Is ObjC still used for iOS development? [closed] - ios

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Closed 4 years ago.
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On the WWDC in 2014 Apple announced that they are changing from Objective-C to Swift, for developing native iOS applications. (Is this correct? The change took place in 2014?)
It is my understanding that Objective-c comes from C. (Is this correct?)
It is also my understanding that the operative system iOS is built using C, C++, Objective-C and Swift. (Is this correct?)
Lastly, it is my understanding that, in 2018, apps for iOS are built using Swift. (Is this correct?)
I have a few questions regarding this subject:
1. In 2018, do anyone use only objective-c to develop iOS apps?
2. Is it possible to mix Swift and objective-c, and how common is it?
3. Is it safe to say that objective-c has been more or less abandoned and Swift is the mayor language when developing apps for the iOS?

Yes, many companies (including Apple, Facebook, still use Objective-C for writing apps.
Yes, it is perfectly safe to mix Swift and Objective-C.
No, Objective-C has not been abandoned. Although its usage is shrinking.


Will Swift 2 apps works after Swift 3 released? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have released several apps written in Swift 2.0 and 2.1. Now Apple just open source Swift and announced that Swift 3.0 will be released next year. So will my apps still works after Swift 3.0's release?
I think you are asking two separate questions here.
Will your app execute on the new OS when Swift 3 is launched?
Will your app work on the new OS when it is launched?
In regards to the first question, yes your app will execute even though it was compiled against Swift 2. Swift apps have the Swift runtime libraries embedded in their bundles so you are safe in this regard. You will notice that Swift bundles are always about 4-5 MB larger than their Objective-C counterparts and this is precisely why.
In regards to the second question, as with any new OS release there is no guarantee that your apps will work as they did on previous versions of the OS. Although, from my experience Apple has done a pretty decent job of keep things backwards compatible over the last couple of OS releases, though your mileage may vary.
If you're asking if your code written in Swift 2.0 / 2.1 will compile under Swift 3.0, it's possible that it won't. Quoted from Swift Programming Language Evolution:
Full source compatibility: Swift 3.0 will not provide full source compatibility. Rather, it can and will introduce source-breaking changes needed to support the main goals of Swift 3.0.
But like #Randy said, your previously-compiled app will still run.

What's the state of developing iOS apps in Linux? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I thought this would be the appropriate community to ask this question.
Back when Apple had their developer's conference over the summer, I was aware that they were going to make Swift open source.
I was under the impression that Xcode would not be ported to Linux, but I was under the understanding that some entity would create a development program to imitate Xcode.
Therefore, I am wondering about new developments in this situation.
Does anyone have any more current knowledge about this topic or any experiences with this?
There's a misunderstanding here.
Swift the programming language is open source.
It doesn't mean that iOS or OS X frameworks, like Cocoa, UIKit, etc, are available in Linux - Apple didn't announce that.
When you make an app for iOS using Swift, you have to import UIKit and other libraries - those are the iOS parts.
Swift is just the language - you can already make an iOS app with Ruby, Objective-C, JavaScript, etc, using these same libraries.

Is it possible to program an iOS 8 app in pure Objective-C? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Is it possible to write apps in pure Objective C in iOS 8 (not using Swift at all), because I don't feel like learning Swift for the moment?
Yes. In fact I recommend you use Objective-c for the time being. Swift isn't finished yet and it will surely change over the time, until it matures. Also, concerning the iOS Apis they are written in Objective-C and adapted to work in Swift. There is a great inconsistency between data types used by the iOS Swift Apis(they use the Objective-c data types instead of the native Swift ones). From my experience (I started developing and learning swift this month), it's best to stick to Objective-c for now.
Yes surely you can do to do that select new project and select Objective C in place of Swift

Will iOS 8 require the use of Swift? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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As you may know apple released iOS 8 and swift. So for the apps that I will create this summer (before the public release of iOS 8), will they need to be written in objective-c or swift? If I make these apps and they get accepted during the summer using objective-c will I need to upgrade my apps to support iOS 8 in the fall?
And finally once iOS 8 is out, will we be forced to only use swift, or can we still create apps strictly off objective-c?
Objective-C isn't going anywhere (yet). And you don't have to rerelease your apps for every new version of iOS, unless the new version breaks something.
You can't use beta versions of Xcode to submit to the App Store, though, so if you do plan to submit before 8 comes out, make sure your project is compatible with Xcode 5 (which means no Swift).
I don't think there is a firm stand from apple on how long will objective c be supported.
But objective c can be mixed and matched with Swift and most of the UIKit and AppKit is written in Objective c means Objc will be supported in the near future. I can't see apple rewrite the entire appkit and uikit in swift and deprecate Objc in the next 2 years.
Beyond that is anyone's guess and also things might get effy if apple start to introduce new api only for swift.
I think you are fine with Objc for the next a few years, right now i don't think you can release app written with swift in app store (let me know if i'm wrong).

Will new version of iOS support Objective-C? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have developed an application for ios7 using Objective-C. Its in development phase now. As apple has announced new programming language swift. Will it replace objective-c or both we can use for future development?
I tried to check any update about this, but couldn't get anything.
Objective-C will still be around for quite a while. Apple did not deprecate the language, but it has declared that Swift will be the future of iOS development.
Swift Programming Guide, Page 2
we can now introduce a new language for the future of Apple software development.
With the iOS 8 Beta, Objective-C-Only project works.
Though as Matthew notes, you should slowly adapt to Swift.
I would not start a new project in Objective-C though, if there aren't very good reasons for it.
You can have Objective-C code side by side with Swift code and should migrate code to the new programming language. So it is possible to use the old Objective-C frameworks/files in a new Swift project.
You could even use almost C Code, but that is mostly making the project more complex. The same goes with Objective-C and Swift.
