restore a docker swarm - docker

Let's say we have a swarm1 (1 manager and 2 workers), I am going to back up this swarm on a daily basis, so if there is a problem some day, I could restore all the swarm to a new one (swarm2 = 1 manager and 2 workers too).
I followed what described here but it seems that while restoring, the new manager get the same token as the old manager, as a result : the 2 workers get disconnected and I end up with a new swarm2 with 1 manager and 0 worker.
Any ideas / solution?

I don't recommend restoring workers. Assuming you've only lost your single manager, just docker swarm leave on the workers, then join again. Then on the manager you can always cleanup old workers later (does not affect uptime) with docker node rm.
Note that if you loose the manager quorum, this doesn't mean the apps you're running go down, so you'll want to keep your workers up and providing your apps to your users until you fix your manager.
If your last manager fails or you lose quorum, then focus on restoring the raft DB so the swarm manager has quorum again. Then rejoin workers, or create new workers in parallel and only shutdown old workers when new ones are running your app. Here's a great talk by Laura Frank that goes into it at DockerCon.


How to handle when leader node goes down in docker swarm

I have two docker nodes running in swarm like below. The second node i promoted to work as manager.
imb9cmobjk0fp7s6h5zoivfmo * Node1 Ready Active Leader 19.03.11-ol
a9gsb12wqw436zujakdpbqu5p Node2 Ready Active Reachable 19.03.11-ol
This works fine when leader node goes to drain/pause. But as part of my test i have stopped the Node1 instance then i got below error when try to see what are the nodes(docker node ls) in the second node and when tried to list the services running(docker service ls).
Error response from daemon: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = The swarm does not have a leader. It's possible that too few managers are online. Make sure more than half of the managers are online
Also no docker process coming up in node 2 which were running in node 1 before stopping the instance. Only the existing process are running. My expectation is after stopping the node1 instance, the procees were running in node 1 has to move to node2. This works fine when a node goes to drain status
The raft consensus algoritm fails when it cant' find a clear majority.
This means, never run with 2 manager nodes as one node going down leaves the other with 50% - which is not a majority and quorum cannot be reached.
Generally in fact, avoid even numbers, especially when splitting managers between availability zones, as a zone split can leave you with a 50/50 partition - again no majority and no Quorum and a dead swarm.
So, valid numbers of swarm managers to try are generally: 1,3,5,7. Going higher than 7 generally reduces performance and doesn't help availability.
1 should only be used if you are using a 1 or 2 node swarm, and in these cases, loss of the manager node equates to loss of the swarm anyway.
3 managers is really the minimum you should aim for. If you only have 3 nodes, then prefer to use the managers as workers than run 1 manager and 2 workers.

Docker Engine version upgrade on Docker Swarm managed nodes, without downtime

I'd like to upgrade the Docker engine on my Docker Swarm managed nodes (both manager and worker nodes) from 18.06 to 19.03, without causing any downtime.
I see there are many tutorials online for rolling update of a Dockerized application without downtime, but nothing related to upgrading the Docker engine on all Docker Swarm managed nodes.
Is it really not possible to upgrade the Docker daemon on Docker Swarm managed nodes without a downtime? If true, that would indeed be a pity.
Thanks in advance to the wonderful community at SO!
You can upgrade managers, in place, one at a time. During this upgrade process, you would drain the node with docker node update, and run the upgrade to the docker engine with the normal OS commands, and then return the node to active. What will not work is to add or remove nodes to the cluster while the managers have mixed versions. This means you cannot completely replace nodes with an install from scratch at the same time you upgrade the versions. All managers need to be the same version (upgraded) and then you can look at rebuilding/replacing the hosts. What I've seen in the past is that nodes do not fully join the manager quorum, and after losing enough managers you eventually lose quorum.
Once all managers are upgraded, then you can upgrade the workers, either with in place upgrades or replacing the nodes. Until the workers have all been upgraded, do not use any new features.
You can drain your node and after that upgrade your docker version,then make this ACTIVE again.
Repeat this step for all the nodes.
DRAIN availability prevents a node from receiving new tasks from the swarm manager. Manager stops tasks running on the node and launches replica tasks on a node with ACTIVE availability.
For detailed information you can refer this link :-

