User secure text keyboard without secure text enable in text field? - ios

I want to use below image keyboard with ".?123".
When we enable secure text for a password in UITextField it displays below the keyboard.
I want to display this keyboard without secure text in other UITextField.
Let me know if anybody has a solution for this.

You can set keyboard type from attribute inspector from story board..
You can also set it programatically like this
txtField.keyboardType = UIKeyboardType.default
So you can check it like this...
if txtField.isSecureTextEntry {
txtField.keyboardType = UIKeyboardType.default // whatever you want to set.

By default iOS Doesn't change the keyboard either the entry is secure or not.
Keyboard style is an independent property from data entry security.
You can change the keyboard type to .default, .numberPad, .phonePad, .email, .url by setting it to the property keyboardType of UITextField object.
yourTextField.keyboardType = .asciiCapable
You can also achieve above task from your Storyboard or Xib to know how to use in Xib and Storyboard please refer to Mahendra GP's answer above.


Add OTP View in custom input view for UITextfield

My UItextField has a custom number keyboard input view, how to integrate the auto capture OTP feature in the custom keyboard.
My code
let inputView = MyCustomInputView()
textField.inputView = inputView
inputView.delegate = self
Read the docs it states cleary you cannot do that.
If you use a custom input view for a security code input text field,
iOS cannot display the necessary AutoFill UI.
If I understood your question correctly, you should set the .textContentType property of your textfield to .oneTimeCode
textField.textContentType = .oneTimeCode
From Apple:
The expectation that a text input area specifies a one-time code for
delivery over SMS.

Universally restrict UITextfield input

How can I restrict input to alphanumeric app-wide? Do I need to subclass UITextField? Can I set that attribute in the appDelegate?
Edit: I'd like to avoid using keyboardType ASCIICapable. Client would like to keep the email keyboard, etc. functionality.
try playing around in the storyboard
navigate to KEYBOARD TYPE setting and see if it has the requirement you need.

Customize uikeyboardtype with and numbers

I want to create a UIKeyboard type that will look like the following.
This app is only for iPad and none of the default keyboard type seem to match.
Any suggestions for adding buttons to the keyboard type?
I may be wrong, but what that looks like is the standard keyboard with a custom toolbar on top. It was most likely done using the inputAccessoryView property for the textfield:
[textField setInputAccessoryView:inputAccView];
Here is where I took the example from.
As far as I am aware, this is not supported in a super easy way by default iOS system keyboards.
However, you can specify your own UIView as an "input accessory view" for a text field.
Specifically, look at this method in the UITextField documentation:
So you should just be able to create a UIView, style it to look very similar to the usual system keyboard UI, add UIButtons, and set it as the "input accessory view"
But you will have to do your own work to make the background of the accessory view and the buttons on it fit well with the system keyboard.

how to add a custom key to Keyboard in ios?

I want to add a custom key to my Keyboard. (a .com key) When user begins to type in email text field this keybord with the key should be appeared. I used keyboard type email. But it not gives that key. How I can add this key to my keyboard.
Here is the tutorial that helps you add custom buttons into ios keyboard!
The .com key is added when the URL type keyboard is used: KeyboardManagement
You might as well make use of the inputAccessoryView of the text field, add a UIToolbar to it, and in the toolbar you can add a few buttons you want, including custom .com button.
Have a look at this: custom keyboard
Integrate one of them into your project and customise it accordingly. Hope it helps to start...
There is no way you could change default keyboard. and If you anyhow modify it(using private methods) apple will reject your app because it is against apple guidelines.
So the only solution to your problem is create a custom keyboard and then use it.
There are few custom keyboards you can use them also :
Hope it helps you.
You can't change default keyboard of Apple.
But you can select with keyboard type for UITextField or UITextView by set some properties in UITextInputTraits protocol. With email, set to:
[textView setKeyboardType:UIKeyboardTypeEmailAddress];
You can use inputAccessoryView to add some custom keys, refer:
Last option is create new Keyboard (UIView subclass) and set it to inputView of UITextView or UITextFied:

IOS: UItextfield disabled

When we push on a textfield, a cursor appears in this textfield, but I don't want that this cursor appear. I want to make this textfield disabled, where you can't write inside.
How can I do this?
Can you set enabled property/userInteractionEnabled of text field to No in ViewDidLoad() using the code
textField.enabled = NO;
textField.userInteractionEnabled = NO;
If you're working with storyboards or .nib files and you want it to start out disabled you can also easily uncheck the enabled property in interface builder for some time-saving.
