Why is validation accuracy higher than training accuracy when applying data augmentation? - machine-learning

I am working on an image classification problem in Keras.
I am training the model using model.fit_generator for data augmentation.
While training per epoch, I am also evaluating on validation data.
Training is done on 90% of the data and Validation is done on 10% of the data. The following is my code:
datagen = ImageDataGenerator(
model_checkpoint = ModelCheckpoint('myweights.hdf5', monitor='val_acc', verbose=1, save_best_only=True, mode='max')
lr = 0.01
sgd = SGD(lr=lr, decay=1e-6, momentum=0.9, nesterov=False)
def step_decay(epoch):
# initialize the base initial learning rate, drop factor, and
# epochs to drop every
initAlpha = 0.01
factor = 1
dropEvery = 3
# compute learning rate for the current epoch
alpha = initAlpha * (factor ** np.floor((1 + epoch) / dropEvery))
# return the learning rate
return float(alpha)
history=model.fit_generator(datagen.flow(xtrain, ytrain, batch_size=batch_size),
steps_per_epoch=xtrain.shape[0] // batch_size,
validation_data = (xvalid, yvalid),
epochs = epochs, verbose = 1)
However, upon plotting the training accuracy and validation accuracy (as well as the training loss and validation loss), I noticed the validation accuracy is higher than training accuracy (and likewise, validation loss is lower than training loss). Here are my resultant plots after training (please note that validation is referred to as "test" in the plots):
When I do not apply data augmentation, the training accuracy is higher than the validation accuracy.From my understanding, the training accuracy should typically be greater than validation accuracy. Can anyone give insights why this is not the case in my situation where data augmentation is applied?

The following is just a theory, but it is one that you can test!
One possible explanation why your validation accuracy is better than your training accuracy, is that the data augmentation you are applying to the training data is making the task significantly harder for the network. (It's not totally clear from your code sample. but it looks like you are applying the augmentation only to your training data, not your validation data).
To see why this might be the case, imagine you are training a model to recognise whether someone in the picture is smiling or frowning. Most pictures of faces have the face the "right way up" so the model could solve the task by recognising the mouth and measuring if it curves upwards or downwards. If you now augment the data by applying random rotations, the model can no longer focus just on the mouth, as the face could be upside down. In addition to recognising the mouth and measuring its curve, the model now also has to work out the orientation of the face as a whole and compare the two.
In general, applying random transformations to your data is likely to make it harder to classify. This can be a good thing as it makes your model more robust to changes in the input, but it also means that your model gets an easier ride when you test it on non-augmented data.
This explanation might not apply to your model and data, but you can test it in two ways:
If you decrease the range of the augmentation transformations you are using you should see the training and validation loss get closer together.
If you apply the exact same augmentation transformations to the validation data as you do the training data, then you should see the validation accuracy drop below the training accuracy as you expected.


Train Accuracy increases, Train loss is stable, Validation loss Increases, Validation Accuracy is low and increases

My neural network trainign in pytorch is getting very wierd.
I am training a known dataset that came splitted into train and validation.
I'm shuffeling the data during training and do data augmentation on the fly.
I have those results:
Train accuracy start at 80% and increases
Train loss decreases and stays stable
Validation accuracy start at 30% but increases slowly
Validation loss increases
I have the following graphs to show:
How can you explain that the validation loss increases and the validation accuracy increases?
How can be such a big difference of accuracy between validation and training sets? 90% and 40%?
I balanced the data set.
It is binary classification. It now has now 1700 examples from class 1, 1200 examples from class 2. Total 600 for validation and 2300 for training.
I still see similar behavior:
**Can it be becuase I froze the weights in part of the network?
**Can it be becuase the hyperparametrs like lr?
I found the solution:
I had different data augmentation for training set and validation set. Matching them also increased the validation accuracy!
If the training set is very large in comparison to the validation set, you are more likely to overfit and learn the training data, which would make generalizing the model very difficult. I see your training accuracy is at 0.98 and your validation accuracy increases at a very slow rate, which would imply that you have overfit your training data.
Try reducing the number of samples in your training set to improve how well your model generalizes to unseen data.
Let me answer your 2nd question first. High accuracy on training data and low accuracy on val/test data indicates the model might not generalize well to infer real cases. That is what the validation process is all about. You need to finetune or even rebuild your model.
With regard to the first question, val loss might not necessarily correspond to the val accuracy. The model makes the prediction based on its model, and loss function calculates the difference between probablities of matrix and the target if you are using CrossEntropy function.