How services are distributed in docker swarm

Can I somehow configure how master node distributes services in docker swarm? I thought, that it should see free resources of worker nodes and distribute it to "freest" node.
Currently I have problem, that service is distributed into one node, which is full (90% RAM) and it starts be laggy, but at the same time second node has few services and it can handle another one.
docker node ls
wdkklpy6065zxckxyuj000ei4 * docker-master Ready Drain Leader 18.09.6
sk45rol2whdr5eh2jqozy0035 docker-node01 Ready Active Reachable 18.09.6
o4zwwbwwcrbwo4tsd00pxkfuc docker-node02 Ready Active 18.09.6
Now I have 36 (very similar) services, 28 run on docker-node01, 8 on docker-node02. I thought, that ideal state is 16 services on both nodes.
Both docker-nodes are same.
How docker swarm knows where to run service? What algorithm does it use?
It is possible to change/update algorithm for selecting node?
According to the swarmkit project README the only available strategy is spread so it schedule tasks on the least loaded modes.
Note that the swarm won't move nodes around to maintain this strategy so if you added the node02 after the node01 was full then the node02 will remain mostly empty. You could drain both nodes then activate them to see if it distributes better the load.
You can find a more detailed description on the schedules algorithm on the project documentation: scheduling-algorithm
For the older swarm manager this attribute was configurable:
Also I found, it explains a lot about Docker swarm strategies.

Limit starting containers after complete shutdown

We have a bare metal Docker Swarm cluster, with a lot of containers.
And recently we have a full stop on the physical server.
The main problem, happened on Docker startup where all container tried to start on the same time.
I would like to know if there is a way to limit the amount of starting container?
Or if there is another way to avoid overloading the physical server.
At present, I'm not aware of an ability to limit how fast swarm mode will start containers. There is a todo entry to add an exponential backoff in the code and various open issues in swarmkit, e.g. 1201 that may eventually help with this scenario. Ideally, you would have an HA cluster with nodes spread in different AZ's, and when one node fails, the workload would migrate to another node and you do not end up with one overloaded node.
What you can use are resource constraints. You can configure each service with a minimum CPU and memory reservation. This would prevent swarm mode from scheduling more containers on a node than it could handle during a significant outage. The downside is that some services may go unscheduled during an outage and you cannot prioritize which are more important to schedule.

How to reschedule containers with swarm when the server dies for a moment

I run two servers using docker-compose and swarm
When stopping the A server, the container in A server is moved to B server.
but, when starting up the A server, the container that was in the B server will not moved to A server.
I want to know how to properly arrange the location of the dead server's container when the server dies for a moment
First, for your Swarm to be able to re-create a task when a node goes down, you still need to have a majority of manager nodes still available... so if it was only a two node Swarm, this wouldn't work because you'd need three managers for one to fail and another to take leader role and re-schedule the failed replicas. (just a FYI)
I think what you're asking for is "re-balancing". When a node comes back online (or a new one is added), Swarm does nothing with services that are set to the default replicated mode. Swarm doesn't "move" containers, it destroys and re-creates containers, so it considers the service still healthy on Node B and won't move it back to Node A. It wouldn't want to disrupt your active/healthy services on Node B just because Node A came back online.
If Node B does fail, then Swarm would again re-schedule the task on the next best node.
If Node B has a lot of containers, and work is unbalanced (i.e. Node A is empty and Node B has 3 tasks running), then you can force a service update which will destroy and re-create all replicas of that service and will try to spread them out by default, which may result on one of the tasks ending up back on Node A.
docker service update --force <serivcename>
