Swift - Paging with CoreData and CollectionView [closed] - ios

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Closed 8 months ago.
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What is the correct way to implement paging in a CollectionView with CoreData?
I have thought of 2 methods.
The first involves showing a defined amount of objects, increasing it when the user moves to the top of the CollectionView and finally reloading the data.
The second would be to manipulate the size of the cells to assign a value of 0 to all those that I do not want to show until the user moves to the top, once this is done, reload those cells to assign them their debit size and make them visible.
Is any of these a good practice or is there a better one?

For what I understand, you're using load more cells when the user scrolls to the top?
If it is what I understand, you could customize the collection view layout to add cells from bottom to top. I have built a load-more collection when the user scrolls to the top here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/0ccd34cn05b01ua/ReversedCollection.mov?dl=0
An example can be found here.


How do I create this type of view in iOS [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I'm trying to experiment with swift and I was thinking of making something like the picture. But I can't figure out what views they are using. Can someone just explain if it is a collection view, table view or is it a collection view embedded in a table view?
It appears to be either a UICollectionView or UITableView, with UICollectionViews embedded in each cell.
A UITableView should be fine for the main container view, as it provides vertical scrolling, and then UICollectionViews can be used for the horizontally scrolling content in each cell.

Tricky transition in custom view [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Good day everyone!
A customer asked me to implement a view. Here you can download and look at video how this view should work. (Left cells are days, right - hours)
It's kind of calendar view.
I've tried to do this task with collection view and custom layout. But do not hit much success. Because of the tricky transition of left cells. They become smaller (to speed up scroll), but right side is still the same.
Is there any possibilities to create such transition in collection view or picker view? Or should i use base view with overriding draw method?
Regards, Eugene.
It's a calendar, so it's essentially infinite, so I don't think a UICollectionView or UITableView is appropriate for this (e.g. what would you return as the number of cells?).
I'd be creating custom UIView subclasses for the left and right side, and overriding drawRect.

What iOS control is correct to use for a custom selectable list? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm trying to make a list that will contain an x number of items loaded from a web service. The list would look custom (example below) and selecting a list item would take you to another screen that shows you more details.
I've considered using a table view for this which seems to make the most sense but I'm not sure if that would allow for the level of customization that is needed. Also considering a Collection View which would give more control to how to style it but might bring it's own set of challenges.
Anyone have a recommendation of which one to use or if there's something else that is a better fit that I haven't mentioned?
That would be the UITableView and UITableViewController. You can easily create custom cell classes, insert and remove cells at runtime, and have a separate datasource or delegate from the UITableViewController if you desire.

What does an Apple weather page consist of? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am currently developing an app which needs a page like the one in the apple weather(the default one for Apple device). The whole page can scroll vertically, for the hourly weather report part, it can scroll horizontally.
I wish I can demonstrate with a picture but I don't have enough reputation. Sorry about that.
Does the Apple weather page consists of one tableview with 3 cells (the hourly horizontal scrolling cell, the weather predictions for next 10 days cell, and the details for today cell) or it consists of tableviews with 1 cell each?
Anyone has ideas? Thank you in advance.
Yes, it is one tableview with different cells. Horizontal scrollable part you can create with UICollectionView. If you want float effect for this part, you need use it as UITableView section header. If you want this part was a usual part of the table, you need use it as UITableViewCell subview (Example).
The best way to achieve this is by using UIPageViewController, then use UIViewController for each page. You can find more about the basic principal of it here.
Place your desired UITableView inside the intended UIViewController in the UIPageViewController.
Hope this helps.
All the best.

Fixed number of cells in table view [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I want to fixed number of cells to be shown. If user wants to see more records, he will scroll down to see them.
I also want to add a button at the bottom of the table view to move to other view.
UITableView is what you are looking for.
An instance of UITableView (or simply, a table view) is a means for
displaying and editing hierarchical lists of information. A table view
displays a list of items in a single column.
There are many resources on the Internet that can help you. Example tutorials:
iOS UITableView Tutorial for Beginners
Create a Simple Table View App
To add add button to the bottom of UITableView, just create a UIView(say 320 x 50) and add a UIButton on it. Create IBOutlet of this View. Set this view as footerView of your tableView,
self._table.tableFooterView = yourView;