The dilemma of overfitting in NN training

My question is in continuation to the one asked by another user: What's is the difference between train, validation and test set, in neural networks?
Once learning is over by terminating when the minimum MSE is reached by looking at the validation and train set performance (easy to do so using nntool box in Matlab), then using the trained net structure if the performance of the unseen test set is slightly poor than the training set we have an overfitting problem. I am always encountering this case eventhough the model for which during learning the parameters corresponding to validation and train set having nearly same performance is selected. Then how come the test set performance is worse than the train set?
Training data= Data we use to train our model.
Validation data= Data we use to test our model on every-epoch or on run-time So that we can early stop our model manually because of over-fitting or any other model. Now Suppose I am running 1000 epochs on my model and on 500 epochs I view that my model is giving 90% accuracy on training data and 70% accuracy on validation data. Now I can see that my model is over-fitting. I can manually stop my training and before 1000 epochs complete and tune my model more and than see the behavior.
Testing data= Now after completing my training on model after computing 1000 epochs. I will predict my test data and see the accuracy on test data. its giving 86%
My training accuracy is 90% validation accuracy is 87% and testing accuracy is 86%. this may vary because data in validation set, training set and testing set are totally different. We have 70% samples in training set 10% validation and 20% testing set. Now on my validation my model is predicting 8 images correctly and on testing my model predicting 18 images correctly out of 100. Its normal in real life projects because pixels in every image are varying form the other image thats why a little difference may happen.
In testing set their are more images than validation set that may be one reason. Because more the images more the risk of wrong prediction. e.g on 90% accuracy
my model predict 90 out of 100 correctly but if I increase the image sample to 1000 than my model may predict (850, 800 or 900) images correctly out 1000 on

Training Loss and Validation Loss in Deep Learning

Would you please guide me how to interpret the following results?
1) loss < validation_loss
2) loss > validation_loss
It seems that the training loss always should be less than validation loss. But, both of these cases happen when training a model.
Really a fundamental question in machine learning.
If validation loss >> training loss you can call it overfitting.
If validation loss > training loss you can call it some overfitting.
If validation loss < training loss you can call it some underfitting.
If validation loss << training loss you can call it underfitting.
Your aim is to make the validation loss as low as possible.
Some overfitting is nearly always a good thing. All that matters in the end is: is the validation loss as low as you can get it.
This often occurs when the training loss is quite a bit lower.
Also check how to prevent overfitting.
In machine learning and deep learning there are basically three cases
1) Underfitting
This is the only case where loss > validation_loss, but only slightly, if loss is far higher than validation_loss, please post your code and data so that we can have a look at
2) Overfitting
loss << validation_loss
This means that your model is fitting very nicely the training data but not at all the validation data, in other words it's not generalizing correctly to unseen data
3) Perfect fitting
loss == validation_loss
If both values end up to be roughly the same and also if the values are converging (plot the loss over time) then chances are very high that you are doing it right
1) Your model performs better on the training data than on the unknown validation data. A bit of overfitting is normal, but higher amounts need to be regulated with techniques like dropout to ensure generalization.
2) Your model performs better on the validation data. This can happen when you use augmentation on the training data, making it harder to predict in comparison to the unmodified validation samples. It can also happen when your training loss is calculated as a moving average over 1 epoch, whereas the validation loss is calculated after the learning phase of the same epoch.
Aurélien Geron made a good Twitter thread about this phenomenon. Summary:
Regularization is typically only applied during training, not validation and testing. For example, if you're using dropout, the model has fewer features available to it during training.
Training loss is measured after each batch, while the validation loss is measured after each epoch, so on average the training loss is measured ½ an epoch earlier. This means that the validation loss has the benefit of extra gradient updates.
the val set can be easier than the training set. For example, data augmentations often distort or occlude parts of the image. This can also happen if you get unlucky during sampling (val set has too many easy classes, or too many easy examples), or if your val set is too small. Or, the train set leaked into the val set.
If your validation loss is less than your training loss, you have not correctly split the training data. This correctly indicates that the distribution of the training and validation sets is different. It should ideally be the same. MOROVER, Good Fit: In the ideal case, the training and validation losses both drop and stabilize at specified points, indicating an optimal fit, i.e. a model that does neither overfit or underfit.

