Android version 7.0 or above create exception - android-studio-3.0

Android version 7.0 or above create exception when we upload an update of my app crashes will be given at$H.handleMessage (
at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage ( at
android.os.Looper.loop ( at ( at
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke ( at$
( at


Xamarin Android NoSuchMethodError

I have a Xamarin Android app live on the Play Store and am seeing a lot of NoSuchMethodError exceptions
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: at
(Native Method) at
( at
( at
( at
( at
( at
( at$
( at android.os.Handler.handleCallback
( at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage
( at android.os.Looper.loop ( at ( at
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke (Native Method) at
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke ( at$
( at
Does anyone know what the cause of these errors are? Do I have to add a crash reporter to get more detailed stack traces in Xamarin?

Ionic, phonegap nfc Exception in iOS

I am developing an Ionic app which reads nfc tags. But when I am running it in iOS I am getting the result from the nfc tag, but after that I am getting NSExcetion.
Here is the part of the code where I am trying to read NFC Tag:
if("ios")) {
this.nfc.beginSession().subscribe(() => {
this.nfc.addNdefListener((data) => {
console.log("IOS: ",data) // You will not see this, at this point the app will crash
I never get the console.log !!!!!
These are the errors that I am getting in Xcode (version 9.2):
2018-02-01 09:06:57.987510-0500 androidSDK[1819:852595] readerSessionDidBecomeActive
2018-02-01 09:07:03.035369-0500 androidSDK[1819:852705] NFCNDEFReaderSession didDetectNDEFs
2018-02-01 09:07:03.035641-0500 androidSDK[1819:852705] {"ndefMessage":[{"tnf":1,"id":[],"payload":[2,101,110,72,101,108,108,111,46,33],"type":[84]},{"tnf":1,"id":[],"payload":[2,101,110,72,101,108,108,111,32,119,111,114,108,100,33,32],"type":[84]}]}
2018-02-01 09:07:03.035975-0500 androidSDK[1819:852430] -[WKWebView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x15e046200
2018-02-01 09:07:03.036619-0500 androidSDK[1819:852430] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[WKWebView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x15e046200'
*** First throw call stack:
(0x18121b164 0x180464528 0x181228628 0x18ab933c8 0x181220b10 0x181105ccc 0x104b74880 0x105cfd2cc 0x105cfd28c 0x105d01ea0 0x1811c3344 0x1811c0f20 0x1810e0c58 0x182f8af84 0x18a836804 0x104b2b1cc 0x180c0056c)
libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type NSException
2018-02-01 09:07:03.036798-0500 androidSDK[1819:852705] didInvalidateWithError Single tag read (null)
Ionic version: 3.19.1
iOS platform version: 4.5.4
Cordova version: 8.0.0
Phonegap-nfc plugin: phonegap-nfc 0.7.1 "NFC"
The problem is the plugin, it just works with UIWebView, but you are using WKWebView, so this line fails
[(UIWebView*)[self webView] stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString: function];
There is a pull request available to fix this problem, so click on the thumbs up button so maybe it's taken into account and merged, or use the fork instead.

