN (e.g.
I successfully configured the host VM in order to connect to the VPN through openconnect, I can turn this connection on/off using a systemd service.
Unfortunately, when I run docker run mycontainer, neither the host nor the container are able to reach Weirdly enough, there is no error displayed in the VPN connection service logs, which is stuck to the openconnect messages confirming a successful connection.
If I restart the VPN connection after starting mycontainer, the host machine is able to access, but not the container. Moreover, if I issue any command like docker run/start/stop/restart on mycontainer or any other container, the connection gets broken again even for the host machine.
NOTE: I already checked on the ip routes and there seems to be no conflict between Docker and VPN subnets.
NOTE: running the container with --net="host" results in both host and container being able to access the VPN but I would like to avoid this option as I will eventually make a docker compose deployment which requires all containers to run in bridge mode.
Thanks in advance for your help
EDIT: I figured out it is a DNS issue, as I'm able to ping the IP corresponding to even after the VPN connection seemed to be failing. I'm going through documentation regarding DNS management with Docker and Docker Compose and their usage of the host's /etc/resolv.conf file.
I hope you don't still need help six months later! Some of the details are different, but this sounds a bit like a problem I had. In my case the solution was a bit disappointing: after you've connected to your VPN, restart the docker daemon:
sudo systemctl restart docker
I'm making some inferences here, but it seems that, when the daemon starts, it makes some decisions/configs based on the state of the network at that time. In my case, the daemon starts when I boot up. Unsurprisingly, when I boot up, I haven't had a chance to connect to the VPN yet. As a result, my container traffic, including DNS lookups, goes through my network directly.
Hat tip to this answer for guiding me down the correct path.

docker on windows 10 can't mount volumes when VPN enabled

I'm seeing problems mounting local volumes when running docker on Windows 10. The problems only appear when I have my company VPN enabled.
C:\Users\matt> docker run --rm -v d:/tmp:/data alpine ls /data
When connected to VPN, I get this:
C:\Users\matt> docker run --rm -v d:/tmp:/data alpine ls /data
C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\Resources\bin\docker.exe: Error response from daemon: error while creating mount source path '/host_mnt/d/tmp': mkdir /host_mnt/d: file exists.
Docker version is 17.12.0-ce-win47
I believe the problem is that docker uses the network when mounting local volumes, and the VPN routes ALL network traffic via the VPN gateway, so docker can't see the local drive.
Is there a workaround for this?
I'm aware I could run docker within a linux VM, or use docker toolbox. Neither of those are particularly good.
Is there another possible workaround?
the VPN routes ALL network traffic via the VPN gateway
You're probably right, in which case all traffic routed from Docker client to Docker daemon will also be through the VPN. When you use Docker CLI on Windows, it will connect to the Docker daemon which is accessible through the network. Using a VPN may disrupt this mechanism.
I think what's happening is:
When VPN is disabled, you use the Docker daemon on your machine and everything works
When VPN is enabled, another Docker daemon is used either because your VPN redirect traffic addressed to your Docker host ( by default or set via -H flag or DOCKER_HOST env variable). This means that somehow this IP or host exists on your VPN network and there is a Docker daemon listening on it (which is kind of odd admittedly, it may be risky to use that daemon)
If that's really happening, you'll certainly see different output from docker ps -a, docker images, etc. because you are connecting to different daemons. (the daemon accessible through your VPN is actually being owned by someone else, you'd better not use it!)
What you can do:
Do not route (or whatever is configured as Docker host) through your VPN
Action to take will depend on the VPN software you are using, or you can add route directly on your windows machine (here is a good article on the subject)
Find out your IP when VPN is enabled and configure Daemon to listen to this IP
When your VPN is enabled, run ipconfig /all and find the interface used by your VPN and it's IP address, for example (you can compare output before/after enabling VPN to identify which one it is)
Configure your Docker daemon to listen this IP address and restart it. Either use the UI, or on Windows config file is located at %programdata%\docker\config\daemon.json by default, you need to specify "hosts": ["", ""] for example (see docs for details)
Configure Docker host to when VPN is enabled, either by setting environment variable DOCKER_HOST= or with client docker -H <cmd>
/!\ Security note: this may present a security issue as anyone knowing your IP on the VPN network will be able to use the Daemon on your machine
Hope this helps. I am not a Windows expert so I was not able to give details on Windows-related issues, but feel free to ask details if needed.

Docker: able to telnet to remote machines from host but not from container

We have a couple docker containers deployed on ECS. The application inside the container uses remote service, so it needs to access them using their 10.X.X.X private IPs.
We are using Docker 1.13 with CentOS 7 and docker/alpine as our base image. We are also using netwokMode: host for our containers. The problem comes when we can successfully run telnet 10.X.X.X 9999 from the host machine but if we run the same command from inside the container, it just hangs and it's not able to connect.
In addition, we have net.ipv4.ip_forward enabled in the host machines (where the container runs) but disabled in the remote machine.
Not sure what could be the issue, maybe iptables?
I have spent the day with the same problem (tried with both network mode 'bridge' and 'host'), and it looks like an issue with using busybox's telnet inside ECS - Alpine's telnet is a symlink to busybox. I don't know enough about busybox/networking to suggest what the root cause is, but I was able to prove the network path was clear by using other tools.
My 'go to' for testing a network path is using netcat as follows. The 'success' or 'failure' message varies from version to version, but a refusal or a timeout (-w#) is pretty obvious. All netcat does here is request a socket - it doesn't actually talk to the listening application, so you need something else to test that.
nc -vz -w2 HOST PORT
My problem today was troubleshooting an app's mongo connection. nc showed the path was clear, but telnet had the same issue as you reported. I ended up installing the mongo client and checking with that, and I could connect properly.
If you need to actually run commands over telnet from inside your ECS container, perhaps try installing a different telnet tool and avoiding the busybox inbuilt one.