Noisy validation loss in Keras when using fit_generator

Any idea about why our training loss is smooth and our validation loss is that noisy (see the link) across epochs? We are implementing a deep learning model for diabetic retinopathy detection (binary classification) using the data set of fundus photographs provided by this Kaggle competition. We are using Keras 2.0 with Tensorflow backend.
As the data set is too big to fit in memory, we are using fit_generator, with ImageDataGenerator randomly taking images from training and validation folders:
steps_per_epoch= train_generator.samples // training_batch_size,
validation_steps= validation_generator.samples // validation_batch_size,
Our CNN architecture is VGG16 with dropout = 0.5 in the last two fully connected layers, batch normalization only before the first fully connected layer, and data augmentation (consisting on flipping the images horizontally and vertically). Our training and validation samples are normalized using the training set mean and standard deviation. Batch size is 32. Our activation is a sigmoid and the loss function is the binary_crossentropy. You can find our implementation in Github
It definitely has nothing to do with overfitting, as we tried with a highly regularized model and the behavior was quite the same. Is it related with the sampling from the validation set? Has any of you had a similar problem before?
I would look, in that order:
bug in validation_generator implementation (incl. steps - does it go through all pics reserved for validation?)
in validation_generator, do not use augmentation (reason: an augmentation might be bad, not learnable, and at train, it does achieve a good score only by hard-coding relationships which are not generalizable)
change train/val split to 50/50
calculate, via a custom callback, the validation loss at the end of the epoch (use the same function, but calling it with a callback produces different (more accurate, at certain, non-standard models) results)
If nothing of the above gives a more smooth validation loss curve, then my next assumption would be that this is the way it is, and I might need to work on the model architecture

Suggest using Kfold splits or validation_split kwarg in Keras Training?

In many examples, I see train/cross-validation dataset splits being performed by using a Kfold, StratifiedKfold, or other pre-built dataset splitter. Keras models have a built in validation_split kwarg that can be used for training.
model.fit(self, x, y, batch_size=32, nb_epoch=10, verbose=1, callbacks=[], validation_split=0.0, validation_data=None, shuffle=True, class_weight=None, sample_weight=None)
validation_split: float between 0 and 1: fraction of the training data to be used as validation data. The model will set apart this fraction of the training data, will not train on it, and will evaluate the loss and any model metrics on this data at the end of each epoch.
I am new to the field and tools, so my intuition on what the different splitters offer you. Mainly though, I can't find any information on how Keras' validation_split works. Can someone explain it to me and when separate method is preferable? The built-in kwarg seems to me like the cleanest and easiest way to split test datasets, without having to architect your training loops much differently.
The difference between the two is quite subtle and they can be used in conjunction.
Kfold and similar functions in scikit-learn will randomly split your data into k folds. You can then train models holding out a single fold each time and testing on the fold.
validation_split takes a fraction of your data non-randomly. According to the Keras documentation it will take the fraction from the end of your data, e.g. 0.1 will hold out the final 10% of rows in the input matrix. The purpose of the validation split is to allow you to assess how the model is performing on the training set and a held out set at every epoch in the training period. If the model continues to improve on the training set but not the validation set then it is a clear sign of potential overfitting.
You could theoretically use KFold cross-validation to construct a model while also using validation_split to monitor the performance of each model. At each fold you will be generating a new validation_split from the training data.