Connecting to chromecast - a fatal developer error has occured

06-22 08:17:30.568 31107-31119/? E/CastService: [instance-4]
ICastDeviceControllerListener can't be null. 06-22 08:17:30.578
8284-8601/? E/EnterpriseContainerManager: ContainerPolicy Service is
not yet ready!!! 06-22 08:17:30.578 31107-31136/? E/Publisher:
ProcessDatabaseInternal start 06-22 08:17:30.578 32326-32326/?
E/ViewRootImpl: sendUserActionEvent() mView == null 06-22 08:17:30.588
32326-32326/? E/AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main
A fatal developer error has occurred. Check the logs for further
at$h.b(Unknown Source)
at$h.g(Unknown Source)
at$b.hy(Unknown Source)
at$a.handleMessage(Unknown Source)
at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
at android.os.Looper.loop(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method) 06-22 08:17:30.919
8284-8333/? E/android.os.Debug: !#Dumpstate > dumpstate -k -t -z -d -o
/data/log/dumpstate_app_error 06-22 08:17:36.414 31107-31136/?
E/Publisher: ProcessDatabaseInternal start
I have this issue while connecting to chromecast. I've gone back to the previous code, and I still have the same issue, so something must have changed with chromecast. When I click my chromecast device to connect to "Sankey", this is when the crash occurs. Image below:
Research on this has pointed to a problem with the manifest, and not declaring the app_id properly. Below is my manifest file which shows this, and also the google play services version.
<meta-data android:name=""
android:value="#string/control_panel_app_id" />
android:value="#integer/google_play_services_version" />
Here is the declarations in strings.xml with last 4 digits blocked out:
string name="control_panel_app_id" translatable="false">75468636XXXX
Checking the logs in vicinity of the crash has not given me any useful information.
My app was previously running cast SDK v1. I had two options to fix it: 1) wait approximately 3 months until google updated their gms code. 2) upgrade to cast v2.
I chose option 2.
Upgrading to cast v2 was done by the following:
change gradle files, so everything referencing any part of google play is version 11.0.0. ex:
required deleting references to "AppStateManager" in (this is not necessary for cast, but was part of my project).
required changing minSdkVersion from 11 to 14 :(
in gradle file(s), update compileSdkVersion to 25, and buildToolsVersion to 25.0.2
Hope this helps someone out.
You may refer in this link. Make sure that you have it inside <application> tag. Also make sure that you are using the correct App ID. Here's how. Hope this helps!

Ionic iOS app stuck on splashscreen in xcode when building to iPhone 3gs

I am looking for some help with the following error message in Xcode whilst trying to run an ionic / cordova app to my iPhone 3gs for testing.
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
#autoreleasepool {
int retVal = UIApplicationMain(argc, argv, nil, #"AppDelegate");
return retVal;
Screenshot is here - xcode error message
The console is reading the following -
2016-03-04 15:32:36.657 First Campus LAC[945:907] Apache Cordova native platform version 4.0.1 is starting.
2016-03-04 15:32:36.683 First Campus LAC[945:907] Multi-tasking -> Device: YES, App: YES
2016-03-04 15:32:36.691 First Campus LAC[945:907] CRITICAL: For Cordova 4.0.0 and above, you will need to upgrade to at least iOS 8.0 or greater. Your current version of iOS is 6.1.6.
2016-03-04 15:32:36.826 First Campus LAC[945:907] Using UIWebView
2016-03-04 15:32:36.838 First Campus LAC[945:907] -[UIWebView setGapBetweenPages:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x1f5b8610
2016-03-04 15:32:36.845 First Campus LAC[945:907] * Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[UIWebView setGapBetweenPages:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x1f5b8610'
* First throw call stack:
(0x320652a3 0x39cc197f 0x32068e07 0x32067531 0x31fbef68 0xc34dd 0xc2f0f 0xb3977 0xb3037 0xb3523 0xb1b2d 0x9b11b 0x33e8c595 0x33eccd79 0x33ec8aed 0x33f0a1e9 0xb51ff 0x9aee5 0x33ecdad9 0x33ecd663 0x33ec584b 0x33e6dc39 0x33e6d6cd 0x33e6d11b 0x35b295a3 0x3203a683 0x32039ee9 0x32038cb7 0x31fabebd 0x31fabd49 0x33ec4485 0x33ec1301 0x9addb 0x3a0f8b20)
libc++abi.dylib: terminate called throwing an exception
I have the following set up -
XCode Version 7.2.1 (7C1002)
Ionic # 1.7.14
Cordova # 6.0.0
NPM # 3.8.0
Bower # 1.7.7
Git # 2.5.4
SASS # 3.4.21
Many thanks,
AFAIK: 3GS cannot be upgraded to iOS 7 and the API [UIWebView setGapBetweenPages:] has been introduced in iOS 7.
So you have to test on an other device or use iOS 6 only API.


I'm running a Grails application in "PRODUCTION ENV." with version 2.3.1. It runs fine for some time. But after some time, it starts failing with exception "InvalidDataAccessApiUsageException". Again when I delete target folder and re run the application, it works good.
There is no error while working in "DEVELOPMENT ENV".
Detailed exception is
[[ErrorType:class org.springframework.dao.InvalidDataAccessApiUsageException],
[ErrorMessage:The given object has a null identifier: com.test.model.Test;
nested exception is org.hibernate.TransientObjectException:
The given object has a null identifier: com.test.model.Test]]
